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The Unpopular Opinions Thread: GAMING EDITION


Heavy Rain isnt the "next step in videogame storytelling", its a huge step backwards in this regard. Its the wrong approach.


Donkey Kong Country was a franchise that should have remained dead and buried and never to be revived, ever.

(regardless of how good Returns may be)
Dance In My Blood said:
On top of the mountain of bad opinions, this is why these threads are the worst.

i mean you could always just ignore the opinions you disagree with.. but we all know this thread is gonna be 10+ pages by sundown.


Achievements are one of the worst things this gen. If you like them and actually work to get them I am of the view that you are simple-minded.

Length of SP is important. People that say they're fine with 6 hours I think have bad priorities and limited attention spans.

Halo and Gears are mediocre games at best.

I liked Sands of Time's combat.

I loved Advent Rising.
kswiston said:
Jrpgs didn't really take a turn towards the moe/fetish stuff until last generation. It's the only genre where an increase in hardware technology seems to have lead to a decrease in quality. There are a few exceptions, but overall, I liked the genre a lot better in the 90s.
I just find the gameplay mechanics boring and the stories uninteresting. It's only the great writing and settings of Paper Mario that allowed me to plough through the horrid combat system.

It's not just the sexual aspect that I dislike! That's merely the main gripe I have with them these days. :lol
Competitive Multiplayer gaming is the worst thing to happen to gaming ever. Rise in Multiplayer gaming has ruined this generation.

This generation of home console gaming is downright awful.


Hilbert said:
I detest 3d Mario. this includes Mario galaxy. The best Mario game post yoshi's island is NSMB.

I agree with this. Detest is too strong of a word for me, but I just can't get into the 3D Mario games, but I could play the 2D ones all-day.

Also, for me...

I had more fun with Saints Row 1 and 2 than GTA IV, so therefore SR > GTA.


Deep into his 30th decade
Zenith said:
Achievements are one of the worst things this gen. If you like them and actually work to get them I am of the view that you are simple-minded.

Length of SP is important. People that say they're fine with 6 hours I think have bad priorities and limited attention spans.

Halo and Gears are mediocre games at best.

I liked Sands of Time's combat.

I loved Advent Rising.

Your list made me smile. I seriously disagree with the first three, but I really agree with your last 2.


The Resident Evil series needs to die a fiery death. The first four controlled like absolute shit and weren't scary. RE4 was one of the most overrated games of all time. RE5 is the best they've done only because it is the least like the others.


P.N.03 is amazing.

Viking: The Battle For Asgard is one of the best games of this generation, let down only by a somewhat weak third act.

Dragon Quest VII is the best one in the series.

Idea Factory is a great developer. The Generation of Chaos games are peerless strategy games.

Akitoshi Kawazu is a genius. Unlimited Saga is brilliant.


Archie said:
Blizzard is overrated.

This. And:

- Ultima Online is the best MMO to date,
- Demons Souls was indeed a terrible game,
- GRAW could be my GOTG,
- Saints Row 2 is the best sandbox game this gen.


Zenith said:
Achievements are one of the worst things this gen. If you like them and actually work to get them I am of the view that you are simple-minded.

Length of SP is important. People that say they're fine with 6 hours I think have bad priorities and limited attention spans.

Halo and Gears are mediocre games at best.

I liked Sands of Time's combat.

I loved Advent Rising.

Yes, yes, yes, yes and I haven't played.


GTA 4 was much overrated.

Edge is a horrible magazine.

KZ2 was much better before all the tweaks people where crying for.

Killer7 was one of the best games from last gen.
I don't think this will be such a safe haven, after all.

At any rate: I got bored a few hours before finishing RE4. Every single one of my friends (internet friends, I have no real ones ;_; ) tells me the game is superbly paced, and I just didn't find it to be like that at all.


Foliorum Viridum said:
I just find the gameplay mechanics boring and the stories uninteresting. It's only the great writing and settings of Paper Mario that allowed me to plough through the horrid combat system.

Not sure what you are talking about, I find most now agree with you in regards to JRPGs(not myself included), especially about the combat.


