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Titanfall 2 Multiplayer Technical Test Impressions (XB1/PS4)

You're saying its exaggerating when its subjective based and calling it unreasonable when people are making their feelings known. Ok though. Sorry for supposedly insulting you

It's petty that you care so much that my opinion is that your opinion is unreasonable. I'm just making my feelings known. Blah blah, who cares. Dunno what angered you enough to start attacking me personally, but I have no interest in continuing this conversation with you.

E92 M3

Man, I loved Titanfall so much.


I'm tearing up watching the old gameplay trailers for it. We ever going to get that ejection ability where the Titan throws the Pilot?

edit: E92 M3, get it on Xbone if you are buying.

I am buying and currently debating which console to get it on. I have that beautiful elite controller so definitely leaning towards Xbox.

My one question is which version will have the higher population? Hard to predict now.


Man, I loved Titanfall so much.


I'm tearing up watching the old gameplay trailers for it. We ever going to get that ejection ability where the Titan throws the Pilot?

edit: E92 M3, get it on Xbone if you are buying.

Your nostalgia is killing you
I am buying and currently debating which console to get it on. I have that beautiful elite controller so definitely leaning towards Xbox.

My one question is which version will have the higher population? Hard to predict now.

not sure if i'm going with xbox one or ps4. seemed like when I played on xbox it had a larger player pool on the server I used so probably xbox one. I'm glad to see i'm not the only one enjoying the new game.

I still think xbone will be the place to go for this, plus you'll get all the veteran R1 players there. Elite controller is such a must for this game.


Played test on both consoles didn't see any major differences other than it feeling weird using the DS4 to play titanfall. Definitely getting the game on X1 to complete the series.
Your nostalgia is killing you

I still think xbone will be the place to go for this, plus you'll get all the veteran R1 players there. Elite controller is such a must for this game.

For sure I have a scuf and elite on xbox one and a ps4 scuf for cod so i'm ready no matter what platform. xbox version performed well and I prefer having trigger stops so I will probably get it on the xbone and play cod 4 remastered on ps4.
It's petty that you care so much that my opinion is that your opinion is unreasonable. I'm just making my feelings known. Blah blah, who cares. Dunno what angered you enough to start attacking me personally, but I have no interest in continuing this conversation with you.

Some people get carsick riding shotgun, some people don't. It's not for those who feel fine to call those who get nauseous "hyperbolic" or "unreasonable" for that person's subjective experiences, and it's no different here. You kinda are coming off like an ass for asserting this.

Anyway, put me into the "jarring" camp for the 3rd person animations. Had enough times where the camera snagged or went wild on the geometry in Kodai to conpletely put me off.
Playing it this past weekend made me decide to just rent for the campaign and maybe buy it later on sale.

It wasn't bad but it just didn't feel the same


I don't see EA letting those dedicated servers run for much longer.

You spelled "Respawn" incomplete-ly. That said...

I did actually wonder how much longer they'd keep the servers up for, it'll be a sad day when they get turned off.

...guys; they're not a bunch of physical boxes sitting around our office. They're on-demand datacenter ("cloud") resources. Why would we ever kill that? To fuel the Illuminati's secret Indignation Engines?
Some people get carsick riding shotgun, some people don't. It's not for those who feel fine to call those who get nauseous "hyperbolic" or "unreasonable" for that person's subjective experiences, and it's no different here. You kinda are coming off like an ass for asserting this.

Anyway, put me into the "jarring" camp for the 3rd person animations. Had enough times where the camera snagged or went wild on the geometry in Kodai to conpletely put me off.

Camera snagging or bugging out is a different topic. As is your car sick analogy. So I am an ass for having an opinion? Nice way of putting it.
As someone who didn't play Titanfall 1, this whole Titanfall 2® Pre-Alpha Tech Test™ was....eh. Many people have already touched on Titan mechanics, Pilot mechanics, wallrunning velocity and momentum, etc., so I'll touch on a few things that I feel are deeper rooted issues that can't be adjusted with some value changes.

1. My biggest problem is map design. Boomtown was the best one available, and even that was merely ok. The parkour lines weren't that great and the trees in the middle leading to "Out of Bounds" popups are ridiculous, but generally it was the best playing map. Homestead and Forward Base Kodai though....WOOF, these are aggressively poor maps IMO. Nothing about their design makes sense for the kind of gameplay possible with Titanfall 2's mechanics. The field, brehs, THE FIELDS. What the hell is happening here? How can there be so much open space in a game that relies on wallrunning and momentum to get around? In a game that relies on cover for Pilots from Titans, and cover for Titans from other Titans. This creates a hard distinction between "Titan Areas" and "Pilot Areas." Tight funneling leading to a no man's land with very weak to non-existent interplay. Lots of open air that encourages long range pecking from wannabe Battlefield snipers (aided by the super obvious "I'M RIGHT HERE" glow on enemy Pilots). Lots of boring traversal made worse because one of the modes forces you to head out to these areas in order to do well (I'll get into this in a minute)

Now I'm not going to judge the entire game off these maps, but when 2 of the 3 we've had a chance to play are outright bad (or at least bad for this game), this leads me to question what the philosophy behind the game is. Maybe if there are like 15 maps and the rest are all great, filled with long wallrunning lines and good flow for both Titans and Pilots, we can look back on this and laugh at how worried we were. But for now this is a huge black eye on the experience.

2. The other major issue I had were the game modes. Hoo boy. I'll just assume you all disregard Pilot vs. Pilot like I do, so I won't even speak on that. I'm not interested in Titanfall to play Diet Call of Duty.

Amped Hardpoint: I only played a few matches of this, and that's because they were.....well, boring. The "Amped" part of this mode makes no sense to me. In a game with these mechanics and potential for very high paced chaos, you're tasked with not only capturing fixed points like any other territory capture mode in any other shooter, but to sit there even more to "Amp" the point for a higher score. Waaaaaat? It's so slow and uneventful. Combined with the lack of AI, it makes for a game mode that doesn't feel very dynamic. Not a fan. Admitedlly though, I'm not a big fan of static territory capture modes in general unless they're mixed into a rotating objective game type, so I'll accept that people might enjoy this and it's simply not for me. That's fine.

Bounty Hunt: This mode though.....nah, fam. Huge potential, but it's being fumbled at every turn. Now before I get into this, I'll list 2 things I like about the mode:

+ Money and Banks. This is a cool concept. Doing things during the match grants you a bonus that you can bank to add to a team wide pool and push that total a little higher. Great. Alternatively you lose part of your bonus when being killed leading to a back-and-forth between players who are basically always carrying some kind of prize. Good idea.​

+ AI Bounties. Again, in concept this is great. Though I don't like the execution (AI should not be a 3rd faction), I do like the idea of dropping these big MOBILE hotspots onto the map, bringing both teams together in a little quasi-set piece, and slightly shifting your immediate objective from "kill players" or "farm grunts." Notice how I stress "mobile." Yeah, more on that in the next section.​

The flipside to these positive ideas is that the mode is completely predictable and frequently dull.

