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The 'Future of Final Fantasy' will be revealed June 11


So they're not showing a FF at the sony conference? Makes me scared to think it might be a mutli plat and dumbed down like XIII.

Its entirely possible this is a tease for Square's own Q&A and in-depth show on Final Fantasy, while the actual unveiling and teaser will be at Sony's conference. This is done all the time. Square isn't going to send invites to the press that say "HEY! After you see our cool shit at Sony's conference join us the day after for a Q&A session!"


Really weak? Hahaha, the paradigma are nothing BUT a MMORPG-style of gameplay. Roles that do exactly a specific thing and only a specific thing.

You can play the game without COM or RAV as well, but I may ask you, WHY WOULD YOU?
The same goes for Tank. I mean for normal battles you don't need one, but for bosses and tough mobs, of course! Just like you need a healer when you're hurt and a debuffer when you need debuffs.

3x Rav or 2x Rav+Com is certainly viable for bosses as well, but then don't complain about receiving too much damage and calling the game hard... it wasn't. >_>

As for the MMO comparison: Can you switch between a healer and tank (both ways) within seconds when you see the raid boss starting a strong attack? No? That's what I meant. Having specific jobs that do specific things in a party existed well before MMOs were a thing.

I started employing RAV RAV RAV strategies as soon as I could and while it is a risky playstile, it doesn't make the game harder. I didn't simply let my party die and say "boy, this is really hard". What this meant for me was that I had to switch to MED focused Paradigms every now and then. Believe me, that is way more fun than constantly having a SEN soak up all the damage and playing it safe. I made use of the whole spectrum of jobs and combinations that were available to me and had a blast.
I actually don't consider XIII to be really hard. I'd call it challenging under certain circumstances. It's certainly not hard with the right paradigms and some preparation but that's why you could restart bosses with a chance to change your paradigms. Learn from a fight and adapt your strategy. Once you have figured it out, it's a walk in the park. Getting there is the fun part. What I will say, however, is that it's definitely not an easy game where you can just mash the X button to beat it. There are Paradigms that make the game easier but that's like saying a single player FPS is easy when you had auto aim on the whole time.
XIII encouraged players to come up with efficient strategies to overcome battles (eg. by having bosses cast Doom if the fight went on for too long rendering SEN based Paradigms less useful / the huge tortoises and their stronger form / I remember struggling with the Hunt that put you against three of those strong Vampire monsters with physical immunity unless staggered).

So if you consider XIII easy then that's either because you are using the right strategies, or because you played it safe (if the Paradigms you posted earlier are true, then I'd say you went for the second option under which circumstance I understand your dislike of the battle system but only because I think you didn't use it right :p)


Auto Attack doesn't cut it in FF 7 unless you'Re opverleved. And no, random encounters during the normal path wont make you too strong. Only grinding does.
If you explored at all and didn't just run through the game like it was as linear as XIII, you got overpowered/to the level that absolutely no normal enemies and only a few select boss fights offered any kind of hint of challenge.

And it's fine if you want to go with glass cannons, but again, DONT COMPLAIN ABOUT TOO MUCH DAMAGE THEN.
I'm not the one complaining, YOU are. You complain that the game is a joke, so obviously it's YOU who is having the problem here. You complain the game is too easy with the way YOU play it, when there are optional, non-restrictive ways of playing the game that make it so much more fun. Just seems like you want to take the safest way through the game.

You can make any game as hard as you want if you impose self restrictions upon yourself. Play FF7 without healing then, or FF8 without Items and spells or FF13 without sentinel...
I didn't play FFXIII without a Sentinel, I just didn't put it in every fucking paradigm like you did. And it's not "self-restictive" when the game HAS SO MANY OPTIONS. The game offers you, say (this number is straight out of my ass,I don't remember the exact number), 20 different paradigms that you can mix & match any way you want, so the gameplay is FLEXIBLE. You can decide to TANK through the game or you can go with a more "risk vs. rewards" way of playing. Again, it's YOU who decided to pick the combination of paradigms that is probably the most boring one. It's not the game's problem, it's yours. The game can be more fun AND IT DOESN'T NEED ANY RESTRICTIONS (you can and HAVE to use Sentinel, just not in every paradigm). You just have a vast number of choices to make and instead of making the ones that make the game more boring to play, you make ones that make it more fun to play. Again, that's like saying a hack 'n slash even having the tank option makes all other classes pointless and if you choose a mage you are restricting yourself.

