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The Official Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition Thread!


I did that once by accident, and I recalled it being really simple to do, having read how somewhere in this thread ages ago.

Thanks for the tip!
Dimmuxx said:
I really hate that they undershipped this game. I won't get it until tuesday at the earliest. :(
They only estimated to sell 420,000 copies I think- apetite the game is much larger than they predicted.
I hope they adjust it for Umbrella Chronicles if the game outsells that estimate.

They have banked on selling 620,000 copies of Umbrella Chronicles.


Any tips for getting headshots? Hitting them in the head is clearly not enough. Is a headshot random or something?


listen to the mad man
Dascu said:
Any tips for getting headshots? Hitting them in the head is clearly not enough. Is a headshot random or something?

Yes, it is random. I believe the likelihood is 1% per damage point, except that the 9mm handgun's final upgrade makes it 5% per damage point.
Dascu said:
Any tips for getting headshots? Hitting them in the head is clearly not enough. Is a headshot random or something?

what gun are you using? you do have to hit them several times in the head with most of the weapons before you get a decapitation


Much like the Wii itself, I cannot find this game in stores. Anyone in the DC metro area seen a copy of this on store shelves? I'd prefer Best Buy to get RewardZone credit, but at this point I'll buy it anywhere.... :(


I'm using the Blacktail.

I'd really like to get some more headshots, because I'm in the Island research facilities and I'm running out of ammo and cash. Those armoured Ganados and Regenerators are *quite* annoying.


Because certain people need something to talk about.
Headshots aren't but neckshots are one shot kills. At least they were in the PS2 version.
Dascu said:
I'm using the Blacktail.

I'd really like to get some more headshots, because I'm in the Island research facilities and I'm running out of ammo and cash. Those armoured Ganados and Regenerators are *quite* annoying.

for the regens you should be using a
rifle with the infrared scope to locate their weak spots
, the armored guys
you shoot in the head slowly


ElectricBlue187 said:
for the regens you should be using a
rifle with the infrared scope to locate their weak spots
, the armored guys
you shoot in the head slowly
Yeah, I got that scope.
I never used my Mine Thrower before though, so I tried it out on the Regens to conserve ammo for my other guns. Fairly amusing.


I'm pretty well an RE virgin: I played a bit of REmake on a rental, but then basically chickened out because of how much I sucked.

I've only played through the prologue, which kicked my ass numerous, numerous times, but I'm enjoying myself and was inspired to write the following blog post.

Me and the Man with the Chainsaw: Going 'Mature' with Resident Evil 4

As I was purchasing my copy of Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition at EB Games yesterday, I was a little bit startled as to why Michael, the friendly employee behind the desk, asked me the following question:

“So, how old are you?”

Was this some sort of inquisition? I’m just here to buy a video game, not a frakkin’ handgun. But then I remembered something: he has to ask my age. As I stuttered my way to saying “21″ (I was shocked he didn’t ID me based on my initial response of “Wow, what IS my age?”), I remember that Resident Evil 4 was rated “M” for Mature, or Most Likely to Lead to Serial Killings according to people like Jack Thompson. And then I came to another realization:

I have NEVER purchased an M-Rated Game.

This had a profound impact on the remainder of my day: was I emotionally prepared to own a game that Thompson believes could ruin society? I’ve played M-Rated games before, but owning them is an entirely different story. Would I remain my incorruptible self in the wake of owning and playing this gory masterpiece?

Well, after playing for about an hour, I came to a verdict:

I am TOTALLY not ready to play an M-Rated game. Why? Because I’m having WAY too much fun gettin’ my gore on.

If you wish to read the rest, here's the link.


Memles said:
I'm pretty well an RE virgin: I played a bit of REmake on a rental, but then basically chickened out because of how much I sucked.

I've only played through the prologue, which kicked my ass numerous, numerous times, but I'm enjoying myself and was inspired to write the following blog post.

Me and the Man with the Chainsaw: Going 'Mature' with Resident Evil 4

If you wish to read the rest, here's the link.
Heh. When I picked up my copy at Best Buy, the girl asked my age and totally threw me off. And I'm 28. :lol That was the first time I've ever been asked my age for a video game...and I've purchased M-rated games before (hell, RE4 GC version).


