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Tim Sweeney: MS plans to make Steam 'progressively worse' & buggy via Win10 updates

The Shift

I was referring to their "big" products (Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects etc.), but I should probably have formulated that a bit better. That's what you get for posting early in the morning, before coffee and in a foreign language! I didn't know about AED though, so thanks for the heads up. Always nice to learn!

Cool TBiddy, all good. Just thought it was a bit off reading Adobe will never publish UWA multiple times in this thread is all.


Junior Member
If someone looks at the 41-year history of MS and still says, "Sure this is exactly how Embrace & Extend goes, but can you prove they're plotting that stuff again," then I would say, yes, that probably qualifies as unreasonable, stupid denial. Terrible reasoning, at the very least.

Does Steam run worse or buggier on Windows 10, than say: Win 7, Win 8/8.1, Mac or Linux? It's always been pretty buggy in my opinion, I don't notice anything in particular myself that seems out of place from my experience.

what nonsense and rubbish interview.
why is no one criticizing apple? they have done this long ago and everybody seems fine with this. we have this model on mobile platforms, and noone is telling that Google ir apple are trying to rip us off...?

Sweeney says Apple got a free pass because they made a cool device.

Pretty close to the actual quote IIRC. No joke.

I meant, how do I search my own games list, i.e. the games I own, for which ones are available on linux?



sputum-flecked apoplexy
what nonsense and rubbish interview.
why is no one criticizing apple? they have done this long ago and everybody seems fine with this. we have this model on mobile platforms, and noone is telling that Google ir apple are trying to rip us off...?

plenty of people have criticised apple for it. the key difference is that iphone was walled from inception, so you know what you're buying into beforehand. adding walling to a platform that used to be open is a different matter.


If this is true, Microsoft should be sued to high heaven.

I'm sorry, but I have to defend Big_Al on this one about everything that he wrote.

There are too many posters on here that are too praising towards Microsoft on everything & thinks that they're the savior of gaming & on everything else in which they can never do anything wrong towards them. They need to have a dose of reality.

Where are these posters?


Where are these posters?
Basically my reaction, I've seen people ask for proof that Microsoft will do these things, I've seen people say that it's unlikely they'll do these things, hell I've even seen people say that Microsoft is doing the opposite of these things.

Bit I've yet to read anyone saying there is no chance they will do it.
Lol at you guys thinking he is a conspiracy theorists, this is how Microsoft work, this has been their entire business strategy for decades, they have had to defend themselves in numerous high profile court battles over exactly this kind of behaviour.

They are a creatively bankrupt company and always have been so they always end up resorting to aggression and monopoly.
plenty of people have criticised apple for it. the key difference is that iphone was walled from inception, so you know what you're buying into beforehand. adding walling to a platform that used to be open is a different matter.

Apple also make their walled garden a selling point, Microsoft have never shown anywhere near the creativity or competence required to achieve those same selling points be it in UI design, stability, security or anything else.


Lol at you guys thinking he is a conspiracy theorists, this is how Microsoft work, this has been their entire business strategy for decades, they have had to defend themselves in numerous high profile court battles over exactly this kind of behaviour.

They are a creatively bankrupt company and always have been so they always end up resorting to aggression and monopoly.

No one disputes that they've done this in the past. No one disputes that, hypothetically, they COULD do it again.

But Sweeney's is telling tale of a very specific plot against Steam, and has no evidence to support it. Until he can provide a shred of proof, it's safe to assume He litterally MADE IT UP. How is that anything other than conspiracy theory?


Plex, Spotify, Netflix, HBO and what have you. Could also be any number of small games, like Peggle or puzzle games.

Streaming apps? Ok although like none of these work where I live. Can't think of why I would be interested in Peggle on PC.
Apple didn't transition to this, they had a walled garden approach from the start on IOS

Screw iOS, remember OSX. They have basically made it work like Android while it was not the case earlier, you need to check a "dangerous" checkbox to use software which doesn't come from them in some way - and the only way to get that for an average programming company is to sell their software on Apple's shop.

Or so I understand it, I worked only a little with Macs and didn't like it.


Basically my reaction, I've seen people ask for proof that Microsoft will do these things, I've seen people say that it's unlikely they'll do these things, hell I've even seen people say that Microsoft is doing the opposite of these things.

Bit I've yet to read anyone saying there is no chance they will do it.
The evidence is right there to see, look at the difference between 8 and the RTM to Anniversary builds in 10. There's no denying it's becoming more open.