- First of all, the banks being static points on the map is problematic. Titanfall should always be promoting MOBILITY. Not only do the banks lead to predictable player movement and camping, but when you add the layer of AI spawning in waves, having to run back to fixed points on the map to bank your cash makes for poor match flow. Sure, sometimes you'll get moments where two sets of players will cross paths at a bank, but the majority of the time teams head back to where they started after the first wave, then head towards wherever their teammates have congregated for subsequent "open bank periods." These moments are frequent and add nothing but dead air to the mode. I think if the banks were drop ships or drop pods that spawned in different areas (or if the banks actually crawled along the maps), this would be much, much more interesting, and make for more dynamic encounters, but only if the next issue is also dealt with...​

- AI waves and highlighted spawn locations kill match pacing. Recall how I mentioned open spaces in my map design criticism? Well here we go. Because of this whole "bank" concept, AI has been made into a high value resource rather than a Titan booster and aesthetic/atmospheric addition. What that means is teams rush those spawn locations to farm AI so they can bank their money. Spawn locations which alternate between the most congested middle points, which is ok, and "Resourceville"- 2 spots on clear opposite sides of the map where nothing happens. Resourceville is where Bounty Hunt falls apart.

In Resourceville you farm AI. When you farm AI you'd rather feel safe. To feel safe you need to head towards your teammates. Resourceville is where teammates gather to feel safe and safely farm AI in safety. You see what I'm getting at here? After the banks open and kill the flow of encounters, forcing you to either look for your team at a bank or deal with campers, you then head out to the most logical AI spawn point, alongside your team, to farm in safety in preparation for the next "open bank period." This. Is. Boring. There are chunks of Bounty Hunt matches where nothing is happening. Teams are on opposite ends of the maps building their Titans and Core Abilities in this weird pre-battle Grunt Sacrifice To Harambe ritual, just to either hide so they don't lose their money, or clash with a team that's also equally powered up and watch Titans die left and right (also because there are no Titan shields and they're so slow RESPAWN PLS).

I think spawn locations should be spread throughout the map, continuous, and unmarked. The visual and sound cues associated with drop pods are enough to draw players, then the spread of AI throughout the map and continuous spawning would ensure there are no dead spots or weird games of Hide and Seek to end waves.​

- AI as a 3rd faction removes an interesting wrinkle found in the first game, detracts from the atmosphere, and is honestly very strange from a narrative perspective. Why are these bloodthirsty Pilots murdering Grunts (who all have families) for money instead of fighting side by side with them against the other faction? Where is that feeling of all out warfare as grunts fight grunts? Wouldn't it be more interesting if each team got their own AI Bounties to capture or protect like a dynamic VIP mode? I think having Bounty Hunt be strictly about 2 factions going at each other is a much more simple way to go about this that also leaves the matches open for more dynamic combat and player driven match flow.​

So Bounty Hunt, in my view, is flawed. The flow of matches is awkward and uneven, and awkward flow + awkward maps makes for a mode that never comes together. I compare the Tech Test to videos of similar scenarios from the first game (let's say, Attrition?), and the difference in atmosphere, pace, and flow is very apparent. There's an energy in that game that this one reached only sporadically. I could deal with whatever changes made to Titan combat and rodeos if the maps were great and the modes were fun, but they're not. Bounty Hunt as the new flagship mode is fine, but it needs fixin'.

Also, Scorch has to be nerfed, obviously. The flame shield defense has completely destroyed rodeo attempts. To be fair, there are more Titans in the full game, but still. Pilots are at a disadvantage already, having to grab batteries instead of being able to shoot Titan guts, so they need to be able to reliably rodeo Titans after dodging the initial defense.

On the extreme positive end of the scale, the game feels amazing. Running, SLIDING, aiming, shooting... all great. Cutting through people with a sprinting Alternator hipfire kill was the only thing keeping me going. Wall running and parkour is also smooth as hell, far beyond whatever I was capable of doing in other "mobility shooters." I only wish there were more lines and less crap in the way so Pilots could flow through these environments.

Respawn please. Let me love your game.


Was that play count on PC or XB1? When I was playing it on XB1 I did actually wonder how much longer they'd keep the servers up for, it'll be a sad day when they get turned off. I'd imagine there's more people than usual playing just now due to the tech test.

Must be PC, XB1 right now is ~6k.
After trying Titanfall 2, it reminded me how much I enjoyed it on 360... So, I bought an Xbox One so I could experience properly and, oh boy, am I having a great time. WHAT a game! It's so fun to play... I can't go back to Titanfall 2 now...

E92 M3

As someone who didn't play Titanfall 1, this whole Titanfall 2® Pre-Alpha Tech Test™ was....eh. Many people have already touched on Titan mechanics, Pilot mechanics, wallrunning velocity and momentum, etc., so I'll touch on a few things that I feel are deeper rooted issues that can't be adjusted with some value changes.

1. My biggest problem is map design. Boomtown was the best one available, and even that was merely ok. The parkour lines weren't that great and the trees in the middle leading to "Out of Bounds" popups are ridiculous, but generally it was the best playing map. Homestead and Forward Base Kodai though....WOOF, these are aggressively poor maps IMO. Nothing about their design makes sense for the kind of gameplay possible with Titanfall 2's mechanics. The field, brehs, THE FIELDS. What the hell is happening here? How can there be so much open space in a game that relies on wallrunning and momentum to get around? In a game that relies on cover for Pilots from Titans, and cover for Titans from other Titans. This creates a hard distinction between "Titan Areas" and "Pilot Areas." Tight funneling leading to a no man's land with very weak to non-existent interplay. Lots of open air that encourages long range pecking from wannabe Battlefield snipers (aided by the super obvious "I'M RIGHT HERE" glow on enemy Pilots). Lots of boring traversal made worse because one of the modes forces you to head out to these areas in order to do well (I'll get into this in a minute)

Now I'm not going to judge the entire game off these maps, but when 2 of the 3 we've had a chance to play are outright bad (or at least bad for this game), this leads me to question what the philosophy behind the game is. Maybe if there are like 15 maps and the rest are all great, filled with long wallrunning lines and good flow for both Titans and Pilots, we can look back on this and laugh at how worried we were. But for now this is a huge black eye on the experience.

2. The other major issue I had were the game modes. Hoo boy. I'll just assume you all disregard Pilot vs. Pilot like I do, so I won't even speak on that. I'm not interested in Titanfall to play Diet Call of Duty.

