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The Wii U Speculation Thread V: The Final Frontier

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Twitch.tv app?

Holy hell. I had no idea something like this existed. Downloaded the app and im stoked.

What if Pachter is actually on
Nintendo's payroll to spread doom and gloom to the masses?

I think there is definitely a financial motive for all of his analysis. Go after Nintendo, get your name in the gaming headlines, increase clicks, increase repitore etc etc.


Membero Americo
So at least two of them (Shane and guy from NY Times) should know something (they won't say, of course).
The others will be clueless (particularly Pachter, since Nintendo tells him jack shit).

Adam should at least be reasonable in his predictions and should not be shitting on Nintendo in this video.

Like I said, he's not in front of a G4 Camera.
I expect everyone to be pretty reasonable, and for Pacther to throw in some troll statements on purpose because that's what he does. I think there are valid concerns games wise and to see if their online comes together and all that. I don't think they'll say anything TOO stupid.
Prediction: Some mainstream or tech site will make an article comparing the final Wii U controller to the iPad 3.

Wouldn't surprise me one bit.

On another note I've noticed that most -European at least- WiiU-related patents, are referencing the IPhone specs, under their "Documents Considered Relevant" section.

Example: (source)

Is this something "decided" by the patent examiner(s) OR it's something provided by Nintendo?



Alright suckers, now that i've got your attention, i just need to know what i've missed since page 252. I've been away for 3 days. I've seen the uPad leak (clickable analog sticks, further to the side), but what else did i miss? Thanks.

Alright suckers, no that i've got your attention, i just need to know what i've missed since page 252. I've been away for 3 days. I've seen the uPad leak (clickable analog sticks, further to the side), but what else did i miss? Thanks.

Talk of GTA5 on Wii U and IdeaMan getting scooped (though, he still has a couple things left).
Not much else, really.

Alright suckers, no that i've got your attention, i just need to know what i've missed since page 252. I've been away for 3 days. I've seen the uPad leak (clickable analog sticks, further to the side), but what else did i miss? Thanks.
GTA5 rumour seeming a bit more likely, though nothing 100%. That's about the only other thing worth mentioning. Also Retro's game is a new IP.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Nothing of value will come from Bonus Round.

Ok all ill have on June 5th is my Droid...is there anyway I can watch the presentation live or am I boned?

Im boned aren't I?

I watched the last Nintendo Direct on my Android via Ustream, as there's a dedicated (and free) Android app for Ustream streams. Assuming somebody is streaming the conference over Ustream, it will be watchable.
I haven't been around these threads in a while. What's this "Bonus Round" thing people are getting hyped about?

It's a think on GameTrailers where they do kind of a round table talk with Industry "Insiders" about stuff in the industry.
Today's is about Nintendo's E3 2012 showing.

Alright suckers, no that i've got your attention, i just need to know what i've missed since page 252. I've been away for 3 days. I've seen the uPad leak (clickable analog sticks, further to the side), but what else did i miss? Thanks.

2 uPads

are the best rumors the rest can die


Talk of GTA5 on Wii U and IdeaMan getting scooped (though, he still has a couple things left).
Not much else, really.

GTA5 rumour seeming a bit more likely, though nothing 100%. That's about the only other thing worth mentioning. Also Retro's game is a new IP.

Thanks. I remember i also heard of a metroid/starfox rumor? That's been debunked hopefully?

Also Ace, what do you mean with IDman getting scooped?
GTA5 rumour seeming a bit more likely, though nothing 100%. That's about the only other thing worth mentioning. Also Retro's game is a new IP.

Whaaaaaa. When was this confirmed?

Nothing of value will come from Bonus Round.

I watched the last Nintendo Direct on my Android via Ustream, as there's a dedicated (and free) Android app for Ustream streams. Assuming somebody is streaming the conference over Ustream, it will be watchable.

Oh geez that's awesome. Thanks for the heads up...E3 on my droid this year, E3 on my WiiU next year :p
You know what, I've had a change of heart with regards to the Wii U. The way things panned out with the Wii automatically set my expectations low for Nintendo's next console, and the reveal last year didn't exactly do much to raise them. Two things have changed my mind. First was the Wii U being the best looking version of Aliens thing, which cements what previously I had been very skeptical about; Nintendo will have the best looking 3rd party titles, for the next year at least. Second was when I remembered the quote today about them not wanting to repeat the mistakes of the 3DS; there's (hopefully) going to be a good launch lineup. This coupled with the fact that I fully expect it to be within my price range means I think there's a very good chance I will be getting one at launch, a remarkable turnaround really. I'm still not a fan of the controller, but colour me excited for E3.

Welcome aboard. I would just say that it's very likely, for various reasons, a good portion of multi-plats will look like their PS360 counterparts because they won't take advantage of the extra power.


aka Cabbie
I'm fearful for the future, honestly. Not because I think Wii U will fail, but that it will be made to fail.

Alright, I'm braced for this Bonus Round thing now.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
ugh my month long trip ends the day of the nintendo conference and my flight leaves only like 2 hours after it ends

You'll miss out on first hand collective disappointment when Star Fox x Metroid is revealed.
You'll miss out on first hand collective disappointment when Star Fox x Metroid is revealed.
like i'll probably be able to watch it unless things get too hectic but i just now looked at the schedule and ugh sitting in airports and planes for four hours while previews and videos and meltdowns happen


I was wondering what happened to you.

Missed me? ;)

Eh, I still lurked occasionally. But all the regurgitated speculation with no real info started turning my hair gray and giving me premature wrinkles after a while...

Can't believe Nintendo is really making us until E3. I always thought they'd unveil something before then.


My source is my ass!
One of his topics was going to be able changes to the controller, but... well...

Honestly, i'm still surprised by this. I mean, it's the first time we ever got a leak like that for Nintendo right ? A stolen picture of a device not officially revealed by them yet. Ok there are the new trends and risks of social networks, the miniaturization of cameras, the multiplication of people involved, in contact, with unreleased products during development, etc. But everything of this sort existed in 2005/2006, in 2000/2001, and i would say even for the N64 era in a way.

We were more accustomed to this kind of leaks from Apple.
Missed me? ;)

Eh, I still lurked occasionally. But all the regurgitated speculation with no real info started turning my hair gray and giving me premature wrinkles after a while...

Can't believe Nintendo is really making us until E3. I always thought they'd unveil something before then.

They did.
Like stuff about NN and digital downloads of retail games.


Membero Americo
You know, they'll probably talk about the controller and how it needs to change some stuff. Since this was recorded 3 weeks ago, they'll be late on this, since those changes were confirmed last night.


My source is my ass!
is it cruel of me that i found the fact he got "scooped" hilariously funny. I thought he was gonna have a melt down of Burntpork proportions last night.

What i had in store was obviously less sexy than a picture (and i wouldn't have posted it if it was the case), just a list of 3, 4, documented changes that third-parties were aware. It's more the timing you know, nearly the day before being able to create the thread. Really frustrating. Well, it's not important :)


aka Cabbie
You know, they'll probably talk about the controller and how it needs to change some stuff. Since this was recorded 3 weeks ago, they'll be late on this, since those changes were confirmed last night.

Well, just one. They'll have plenty more to yammer about.
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