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Things you laughed at but shouldn't have

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Mr. B

Kid in elementary slipping and falling into a flooded dirt lot. He was covered head to toe with mud and crying but I couldn't help but laugh my ass off :lol


I went to see the New Jersey Devils play the Washington Capitals @ Washington, and between 2nd and 3rd periods they brought out the "Special Capitals". Well, I missed that announcement because I was getting beer. Needless to say, I was sufficiently wasted at that point in the game and got back to my seat and didn't know they were "special" and was yelling about how they sucked and what the fuck were they even doing playing hockey. I was getting strange looks from everyone around until I heard "Let's hear it for the SPECIAL CAPTIALS!!!" from the announcer guy.

Then I just kinda went "eeeeeee....." and sunk into my seat while everyone gave me dirty looks.


I'd be in the dick
I've laughed at a ton of things that I shouldn't have but there's one that stands out. I was out to dinner with several of my friends one night and one of them didn't show up. I asked where he was and one of my friends turned, smirked, and said "Baby funeral". Something about the words "baby funeral" caught us all off guard and we all pretty much were in tears laughing for about 10 minutes. They guy that said it was know for being a joker so I asked where our friend really was. He was actually at the funeral of his girlfriend's sister's baby.
In high school my friend was telling me about this really shitty day that he had. It started out with him talking about how he had to walk home from school (he lives a decent distance away from school) in the rain, which is sucky but not awful, and then finished the story with "and then I found out my grandpa died." Something about the way that the terribleness of the day ramped up right at the end of the story made me burst out laughing, though of course I apologized; luckily, he understood.
There's a Japanese woman on the other side of my cubicle wall at work and she has the thickest accent ever and when she gets angry she gets louder and her English even worse. She occasionally gets into fights with a guy sitting diagonally across from her who happens to have a really thick Jamaican accent. You can't make this shit up. My side of the wall is usually in hysterics over them fighting.
grap3fruitman said:
There's a Japanese woman on the other side of my cubicle wall at work and she has the thickest accent ever and when she gets angry she gets louder and her English even worse. She occasionally gets into fights with a guy sitting diagonally across from her who happens to have a really thick Jamaican accent. You can't make this shit up. My side of the wall is usually in hysterics over them fighting.

Please record this for GAF. Cell phone camera, tape recorder, whatever you got man.


Someone in a head to toe Burkha falling off a Segway in front of me. I was in fucking tears whilst I was helping them up. I think it was the squawking noise as they fell off balance.

I felt awful but I was literally busting a gut laughing.

Jedeye Sniv

SmokyDave said:
Someone in a head to toe Burkha falling off a Segway in front of me. I was in fucking tears whilst I was helping them up. I think it was the squawking noise as they fell off balance.

I felt awful but I was literally busting a gut laughing.

That sounds properly hilarious. I think it's funnier because the Burkha exaggerates the movement, as the hand comes up all the fabric is thrown around too. And maybe you just catch a look of surprise in their eyes :lol :lol

Recently I was walking in town and there was this blind guy walking quite close to the road. What he couldn't see (lol) was that there was a bollard and a phone box in front of him. He taps the phone box, moves to the side to avoid it but then walks right into the bollard and then stumbles into the road. I shouldn't have laughed but the look of sheer panic on his face as he stumbled off the kerb was just too much.


Laughing Banana said:

I feel like a better person for not laughing at that.
Way back forever ago in college I was talking to this girl in the library and we overheard someone else crying on the phone about her or someone else having cancer or dying or some shit. I laughed at the spectacle of it all. Girl got pissssssssssed off. I thought that was funny too.
I always have to laugh when I tell anyone that someone died. I had it a few months ago when the father of a close friend of me died. I was trying to tell my mom, but I just cracked up. This always happens, I just don't know why.
wintersport. i was looking for a parking space. The ground was icy.. so the tires slipped and shit.

My mom, who sat next to me didn't want to sit in the car anymore because she thought it was scary. So she got out and walked behind the car untill i would find a free parking space.
While looking in the back mirror i suddenly see two legs and feet shoot in the air and i hear her smack on the icy ground followed by a lot of cursing.. :p

laughed my ass off. she was okay though. just a bit of pain in her tailbone.
When i was in amsterdam the tram i was on had to slam its breaks on, sending a small chinese tourist flying past me, from one end of the carrige to the other, she litterally flew past and landed on her face. Loads of people where trying to help her (she was ok, just shaken) and her husband was crying, i just stood there looking at the window about to pop, i had tears running down my face, i had to get off at the next stop.
Years ago I was a warehouse manager at a supermarket. One day I'm stood by the entrance to the shop floor having a chat with one of the guys who fills the shelves, and I see this little old woman trying to reach into the bottom of one of the freezers to get something, but she's so short there's no way she's going to manage it. I point her out to my mate, and we carry on chatting while watching her. She looks round and sees one of the stools the guys use when they're stocking up the top shelves. She goes and gets it, takes it back over to the freezer and climbs onto it. As we're watching her, she reaches into the freezer, looses her balance and falls in! All we can see is her little legs sticking out of the freezer and thrashing about as she tries to get back out. Two other shop floor workers see the legs and run over to help. We run out and up to the warehouse, by which time we are laughing so fucking hard that we're in tears.

