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The unwritten rule of privacy in a restaurant booth.

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Wow. I'm trying to imagine a scenario in a restaurant where guy A is shouting profanity at guy B who can reasonably claim to have no idea what the dude A is angry about where it doesn't boil down to "guy A is a gigantic asshole and should fucking chill".

I'm not trying to be a dick here Docpan, but do you ever wonder why so often people don't take your side of a story even when YOU are the one describing events? I mean shit, when I tell someone about a confrontation I've had I, like most anyone, would tend to at least subconsciously frame events to make me look like the justified, aggrieved party. Either you are so good at dispassionately describing your little 'events' you should be a world renowned reporter or your behavior is so beyond the pale that even after massaging the description you are still clearly the ass. By your own admission you started all but shouting obscenities at a stranger in a restaurant about a perceived insult that no one but you noticed, how are you NOT the bad guy here?:lol
Docpan said:
So wait, let me get this straight, just so I have it right. You guys actually think it was OKAY for him to stare across the fucking room, through my direction, for the ENTIRE meal? He was blatantly in my peripheral vision the entire time.

I couldn't NOT notice him.

Secondly, I'm a dickhead because I brought it to his attention. Just because I'm Docpan, I don't have the right to privacy during a meal?

How would that work for you?

Oh wow. I think this might actually be the way somebody actually thinks. Sorry but I've got to quote for the new page:

DeadFalling said:
This. You are a fucking prick of the worst kind. HE WAS JUST WATCHING TV AND HE'S THE ONE AT FAULT?!?!?!



At any rate had it been me you were talking to I would have at least talked shit right back at your douchebag ass for being in the way of MY tv watching. Fight depends on how big you are... anyways the point is: THE WORLD DOESN'T REVOLVE AROUND YOU ASSHOLE!!! You get the right to special privacy in a PUBLIC PLACE?! He gets no right to watch the TV that is installed specifically for people eating there to WATCH????? Fucking come ON!

looking at the thread from your tag... do you have some kind of psychological disorder? you sound absolutely psychotic. some paranoid person with uncontrollable bouts of rage. you need to see a therapist or something dude....... i hope im getting trolled here.


I thought this would be more social-GAF thread, but it's actually a crazy Docpan thread. Always gold!


DeadFalling said:
looking at the thread from your tag... do you have some kind of psychological disorder? you sound absolutely psychotic. some paranoid person with uncontrollable bouts of rage for small reasons. you need to see a therapist or something dude....... i hope im getting trolled here.

It's no disorder, Doc is very open about the fact he heavily abuses steroids. This is what they do to people.


Docpan said:
It is RUDE to flat out ignore your company like that dickhead

So here we are, sitting in the booth, sipping on some margaritas and chattin' it up about her cousin or uncle or whoever the fuck it is that has a nice house in Florida. She's one of those girls who trails off about whatever for seemingly hours on end. Whatever, she's still hot. I'm playing with my empty salad plate, trying to scrounge up enough scraps to fit onto the fork and shove into my mouth because my goddamn steak was taking too long to get to me. At any rate, I'm getting antsy, and I end up looking across the room to soak in the scenery. A picture here, a nice ass there. As my aimless vision shoot towards my immediate left at the row of booths on the opposite side...


JDSN said:
So here we are, sitting in the booth, sipping on some margaritas and chattin' it up about her cousin or uncle or whoever the fuck it is that has a nice house in Florida. She's one of those girls who trails off about whatever for seemingly hours on end. Whatever, she's still hot. I'm playing with my empty salad plate, trying to scrounge up enough scraps to fit onto the fork and shove into my mouth because my goddamn steak was taking too long to get to me. At any rate, I'm getting antsy, and I end up looking across the room to soak in the scenery. A picture here, a nice ass there. As my aimless vision shoot towards my immediate left at the row of booths on the opposite side...

I was just about to bring that up. Logical inconstistancy with the story there!


Docpan said:
........... so making a good first impression was extremely important to me. After all, I read that physical attraction isn't what really gets girls hooked in...........

Trying to cool things off of your back mate, so care to elaborate about this?

Chris R

One day the op will run into the BIGGEST doucebag and it won't end pretty. Odds are it will end up in the news, Gaf will make a thread, and there will be puns a plenty.


I wonder what you would do to my old sociology college professor. She told my class how she enjoys ease dropping on people at restaurants and then confronting them to get reactions.


Nikashi said:
Naw, it's totally his other asshole neighbors


Docpan said:
That's when we first met. The second he even stepped out I knew he was going to be a fucking prick. Over the years I've learned to pick out certain character profiles based on their appearance and the way they carry themselves. This particular guy is one of those "getting older but still thinks he's a hardass" types. Late 30's (by my guess), overly-tanned skin, Oakley sunglasses, token chain around neck, and no shirt. He lives there with his equally-tanned wife and his little kid.

