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Things you laughed at but shouldn't have

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Okay, yeah, I laughed at the little girl getting dropkicked by the breakdancer. But most of these aren't funny and you're all going to hell. :|

I sometimes tell my friends to remember that they're supposed to have 5 fruits and 5 Terry Schiavos every day.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
ok man, that dog made me crack up a stupid amount at work.

I was biking home yesterday and a dwarf was riding a childs bike. I started making circus music in my head unintentionally and giggled to myself for around a good minute. Which sucks, because that dude probably has to get through life with wankers like me doing exactly that. But I still laughed.


A guy I used to live with, army boy, was a great guy, but about as politically incorrect as they come, used to refer to electric wheelchairs for disabled people as 'cripple chariots'.

The way he said it though, in uncompromising middle-class British English cracked me up, and still makes me smirk every time I see one.
My kitchen window looks over a small park that provides constant things I shouldn't be laughing at. The path in the park goes down a small slope before it hits the half cul-de-sac in front my of house. Kids love riding their bikes and scooters down the path but without fail there is something at the edge of the sidewalk, an invisible hand that causes them to wipe out sending them face first into the street.

The goofball teenager next door, he rode his scooter, without a helmet, as fast as he could down the path, went flying over the handle bars his body making an oohhfff sound as it hit the asphalt. He jumped up looked around to see if anybody was watching, grabbed hold of his head and ran crying home. Later in the day he was just walking around the neighborhood without his scooter wearing a helmet. :lol


Junior Member
At a BBQ one time in my friend's back yard, shit got ugly. A girl was acting all crazy, escalating every situation. If someone said something she didn't like, she would yell at them. If someone sprayed her with a water gun, she would through a drink in their face. So a guy she dated was there and he decided it would be funny to throw her in the kiddie pool. What he didn't realize was that the pool only had less than a foot of water in it, and was resting on a concrete slab. So he picked her up kicking and screaming, like Darth Vader did to the Emperor and slammed her into the pool. There was a distinct thud noise when her body and face hit the cement. This brought the party to a screeching halt. Everyone went silent with their mouths a gape in shock. The girl got up and crawled out of the kiddie pool, livid and looking for revenge.

The owner of the house made the first sound though. He started laughing hysterically at what equated to domestic violence taking place in his back yard. He was in tears, doubled over laughing inappropriately. Meanwhile, the guy who slammed the girl allowed her to get payback by standing still and taking four or five punches in his face from her without flinching. She was wailing on him too.

Then shit got ridiculous. The girl still wasn't satisfied and continued to escalate. She grabbed the nearest thing she could find, which was a two foot tall deli size jar of extra large pickles and began chucking them at other party attendees and the host who was still laughing. She was bruised and soaking wet but I couldn't help but laugh at the sight of her throwing pickles like a crazed chimp flinging poo.

Jedeye Sniv

Amakusa said:

Don't talk shit about Total!

:lol :lol

"You'll have to get a minder"

So fucking awesome.


"I'm sure one day he'll find someone who can accept him for who he is... LIKE ANOTHER GAY MAN!!"

Lost my shit.
:lol :lol :lol


Everyone in his thread is going to hell, just remember I'm driving the bus. We depart April 20th and 4:20pm :D


Oh after the Netherlands won their last game a co worker came up to me and said, "Dude, let's go Aruba and kill some blond chick to celebrate!"

Man, I laughed and laughed and laughed.
Clydefrog said:
:lol That is gold!

As for me, I laugh ridiculously hard at Tourettes Guy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqtr_RvR3sY

Holy shit.


I laughed my head off at that.


That's the funniest thing ever. I don't feel bad about laughing at it either. :lol


ronito said:
Holy shit holy shit :lol :lol :lol
Dying here! :lol


Flek said:
Holy shit, laughing tears at this point :lol :lol :lol

Suitcase Test said:

I should not have doubted him. [B]He does not predict, he [I]decides[/I][/B]. All hail Paul.[/QUOTE]
:lol :lol :lol


Friend once told me a joke that guaranteed me passage to hell when I couldn't stop laughing at it:

A man goes to a doctor and says "I need some birth control pills for my 12 year old daughter."

The doctor, surprised, asks "Is your daughter sexually active?"

The man replies
"No, she just lies there like her mother."


In high school we had small classes and my computer class only had me and two other people (usually the class would have 10-20). My teacher couldn't figure out how to turn on the TV to watch a movie when the school's network was down, so she asked me to figure it out. I picked up the remote she'd been using and pressed the power button once, which worked. She bought me a Rolo bar as thanks and I burst out laughing as she handed it to me. Even as she was threatening to make me wait for an hour after class, I just couldn't stop.


