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The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings |OT| Plough 'Em All

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woober said:
Look out of the structure and wait for the dragon to swoop under the bridge. Then make a run for it!
How long does that take? D:

I've waited and still get burnt.

The other people with me have run out and I go with them and I die :\
Handcrafted Cave systems just... wow.
Cave in act2 is mind blowing.
Its staggering how far ahead certain east european developers are in rpg field. Shitmountain is easily few years behind.

Hard difficulty was right choice to start with. prologue and start of act1 was bit of a struggle but now in act2 its fair game. I kinda hope it would be even bit harder at times :lol Cant wait to finish and start again.


Deadly said:
Is there a limited number of mutagens you can apply?
Depends how you spec, because it seems you can only mutate the last tiers of the skill tree. For training, it is arrow redirection and the other one (vigor regen in combat or something). I finished my first playthrough with Swordsmanship and the only mutatable skills I could find were Invinicible, Combat Acumen and Whirlwind (the last 3 at the end of the talent tree). So I'm guessing both alchemy and magic trees are similar in that regards.


Junior Member
I still can't put my finger on what visually separates this game from Dragon Age in terms of art design. Does the fact that this game was made by actual Europeans have something to do with it?
RedSwirl said:
I still can't put my finger on what visually separates this game from Dragon Age in terms of art design. Does the fact that this game was made by people with actual creativity and skill have something to do with it?

Fixed. <3 Bio
How long does that take? D:

I've waited and still get burnt.

The other people with me have run out and I go with them and I die :\

Did you pick the dragon option first? When you're in the dungeon talking to Roche and you get the 3 choices, do the other 2 before the dragon one. Makes it a lot easier.


People strugging with the combat should start doing this:

Zeliard said:
One of my favorite moves to pull with a lock-on is a backwards roll followed by hitting forward + attack, which makes Geralt then do a front roll followed by a thrust if you're at a distance. I use those links to set up combos. Generally as far as swordplay I roll around and then hit the direction key towards the enemy + attack after the roll, and Geralt will smoothly transition into some sort of long-distance melee attack.

This type of tactic becomes more effective as you increase your rolling distance since you gain much more space from enemies.

I find Chapter 1 enemies are barely hitting me now (on Hard), since I just roll out of range too quickly and then I'm right back in their faces with the attack. Geralt will link into a certain attack after a roll depending on your distance from the enemy, whether it be rolling forward with a thrust, flying through the air or doing a multi-hit pirouette. You can start hitting enemies from every angle and they can't hit you back if you properly time rolling away and then striking back.

Also linking between weak and strong attacks is much more effective than simply trying to just combo with light attacks. Strong attacks are obviously more damaging and when you're linking them with light attacks, Geralt's swinging momentum is kept and you end up doing much more damage. With the extra distance upgrade it's also easier to get separation from enemies for throwing bombs or setting up traps or signs, which I often do as well.

Combat in general has become very smooth and even more tactical, and I'm really enjoying it.

I'm sad I didn't end up getting the Assassin ability you get in the prologue that you can miss. It increases damage you do from behind by 25%, which would have been nice since I often roll behind enemies. I'm usually pretty good about exploring every nook and cranny but that one just slipped me by.

RedSwirl said:
I still can't put my finger on what visually separates this game from Dragon Age in terms of art design. Does the fact that this game was made by actual Europeans have something to do with it?

Bioware has decent artists. They just don't give a shit. CDPR actually cares about the quality of their products (just look at the Enhanced Edition they released for their first game).


Jerk said:
Anyone know if there is any benefit to doing the prologue out of order?

Any noticeable missables?

Depends. At the end of the first segment there's a mini-game that affects a part of the second segment, so if you play it first you won't get to see the consequence, and at the beginning there's a small quest (the
) and one of its choices plays out during segment 4. The other one takes place after that so it's not affected. Other than that I think nothing changes.


Barberetti said:
Did you pick the dragon option first? When you're in the dungeon talking to Roche and you get the 3 choices, do the other 2 before the dragon one. Makes it a lot easier.
I did the other 2 first.

I'm just having difficulty right near the beginning not being set on fire and dying.

I survived once with a sliver of health, but since there were enemies near it never came back.