Does anybody else think we could be seeing a RE2: Wii Edition coming?

-Nearly everybody loves the controls.
-This game is selling well in (anecdotal evidence only in the U.S. so far, though).
-Capcom loves to whore out their franchises and has ported/remade the first game several times.
-We've pretty much seen every environment/character in RE: UC except for the RE2 ones.
Jammy said:
Does anybody else think we could be seeing a RE2: Wii Edition coming?

-Nearly everybody loves the controls.
-This game is selling well in (anecdotal evidence only in the U.S. so far, though).
-Capcom loves to whore out their franchises and has ported/remade the first game several times.
-We've pretty much seen every environment/character in RE: UC except for the RE2 ones.
that's the kind of stuff wet dreams are made of, so it will probably never happen


AirBrian said:
Heh. When I picked up my copy at Best Buy, the girl asked my age and totally threw me off. And I'm 28. :lol That was the first time I've ever been asked my age for a video game...and I've purchases M-rated games before (hell, RE4 GC version).

I think my favourite spinoff to come from the story is that my mother now wants me to take down the blog post since people will think I'm actually going to become a serial killer. I just can't make this shit up.

I'm almost hesitating going back to the game in case it kicks my ass again: what's the section post-prologue like, difficulty wise?


Memles said:
I think my favourite spinoff to come from the story is that my mother now wants me to take down the blog post since people will think I'm actually going to become a serial killer. I just can't make this shit up.

I'm almost hesitating going back to the game in case it kicks my ass again: what's the section post-prologue like, difficulty wise?
It's not a problem. You'll get more enemies at once, but you'll also purchase upgrades for your weapons. It's a good balance. Plus, once you get acclimated to the controls, you'll become an well-oiled, efficient killing machine!
Jammy said:
Does anybody else think we could be seeing a RE2: Wii Edition coming?

I almost believe to be possible because it doesn't seem to be included in the new light gun game but in saying that if they made it, it would be extremely easy


I started on professional right away and I barely survived the village... one more hit and I'd be dead, zero handgun ammo left...

I'm actually thinking about playing the game on normal... I'm weaksauce like that... :(


I'm really enjoying it so far. It's pretty funny that my best game of 2007 (apart from GH2) is an enhanced port of the best game I played in 2005 :D


Finally got back to the area where I left off in the GC version yesterday.

Seriously...Capcom are ****ed in the head. These Regenerators are the freakiest bastards i've ever come up against in a Resident Evil game, and I thought Crimson Heads were rough. I remember them from my first encounter on the GC, and this time I thought I was prepared...

*Regenerator smashes out his enclosure trapping me in the other room
*I reload the Striker Shotgun and stand in the door way.
*Regenerator activates the automatic doors
*I let rip with a shot to the head, the chest and both his legs and I keep shooting the bastard while he lays on the floor...flawless plan right?



Everything about them is so creepy.
The shambling walk, the breathing and ofcourse the fact that standard shots do nothing to them as they quickly regrow their limbs and even head!

After that fright, and dieing another couple of times, I shot it in the head and ran right past him! :xd: Quickly ran around the corner and straight into the arms of another one much to my shock. :angry: How did I not predict there would be ANOTHER one right around a blind corner?

Got out of that section and managed to dispatch numerous other Regenerators with the help of the rifle and the infared scope. Didn't help that I had a default rifle with no upgrades, so I purchased the semi-auto one from the merchant which doesn't take 2 hours to reload. Also, the way they explode is absolute grim...entire corridor gets sprayed and littered with blood and bits. :wacko:

Anyway skipping ahead a bit...Krauser is a bad ass! He IS Commando's, Bennett's and Rambo's unholy love child. :lol: Great fight, a decent attempt at close combat and standard gun play being part of a RE boss battle. Worked really well with the Wiimote gesturing QTE. More about Krauser when I cba. :)

Also a quick shout out to be one of the SKANKEST moments ever...I knew it was coming, but Capcom did a swerve on me and...
I thought he might survive....