Amped Hardpoint: I only played a few matches of this, and that's because they were.....well, boring. The "Amped" part of this mode makes no sense to me. In a game with these mechanics and potential for very high paced chaos, you're tasked with not only capturing fixed points like any other territory capture mode in any other shooter, but to sit there even more to "Amp" the point for a higher score. Waaaaaat? It's so slow and uneventful. Combined with the lack of AI, it makes for a game mode that doesn't feel very dynamic. Not a fan. Admitedlly though, I'm not a big fan of static territory capture modes in general unless they're mixed into a rotating objective game type, so I'll accept that people might enjoy this and it's simply not for me. That's fine.

Bounty Hunt: This mode though.....nah, fam. Huge potential, but it's being fumbled at every turn. Now before I get into this, I'll list 2 things I like about the mode:

+ Money and Banks. This is a cool concept. Doing things during the match grants you a bonus that you can bank to add to a team wide pool and push that total a little higher. Great. Alternatively you lose part of your bonus when being killed leading to a back-and-forth between players who are basically always carrying some kind of prize. Good idea.​

+ AI Bounties. Again, in concept this is great. Though I don't like the execution (AI should not be a 3rd faction), I do like the idea of dropping these big MOBILE hotspots onto the map, bringing both teams together in a little quasi-set piece, and slightly shifting your immediate objective from "kill players" or "farm grunts." Notice how I stress "mobile." Yeah, more on that in the next section.​

The flipside to these positive ideas is that the mode is completely predictable and frequently dull.

- First of all, the banks being static points on the map is problematic. Titanfall should always be promoting MOBILITY. Not only do the banks lead to predictable player movement and camping, but when you add the layer of AI spawning in waves, having to run back to fixed points on the map to bank your cash makes for poor match flow. Sure, sometimes you'll get moments where two sets of players will cross paths at a bank, but the majority of the time teams head back to where they started after the first wave, then head towards wherever their teammates have congregated for subsequent "open bank periods." These moments are frequent and add nothing but dead air to the mode. I think if the banks were drop ships or drop pods that spawned in different areas (or if the banks actually crawled along the maps), this would be much, much more interesting, and make for more dynamic encounters, but only if the next issue is also dealt with...​

- AI waves and highlighted spawn locations kill match pacing. Recall how I mentioned open spaces in my map design criticism? Well here we go. Because of this whole "bank" concept, AI has been made into a high value resource rather than a Titan booster and aesthetic/atmospheric addition. What that means is teams rush those spawn locations to farm AI so they can bank their money. Spawn locations which alternate between the most congested middle points, which is ok, and "Resourceville"- 2 spots on clear opposite sides of the map where nothing happens. Resourceville is where Bounty Hunt falls apart.

In Resourceville you farm AI. When you farm AI you'd rather feel safe. To feel safe you need to head towards your teammates. Resourceville is where teammates gather to feel safe and safely farm AI in safety. You see what I'm getting at here? After the banks open and kill the flow of encounters, forcing you to either look for your team at a bank or deal with campers, you then head out to the most logical AI spawn point, alongside your team, to farm in safety in preparation for the next "open bank period." This. Is. Boring. There are chunks of Bounty Hunt matches where nothing is happening. Teams are on opposite ends of the maps building their Titans and Core Abilities in this weird pre-battle Grunt Sacrifice To Harambe ritual, just to either hide so they don't lose their money, or clash with a team that's also equally powered up and watch Titans die left and right (also because there are no Titan shields and they're so slow RESPAWN PLS).

I think spawn locations should be spread throughout the map, continuous, and unmarked. The visual and sound cues associated with drop pods are enough to draw players, then the spread of AI throughout the map and continuous spawning would ensure there are no dead spots or weird games of hide and go seek to end waves.​

- AI as a 3rd faction removes an interesting wrinkle found in the first game, detracts from the atmosphere, and is honestly very strange from a narrative perspective. Why are these bloodthirsty Pilots murdering Grunts (who all have families) for money instead of fighting side by side with them against the other faction? Where is that feeling of all out warfare as grunts fight grunts? Wouldn't it be more interesting if each team got their own AI Bounties to capture or protect like a dynamic VIP mode? I think having Bounty Hunt be strictly about 2 factions going at each other is a much more simple way to go about this that also leaves the matches open for more dynamic combat and player driven match flow.​

So Bounty Hunt, in my view, is flawed. The flow of matches is awkward and uneven, and awkward flow + awkward maps makes for a mode that never comes together. I compare the Tech Test to videos of compatible scenarios from the first game (let's say, Attrition?), and the difference in atmosphere, pace, and flow is very apparent. There's an energy in that game that this one reached only sporadically. I could deal with whatever changes made to Titan combat and rodeos if the maps were great and the modes were fun, but they're not. Bounty Hunt as the new flagship mode is fine, but it needs fixin'.

Also, Scorch has to be nerfed, obviously. The flame shield defense has completely destroyed rodeo attempts. To be fair, there are more Titans in the full game, but still. Pilots are at a disadvantage already, having to grab batteries instead of being able to shoot Titan guts, so they need to be able to reliably rodeo Titans after dodging the initial defense.

On the extreme positive end of the scale, the game feels amazing. Running, SLIDING, aiming, shooting... all great. Cutting through people with a sprinting Alternator hipfire kill was the only thing keeping me going. Wall running and parkour is also smooth as hell, far beyond whatever I was capable of doing in other "mobility shooters." I only wish there were more lines and less crap in the way so Pilots could flow through these environments.

Respawn please. Let me love your game.

Great write up but leave Scorch alone. If they nerf Scorch, they better make smoke a default option. Scorch rejuvenated my Titan love in R2 - and I rodeo'd plenty of them myself.

Titans need to have a RELIABLE way of getting pilots off. Otherwise, annoying pieces of shit like me will just constantly harass the same Titan until they are dead lol. I had zero fear of going against an Ion. With Scorch, I had to be more careful with the planning.
As someone who didn't play Titanfall 1, this whole Titanfall 2® Pre-Alpha Tech Test™ was....eh. Many people have already touched on Titan mechanics, Pilot mechanics, wallrunning velocity and momentum, etc., so I'll touch on a few things that I feel are deeper rooted issues that can't be adjusted with some value changes.

1. My biggest problem is map design. Boomtown was the best one available, and even that was merely ok. The parkour lines weren't that great and the trees in the middle leading to "Out of Bounds" popups are ridiculous, but generally it was the best playing map. Homestead and Forward Base Kodai though....WOOF, these are aggressively poor maps IMO. Nothing about their design makes sense for the kind of gameplay possible with Titanfall 2's mechanics. The field, brehs, THE FIELDS. What the hell is happening here? How can there be so much open space in a game that relies on wallrunning and momentum to get around? In a game that relies on cover for Pilots from Titans, and cover for Titans from other Titans. This creates a hard distinction between "Titan Areas" and "Pilot Areas." Tight funneling leading to a no man's land with very weak to non-existent interplay. Lots of open air that encourages long range pecking from wannabe Battlefield snipers (aided by the super obvious "I'M RIGHT HERE" glow on enemy Pilots). Lots of boring traversal made worse because one of the modes forces you to head out to these areas in order to do well (I'll get into this in a minute)

Now I'm not going to judge the entire game off these maps, but when 2 of the 3 we've had a chance to play are outright bad (or at least bad for this game), this leads me to question what the philosophy behind the game is. Maybe if there are like 15 maps and the rest are all great, filled with long wallrunning lines and good flow for both Titans and Pilots, we can look back on this and laugh at how worried we were. But for now this is a huge black eye on the experience.