I may need to switch to easy. :s
Just had an awesome fight in the forest. I'd just lured out the second queen when 2 Nekker warriors charged into the clearing and attacked it. I stood there watching the fight for about a minute when a third warrior ran out, looked at the queen fight and then at me. It decided that I would be the easier target, so it charges at me. Suddenly an Endriag explodes out of the bushes next to me and tears the Nekker to shreds in seconds. Fuck knows how long it had been there!

Just standing in that forest clearing watching these freaks of nature go for each other like animals would in the real world was a fantastic experience. Absolutely loved it. This game is just superb.
I did the other 2 first.

I'm just having difficulty right near the beginning not being set on fire and dying.

I survived once with a sliver of health, but since there were enemies near it never came back.

I may need to switch to easy. :s

Oh yeah I remember that bit now. What I did was follow the others into the first building on the left, but hung back and let them do the fighting. I used the sign that creates the shield around you to protect myself a bit. Same thing with the second building. Hung back and let the others fight. Shield myself. When I got through that one, then I joined in with the fighting.


Barberetti said:
Just had an awesome fight in the forest. I'd just lured out the second queen when 2 Nekker warriors charged into the clearing and attacked it. I stood there watching the fight for about a minute when a third warrior ran out, looked at the queen fight and then at me. It decided that I would be the easier target, so it charges at me. Suddenly an Endriag explodes out of the bushes next to me and tears the Nekker to shreds in seconds. Fuck knows how long it had been there!

Just standing in that forest clearing watching these freaks of nature go for each other like animals would in the real world was a fantastic experience. Absolutely loved it. This game is just superb.

Something similar happened to me. Im in the woods and I see some Nekkers in the distance so I start making my way towards them. Right as a turn a corner, a lone Scoiatel with some longsword or polearm weapon darts out at me. I briefly panic and put Quen up. Scoiatel swings at me when the Nekkers see us and charge right for him and started attacking. I ducked off and watched as he defended himself, eventually taking out the Nekkers. He turns to me and I throw a single dagger at him. Dead. It felt kinda badass.


Just had an awesome fight with
. I underestimated how tough he would be at the beginning and he owned me a few times very quickly but then I got in a rhythm of using Ard whenever he put his guard up followed by a couple of slashes. I kept on him and had him cornered and never let him get any distance and made it through the fight without a scratch. Of course
it doesnt matter since you "loose" in the cut scene anyway
but I honestly think I could have killed him right there.
JWong said:
What does it do? Just get to carry everything?

Yeah, your a walking bank instead of a walking 250/250 max item, gives everything a zero weight value, so you can just loot all instead of sorting.

Then sell stuff and make a lot more monies.


scorpscarx said:
Yeah, your a walking bank instead of a walking 250/250 max item, gives everything a zero weight value, so you can just loot all instead of sorting.
Does weight affect combat when it's below the limit?

Might try this out if that's the case. I've been screwed several times selling stuff I needed.


Oh yes I almost forgot to ask; where does the quest for the Commando Jacket DLC initiate? I assume it's from Roche himself but is it in the prologue or somewhere in Chapter 1 or 2 or what? The DLC description says "early in the game" so I'd assume if I'm getting towards the end of Chapter 1 I'm nearing the point of no return if I haven't passed it already.


Question about the retail (box) copy of the game: can you register it to your Steam account so that you can download it from Steam from then on?
Does anyone know how you put stuff in your pockets using a 360 controller on the inventory screen?

It is a pain in the ass. I constantly have to switch back to keyboard and mouse just to do this one thing.
JWong said:
Does weight affect combat when it's below the limit?

Might try this out if that's the case. I've been screwed several times selling stuff I needed.

0-249 is the same, hit 250 and your stuck in walk mode. Anyway that 250 limit is way too low what with all the herb and crafting mats you need in this game, use it.

Zeliard: Lol man, that quote is said by some children and npcs it's a joke.


scorpscarx said:
0-249 is the same, hit 250 and your stuck in walk mode. Anyway that 250 limit is way too low what with all the herb and crafting mats you need in this game, use it.

I sold all my leather because it was heavy... then I needed it.