I'll get you Saddler! :mad:
A little bit of an Amazon sales update: This game has never left the top 10 in nearly three weeks since launch, usually hovering within the top 3 in the first week, top 5 in the second week and top 8 in the earlier part of this week but has been hovering in the top 5 again in the last two days.

To have some sort of comparison, Mario Party 8 is usually a place or two behind or in front of it and Nintendo confirmed that they sold 200k more Mario Party 8s since RE4: Wii was released. 200k for RE:4 Wii first month is a good possibility just based on the Amazon extrapolation but it could be less than that. Still, it has a very good chance of entering the top 10 when June NPD comes around.

Take everything I just said with a huge grain of salt, though.

*silently scoots away*


titiklabingapat said:
A little bit of an Amazon sales update: This game has never left the top 10 in nearly three weeks since launch, usually hovering within the top 3 in the first week, top 5 in the second week and top 8 in the earlier part of this week but has been hovering in the top 5 again in the last two days.

To have some sort of comparison, Mario Party 8 is usually a place or two behind or in front of it and Nintendo confirmed that they sold 200k more Mario Party 8s since RE4: Wii was released. 200k for RE:4 Wii first month is a good possibility just based on the Amazon extrapolation but it could be less than that. Still, it has a very good chance of entering the top 10 when June NPD comes around.

Take it with a huge grain of salt, though.

*silently scoots away*

*yawn take it out of here

Planet Earth was on the HD DVD Amazon top list for weeks and sold around 75,000 - that's it.


titiklabingapat said:
Still, it has a very good chance of entering the top 10 when June NPD comes around.

I dont follow sales bullshit generally, but I am very interested to see how RE4Wii does. Generally when during the month do we get last month's sales?
Solo said:
I dont follow sales bullshit generally, but I am very interested to see how RE4Wii does. Generally when during the month do we get last month's sales?
We get NPD numbers on July 19 this month.

Christopher said:
*yawn take it out of here

Planet Earth was on the HD DVD Amazon top list for weeks and sold around 75,000 - that's it.

I'm just glad it's doing well on Amazon.com, at least.


Singho said:
Finally got back to the area where I left off in the GC version yesterday.

Seriously...Capcom are ****ed in the head. These Regenerators are the freakiest bastards i've ever come up against in a Resident Evil game, and I thought Crimson Heads were rough. I remember them from my first encounter on the GC, and this time I thought I was prepared...

*Regenerator smashes out his enclosure trapping me in the other room
*I reload the Striker Shotgun and stand in the door way.
*Regenerator activates the automatic doors
*I let rip with a shot to the head, the chest and both his legs and I keep shooting the bastard while he lays on the floor...flawless plan right?



Everything about them is so creepy.
The shambling walk, the breathing and ofcourse the fact that standard shots do nothing to them as they quickly regrow their limbs and even head!

After that fright, and dieing another couple of times, I shot it in the head and ran right past him! :xd: Quickly ran around the corner and straight into the arms of another one much to my shock. :angry: How did I not predict there would be ANOTHER one right around a blind corner?

Got out of that section and managed to dispatch numerous other Regenerators with the help of the rifle and the infared scope. Didn't help that I had a default rifle with no upgrades, so I purchased the semi-auto one from the merchant which doesn't take 2 hours to reload. Also, the way they explode is absolute grim...entire corridor gets sprayed and littered with blood and bits. :wacko:

Anyway skipping ahead a bit...Krauser is a bad ass! He IS Commando's, Bennett's and Rambo's unholy love child. :lol: Great fight, a decent attempt at close combat and standard gun play being part of a RE boss battle. Worked really well with the Wiimote gesturing QTE. More about Krauser when I cba. :)

Also a quick shout out to be one of the SKANKEST moments ever...I knew it was coming, but Capcom did a swerve on me and...
I thought he might survive....



I'll get you Saddler! :mad:

Oh man, those Regenerators made me scream. Repeatedly. With people in the room watching me play. First time I saw them walk, I ran, and ran, and ran until they went down a hallway and I had 10 minutes to calm down. Then I tried my trusty shotgun and I screamed and ran afterward. Seriously, I probably could have given that screaming Japanese Resident Evil player a run for his money.