2. The other major issue I had were the game modes. Hoo boy. I'll just assume you all disregard Pilot vs. Pilot like I do, so I won't even speak on that. I'm not interested in Titanfall to play Diet Call of Duty.

Amped Hardpoint: I only played a few matches of this, and that's because they were.....well, boring. The "Amped" part of this mode makes no sense to me. In a game with these mechanics and potential for very high paced chaos, you're tasked with not only capturing fixed points like any other territory capture mode in any other shooter, but to sit there even more to "Amp" the point for a higher score. Waaaaaat? It's so slow and uneventful. Combined with the lack of AI, it makes for a game mode that doesn't feel very dynamic. Not a fan. Admitedlly though, I'm not a big fan of static territory capture modes in general unless they're mixed into a rotating objective game type, so I'll accept that people might enjoy this and it's simply not for me. That's fine.

Bounty Hunt: This mode though.....nah, fam. Huge potential, but it's being fumbled at every turn. Now before I get into this, I'll list 2 things I like about the mode:

+ Money and Banks. This is a cool concept. Doing things during the match grants you a bonus that you can bank to add to a team wide pool and push that total a little higher. Great. Alternatively you lose part of your bonus when being killed leading to a back-and-forth between players who are basically always carrying some kind of prize. Good idea.​

+ AI Bounties. Again, in concept this is great. Though I don't like the execution (AI should not be a 3rd faction), I do like the idea of dropping these big MOBILE hotspots onto the map, bringing both teams together in a little quasi-set piece, and slightly shifting your immediate objective from "kill players" or "farm grunts." Notice how I stress "mobile." Yeah, more on that in the next section.​

The flipside to these positive ideas is that the mode is completely predictable and frequently dull.

- First of all, the banks being static points on the map is problematic. Titanfall should always be promoting MOBILITY. Not only do the banks lead to predictable player movement and camping, but when you add the layer of AI spawning in waves, having to run back to fixed points on the map to bank your cash makes for poor match flow. Sure, sometimes you'll get moments where two sets of players will cross paths at a bank, but the majority of the time teams head back to where they started after the first wave, then head towards wherever their teammates have congregated for subsequent "open bank periods." These moments are frequent and add nothing but dead air to the mode. I think if the banks were drop ships or drop pods that spawned in different areas (or if the banks actually crawled along the maps), this would be much, much more interesting, and make for more dynamic encounters, but only if the next issue is also dealt with...​

- AI waves and highlighted spawn locations kill match pacing. Recall how I mentioned open spaces in my map design criticism? Well here we go. Because of this whole "bank" concept, AI has been made into a high value resource rather than a Titan booster and aesthetic/atmospheric addition. What that means is teams rush those spawn locations to farm AI so they can bank their money. Spawn locations which alternate between the most congested middle points, which is ok, and "Resourceville"- 2 spots on clear opposite sides of the map where nothing happens. Resourceville is where Bounty Hunt falls apart.

In Resourceville you farm AI. When you farm AI you'd rather feel safe. To feel safe you need to head towards your teammates. Resourceville is where teammates gather to feel safe and safely farm AI in safety. You see what I'm getting at here? After the banks open and kill the flow of encounters, forcing you to either look for your team at a bank or deal with campers, you then head out to the most logical AI spawn point, alongside your team, to farm in safety in preparation for the next "open bank period." This. Is. Boring. There are chunks of Bounty Hunt matches where nothing is happening. Teams are on opposite ends of the maps building their Titans and Core Abilities in this weird pre-battle Grunt Sacrifice To Harambe ritual, just to either hide so they don't lose their money, or clash with a team that's also equally powered up and watch Titans die left and right (also because there are no Titan shields and they're so slow RESPAWN PLS).

I think spawn locations should be spread throughout the map, continuous, and unmarked. The visual and sound cues associated with drop pods are enough to draw players, then the spread of AI throughout the map and continuous spawning would ensure there are no dead spots or weird games of hide and go seek to end waves.​

- AI as a 3rd faction removes an interesting wrinkle found in the first game, detracts from the atmosphere, and is honestly very strange from a narrative perspective. Why are these bloodthirsty Pilots murdering Grunts (who all have families) for money instead of fighting side by side with them against the other faction? Where is that feeling of all out warfare as grunts fight grunts? Wouldn't it be more interesting if each team got their own AI Bounties to capture or protect like a dynamic VIP mode? I think having Bounty Hunt be strictly about 2 factions going at each other is a much more simple way to go about this that also leaves the matches open for more dynamic combat and player driven match flow.​

So Bounty Hunt, in my view, is flawed. The flow of matches is awkward and uneven, and awkward flow + awkward maps makes for a mode that never comes together. I compare the Tech Test to videos of compatible scenarios from the first game (let's say, Attrition?), and the difference in atmosphere, pace, and flow is very apparent. There's an energy in that game that this one reached only sporadically. I could deal with whatever changes made to Titan combat and rodeos if the maps were great and the modes were fun, but they're not. Bounty Hunt as the new flagship mode is fine, but it needs fixin'.

Also, Scorch has to be nerfed, obviously. The flame shield defense has completely destroyed rodeo attempts. To be fair, there are more Titans in the full game, but still. Pilots are at a disadvantage already, having to grab batteries instead of being able to shoot Titan guts, so they need to be able to reliably rodeo Titans after dodging the initial defense.

On the extreme positive end of the scale, the game feels amazing. Running, SLIDING, aiming, shooting... all great. Cutting through people with a sprinting Alternator hipfire kill was the only thing keeping me going. Wall running and parkour is also smooth as hell, far beyond whatever I was capable of doing in other "mobility shooters." I only wish there were more lines and less crap in the way so Pilots could flow through these environments.

Respawn please. Let me love your game.

Great write up but leave Scorch alone. If they nerf Scorch, they better make smoke a default option. Scorch rejuvenated my Titan love in R2 - and I rodeo'd plenty of them myself.

Titans need to have a RELIABLE way of getting pilots off. Otherwise, annoying pieces of shit like me will just constantly harass the same Titan until they are dead lol. I had zero fear of going against an Ion. With Scorch, I had to be more careful with the planning.

