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Things you laughed at but shouldn't have

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My friend was taking balloon shots of nitrous yesterday and he took a huuuuuuge hit. Voice went deep as always then he suddenly just passed out and started snoring which is when everyone started laughing...but we couldn't wake him up until we finally poured water on his head. He went hulk crazy and flipped a table and tried to attack the guy who poured water on him until we calmed him down a few seconds later.

Kinda scary :lol
koam said:
Title is pretty self explanatory, it can be things that happened in real life or videos that you laughed at but really shouldn't have.

I had one of these moments today. I went to the bathroom at work to take a piss and I hear some dude talking loudly on his cellphone. A few seconds later i hear "oh shit" and then I hear the sound of something (probably his cellphone since he stopped talking abruptly) fall into the toilet and a loud "fuck" followed by many little "fuck fuck fuck"s.

I turned as soon as I hear the first "fuck" by instinct and through the gap under the stall's wall I see the guy kneel down to fetch his phone from the toilet but the motion sensor caused the toilet to flush (no idea if his phone flushed in). To make matters worse, all the change fell out of his pocket when he bent over and i heard some of it fall into the water the flushing was still going. I burst out laughing when I saw a coin roll out the stall and touch my foot as I finished my piss. I ran out so he wouldn't see me. I wish it was someone from my work but I didn't recognize his voice so he must have been from the neighboring office.

That guy deserved it for talking on his phone while on the toilet.
grap3fruitman said:
There's a Japanese woman on the other side of my cubicle wall at work and she has the thickest accent ever and when she gets angry she gets louder and her English even worse. She occasionally gets into fights with a guy sitting diagonally across from her who happens to have a really thick Jamaican accent. You can't make this shit up. My side of the wall is usually in hysterics over them fighting.

oh my god youtube this please


Boogie9IGN said:
My friend was taking balloon shots of nitrous yesterday and he took a huuuuuuge hit. Voice went deep as always then he suddenly just passed out and started snoring which is when everyone started laughing...but we couldn't wake him up until we finally poured water on his head. He went hulk crazy and flipped a table and tried to attack the guy who poured water on him until we calmed him down a few seconds later.

Kinda scary :lol

Wow sounds like it's totally awesome to huff nitrous!


Boogie9IGN said:
My friend was taking balloon shots of nitrous yesterday and he took a huuuuuuge hit. Voice went deep as always then he suddenly just passed out and started snoring which is when everyone started laughing...but we couldn't wake him up until we finally poured water on his head. He went hulk crazy and flipped a table and tried to attack the guy who poured water on him until we calmed him down a few seconds later.

Kinda scary :lol

Kids these days...


Forgotten in his cell
ZZMitch said:

Golden Compass

My friend and I were watching it in theaters and at about 2:00 into that video we just burst out laughing in front of a packed audience.

The bear punches another bears jaw off

That was awesome.

When I went to see Harry Potter: Prisoner of Azkaban in theaters, near the end, when a bunch of really emotional scenes were coming off one by one, my friend started giggling, just nonstop. I asked him why, and he started telling me this story about a little kid a few rows down and to the side was sitting on top of seat (instead of pushing it down) and had a big thing of popcorn, and when the kid's weight shifted, he fell down into the seat, and the popcorn just went WHOOSH, just like a bomb going off. To describe this, my friend made a sound, almost like a dog barking, to describe what the kid sounded like when he fell down and the WHOOMP of falling into the seat. for the last 5-6 minutes of the movie, we just couldn't stop laughing about this. I'm sure it made alot of people really upset, but that was probably the hardest I've ever laughed at anything in my life.