He should look in a mirror some time and tell us what he thinks of himself. :lol


faridmon said:
Trying to cool things off of your back mate, so care to elaborate about this?
Yeah, I've gotten out of the whole "hooking up" just for sex or whatever... So instead of picking someone out from the club, and having sex once or twice then never seeing them again, I'm trying to ease into a relationship.... Or at least someone I can really relate to in ways other than physical attraction.

Hence, me taking this girl to a nice dinner rather than a club. Yes, there were boring parts of the conversation but overall she was a really nice girl. I tried to relay a sense of myself as well when I wasn't distracted.

I tried to be on my best behavior, otherwise I would have said something to the guy way earlier than I did.


Docpan said:
I tried to be on my best behavior

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol


:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol


I love your threads so much.

I sometimes get pissed about random shit as well, but I just assume I'm in a bad mood and let it go :lol

Also, I must mention that the best part of these threads is how well the story is told-with tons of expletives thrown in for good measure :p
Docpan said:
So wait, let me get this straight, just so I have it right. You guys actually think it was OKAY for him to stare across the fucking room, through my direction, for the ENTIRE meal? He was blatantly in my peripheral vision the entire time.

I couldn't NOT notice him.

Secondly, I'm a dickhead because I brought it to his attention. Just because I'm Docpan, I don't have the right to privacy during a meal?

How would that work for you?

How is looking in your general direction invading your privacy? He wasn't looking at you. He doesn't give a shit that you're sitting there trying to get with a girl you don't actually care about. He certainly couldn't hear your conversation, if you had to yell across the room to talk to him. You're either just messing with everyone here, or you have some serious problems understanding social interaction, and even more serious problems with anger management.


duckroll said:
You are either trying really hard to get another tag (not going to happen), or you are a totally self-absorbed douchebag who has a terrible idea of manners and social conduct. In short, your behavior tells me that you are an asshole. I feel sorry for the guy you tried to start shit up with at the restaurant. It's too bad he didn't complain about you and get you kicked out.

I seem to remember a time when some dude tried to convert us catholics. Down the street, crazy bible thumpin dude...

Oh yeah and then you bitched at me for smoking :p

Docpan said:
To be quite honest, I think that hating me is just something that people "do."

This whole "the problem isn't with meeee.. So it must be everybody else!" attitude is absolutely fucking lame.

This is the first time I've encountered you. Seriously. It's not some 'bandwagon'. It's you being a douche and not taking responsibility for it.

Wise the fuck up or forever stay in your bubble of insecurity.


Read the first post and thought wtf, then i scrolled back up and saw that the op was docpan.. should have guessed :lol


Small things bother me too sometimes but not enough to the point that I get pissed off. I just shrug it off and deal with it.


Alfarif said:
Bro... I clicked your tag and it took me to a thread that looked exactly like the OP for this one. I was so confused, it took me a second to realize what the hell was going on.
:lol :lol Guilty.


There's been so many backfire-threads in the last couple of days, what with this and the "suing the California DMV for fining me because I was three months late on car registration" one


user-friendly man-cashews
I missed you Docpan, funny how for most of your threads I only realize it's you mid post. Must be all that misdirected rage I find so cute.
Thank you for posting OP.
I was feeling kind of blue but reading this gave me a good laugh.
Now I don't know if you are serious or just trolling for attention, but on the off chance that this story is real, I strongly urge you to seek therapy before you hand up killing someone.
Docpan said:
So wait, let me get this straight, just so I have it right. You guys actually think it was OKAY for him to stare across the fucking room, through my direction, for the ENTIRE meal? He was blatantly in my peripheral vision the entire time.

I couldn't NOT notice him.

Secondly, I'm a dickhead because I brought it to his attention. Just because I'm Docpan, I don't have the right to privacy during a meal?

How would that work for you?

He was looking at the TV, which you yourself fucking conceded.

There's a big difference between staring at somebody and looking in a general direction. Maybe YOU should have fucking moved to a seat that wasn't within eyesight of the TV? You're the one with the problem (and in more ways than one), so why the fuck should he have to move?


will123456 said:
on the off chance that this story is real, I strongly urge you to seek therapy before you hand up killing someone.

On public transport (eye-contact hell for OP). Someone will record it with their phone and upload it to Youtube, and there will be a Gaf thread. Penny will drop on first or second page, and Docpan will be identified.
I know exactly what the OP is saying. Dudes always checking me out in my booth. I try to tell them about the "Unwritten Booth Privacy" rules, but they play the dumb card. Mother fuckers.

:lol :lol :lol



So basically, Docpan, you're one of those obnoxious guys who has a huge fucking tantrum whenever someone appears to be looking in his direction. Chill out. It's beyond me how you toddle through your day without having twelve stress-induced coronaries caused by your wonky personal standards.


If what you said is true, and judging from your post history it likely is, you are a deeply disturbed individual suffering from a whole host oh psychological conditions. Seek help =|
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