I agree Titans need a reliable defense, smoke SHOULD be a default (and passively recharge), but OP Scorch cannot be the answer. I've seen and been on streaks of 3, 4, 5 Pilots in a row being melted off of Scorch with the flame shield tech. It TOTALLY wrecks the rodeo meta game and takes no skill. At least Titans scratching their backs by shooting a wall to get pesky Pilots off takes some skill, but holding L1 and looking up? C'mon man, it's too easy. And these were the hardcore Titanfall players, casuals will have no clue.

I was holding it all in until I could collect myself and post outside the hyperbole.

And you know what they say, holding it in is bad for you.


Well, it's over. I'm gonna miss that grappling hook.

Unlike a lot of people here apparently, I actually had a lot of fun playing the game these past two weekends. And yes, I did actually play a lot of the first Titanfall, on both Xbox 360 and Xbox One. Titanfall 2's not quite the same, but it's still a lot of fun in it's own right, and I'm definitely getting it.

This. Really surprised at the amount of hate the game got. I mean there are some questionable decisions, but the game overall is great and not all of the new design decisions are bad IMO.
Smoke should never be the default because that reduces the diversity among titans. Some titans will be undoubtedly weaker to rodeo than others, and that is a good thing because they'll instead excel in other areas that other titans will be weak against. I don't understand this push for ubiquity. Electric smoke could turn out to be brokenly good on a titan or it could push a titan to be too good to use over others.

I didn't like the fact that most titans ran electric smoke (in tf1), because that was the smart thing to do for the most part. I am happy they chose to get titans sets of tools rather than completely customizable because it promotes more strategy and a more defined "meta" surrounding the titan choice.

E92 M3

I agree Titans need a reliable defense, smoke SHOULD be a default (and passively recharge), but OP Scorch cannot be the answer. I've seen and been on streaks of 3, 4, 5 Pilots in a row being melted off of Scorch with the flame shield tech. It TOTALLY wrecks the rodeo meta game and takes no skill. At least Titans scratching their backs by shooting a wall to get pesky Pilots off takes some skill, but holding L1 and looking up? C'mon man, it's too easy. And these were the hardcore Titanfall players, casuals will have no clue.

I was holding it all in until I could collect myself and post outside the hyperbole.

And you know what they say, holding it in is bad for you.

Well, one change needs to trigger another. I'd be VERY upset if they nerfed scorch for the full release - Ogre has always been my favorite.

Smoke should never be the default because that reduces the diversity among titans. Some titans will be undoubtedly weaker to rodeo than others, and that is a good thing because they'll instead excel in other areas that other titans will be weak against. I don't understand this push for ubiquity. Electric smoke could turn out to be brokenly good on a titan or it could push a titan to be too good to use over others.

I didn't like the fact that most titans ran electric smoke (in tf1), because that was the smart thing to do for the most part. I am happy they chose to get titans sets of tools rather than completely customizable because it promotes more strategy and a more defined "meta" surrounding the titan choice.

It's too easy to rodeo Titans and without a proper defense, it just becomes annoying. Though you're right, let's see how the other Titans are.

Btw, every Titan has smoke - it's just the requirements to get it are dumb. It should be on a generic timer.
Smoke should never be the default because that reduces the diversity among titans. Some titans will be undoubtedly weaker to rodeo than others, and that is a good thing because they'll instead excel in other areas that other titans will be weak against. I don't understand this push for ubiquity. Electric smoke could turn out to be brokenly good on a titan or it could push a titan to be too good to use over others.

I didn't like the fact that most titans ran electric smoke (in tf1), because that was the smart thing to do for the most part. I am happy they chose to get titans sets of tools rather than completely customizable because it promotes more strategy and a more defined "meta" surrounding the titan choice.

Fine then, every Titan should have some kind of defense unique to them, that part doesn't really matter to me. Yes some will be weaker, others will be stronger, some excel in X others in Y, whatever. My focus was on Scorch and how the flame shield trivializes the rodeo. With the right perks you're basically invulnerable to rodeos barring some crazy sequence of spawns where you have no break to recharge the shield (which will never happen).

If anything, the gas and thermite should be where Scorch's defense starts. Maybe if your own flames didn't hurt you so much that would be a thing.


My thoughts about the technical test:

First of all I must say that I was a big fan of the first game, and with several hundred hours spent with it, it is by far my favourite multiplayer shooter ever. Also it is the only game I ever preordered because of the awesome beta test.

So, the first few games, I wasn't really playing against people, I was jumping around exploring maps and experimenting with the new movement options. The game is definitely slower, but not awfully slow and it's still quicker than majority of shooters today. It's fast enough to be fun for me, but I wouldn't mind if they speed it up some more for the final release, especially wallrun boost.
The grappling hook is super fun to use and the physics usually makes sense. I like that you have to choose between that and the other abilities. Stim looks much faster than in R1, but it lasts too short and the cool down period waaay to long. It also needs to be available from the start. Pulse Blade is ok I guess. I like it more than Radar Pulse, you can kill with it and it helps other pilots too. Holo Pilot is a mixed bag, I don't really have an opinion. I didn't unlock Cloak and didn't see many people use it, but I like that you go back to being invisible after you stop shooting.

New weapons are cool and I don't really have much to say about it, they are fun and nothing seems too overpowered. I would maybe bring back the counterweight upgrade for the C.A.R. because the recoil is way too good by default. Arc grenade doesn't seem very useful now, but I was never hit by it and I don't know how it looks like to be hit by it, both as pilot and as a titan. Gravity Star is nice and it's awesome how you can use it to curve bullets. And buff that Charge Rifle, it's useless as it is now.
Choosing between sidearm and anti-titan weapon is a weird change. I get it that they want to make clear roles for the pilots, but it's till weird.
Time to kill isn't as bad as I thought but I still think they should change it.
Also, I'm glad they removed burn cards, I hated that shit. I'm not a big fan of amping weapons now too, but at least you have to earn it first.

The maps. I wouldn't call them garbage but they can't measure up to the best maps in the original game. They are obviously made with the grappling hook in mind but with it not being standard for all pilots they do not flow very good without it.
Boomtown looks kinda like The Colony but with less buildings. It has potential, but those out of bound areas in the middle of the map have to go. Remove the trees, put some towers, anything, just remove them. I actually died once because I somehow got stuck. Also, some windows are very deceptive, you cannot pass trough all of them.
Kodai is kinda like the mix of Training ground and Demeter but, again, it has less buildings to connect the middle of the map with the rest. Good for titan battles, but it wasn't very fun being a pilot. It was my least favourite map in the test. Add some ziplines at least, ffs.
Homestead. This one isn't actually that bad. You can jump basically to anything in the middle of the map and the areas for Titans aren't as big, you can still jump around. Still, adding some walls here and there would be nice.