Those things are the single biggest reason why I haven't purchased this Wiimake yet. I don't think I could go through that section again by myself.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Christopher said:
*yawn take it out of here

Planet Earth was on the HD DVD Amazon top list for weeks and sold around 75,000 - that's it.

Why are you so anti sales? It's just a few updates on how well its selling. I think its perfectly relevant, and so far it has not at all derailed the thread. Relax a bit.

Good RE4 sales hopefully equals a similar ground up effort in the future. That's good news.


Proven said:
Oh man, those Regenerators made me scream. Repeatedly. With people in the room watching me play. First time I saw them walk, I ran, and ran, and ran until they went down a hallway and I had 10 minutes to calm down. Then I tried my trusty shotgun and I screamed and ran afterward. Seriously, I probably could have given that screaming Japanese Resident Evil player a run for his money.

Those things are the single biggest reason why I haven't purchased this Wiimake yet. I don't think I could go through that section again by myself.
The first time I played it on GC I screamed and ran and shot everything in my way. :lol


So I just brought the game over a friends place who had never played the original, and I watched him play through and learn the game. 6 hours later, he's in 3-3 and we're both absolutely shocked that 6 hours have past.

Greatest game of all time confirmed.


Proven said:
Oh man, those Regenerators made me scream. Repeatedly. With people in the room watching me play. First time I saw them walk, I ran, and ran, and ran until they went down a hallway and I had 10 minutes to calm down. Then I tried my trusty shotgun and I screamed and ran afterward. Seriously, I probably could have given that screaming Japanese Resident Evil player a run for his money.

Those things are the single biggest reason why I haven't purchased this Wiimake yet. I don't think I could go through that section again by myself.
They're a bit scary, but not that hard.


Tell me if this is going to be a problem.

Since the wii mote aiming makes it so easy to aim and shoot guys, I didn't buy the rifle. I'm right before the part where regenerators come out. Since I don't have the rifle, and therefore cannot attach the infered scope, can I still kill these things?


Seraph830 said:
Tell me if this is going to be a problem.

Since the wii mote aiming makes it so easy to aim and shoot guys, I didn't buy the rifle. I'm right before the part where regenerators come out. Since I don't have the rifle, and therefore cannot attach the infered scope, can I still kill these things?

Sure you can, but it takes a LOT of bullets - unhealthy ammount of so. Just get the rifle.

Good RE4 sales hopefully equals a similar ground up effort in the future. That's good news

Well there is a certain thread for such posts - and I tend to stay out of the sales garbage posts/threads. If it's not selling well so what? If it's selling well so what? Play the game dude, not the sales.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Christopher said:
Well there is a certain thread for such posts - and I tend to stay out of the sales garbage posts/threads. If it's not selling well so what? If it's selling well so what? Play the game dude, not the sales.

Oh I am playing it....for the first time. Just beat mendez. Soooooooooo awesome :D


Christopher said:
Well there is a certain thread for such posts - and I tend to stay out of the sales garbage posts/threads. If it's not selling well so what? If it's selling well so what? Play the game dude, not the sales.

He just wants to see more of the same level of dedication and awesomeness. UC might end up a good game, but it clearly does not have the level of focus RE4 did.

I personally don't care if it's not a numerical Resident Evil, I just want another game in the series with the same incredible design and tight controls.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
AniHawk said:
He just wants to see more of the same level of dedication and awesomeness. UC might end up a good game, but it clearly does not have the level of focus RE4 did.

I personally don't care if it's not a numerical Resident Evil, I just want another game in the series with the same incredible design and tight controls.

Yeah basically. I'm so effing in love with this game. I guess I'm lucky this is my first time playing it huh? The controls feel so perfect. I can't believe I got this masterpiece for 30 bucks.


Well, assuming thread creators have some kind of control over what's allowed in their threads, I say sales discussion is allowed...
those regenerators are mother f'ers dudes. scared the crap out of me many a-time. the worst i think is after you jump down into the trash disposal and a couple of those a-holes are down there.... man i hate those things.

but a well placed shot with the sweet sniper rifle takes care of business!

btw gamefly just shipped this game to me! ill keep it for 24.99, thx gamefly!
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