Dawn of War as a series is just awful. Everyone is an unlikeable xenophobe. Nobody has any amount of "coolness" that makes up for how much I want to kill all of them.


Intelligent Systems is the most underrated game dev out there (in terms of recognition), and they never released even ONE bad game.
Hobbun said:
Not sure what you are talking about, I find most now agree with you in regards to JRPGs(not myself included), especially about the combat.
Well on GAF it seems like JRPGs are still king for a lot of people. This seemed like the safest place to voice my hatred for them. :lol


Foliorum Viridum said:
Well on GAF it seems like JRPGs are still king for a lot of people. This seemed like the safest place to voice my hatred for them. :lol

Well, I read about a lot of JRPG hate. Which to me is sad, as I really love them, especially when they are turn-based. You and me are polar opposites, my friend.


Deep into his 30th decade
XBOX 360 and more specifically Xbox Live is the reason I still play video games, I probably would have quit after PS2 otherwise.

I love cinematic games, QTEs, and games where the "gameplay" is secondary. I really enjoy flashy combat that plays itself.

I also love more "pure" games, Virtua Fighter, Bayonetta, geometry wars, battlefield, etc. I have room for all types of games in my heart.

Achievements are awesome.
FF12 sucked.

And to add fuel to the fire I liked 13s battle system and music way better. Not saying 13 was amazing, but I enjoyed it a lot more than 12. (I doubt any FF will ever compare to the older ones).

GTA4 was a fun game and has one of the most authentic open world atmospheres in any game. No game has ever captured that unmistakable New York City feeling like rockstar did in this game.. Yeah the missions couldve had more variety and relationships were stupid but I had tons of fun with the game and the online.

I like MW2s campaign regardless if it is unrealistic or not, same with black ops. I don't care if its unrealistic, I just want to be entertained, shoot people and blow shit up.
Hobbun said:
Well, I read about a lot of JRPG hate. Which to me is sad, as I really love them, especially when they are turn-based. You and me are polar opposites, my friend.
It's okay, I like Perfect Dark Zero. Nobody is perfect! :)


mjc said:
Shadowrun is one of the best shooters on the 360. God I love that game.

I concur. Also, Chromehounds stands as one of the best multiplayer experiences I had on the 360.

Gran Turismo 5 is going to blow. It's going to play like every minute of its 5 years in development. "GT4.5" will be thrown around a lot.

That's all I've got for now.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Host Samurai said:
This generation of home console gaming is downright awful.

So much of this it hurts. Gaming has been so damaged by this generation, it will take another two to fix everything. A crash will occur before that though.


Final Fantasy X is an awful game. Boring characters, poorly told story, and a repetitive, boring battle system. I can only surmise that people like it because of the Final Fantasy name and because it was the first big budget PS2 RPG.


JRPGs are beautiful games that are irrevocably broken due to antiquated gameplay that was just a holdover from when consoles couldn't manage real-time combat.

Checkpoint systems are also a holdover from limited console tech. Everyone should now use quicksave/load like PC-only games do.

HD really isn't that important to me. 3D even less so.

Night_Trekker said:
It's broken, buggy crap. I wanted to love it, too :(

try PC version. Best implementation of psychic powers I ever saw.


I think everyone who pays to play online should think twice about it. At this point in time free online is a must, not a paid privilege.

I pretty much hate the Xbox really, or at least what it represents. The fact that companies can sell faulty shit hardware and still sell millions (and more than one unit to the same person), the fact that it asks you to pay money for something you get for free everywhere else, etc.

Sure i'll get a slim down the line (asuming hardware is better) because well.. i like to play some of the exclusive games, but i will never pay for online gaming.

I guess the thing i truly hate is people that went with it, bought 5 xboxs and years of gold subscription. More power to you if you have the money to spare, but this shit is hurting the industry and its only downhill from here.


Foliorum Viridum said:
I never said in any way that they were. Merely that I find the obsession that a lot of JRPG fans have with young Japanese characters, especially girls, extremely creepy.

Some do, but you're attributing it to the majority.
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