Titans. Less customizability, but I kinda like that they are like hero characters now. Gameplay seems ok to me. Now, the biggest thing is new rodeo. At first I like the idea, but now I'm not so sure. First of all, shield need to be there from the start and it doesn't really make sense to get shield from the battery someone took from you if you didn't already have it. Other than that, grenade throw doesn't do so much damage and I usually ran away after taking the battery. I think shield regeneration has to come back. It was something that separated skilled players from the rest and it allowed for 1vs2 battles to be somewhat viable. Also, bring back 1st person view!

Game modes are the biggest problem for me.
Bounty Hunt is a nice idea, but doesn't flow very well to me. And I don't really know how I would change it. Randomise bank appearances I guess. Not a good replacement for Attrition.
Amped Hardpoint is also worse because it isn't as offensively oriented as before. I don't want to stay in place for so long. Bring back A.I.
I didn't play Pilot vs Pilot, I didn't care for it in the first game.
Generally, I hope thay didn't completely ditched A.I. from modes other than BH, it really added to atmosphere of the battlefield and it was good solution to reduce Titan build time.

Overall, I like the game, it's still faster and more fun to play than other shooters but it just lacks that R1 briliance. I still need to see more maps and game modes, but I think I'll probably buy the game. No preorder this time though.
That was my favorite as well!


And they should take out PvP - that is not Titanfall. Who cares if a couple CoD fans get angry. They will leave in November anyways.

Seriously, yes.

Stop diluting what makes your game special and unique in efforts of courting an audience that will dump you as soon as their one true bae hits a few weeks later. It's fucking idiocy.


Seriously, yes.

Stop diluting what makes your game special and unique in efforts of courting an audience that will dump you as soon as their one true bae hits a few weeks later. It's fucking idiocy.
Bit late for that now


But anyways Pilot v Pilot should be in the game and it should have been in the first one from start aswell. What harm does it do? it'll most likely be dead like TF1 anyway.


Whatever changes Respawn made between week 1 and week 2 were not enough for me.
After putting over 100 hours into Titanfall on XOne, I can't justify Titanfall 2.

The graphics are much improved, and the grappling hook is "fun", but I can't shake the feeling of boredom playing the game, which I do not experience going back to play the original Titanfall...

Titanfall 2 does not immerse me like the original did.
It does not feel like I am weaving in and out of a chaotic warzone...
It feels empty. Sterile.

I feel that when I play Titanfall, shit seems to be going down, and somehow I live through it. I seem to last a lot longer per life in Titanfall while also getting the feeling that I'm accomplishing stuff (capturing points, killing grunts, earning Attrition points).

In Titanfall 2, I spawn, I run forward 2 feet. Wall run for like a meter, can't find another surface to wall run on, grapple somewhere else... Land and die instantly to a headshot a guy on a roof halfway across the map landed on me through no fault of my own.

I feel I spend most of the game looking at the kill cam watching some guy sitting on ledge, sniping away.

This doesn't feel like Titanfall.

This doesn't feel fun.

Where is the radio chatter?
Where is the constant update on my Titan's build status?
Why is my Titan made of paper mache?
Why aren't the AI grunts all over the map?
Where are my team's AI grunts?
Where are the enemy team's AI grunts?
Where is Attrition mode?

Who came up with these design decisions?
Because I would love to pick their brain to determine how they came about ruining an experience in Titanfall that was only lacking in 1 thing...


Seriously, that's all Titanfall needed ... More content. The actual gameplay was fine just the way it was.

I spent my weekend playing Deus Ex: Mankind Divided.
Ironically, that series had a second game (Invisible War) which also had a development team that didn't understand what made its predecessor great.

I hope Titanfall survives Titanfall 2 and we get a return to form for Titanfall 3...
Because I'm skipping this one.

Sorry Vince.
You lost me.

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
Whatever changes Respawn made between week 1 and week 2 were not enough for me.
After putting over 100 hours into Titanfall on XOne, I can't justify Titanfall 2.

The graphics are much improved, and the grappling hook is "fun", but I can't shake the feeling of boredom playing the game, which I do not experience going back to play the original Titanfall...

Titanfall 2 does not immerse me like the original did.
It does not feel like I am weaving in and out of a chaotic warzone...
It feels empty. Sterile.

I feel that when I play Titanfall, shit seems to be going down, and somehow I live through it. I seem to last a lot longer per life in Titanfall while also getting the feeling that I'm accomplishing stuff (capturing points, killing grunts, earning Attrition points).

In Titanfall 2, I spawn, I run forward 2 feet. Wall run for like a meter, can't find another surface to wall run on, grapple somewhere else... Land and die instantly to a headshot a guy on a roof halfway across the map landed on me through no fault of my own.

I feel I spend most of the game looking at the kill cam watching some guy sitting on ledge, sniping away.

This doesn't feel like Titanfall.

This doesn't feel fun.

Where is the radio chatter?
Where is the constant update on my Titan's build status?
Why is my Titan made of paper mache?
Why aren't the AI grunts all over the map?
Where are my team's AI grunts?
Where are the enemy team's AI grunts?
Where is Attrition mode?

Who came up with these design decisions?
Because I would love to pick their brain to determine how they came about ruining an experience in Titanfall that was only lacking in 1 thing...


Seriously, that's all Titanfall needed ... More content. The actual gameplay was fine just the way it was.

I spent my weekend playing Deus Ex: Mankind Divided.
Ironically, that series had a second game (Invisible War) which also had a development team that didn't understand what made its predecessor great.

I hope Titanfall survives Titanfall 2 and we get a return to form for Titanfall 3...
Because I'm skipping this one.

Sorry Vince.
You lost me.

Content and Sliding. That's all 1 needed.

As someone with 320 hours on 1, the idea of not buying 2 is upsetting. But, here we are.

E92 M3

How do you get it then?

I think you have to kill a pilot + wait. It wasn't very clear, honestly. It's not just a timer, though.

Bit late for that now


But anyways Pilot v Pilot should be in the game and it should have been in the first one from start aswell. What harm does it do? it'll most likely be dead like TF1 anyway.

It dilutes the messaging of the game. It would be like Dark Souls putting in an "easy" mode for the other audience.
I think you have to kill a pilot + wait. It wasn't very clear, honestly. It's not just a timer, though.

It dilutes the messaging of the game. It would be like Dark Souls putting in an "easy" mode for the other audience.

Pilot only mode was requested for the first game. They'd actually be foolish to ignore the requests of competitive FPS players because they'll likely be the ones playing the game the longest and they promote the game heavily if a competitive scene forms, let alone a large esport following.

Hell, they were foolish the first time around not having private rooms ready from the start. I know it was a common complaint about the PC release and many people I know who love to play competitive FPS didn't stick around or buy the game when they heard the lack of support for competitive play.

E92 M3

Pilot only mode was requested for the first game. They'd actually be foolish to ignore the requests of competitive FPS players because they'll likely be the ones playing the game the longest and they promote the game heavily if a competitive scene forms, let alone a large esport following.