Now I get to loot everything. Woot!
Holy fuck at this game. I love it. Absolutely. It certainly encourages second playthroughs,
turns out whichever path you choose you will end up in different areas for ACT II, maybe III?

I agree with the weight limit, I don't understand why it is so low. I don't think they streamlined inventory management from the first. I think things stay where they are when you drop them though. So I've been just dropping stuff in places I'll remember, particularly Inn rooms.


Ugh, UPS is on the way. Should be here within the hour, but I'm going to work. I'll install it tonight, but I haven't finished TW1 yet. I'll install and see what kind of performance I'll be expecting pre-AMD patch.
Yeef said:
Why does he need two swords? Does he tend to lose them?

Why does he need two swords? Does he tend to lose them?

Why does he need two swords? Does he tend to lose them?

Alright, is everybody gathered around? Now, I'll tell the story of--

Did you say something? Or did you just fart?

Hey, thanks to whoever made the weightless mod! I never reached the limit, but it was always a niggling feeling in the back of my head every time I picked up a weapon or something.

Also how useful would the Medallion quest in Ch1 have been? Maybe spoilers:
I killed the poor troll to get his tongue, and then went back to the site of the Arachas fight to get its eyes, but it's loot was no longer there! I couldn't pick it up after the fight because it's immediately interrupted by the cutscene. I was jipped, and that poor troll was murdered in vain


The one I kept hearing is "can girls be witchers?"

And Quintin Smith over at Eurogamer gave this game quite the glowing review.


Quintin Smith said:
Fans of RPGs should consider The Witcher 2 a must-buy. There's simply no competitor that can touch it in terms of poise, characterisation and storytelling, or the way in which it treats you not as a player - someone to be pandered to and pleased - but as an adult, free to make your own mistakes and suffer a plot in which not everyone gets what they deserve.

Everybody else should approach excitedly, but with a little caution. The Witcher 2's opening ten hours are as impressive as they are clumsy, and a little patience is needed until the game hits its stride. What a stride, though. What bravery and gravity. With a little time investment, this game offers everything the fantasy genre can be.

I agree with this. Starts off with some shakiness in certain parts but finds its feet soon enough and just becomes highly engrossing.


scorpscarx said:
Definitely use that weightless mod folks, vast improvement.

Is that a skill in game or is it a mod/cheat? I'm only level 7 but am finding I'm always carrying too much.

Edit: Forget it, found it.

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cartoon_soldier said:
So best way to earn Orens?

Arm wrestle that last dude in Lobinden who lets you bet 100 orens over and over again?


erotic butter maelstrom
I haven't had a problem with weight. Yeah, I've picked up a lot of junk but I'm always crafting bombs and traps and making potions. That stuff is useful and it goes fast if you have the right recipes. If I get over 15+ of any item I sell that shit.

Sort of unrelated, but I found a soup ladle that could be used as a weapon, awesome.


cartoon_soldier said:
So best way to earn Orens?

Mutagens actually sell pretty well and since there's no point in using anything but a Greater Mutagen in any slot selling the rest will net you some nice orens. After that just make sure you are searching everywhere and selling off any excess alchemy or crafting items. You shouldn't ever need more than about 20 or so of anything and some things will be way too heavy for you to even have that many.

Also, Arm Wrestling and Fighting are pretty easy wins. Just max bet everytime and you'll get some coin that way also.


Great game. Lived up to the hype i had for it , even though i felt it was too high before i start.

Ending was fine also all it needed was a few more quests in chapter three and perhaps
showing the emperor's huge army crossing the river towards the north


3chopl0x said:
Steam version just got updated with all the bonus screenshots and artworks that were't even meant to be included
Damn that promo art looks amazing.

Vlodril said:
Great game. Lived up to the hype i had for it , even though i felt it was too high before i start.

Ending was fine also all it needed was a few more quests in chapter three and perhaps
showing the emperor's huge army crossing the river towards the north
I would have actually liked it if they showed SOMETHING about the emperor instead of Letho just referencing it. One thing that made the ME2 ending not suck so much was the short clip of the Reapers coming. If there was just something about the north shown I wouldn't have hated it so much. Just feels like the game stops without much of a conclusion.
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