Laughing at inappropriate times, sure why not

I am at a funeral, the people are walking by shaking hands offering condolensces, one of the guests is very old and "misses" grabbing my hand to shake it, we see it and start chuckling, and we are told to not laugh, which makes us laugh even harder.

Good times...


My brother and I would try to play catch with my sister but she quit after a month because we would fall to the ground laughing because 90 percent of the time she would try to throw the baseball it would go backwards and hit our shed.

My friends would drag me to Steven Seagal movies in high school. They would get mad how many times I would laugh at the movie.
I was sitting in the apartment community room hanging out, behind me I hear this thick accent proclaim, " I vomited". I just started laughing hysterically, the lady has never talked to me since. Cripes though, no greeting first, just walks into the room with ongoing conversations and proclaims she vomited.


I have a friend that has really, really bad knees. So I'm over at his house and he's telling a story about he fell down the stairs earlier that day and how much it hurt.I just bust out laughing, he gets pissed and calls me an asshole. I laugh harder.


It wasn't me but my best friend who sat next to me in biology class.

It was a normal day then suddenly a girl came into our class in tears. It was the sister of one
of our class mates. She toled the class that her sister died the day before in an operation.
Everybody was in shock. Right at that moment we heard Beethoven's Symphony No. 4 from
a neighbor class.

I didn't understand how he could laugh in a moment like that back then. It probably must
have been even harder on the sister seeing some ppl in class crack up.

When I now look back at the situation it seemed so surreal she has been pretty healthy then
we suddenly get news like that. I guess when the music played it just made everything
seem like a bad dream.
I have a weakness for seeing strangers' children haul ass in public and hurt themselves. I know it's horrible, but I completely lose it.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
that obnoxious girl from jersey shore getting punched in the face. I still laugh everytime I see it.

there's some bizarre video of a well endowed black man shoving his balls in a girls asshole and the dialogue during the act is hilarious in a borderline racist way, not to mention the actual act itself makes me laugh pretty damn hard.

I pretty much laugh at everything inappropriate. I have very few off limit areas when it comes to humor. Michael Jacksons death for instance provided a large amount of jokes between my friends and I.

and I prefer this one of the girl who was faking dystonia
12th grade english class.

I don't really remember what the context of the discussion was, but basically we were going around the room one by one and people were telling their saddest moments. Pretty much everyone in the room was crying as people were talking about relatives committing suicide and people dying and kids getting molested and stuff.

It just so happened that I was sitting in a group with two of my friends, one of which had just stolen a brand new external hard drive. It was in one of those annoying plastic cases that require scissors and are generally extremely loud. This particular friend is the type of person who doesn't care about what anyone thinks of them, so they proceeded to start opening the external drive in the middle of class.

Basically, the class was drop-dead quiet as people were telling their sad stories, and the only other noise in the room was the loud crunching of plastic as he tried to pry the external drive out of its package. The whole situation caused my other friend and I to start laughing, and it took every ounce of self control we had not to laugh out loud.

The funniest part was when my friend forgot the usb cable for the external drive in the packaging and had already thrown it in the trash, so he actually started rummaging through the trash can while the whole thing was still going on.

My friend and I laugh about it to this day. No regrets.


In 11th grade I had heard that while on a trip abroad in Europe, my Art Teacher had been hit by a car.

I was in P.E. one day and the mentally challenged kids were running by, this other mentally challenged kid ran up and said, "Oh no, here comes the retards."

I knew how bad that was at the time, but I couldn't help but laugh. I felt bad afterward.
grap3fruitman said:
There's a Japanese woman on the other side of my cubicle wall at work and she has the thickest accent ever and when she gets angry she gets louder and her English even worse. She occasionally gets into fights with a guy sitting diagonally across from her who happens to have a really thick Jamaican accent. You can't make this shit up. My side of the wall is usually in hysterics over them fighting.
I need to see this.


I was at a carnival taking my 4 year old nephew on the kiddie rides. Got on those rides where it has a big round circle in the middle that you pull to spin, along with the fact that the ride spinned itself. Anyways in another area of the ride that was facing us, a kid about 10 or so just threw up chunks of puke all of himself. I laughed and then told my nephew to point and laugh at the kid in which he did. :lol That kid was crying when we got off.
Medalion said:
Laughing at inappropriate times, sure why not

I am at a funeral, the people are walking by shaking hands offering condolensces, one of the guests is very old and "misses" grabbing my hand to shake it, we see it and start chuckling, and we are told to not laugh, which makes us laugh even harder.

Good times...

The giggle loop.
ChubbyHuggs said:
I was in P.E. one day and the mentally challenged kids were running by, this other mentally challenged kid ran up and said, "Oh no, here comes the retards."

I knew how bad that was at the time, but I couldn't help but laugh. I felt bad afterward.

Holy shit this has me in tears :lol
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