Hell, they were foolish the first time around not having private rooms ready from the start. I know it was a common complaint about the PC release and many people I know who love to play competitive FPS didn't stick around or buy the game when they heard the lack of support for competitive play.

Funny you mention that because PvP is dead in R1 lol. If a competitive scene forms, Titans need to be involved - they are a MAJOR part of the game. Being able to play TF competitively is to master both Pilots and Titans.
Funny you mention that because PvP is dead in R1 lol. If a competitive scene forms, Titans need to be involved - they are a MAJOR part of the game. Being able to play TF competitively is to master both Pilots and Titans.

I don't think you understand, there are people that want to play the game for only the pilot combat in a competitive setting. Can you blame them? Pilot vs pilot combat was streets ahead of COD or BF. Competitive play does not need to involve titans at all.

As for the mode being dead, it was added way late after most competitive FPS players moved on to other games. And on PC all modes are dead, except attrition and frontier defense.


You spelled "Respawn" incomplete-ly. That said...

...guys; they're not a bunch of physical boxes sitting around our office. They're on-demand datacenter ("cloud") resources. Why would we ever kill that? To fuel the Illuminati's secret Indignation Engines?

Lol, this thread must have you rolling your eyes, laughing and all sorts of other stuff.... that said....

I enjoyed the game. Thought it was fun, and am loving Pilot vs Pilot. Keep up the hard work. Day one buy.

ps.. LOVE that we have clan stuff now. Will there be more options for clan stuff? To view clan stats and other things we can get more in depth with?

E92 M3

I don't think you understand, there are people that want to play the game for only the pilot combat in a competitive setting. Can you blame them? Pilot vs pilot combat was streets ahead of COD or BF. Competitive play does not need to involve titans at all.

As for the mode being dead, it was added way late after most competitive FPS players moved on to other games. And on PC all modes are dead, except attrition and frontier defense.

Maybe I am just a Titanfall purist haha. I just don't want the vision to get diluted. We'll see how the playlist stands at launch.


What really does scare me is how they thought the dampening effect on the movement was a good thing. Weekend 1 movement was so fucking bad... i'd love to know the person responsible for this decision, for this suggestion.

Even after they lessened the dampening for weekend 2 you can still feel the movement being purposely bogged down. The person at Respawn directly responsible for this should really get a smack.

Someone please meme the batman smaking robyn gif in relation to this =D

E92 M3

What really does scare me is how they thought the dampening effect on the movement was a good thing. Weekend 1 movement was so fucking bad... i'd love to know the person responsible for this decision, for this suggestion.

Even after they lessened the dampening for weekend 2 you can still feel the movement being purposely bogged down. The person at Respawn directly responsible for this should really get a smack.

Someone please meme the batman smaking robyn gif =D

Not just that, but the whole philosophy about R1 causing too much fatigue. That needs to change studio-wide, in my opinion. It's just something out of left field. I have never once felt fatigued from R1, in fact, I suffered from "one more game" syndrome.
Not just that, but the whole philosophy about R1 causing too much fatigue. That needs to change studio-wide, in my opinion. It's just something out of left field. I have never once felt fatigued from R1, in fact, I suffered from "one more game" syndrome.

I think they're talking more about the average player. I don't think they're wrong to make design decisions that create a more predictable flow of maps. I think that is just part of map design. I think anyone can throw out crazy designs, that doesn't mean they'll be good. Good maps have very purposeful design that isn't always going to be immediately obvious.

I didn't get enough time to decide whether the maps were good or bad. I didn't have any immediate qualms either. And I'll have to wait for the PC version to really get a feel of the maps, cause playing on a controller is not my thing anymore (and the ps4 controller felt terrible compared to my 360 controller, but I also hated the ps3 controller so maybe the issues carried over).
Pilot only mode was requested for the first game. They'd actually be foolish to ignore the requests of competitive FPS players because they'll likely be the ones playing the game the longest and they promote the game heavily if a competitive scene forms, let alone a large esport following.

Hell, they were foolish the first time around not having private rooms ready from the start. I know it was a common complaint about the PC release and many people I know who love to play competitive FPS didn't stick around or buy the game when they heard the lack of support for competitive play.


Providing a mode that essentially bypasses a huge part of the core gameplay loop does nothing to actually build the audience or franchise, because the audience such a mode is catering too is demonstrably more interested in a completely different gameplay loop provided by the competition. Plus, the competition obviously does it better since it's a) the core focus and b) they've been iterating and polishing it for years now.

Pilot vs Pilot is to TitanFall as Halo 4 was to Halo. A bastardization of the core gameplay loop designed to appeal to a wider audience. They chased COD, made a sci-fi COD Lite instead of evolving and improving the core tenets of what separates Halo from the field. Halo 5 went back to those core tenets and the Halo franchise is stronger for it.

Offering the wider audience a diluted COD Lite as some kind of opt-out for exploring the core pillars of TitanFall is not a smart way to strengthen your brand.

If TitanFall wants to extend it's reach and life as a competitive game, here's a wacky idea: Make the gameplay loop featuring Pilot/Titan interplay more fun and engaging.

There are many great suggestions in this thread of how to do just that.

Providing a mode that essentially bypasses a huge part of the core gameplay loop does nothing to actually build the audience or franchise, because the audience such a mode is catering too is demonstrably more interested in a completely different gameplay loop provided by the competition. Plus, the competition obviously does it better since it's a) the core focus and b) they've been iterating and polishing it for years now.

Pilot vs Pilot is to TitanFall as Halo 4 was to Halo. A bastardization of the core gameplay loop designed to appeal to a wider audience. They chased COD, made a sci-fi COD Lite instead of evolving and improving the core tenets of what separates Halo from the field. Halo 5 went back to those core tenets and the Halo franchise is stronger for it.

Offering the wider audience a diluted COD Lite as some kind of opt-out for exploring the core pillars of TitanFall is not a smart way to strengthen your brand.

If TitanFall wants to extend it's reach and life as a competitive game, here's a wacky idea: Make the gameplay loop featuring Pilot/Titan interplay more fun and engaging.

There are many great suggestions in this thread of how to do just that.

oh my god this nonsense about calling it sci fi COD lite is so ridiculous. There is no comparison.

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
Funny you mention that because PvP is dead in R1 lol. If a competitive scene forms, Titans need to be involved - they are a MAJOR part of the game. Being able to play TF competitively is to master both Pilots and Titans.

I think Pilot v Pilot may have got a better run had it been there day one.


I'd be in the dick

Providing a mode that essentially bypasses a huge part of the core gameplay loop does nothing to actually build the audience or franchise, because the audience such a mode is catering too is demonstrably more interested in a completely different gameplay loop provided by the competition. Plus, the competition obviously does it better since it's a) the core focus and b) they've been iterating and polishing it for years now.