Another time, I walked out of the pub and saw some guy carrying a big brown paper bag down the street, with what I assumed contained a takeaway of some sort. He's obviously having trouble with it, and I notice that the bottom of the bag is wet. Suddenly the bag splits, and containers full of sweet and sour sauce, pancake rolls, rice, and and a variety of other chinese dishes hits the pavement and explodes all over the place. I turned round and walked straight back into the pub in absolute hysterics, while outside the guy is yelling "FUCK SHIT CUNT PISSFLAPS ARSEHOLES" etc.


I was at school and we had two bands of PE.. the guys who were good and chose it as a GCSE and the regular guys like us who weren't fantastic but ranged from ok to god awful.. anyway there was a guy who thought he was the best and would complain about being stuck with the "retards".. one day we were playing softball, a soft underarm pitch comes in, he swings for the fences and just clips it, putting on a huge amount of speed and spin.. which hits him in the face and explodes his nose. Crying like a bitch.. he never complained again and I was in absolute tears of laughter for the whole lesson.
I was an intern at this tech-company assigned to help another company with IT-related problems. There was a short introductory education about some programs. I had already worked there for some weeks so I had gotten to know my colleagues. We were 5 people sitting in a room having a phone-conference with the 'teacher', while he was controlling a computer remotely which was hooked up to a projector.

After an hour or so of absolutely boring intsructions suddenly on the screen there is this program that pops up called CP (short for Cerebral palsy), and this is a rather immature insult widely used in some circles in Sweden. Now, because of the complete boredom and having to listen to a dull telephone voice for like several hours I couldn't control myself. I desperately tried to mute myself because of fearing that the teacher would hear it over the phone, but my colleagues started laughing as well. It was horrible, fearing loosing my internship etc, I literary was on the floor with my hand in my mouth.

The teacher spoke in a funny dialect and as he was about to end the call he said that next time we will be discussing 'murrfitta', which would translate to something like murky pussy. It was unbelievably funny to me at the time, I had to choke myself. I almost thought he was joking but his dull static voice gave nothing away.


Either I made up lies about the Boston Bomber or I fell for someone else's crap. Either way, I have absolutely no credibility and you should never pay any attention to anything I say, no matter what the context. Perm me if I claim to be an insider
I was walking downt he street and there was a blind guy walking towards me.

He had the stick thing sweeping out in front of him. And it just passed in front of a large pole. I had time to yell, "Hey, dude! A pole!"

But instead I watched him slam into that pole.

I lol'd.

Then I knew I could be an attorney.


I was on a flight, next to an old lady (like in her 80s) and her daughter next to her. She was writing on the table thing and the guy in front pushed his seat into the laying position giving a scare to the old lady, I started laughing at her reaction and looked and the daughter, she was staring at me with killing eyes.


A friend of mine will cry if he hears the Jurassic Park theme because it was played at his grandfathers funeral, so now, every time I see him, it pops into my head and I start laughing.
When I was in middle school, a friend of mine brought over one of those Faces of Death type videos and a bunch of my other friends and I watched it while my parents were out. There was this one clip on it of a riot in Brazil I think (half of the video seemed to take place in Brazil) and there was a bunch of people in the street clashing with police. Eventually one guy just gets point blanked in the stomach by a shotgun and immediately screams "AIYAIYAAAIIIIIII!!!". I couldn't help but laugh at that and I feel bad about it to this day.


In high school I had to ride city buses to school, and our bus had a collection of mentally challenged folks who took the bus to their charity work, or whatever they were sent to do to keep them occupied. One of them always popped out a Diet Pepsi each morning, and one day she dropped it, and it rolled to the back of the bus where we high school kids were. Given that several of our number had tormented these poor bastards pretty regularly, she didn't trust us when we suggested she not open that can. So she sits down, pops the can and gets a blast of Pepsi straight in her face. We lost it.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Around the UT campus, the public bus can get pretty packed in the summertime. Like jam packed, people standing everywhere. Well the bus slams on its breaks, and this guy in his mid 40s goes FLYING. He stumbles from the mid section of the bus, all the way to the front where the driver is, and took this woman near the front with him. Everyone on the bus was all concerned, but I just bust out laughing. I felt so embarrassed because it was a really obnoxious laugh, I just couldn't control myself. Luckily I was near my stop.

Another bus story. While on a rainy Sunday commute to the mall (I use to work at KB Toys), the bus I was on hit a huge pocket of rain water. So as I look out of the side of the bus, I see a gigantic wave of water splash all over like 10 people who were at the stop. And you could tell they had all just gotten out of church, because the men were in the suits and women had nice dressed on. I was chuckled about that for weeks afterwards, I still do from time to time.


Laughing Banana said:
:lol :lol I'm going to hell for laughing at this one

I also laughed at that little girl that got kicked by the break dancer. I laughed even harder when they put a street fighter HUD over the gif.
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