Laughing Banana said:

I literally can't stop laughing at this. I forget about it, then I remember it minutes later, and I start up again :lol


I forget what book it was but we were doing group readings in my Language Arts class back in 11th grade or so, and I laughed when someone read the n word out loud. Its not that the word itself was funny but I had been watching Chapelle show the night before and I immediately recalled a joke that involved the word and couldnt help but laugh. Needless to say it was pretty embarrassing but at least it was only in front of a couple people (2 were black :lol )
My brother got married on the beach last month. He and his wife are exchanging vows when this 5-foot tall teenaged surfer who must have weighed 300 pounds starts walking by the wedding party. He had Point Break Patrick Swayze Hair and was sporting about a C-cup bare chested. All of a sudden he gives one of those super model hair flings as he's walking by. I don't know what it was, but I looked at my sister and she was trying badly to stop herself from laughing. It's that laughing where you try to hold your breath, but the laughter just starts coming out of your nose. The contagious kind too. That laughter where the thing really isn't that funny, but you laugh anyway like you yawned after seeing someone else yawn. Meanwhile, my brother is professing his undying love to his wife and half the wedding party is trying to hold in these chuckles.


At my grandfather's funeral, before they brought the coffin into the church, I was standing outside the entrance with some family, and across the street a fat girl on rollerblades fell down. I couldn't hold in the laughter...
AcciDante said:
At my grandfather's funeral, before they brought the coffin into the church, I was standing outside the entrance with some family, and across the street a fat girl on rollerblades fell down. I couldn't hold in the laughter...
:lol :lol :lol
Dilly said:
How the hell do you even hop like that? (at 0.40) :lol

You people don't even understand. I was seriously laughing for like 2 hours after watching the Tourettes video accompanied with this question yesterday. That little hop goes completely against anyone's theories on gravity.
:lol @ at some of the replies

Only thing in recent memory was when we had a substitute Asian teacher who had a very thick accent. My friends and I walked into the class late so we didn't understand the situation and thought we were in trouble because everyone in the class looked like they were ready to burst out laughing. The sub walks up to us and asks why we were late to class, one of my friends immediately bursts out laughing and accidentally spits in the sub's face, I ran out of class and headed straight for the bathroom and stayed there for a good 10 minutes laughing my ass off.


Kickass. Someone posted the giggle loop.

Coupling is so damned good, and so many folks probably still haven't seen it.

Jedeye Sniv

When I was at school I helped out on sound and lighting for the school musical, Calamaty Jane. I was sitting in the very back of the hall with my friends and we all had headsets so we could communicate with backstage and there was a teacher on the mic too. We weren't a rich school by any means, so lots of the production had a home-made feel to it, for instance the wagons at the side of the stage were just lunch trolleys with a big cardboard cutout of a wagon on them. It looked good though.

Anyway, it's the end of the play and the entire cast are on stage singing the final song. They're all swaying back and forth and singing their hearts out and at the side of the stage is this girl with bright ginger curly hair. As the ensemble are singing and swaying she passes out, falls off the side of the stage and lands on the wagon trolley which wheels ever so slowly away from the stage. The entire crowd of about 400 parents gasps and stands up to see if she's ok. Aside from the huge gasp the only noise in the hall is me and my friends at the back pissing ourselves with laughter. Next thing I know the head of the production gets on the headset mics and screams at us to shut up, turns out she could hear us laughing from backstage even without the mics. We had to leave the hall we were crying so bad.
Salazar said:
Kickass. Someone posted the giggle loop.

Coupling is so damned good, and so many folks probably still haven't seen it.
Oh, I didn't even notice Juicy Bob posted it before me. Ah well, still worth mentioning. :D

I love Jeff.


AcciDante said:
At my grandfather's funeral, before they brought the coffin into the church, I was standing outside the entrance with some family, and across the street a fat girl on rollerblades fell down. I couldn't hold in the laughter...
You see, fat people attempting to do anything is funny.

I'm sorry.
Some old lady outside my work was walking really strangely a few months back, she obviously had some sort of balance issue. My coworker says that it looks like she's a pimp. I say "they see me rolling...", and then she falls down and it looks like she broke her hip. And then I say it.

"I guess pimpin' ain't easy."


The mentaly challenged kid in confirmation class singing along with "uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" to every song we sang.

Hey I was 13 back then...
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