I mean, if forcibly enabling a halo-themed Bonzi Buddy via mandatory update doesn't lead you to question if MS are a company that deserve blind trust, I really don't know what evidence could be presented to introduce scepticism before its too late to do anything about it.
Tim's worried that OS updates can break Apps. News to Tim, this has been happening with software for ages. His team simply needs to update his App (steam) to work under the new OS (Windows 10) update. Tim is fucking fear mongering hardcore here, there is no evidence, absolutely ZERO that the Microsoft of today is doing anything that Tim is suggesting.

Can you please provide proof of any kind that Microsoft of today is doing what Tim is fear mongering please?

I can't provide proof of this instance but then again you cannot prove otherwise either.
However, given someone of Tim's position in the industry he almost certainly knows HELL of a lot more than us or your average forum poster. He has obviously seen/heard something that we have not and it has him rather worried. Even Gabe is obviously concerned hence the creation of Steam OS.


I can't provide proof of this instance but then again you cannot prove otherwise either.
However, given someone of Tim's position in the industry he almost certainly knows HELL of a lot more than us or your average forum poster. He has obviously seen/heard something that we have not and it has him rather concerned. Even Gabe is obviously worried hence Steam OS.

After beginning his FUD campaign in March,
He told polygon "There is not proof of an evil plan to do this, but just the fear."

After that, he went on Twitter and showed just how little research he had before making his vitriolic claims. His concern is valid. However, some of his critisms are outdated, others ignore announcements of upcoming improvements. The Steam degradation plot appears to have been pulled out of thin air.

Long story short, He made things up.

He could easily say "I've recieved a leak" and everyone would instantly follow. But he hasn't. Because there isn't one.


Streaming apps? Ok although like none of these work where I live. Can't think of why I would be interested in Peggle on PC.

Yeah, I think streaming apps are a great case, since they work/should work on all platforms. I've mostly played Peggle on PC, to be honest. That said, it could be any number of games, suitable for both PC and Xbox. Add to that, if you want to target tablets and smartphones (there are dozens of Windows phones out there, I hear), UWA is starting to make sense.

Of course, if you also want to target PS4/OSX/Linux, it starts to lose its appeal.


Cool cool. MS should sell their games in both format, give us more option.

My guess would be that none other than MS will bother porting their games to UWP for WinStore if MS will give 3rd parties an option of selling Win32 versions in the Store. I wonder if that change is only for apps or maybe even only for _some_ apps...

Yeah, I think streaming apps are a great case, since they work/should work on all platforms. I've mostly played Peggle on PC, to be honest. That said, it could be any number of games, suitable for both PC and Xbox. Add to that, if you want to target tablets and smartphones (there are dozens of Windows phones out there, I hear), UWA is starting to make sense.

Of course, if you also want to target PS4/OSX/Linux, it starts to lose its appeal.

Well, tbh, what Store apps I've tried - they were all pretty awful. Some are very unstable, some are very limited in their functionality even compared to web versions (Twitter client for example). Add to this the fact that WinStore mysteriously can't work through a proxy server and you'll see why I'm not very fond of whatever it's offering. I mean, I can't even setup something like Wunderlist app on both my home and office machines because WinStore doesn't fucking work in the office because of a proxy. And that's after all the words from MS on how they made big improvements to the Store for enterprise users in 1511.


what nonsense and rubbish interview.
why is no one criticizing apple? they have done this long ago and everybody seems fine with this. we have this model on mobile platforms, and noone is telling that Google ir apple are trying to rip us off...?

a) You have the internet so go read some history about MS. Their past transgressions hardly make this nonsense or rubbish.

b) Plenty of people criticize apple. It happens every single day. However, Apple supplies the hardware and the OS. They have a closed ecosystem that has been closed since day one and everyone who gets involved has known this since day one. Android is nowhere as closed as iOS. Not even close. Also not the same scenario on PC an open platform since forever that is slowly being eroded by MS an their tactics. Is it better to have openness and lost than never to have openness at all?
Microsoft would have to be crazy to start neutering the PC gaming market.

But then again, most of their PC gaming moves have been completely blind to the realities of what is actually there. They seem to exist in Lala land where their moves aren't completely irrelevant to almost everyone.

Hey, they're porting their games, and I'm happy for that.


Well, tbh, what Store apps I've tried - they were all pretty awful. Some are very unstable, some are very limited in their functionality even compared to web versions (Twitter client for example). Add to this the fact that WinStore mysteriously can't work through a proxy server and you'll see why I'm not very fond of whatever it's offering. I mean, I can't even setup something like Wunderlist app on both my home and office machines because WinStore doesn't fucking work in the office because of a proxy. And that's after all the words from MS on how they made big improvements to the Store for enterprise users in 1511.