Pilot vs Pilot is to TitanFall as Halo 4 was to Halo. A bastardization of the core gameplay loop designed to appeal to a wider audience. They chased COD, made a sci-fi COD Lite instead of evolving and improving the core tenets of what separates Halo from the field. Halo 5 went back to those core tenets and the Halo franchise is stronger for it.

Offering the wider audience a diluted COD Lite as some kind of opt-out for exploring the core pillars of TitanFall is not a smart way to strengthen your brand.

If TitanFall wants to extend it's reach and life as a competitive game, here's a wacky idea: Make the gameplay loop featuring Pilot/Titan interplay more fun and engaging.

There are many great suggestions in this thread of how to do just that.

I prefered modes with Titans but PvP was useful for me as a newcomer to the series to get a feel for the controls, mobility, gun feedback, and map layouts without having to worry about the threat of Titans.

Providing a mode that essentially bypasses a huge part of the core gameplay loop does nothing to actually build the audience or franchise, because the audience such a mode is catering too is demonstrably more interested in a completely different gameplay loop provided by the competition. Plus, the competition obviously does it better since it's a) the core focus and b) they've been iterating and polishing it for years now.

Pilot vs Pilot is to TitanFall as Halo 4 was to Halo. A bastardization of the core gameplay loop designed to appeal to a wider audience. They chased COD, made a sci-fi COD Lite instead of evolving and improving the core tenets of what separates Halo from the field. Halo 5 went back to those core tenets and the Halo franchise is stronger for it.

Offering the wider audience a diluted COD Lite as some kind of opt-out for exploring the core pillars of TitanFall is not a smart way to strengthen your brand.

If TitanFall wants to extend it's reach and life as a competitive game, here's a wacky idea: Make the gameplay loop featuring Pilot/Titan interplay more fun and engaging.

There are many great suggestions in this thread of how to do just that.

You know you could play pilot vs pilot in the original so what you're saying is based on false premise. I know competitive FPS players from the moment they say titanfall they wanted a pilot only mode because the parkour pilot based combat was very appealing.

So I find your post pretty much wrong on all accounts.

And I don't think the competition does it better. That is my opinion at least.

I know some people who stopped playing or didn't buy because this mode wasn't there at least. They stumbled here and not having private rooms.

Providing a mode that essentially bypasses a huge part of the core gameplay loop does nothing to actually build the audience or franchise, because the audience such a mode is catering too is demonstrably more interested in a completely different gameplay loop provided by the competition. Plus, the competition obviously does it better since it's a) the core focus and b) they've been iterating and polishing it for years now.

Pilot vs Pilot is to TitanFall as Halo 4 was to Halo. A bastardization of the core gameplay loop designed to appeal to a wider audience. They chased COD, made a sci-fi COD Lite instead of evolving and improving the core tenets of what separates Halo from the field. Halo 5 went back to those core tenets and the Halo franchise is stronger for it.

Offering the wider audience a diluted COD Lite as some kind of opt-out for exploring the core pillars of TitanFall is not a smart way to strengthen your brand.

If TitanFall wants to extend it's reach and life as a competitive game, here's a wacky idea: Make the gameplay loop featuring Pilot/Titan interplay more fun and engaging.

There are many great suggestions in this thread of how to do just that.

I agree with that. Problem is I don't think the first one did that much better than what we saw in the test. So far Titanfall's mainstay for me has been the mobile fluidity and pilot gunplay. I'm still waiting for the Titan part to keep me as interested. So as is, I think Pilot vs. Pilot should stay as getting Titans feels like not much more than a glorified COD killstreak to me. I feel like me saying this is straight up heresy to you and some Titanfall fans, but the fact is I still love the game it's just that the Titans themselves don't do as much for me. I want them to.


Shit i can play Titanfall 1 for over 7 hours straight. Hopefully TF2 gives me that same sense of enjoyment and excitement of going to war against other players thats all im looking for. You really feel like a bad ass in TF1 especially when you're good at it. The chaos Respawn felt when playing it is what gets me amped up. Shit gets your adrenaline going.
You know you could play pilot vs pilot in the original so what you're saying is based on false premise. I know competitive FPS players from the moment they say titanfall they wanted a pilot only mode because the parkour pilot based combat was very appealing.

So I find your post pretty much wrong on all accounts.

And I don't think the competition does it better. That is my opinion at least.

I know some people who stopped playing or didn't buy because this mode wasn't there at least. They stumbled here and not having private rooms.

I know people who wanted loadouts and killstreaks in Halo, doesn't mean they were worth listening too.

I'm aware Pilot vs Pilot was added to TitanFall, and it did what exactly to expand the audience or the competitive life of the game?

Players that gameplay appealed to almost immediately left for Advanced Warfare.

oh my god this nonsense about calling it sci fi COD lite is so ridiculous. There is no comparison.

Pilot vs Pilot is absolutely COD Lite.

TitanFall proper, with the Titan/Pilot interplay and maps that make that interplay work, is much more than simply a sci-fi COD knock-off. It's its own unique, special thing.

I agree with that. Problem is I don't think the first one did that much better than what we saw in the test. So far Titanfall's mainstay for me has been the mobile fluidity and pilot gunplay. I'm still waiting for the Titan part to keep me as interested. So as is, I think Pilot vs. Pilot should stay as getting Titans feels like not much more than a glorified COD killstreak to me. I feel like me saying this is straight up heresy to you and some Titanfall fans, but the fact is I still love the game it's just that the Titans themselves don't do as much for me. I want them to.

Fair enough. I loved using and fighting against Titans in TF1. A big part of it was the map design. I had to scurry in and out through buildings, multiple floors, up to rooftops and along walls, stick and move and take off damage as the enemy tried to contend with me, other pilots buzzing him, and of course, our own team's Titans.

I also enjoyed the dichotomy of the frenetic, go-go-go COD style Pilot combat with the more methodical, tactical Titan combat. The recharging shields and decreased mobility ensured that if you wanted to keep your Titan alive and use it most effectively, you had to be smart about when and how you approached, use cover, know when to retreat and reacquire, etc. It brought a touch of Halo's back-and-forth battles when it was Titan vs Titan(s) and of course, there was the power fantasy of mowing down pilots with giant weapons.

The Cat and Mouse of Pilots vs Titan vs Titan vs Pilots was what kept me hooked on TitanFall for so long.

I feel like between the map design, the reduced movement speed (better for Pilots now, Titans still need tweaking), the battery mechanic, the lack of AI to keep the churn of Titans entering and exiting the battlefield up.... a whole lot of factors are making the Titan vs Pilots interplay less fun in TF2. Mostly map design though. You're basically telling players to play cat and mouse, and giving the mouse no means of really using their agility to counter the cat's size/power.
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