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The Minimalist Ninja Gold N+ XBLA Official Thread


I've only played the original N, but those homing robots annoy me. After dying many times due to their inconsistencies, I've determined that they can only travel along certain paths that the level designer mapped out, but they don't indicate what those paths are, leaving you to guess whether it's safe to travel beside them or not.

Aside from that, it's an amazingly great game. That just really, really bugged me. It means their reaction to you (or lack there of) changes unpredictably.


done the tutorial levels, man some were tough, I expect this game to get hard.

The visul style and animations are so slick tho, just had a really quick mess with the level editor, this could be so so good :D :D :D


This is good stuff. The multiplayer is a lot of fun, played co-op for a while with Gowans and another dude. Then when we were done I searched for some random race and survival games but the lobbies were empty.


Gowans007 said:
done the tutorial levels, man some were tough, I expect this game to get hard.

The visul style and animations are so slick tho, just had a really quick mess with the level editor, this could be so so good :D :D :D

From what you've seen thus far, does it look easy to share levels?


Yeah some of those co-op levels were rocks Valis!

FightyF said:
From what you've seen thus far, does it look easy to share levels?

Just came here to post about thatl

The level creation is AWESOME, just had a tonne of fun before work.

BUT the level sharing, voting etc seems none existent which is a total waste, you can play them in multi player modes but thats it???


dont know about that,

thinks I would like to see are,

- Level Sharing, Voting etc.
- Multiplayer Level Editing

Having so much fun, maybe after work we can get some more multiplayer going and try out so custom creations
I played the pc version of N the other day to prepare for this, after trying the demo it's so much easier to control with the pad, plus it feels like they fixed the controls to respond better with walljumping and fast repeated hopping, much much better.

Also love the classic style music, buying now :D

*edit* I just got a saving error after the first non tutorial levels that said it could not save.. :(


800 points, yeesh. It's almost like 400 point downloads don't exist anymore. I'm just not feeling this for 800 points, especially when you can play it free on the PC. If they wanted to charge extra for the editor which alot of people won't even use they should have made the core game 400 points and the editor as a seperate add on for 400 points.


Well the 'technical' rules are "400 points = classic Arcade game, 800 points = anything new", N+ fits under the latter.
Rlan said:
Well the 'technical' rules are "400 points = classic Arcade game, 800 points = anything new", N+ fits under the latter.

I don't know why people nowadays are expecting certain new games to be 400 MS Points. While last year, those very same people would've thought a new game would be 1200 Microsoft Points...
Ponn01 said:
800 points, yeesh. It's almost like 400 point downloads don't exist anymore. I'm just not feeling this for 800 points, especially when you can play it free on the PC. If they wanted to charge extra for the editor which alot of people won't even use they should have made the core game 400 points and the editor as a seperate add on for 400 points.
It's much more then just N on your 360, the whole engine feels revised and improved, did you try the demo?


Junior Member
The last level on Episode 14 is not cool at all.
I got my 100 deaths achievement pretty quickly on that one
. After finally beating it, I am not sure if I am ever going to play this evil game again. I was ranked 13th overall for about 5 seconds. Watching other peoples replays is a godsend. It gives you a tiny bit of hope that some of these levels are even possible. A really fun game, but I wish you did not have to beat each episode to try the next one.
C4Lukins said:
The last level on Episode 14 is not cool at all. I got my 100 deaths achievement pretty quickly on that one. After finally beating it, I am not sure if I am ever going to play this evil game again. I was ranked 13th overall for about 5 seconds. Watching other peoples replays is a godsend. It gives you a tiny bit of hope that some of these levels are even possible. A really fun game, but I wish you did not have to beat each episode to try the next one.
So far 14-5 has been the most annoying but its doable once you learn a set route, the missiles will follow you so they do not get destroyed thus making it easier to hit the two switches at the top.

It's got a good pace, unlike the pc version that gets nuts hard after about 20 levels.

Also never knew there was an 1000 death achievement, not died that much yet :p
Diablohead said:
So far 14-5 has been the most annoying but its doable once you learn a set route, the missiles will follow you so they do not get destroyed thus making it easier to hit the two switches at the top.

It's got a good pace, unlike the pc version that gets nuts hard after about 20 levels.

Also never knew there was an 100 death achievement, not died that much yet :p

You should spoiler that... it's actually a secret achievement. Would have been kind of cool to find that out while I was playing, but now I know what it is.


Junior Member
Diablohead said:
So far 14-5 has been the most annoying but its doable once you learn a set route, the missiles will follow you so they do not get destroyed thus making it easier to hit the two switches at the top.