That's up to you, but don't make that the "normal difficulty".
And what makes your wuss-way the "normal difficulty" that allows you to judge the game like that's how everyone plays or should play the game? Your way is boring, my way was fun.


Junior Member
Well, hopefully they've started anew because aside from that church-like scenery in the gameplay trailer the game already looks dated by PS3 standards.

The funniest thing that could happen is if they just show another CGI trailer, nyahahah.

A year after that trailer Nomura said real time rendering had vastly improved. Even on PS3 it would look like a big improvement...that trailer made it clear the game was really unfinished. They didn't voice acting in some parts, WTF? It's been two years now, anyway.


Final Fantasy's future is becoming a sub-brand ala "Lightning Returns - Final Fantasy".

and that wouldn't be bad...cos it seems everytime Square has to ut out a FF game, it needs chocobos, spikey hairs etc...which pretty much kills the IP.

A "classic" Final Fantasy per generation would be better.

the final fantasy moniker could be attached to various games as a way to prompt the production values in the eyes of the ignorant masses.

Nah...just fucking around...good luck with iOS S-E!

and before closing shop, you could ask PG* do a good FF action game. I'd buy that.
After the main announcements and etc get announced , I hope we get a new theatrhythm final fantasy game for 3DS or Wii u, that game surprised me when I played it last year on my XL

Do it Square Enix


If you explored at all and didn't just run through the game like it was as linear as XIII, you got overpowered/to the level that absolutely no normal enemies and only a few select boss fights offered any kind of hint of challenge.

I'm not the one complaining, YOU are. You complain that the game is a joke, so obviously it's YOU who is having the problem here. You complain the game is too easy with the way YOU play it, when there are optional, non-restrictive ways of playing the game that make it so much more fun. Just seems like you want to take the safest way through the game.

I didn't play FFXIII without a Sentinel, I just didn't put it in every fucking paradigm like you did. And it's not "self-restictive" when the game HAS SO MANY OPTIONS. The game offers you, say (this number is straight out of my ass,I don't remember the exact number), 20 different paradigms that you can mix & match any way you want, so the gameplay is FLEXIBLE. You can decide to TANK through the game or you can go with a more "risk vs. rewards" way of playing. Again, it's YOU who decided to pick the combination of paradigms that is probably the most boring one. It's not the game's problem, it's yours. The game can be more fun AND IT DOESN'T NEED ANY RESTRICTIONS (you can and HAVE to use Sentinel, just not in every paradigm). You just have a vast number of choices to make and instead of making the ones that make the game more boring to play, you make ones that make it more fun to play. Again, that's like saying a hack 'n slash even having the tank option makes all other classes pointless and if you choose a mage you are restricting yourself.

And what makes your wuss-way the "normal difficulty" that allows you to judge the game like that's how everyone plays or should play the game? Your way is boring, my way was fun.
The problem isn't really the challenge per se, but that the battle system itself is too easy. Auto-Battle option can be taken literally. You're a coach and nothing more. The system itself is already pretty bad. I like to PLAY my games, not to watch them being played, even tho I hold the controller.

If you don't utilize all common options, you're limiting yourself, thus that is not the intended way to play. You can play without syn and sab as well and do fine, but again, that isn't intended.

I consider the standard difficulty by using most common options without excessive grinding. If you didn't use a sentinel for boss fights than you're werent using the most common thing. Not that that is a bad thing.

My standard setup was Com - Rav - Rav btw, but only for trash mobs or weak bosses.

