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TitanFall Beta not open: Invite waves & codes required, staggered to avoid implosion


Positive energy. Good vibes. We're all gonna get in.



Can't wait till 100,000 people break Respawn's website tomorrow, all the while people smashing their F5 keys to get to the sign up page. All this for a 5 day staggered beta too.


You would think they would give people who have Pre Ordered access like 99% of betas do. Pre orders take a chance and now they reward them with shit.


This is kind of ridiculous. Its not like they didn't know when the release date was. After this beta confusion, and then Respawn supposedly not knowing about the lack of a PS4 version until less than a year to release (Who was working on it? No one? Bullshitting the whole time?), makes you wonder what the hell is really going on over there. I'm sure Titanfall will be quality, but why can't they manage these things better? I'm pretty sure I'll end up getting this, but my decision between this or Dark Souls 2 on day one is getting easier and easier.


This is kind of ridiculous. Its not like they didn't know when the release date was. After this beta confusion, and then Respawn supposedly not knowing about the lack of a PS4 version until less than a year to release (Who was working on it? No one? Bullshitting the whole time?), makes you wonder what the hell is really going on over there. I'm sure Titanfall will be quality, but why can't they manage these things better? I'm pretty sure I'll end up getting this, but my decision between this or Dark Souls 2 on day one is getting easier and easier.

They did know when the release date was, the problem they were not sure if they were having a beta or not. Things like this happen when things change at the last minute. One of the reasons Respawn made Titanfall in the Source Engine was because they could make a PS4 version. Titanfall was supposed to be a timed exclusive for Xbox systems, with the PS4 version coming at a later date, but EA snuck behind Respawn's back and got a exclusivity deal with Microsoft.


This will be war. Don't forget if you have a friend who got in you should be able to play both on the Xbox One by logging into his account, setting his home Xbox to yours and then downloading the game. After that you should be able to play the game with your regular Live gamertag and your friend with his


Dreams of a world where inflated review scores save studios
should have made it per-orders only just to eliminate all the bitching and complaing from people that will not get in and well also more pre-orders


You would think they would give people who have Pre Ordered access like 99% of betas do. Pre orders take a chance and now they reward them with shit.

I always found it incredibly stupid to give early access to people that have already preordered. You don't gain anything, best case is you keep your preorder numbers. Worst case you lose them all.
They should give the beta to preorders to show they care about the community. I know if I don't get a key my preorder is getting cancelled (I will just wait a week or two and buy used). This whole beta fiasco is so frustrating.


I always found it incredibly stupid to give early access to people that have already preordered. You don't gain anything, best case is you keep your preorder numbers. Worst case you lose them all.

Hype hides the quality of games for quite some time. Look at most any overhyped and undelivered game. It generally takes at least a month or so for objectivity to start setting it on a wide scale. Limited betas that require jumping through hoops / pre-ordering / etc are just marketing tools as you filter your audience to only those that are exceptionally hyped up for the product. Even better they tend to be socially connected as that's where the betas are announced! It helps generate even more hype.

That's why I said previously I was cautiously optimistic when previous messages from Respawn seemed to imply a strong likelihood of open beta. But now it looks likely to just be another marketing stunt. His explanation for why they're going in waves is hilarious disingenuous. Entire XBone install base is < 4milion. I'm not sure she can take it if we send em all at once!!


I always found it incredibly stupid to give early access to people that have already preordered. You don't gain anything, best case is you keep your preorder numbers. Worst case you lose them all.

If you aren't confident in your product and want to hide something, don't have a beta at all. I'd say Titanfall has quite a bit of ground to gain by having a PC beta. Players are itchy for something after Battlefield fell on its face.

Meanwhile, the dorito pope cometh:

Geoff Keighley &#8207;@geoffkeighley 12m
Just completed my 73rd interview for the upcoming The Final Hours of Titanfall.


Ooooh creating that hype. Making people fever pitch for those codes. Say. The game doesn't even have that many pre orders yet they are telling us its the second coming. Ea... Activate hype


Ooooh creating that hype. Making people fever pitch for those codes. Say. The game doesn't even have that many pre orders yet they are telling us its the second coming. Ea... Activate hype

Source? Because I doubt you have any idea of how it's tracking with preorders.


Respawn really need to step up their communication with the community. Until I saw this thread I was under the full impression that it was an open beta, seems like I wasn't the only one, three days before this demo beta is supposed to go live. A similar thing happened with the previous beta,
I'm not calling that an alpha less than two months before release.

I don't have the time to spam F5 a random website to sign up for this demo beta.

And a staggered 5 day long beta? Really?


Source? Because I doubt you have any idea of how it's tracking with preorders.

I know how it's tracking in the UK for one company, and its not doing masses more than any other next gen game. To be fair the Xbox One us doing poor here, so it could be that.
Reminds me of the call of duty 4 beta on the 360. Didn't get in initially, but got in on the second wave.
They botched that not expecting large interest and their site was down nearly a week. To make up for it they let everyone in who applied.

The cod4 beta started on August 30th and ended on September 30th, with the game launching November 7th. Shit sure has changed. A month before launch and they have an alpha, 3 weeks before launch and they have a beta. Both are closed with limited access. Still shocking/frightening launch is less than a month away and we likely know only 25% about the game in general.

I predict many unhappy people tomorrow, myself included.


Ah yes, the Pachter school of analysis.

I didn't say it was perfect, but it's a great way to at least ballpark how something is actually doing at the moment. For a game like this it's sometimes difficult to discern between marketing and reality so seeing objective figures is quite useful. For instance I think many people assume the 360 version will outsell the XBone version. It seems logical yet for now the 360 version is basically dead as far as pre-order interest goes. Presumably that will change once more media is released, but it's still something I find interesting and somewhat surprising.
I didn't say it was perfect, but it's a great way to at least ballpark how something is actually doing at the moment. For a game like this it's sometimes difficult to discern between marketing and reality so seeing objective figures is quite useful. For instance I think many people assume the 360 version will outsell the XBone version. It seems logical yet for now the 360 version is basically dead as far as pre-order interest goes. Presumably that will change once more media is released, but it's still something I find interesting and somewhat surprising.

Pre-orders are only a small subset of the people who buy games though. It really is next to impossible to discern anything from those Amazon numbers. You compared Titanfall to the PS3 version of LRFF13, but Titanfall is still a month away where as LRFF13 comes out today (it's peak of sales). Hell, the best selling item is a damn Disney Infinity character. What does all this mean? Close to nothing. It's way to small of a sliver of information that it can't be expanded to mean anything either positively or negatively. Infamous Second Son preorders don't even crack the top 100 right now, does that mean it's going to bomb? Nope. One thing is for sure though, we are only a couple weeks away from Microsoft going thermonuclear with their advertising of Titanfall.


He touched the black heart of a mod
How do they plan to avoid implosion when the game hits? Staggering which regions and subregions can play first?


Respawn just said this on Twitter in reply to a question about the codes.

My Guns Laggy &#8207;@DustinKade 1h

@respawn are you guys going to give out a decent amount of beta codes? Or do I have to fight tooth and nail to get one?

Respawn &#8207;@Respawn

@DustinKade there will be a large amount
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