It's got a good pace, unlike the pc version that gets nuts hard after about 20 levels.

It was incredibly frustrating for me. I died about 20 times just trying to figuire out how to handle the very first part of it. Then I watched someones replay who did an incredibly complicated series of things to get through it. I tried that strategy, but had zero luck. Then I figuired out it was easier just to jump down to the first switch without trying to kill the first two missles, and finally got it perfect so they would follow me around. Then it was just a matter of another 30 or so tries before I could get all platforming perfect.

It was pretty smooth sailing from there until I think it was Episode 16 level 4 or something. The one with two tall walls on either side, and then several small pillars in the middle with those dudes on a set path going up and down them with bombs at the top of each one. I made it to the switch once after about 20 tries, but that was all the luck I had.

Gamertag: C4lukin
I need more people on my friends list who are playing this to compete with.


God damn it. My CC tied to XBL just expired, so I can't buy this until I get a new one. And I was so looking forward to this too! :mad:

Ponn01 said:
I'm just not feeling this for 800 points, especially when you can play it free on the PC.
I don't get this reasoning. Shouldn't the fact that you enjoy playing it, for free no less, warrant sending the creators a measly 10 bucks so they can put some food on their tables?

I mean, come on...there's being economical and then there's just being a cheapskate bastard.


aku:jiki said:
I don't get this reasoning. Shouldn't the fact that you enjoy playing it, for free no less, warrant sending the creators a measly 10 bucks so they can put some food on their tables?

I mean, come on...there's being economical and then there's just being a cheapskate bastard.
Yeah, and from what I played, this is far superior to the PC version. It just feels so much better. More polish and awesome interface too. And I can play it on the sofa.
Yea I was actually very happy to give these guys $10 considering how long I've been playing N for free. This version is pure bliss and I expect to be playing it years from now just like the original.


I love this game. I downloaded it and I just couldn't stop playing for two hours straight. Now I have school work to do. Goodbye for now, N+. :(


pswii60 said:
Yeah, and from what I played, this is far superior to the PC version. It just feels so much better. More polish and awesome interface too. And I can play it on the sofa.
Same, it's pretty impressive just how much some work on presentation can improve a game.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Now this is how you do a minimalist game with emphasis purely on play mechanics. And the presentation is really /very/ nice for something that is so "bare bones".

However, unless I'm missing the option somewhere, there absolutely needs to be an update to enable sending levels to other users.
Survival Mode rocks. Some of those levels are brutal; there are a couple ending in "box" (Snuffbox and I think one was Crushbox or something) that are just sheer chaos at first.


I downloaded the trial and liked it... here are my questions for those with the full game:

Whats multiplayer like?

Is the co-op good?

Should I buy the game?


Good game.

Floaty physics threw me off a bit at first. There's a good delay between when you hit the button and when you jump. But after adjusting it's pretty awesome. 50eps + user levels = damn lot of content and very much worth the $10.
This game is great. It's the perfect game for a $10 download. The level editor is an absolute blast as well. I didn't check if it was possible, but I hope you can upload levels somewhere to share with others. Is that the case?

It's rare for me to play a game that makes me feel like I'm controlling a bad ass character. It's funny that this game gave me that feeling. The balance of really tight controls, simple yet cool character design/animation, exaggerated physics, and music make you feel like a bad ass ninja doing crazy shit.
KarishBHR said:
I downloaded the trial and liked it... here are my questions for those with the full game:

Whats multiplayer like?
Race mode: Players try to be the first one to reach the goal of a particular level. Sometimes you start in different places, sometimes in the same place.

Survival mode: Each player has a "life bar", which is just a timer that's ticking down, and via gathering gold and not getting killed too often each player tries to keep their timer higher than everyone else's. It's also worth noting that the levels they place you in are full of mines, homing missiles, and other such difficulties. At this early stage, I prefer this mode to the races. It's really manic, and it's fun trying to grab gold before the other guys get to it.

If you're still on the fence about getting the full version, you could just play the PC version some more. But like Bebpo says, there's a ton of content in there for $10. I'm not sure how much level editing I'll be doing myself, but just counting the standard stuff + downloadables, there's potential to sink a lot of time into this game.


Not Wario
I get the feeling I'm not doing the wall jumps right or something. I can make it up any wall, but I just do so ridiculously slow. What's the trick to it?

Anyway, awesome game. Trial was excellent enough to warrant a purchase.


I love N. I've been playing it for probably 2 years on the PC. I even have it on my PC at work. I can't wait to send some reimbursement in their direction for such a fun game.
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