----@ the other post
Just because you switch roles doesn't mean it isn't MMO-esque, because you just "replace" your current role, which means you potentially have a group of 9 members where only 3 are active, but each role has a very limited job to fullfil. Don't get me wrong tho, having roles and specialists isn't something bad. In FF 13, they were just REAAAAAAAAAAAAALY limited. I mean, you had like 2 spells going for as Com...
Versus canned. If only to see the wailing of GAF who has been dickriding it for years now.
Honestly, I think it will be worse if they release it.

There is no way the game will live up to its hype. I've seen no reason in the last four years to even believe the game will be good.

Prove me wrong and vindicate the dreamers, Squeenix. Localize DQVII while you're at it.


----@ the other post
Just because you switch roles doesn't mean it isn't MMO-esque, because you just "replace" your current role, which means you potentially have a group of 9 members where only 3 are active, but each role has a very limited job to fullfil. Don't get me wrong tho, having roles and specialists isn't something bad. In FF 13, they were just REAAAAAAAAAAAAALY limited. I mean, you had like 2 spells going for as Com...

I don't get the bolded part. The job of a COM is to beat the crap out of things. They only added the Ruin spells to enable COMs to fight distant enemies and make them less useless against enemies with very high physical resistance.
That's like complaining about Vivi in FFIX only having one physical attack.

Please understand.

Christ all fucking mighty this is some shameful shit right here.


I don't get the bolded part. The job of a COM is to beat the crap out of things. They only added the Ruin spells to enable COMs to fight distant enemies and make them less useless against enemies with very high physical resistance.
That's like complaining about Vivi in FFIX only having one physical attack.
Do you even read the whole post? That'S exactly what I'm saying. You have certain roles but are INCREDIBLE limited in those roles. I mean, look at roles in FF Tactics or even MMOs. FF13 was just too limited even within those roles. That's exactly why I say it's shallow. You have no choice apart from which role you assign, hence my coach statement.


"The future of Final Fantasy lies in it's past. Here is Final Fantasy VII. What you are seeing are updated CGI sequences"



Welp I was going to joke about FFVII DLC for Final Fantasy All the Bravest before I googled it and saw it already exists.

Shiiiiit tough times we live in here....

Future of Final Fantasy? Hmm I want to be excited


Do you think Versus/Final Fantasy 15 can release on both PS3(4)? I really hope so. If its PS4 only, I just can't imagine all the sells lost. Hell a lot of people bought a PS3 when Versus was first announced. Now they have to go buy another $400+ console? Same with Kingdom Hearts 3. No excuse why these couldn't be cross gen.


Do you even read the whole post? That'S exactly what I'm saying. You have certain roles but are INCREDIBLE limited in those roles. I mean, look at roles in FF Tactics or even MMOs. FF13 was just too limited even within those roles. That's exactly why I say it's shallow. You have no choice apart from which role you assign, hence my coach statement.

So let me get this straight:
Your complain is that instead of characters having a mix of every job combined, every class is strictly limited to their specific abilities and in order for characters to access these abilities they needed to change their jobs?
XIII took the job system and broke it down to the very basics and gave you full control over it by letting you switch between specialists within seconds to adjust your strategy.
This is the real brilliance to me.
If that is exactly what bothers you then we've gone from simply discussing boring and interesting playstyles (SEN in every Paradigm) to discussing if the basic set up of the battle system fits one's tastes in general (basic classes, switching within a heartbeat).


The problem isn't really the challenge per se, but that the battle system itself is too easy. Auto-Battle option can be taken literally. You're a coach and nothing more. The system itself is already pretty bad. I like to PLAY my games, not to watch them being played, even tho I hold the controller.
I don't see how having to basically pick "DEBUFF" paradigm is any different from going to the magic menu and picking a debuff spell, you still do something different from just constantly picking the Attack option. And no, you are not just some coach, you have to ACTIVELY participate in the battles to make through them. You have to follow what the enemies are doing and DIRECTLY make your characters act accordingly. If you have to defend, you go through the menu and pick up a defensive paradigm. If you have to heal, you go through a menu and pick up a healing option. How that is supposedly so much worse than picking attack or Cure from a similar kind of menu is beyond me.