I'm no fan of the Windows Store either, mind you. I'm just making a case for the relevance of universal apps.


I'm no fan of the Windows Store either, mind you. I'm just making a case for the relevance of universal apps.

I've said this in previous topics, but UWA doesn't make sense for 'performance' desktop software, which includes 'core' gaming as a subset.
The performance differentials, usage expectations, and input capabilities are so vast between Phone, Console and Desktop that it is unrealistic to expect something interoperable between all three that isn't anything more than a thin client for something like a web based service (ie a Netflix App or a Twitter App).

Even excluding the biggest outlier of performance, and concentrating on solely PC and Xbox, even really fundamental differences between the two platforms are apparent; they don't use RAM in the same way. They have radically different input methods. One is a fixed performance device, one is radically scalable in every direction.

There is literally never going to be a scenario where you could write a game that 'just works' for the Xbox One and also Desktop PCs with no additional work required on either end, and if you are actively required to do additional work anyway, why would you choose the 'noob trap' option that limits your potential sales and is vocally disliked by your target audience?


I've said this in previous topics, but UWA doesn't make sense for 'performance' desktop software, which includes 'core' gaming as a subset.
The performance differentials, usage expectations, and input capabilities are so vast between Phone, Console and Desktop that it is unrealistic to expect something interoperable between all three that isn't anything more than a thin client for something like a web based service (ie a Netflix App or a Twitter App).

I agree, somewhat. You can absolutely make smaller games, based on UWA, that work (more or less) as is, on several platforms. AAA games is another story, of course. But that doesn't make UWA irrelevant or mean that "UWAs have no real benefit to anyone that is not directly employed or funded by MS", as you wrote.
Microsoft would have to be crazy to start neutering the PC gaming market.

But then again, most of their PC gaming moves have been completely blind to the realities of what is actually there. They seem to exist in Lala land where their moves aren't completely irrelevant to almost everyone.

Hey, they're porting their games, and I'm happy for that.
They don't own the pc gaming market, nothing really goes through them right now, they probably want to be the gate keeper to a smaller market than watch Valve rake it in with Steam. As long as Steam exists and is strong, Windows store is basically far behind, no doubt it's in MS's best interest in terms of being the store front for pc games to significantly cannibalize Steam.


I've said this in previous topics, but UWA doesn't make sense for 'performance' desktop software, which includes 'core' gaming as a subset.
The performance differentials, usage expectations, and input capabilities are so vast between Phone, Console and Desktop that it is unrealistic to expect something interoperable between all three that isn't anything more than a thin client for something like a web based service (ie a Netflix App or a Twitter App).
When it comes to games, UWP means only "C++ and DirectX 12", so from a performance standpoint is perfectly fine.
I've said this in previous topics, but UWA doesn't make sense for 'performance' desktop software, which includes 'core' gaming as a subset.
The performance differentials, usage expectations, and input capabilities are so vast between Phone, Console and Desktop that it is unrealistic to expect something interoperable between all three that isn't anything more than a thin client for something like a web based service (ie a Netflix App or a Twitter App).

Even excluding the biggest outlier of performance, and concentrating on solely PC and Xbox, even really fundamental differences between the two platforms are apparent; they don't use RAM in the same way. They have radically different input methods. One is a fixed performance device, one is radically scalable in every direction.

There is literally never going to be a scenario where you could write a game that 'just works' for the Xbox One and also Desktop PCs with no additional work required on either end, and if you are actively required to do additional work anyway, why would you choose the 'noob trap' option that limits your potential sales and is vocally disliked by your target audience?

Isn't Forza: Apex using uwp and delivering on the performance side of things.
And given most games probably only need some of the uwp specific things like threading, network and file io from uwp.
The rest of the code is in engine stuff which is not connected to uwp.
The handmade heroes series on youtube has some good videos on how to design a multiplatform game engine.

Also sharing 95+% of the code base between the pc and xbox builds is a huge win in maintenance and bug fixing.


When it comes to games, UWP means only "C++ and DirectX 12", so from a performance standpoint is perfectly fine.

Unless you are talking about solely Xbox One development, there is no such restriction.
Its entirely possible to write a game in Silverlight using DX11 and release it as a UWA.

Also sharing 95+% of the code base between the pc and xbox builds is a huge win in maintenance and bug fixing.