FFXIII's system just removes the tedium of having to repeat certain actions a million times during battles (a feature that is basically the same as the "save cursor position" one is). Picking up the debuffs each and every time gets boring, especially when there are a lot of enemies. It makes the battles more about reacting to quick changes in the battle situation and not a game of sitting and waiting until someone might perhaps need curing.

If you don't utilize all common options, you're limiting yourself, thus that is not the intended way to play. You can play without syn and sab as well and do fine, but again, that isn't intended.
My god, read my posts. I'm not limiting myself AT ALL. I USE SENTINEL. But putting AN EFFIN' SENTINEL in EACH AND EVERY FUCKING PARADIGM is NOT the some kind of "normal" or most common way of playing FFXIII. It's ONE way of playing the game, but it's not the only one. Again, I'm NOT restricting myself in any way, I'm just using DIFFERENT tools from the multitude of ones given to me. Again, you take the safe route, I take the riskier but more exciting route where I can die a bit easier, but have more active participation in the battles instead of rotting away behind Sentinels protection.

I consider the standard difficulty by using most common options without excessive grinding. If you didn't use a sentinel for boss fights than you're werent using the most common thing. Not that that is a bad thing.
Wussing out of the game by always having someone be in defensive position not doing any aggressive behaviour IS NOT a common way to play the game. It's a matter of choice. I wanted a more aggressive play-style, which comes at a greater risk but makes it more fun to play, you took the wuss way out (which is perfectly fine, just don't try to make it seem like the only viable way of playing the game and others like they are somehow restricting).


Do you think Versus/Final Fantasy 15 can release on both PS3(4)? I really hope so. If its PS4 only, I just can't imagine all the sells lost. Hell a lot of people bought a PS3 when Versus was first announced. Now they have to go buy another $400+ console?

Personally i don't care about the version(s).I just want to see the game finally.


For those who missed in the other thread.


I wonder if someone who put that much effort into the Kingdom Hearts III logo, would forget to correct the spacing of the 'XV'. Don't know what to make of the magnifying glass though.

If this leak can't be proven fake, I'm kind of less excited for E3 to be honest. I was hoping to be suprised by megaton reveals like this during the show. This really sucks.
I wonder if someone who put that much effort into the Kingdom Hearts III logo, would forget to correct the spacing of the 'XV'. Don't know what to make of the magnifying glass though.

If this leak can't be proven fake, I'm kind of less excited for E3 to be honest. I was hoping to be suprised by megaton reveals like this during the show. This really sucks.
Just because this is fake doesn't mean they won't announce these things. I expect AT LEAST a FFXV announcement


Conspiracy: SE is making us believe this is fake so they can swoop in and surprise us.
Please be excited!
A part of me expects them to finally reveal Versus XIII as a next gen title.

The other part expects a trailer for an ambiguous FF game that will be forgotten in a year.


Do you think Versus/Final Fantasy 15 can release on both PS3(4)? I really hope so. If its PS4 only, I just can't imagine all the sells lost. Hell a lot of people bought a PS3 when Versus was first announced. Now they have to go buy another $400+ console? Same with Kingdom Hearts 3. No excuse why these couldn't be cross gen.

Was Kingdom Hearts 3 actually announced for PS3 before? Even if it was for PS4 I think it would take time for it to be released, Versus/XV needs to come out first, and I really doubt that any of them are launch titles.
Forget Final Fantasy...bring out a Kingdom Hearts 3 teaser and Square Enix's stock will rise and the heads of a million KH fans will explode simultaneously from excitement


As long as it's not anything related to Final Fantasy 13, the revamped FF14, a PS3/4 exclusive, or anything iDevice or handheld game related, I'll be hyped.
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