Not really, because they won't share 95% of the codebase, and if you expect to sell copies on the PC you don't release games with as many restrictions as possible on them so you will end up with one X1 branch, that has to go through cert to patch, one UWA branch that has to go through cert to patch and one traditional PC branch patched as bugs are found.

In essence you've just doubled the workload on PC development and maintenance for... I dunno, a value add to your X1 customers?

I mean, you would really need to define what you mean by "95% of the codebase" because a PS4 game and an Xbox One game on modern middleware share "95% of the codesbase".
The "95%" is shit only a handful of people on the planet worry about.

The meaningful problems are in the code that ONLY works on one specific platform, and that scenario does not change at all until all PCs have unified memory pools / GCGPUs / many weak cores instead of fewer stronger cores etc etc etc
Or in other words when all Pcs are exactly the same as Xbox Ones, which is never.


If someone looks at the 41-year history of MS and still says, "Sure this is exactly how Embrace & Extend goes, but can you prove they're plotting that stuff again," then I would say, yes, that probably qualifies as unreasonable, stupid denial. Terrible reasoning, at the very least.

Its absolute pisspoor reasoning.

I've said this before, but if this was a legitimate case that Sweeney is presenting with MS and the sabotaging of Steam, and you the prosecutor simply said "Well apparently theyve done it before, theyve got a reputation you know!" as your testimony you will get laughed hard out the fucking building.

You want to talk about Netscape? Cool
You want to talk about Steam? Prove. It.


I can't provide proof of this instance but then again you cannot prove otherwise either.[...]

Proving Non-Existence

Description: Demanding that one proves the non-existence of something in place for providing adequate evidence for the existence of that something. Although it may be possible to prove non-existence in special situations, such as showing that a container does not contain certain items, one cannot prove universal or absolute non-existence. The proof of existence must come from those who make the claims.

Logical Form:

I cannot prove that X exists, so you prove that it doesn’t.
If you can’t, X exists.


Unless you are talking about solely Xbox One development, there is no such restriction.
Its entirely possible to write a game in Silverlight using DX11 and release it as a UWA.
If you want it to be universal (PC, Mobile, Xbox, HoloLens, Surface Hub, maybe even IoT), no, you cannot.

Windows PC allows a lot of things that other OneCore platforms do not. Centennial is making that even worse, really.


If you want it to be universal (PC, Mobile, Xbox, HoloLens, Surface Hub), no, you cannot.

The UWA APIs are in C++ but according to MSDN documentation not only is there no restriction in what language you create an app, it boasts being able to use many different languages developers are already familiar with as a feature, nor does it restrict you to using DX12.


The UWA APIs are in C++ but according to MSDN documentation not only is there no restriction in what language you create an app, it boasts being able to use many different languages developers are already familiar with as a feature, nor does it restrict you to using DX12.

I think you can use DX11 too (though not sure about the Xbox, still waiting for the 1607 SDK to be finalized to see what it says). 11 and 12 should at least span Mobile and PC. But if you want DX9 or OGL, well...
Microsoft would have to be crazy to start neutering the PC gaming market.

But then again, most of their PC gaming moves have been completely blind to the realities of what is actually there. They seem to exist in Lala land where their moves aren't completely irrelevant to almost everyone.

Hey, they're porting their games, and I'm happy for that.

Microsoft doesn't give a ..... about pc gaming unless it is selling games through their store.


Microsoft isn't competent enough to let me reliably update apps like calculator thru the store. I can't see ever using their platform intentionally.


Gold Member
What he's saying sounds pretty crazy to the casual observer but MS has made similar moves in the past so there is a reason this kind of paranoia exists.
Microsoft doesn't give a ..... about pc gaming unless it is selling games through their store.

It's almost like Windows 10 didn't improve gaming performance, DirectX 12 wasn't released, the Xbox One controller isn't supported on PC, and they didn't add features to UWP to improve gamer experience!


Also this: http://www.windowscentral.com/you-can-disable-cortana-windows-10 Which is what I was basically explaining.

Well turns out Microsoft will now cut out the ability for Pro users to even edit out certain things via Policies - http://www.ghacks.net/2016/07/28/microsoft-removes-policies-windows-10-pro/

Seriously, this is a step far

Why "Whoosh" - the point of having open development is accessibility to multiple forks, letting people do what they want for their own purposes. This is how this should be, Epic are not supporting it right now, but MS sure can, just as Oculus can and have done their own fork, and more
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