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Today's the day! I am asking her out


Awesome OP, just remember she probably gave you her number and accepted out of curiosity, she probably does not expect anything out of this, you should too.

Just go out, be yourself, be honest, don't push yourself, do not try to impress her, have fun.

If there is chemistry you'll notice, at the end depending on how you felt, tell her you want to see her again if you're not sure, tell her that you are interested and want to date, or say "bye" and walk away, no shame, no guilty.

Wish you the best.


not a medical professional


I'm just going to quote one of my later posts.

I just know from experience, sometimes girls in a situation where they are working and they dont want to deal with everything that comes after "sorry just dont think im interested" they just give out their number and let the guy orbit for extra validation...

Not saying thats the case here necessarily, im interested to see where this goes, just was pointing out that laying it out there right away leaves 0% room for confusion


Holy shit, good stuff, OP! Congrats! This thread give me hope. Now you gotta keep us updated, it's your duty now lol.


I just know from experience, sometimes girls in a situation where they are working and they dont want to deal with everything that comes after "sorry just dont think im interested" they just give out their number and let the guy orbit for extra validation...

Not saying thats the case here necessarily, im interested to see where this goes, just was pointing out that laying it out there right away leaves 0% room for confusion
But giving him her number? If OP reports it's a fake number then, yeah.


Congrats OP! That's awesome, this is one of my fave threads of the year. And don't listen to anyone saying you didn't actually ask her on a date, thats insane.

Have fun!


Twist: for the next two weeks, OP's date has a old friend stay over, they have a complicated history, she's not into him in the slightest... Him however...

Dun dun dunnnnn
Man I was trying to link these two threads together but I couldn't. The situations and reactions are so polar opposite of each other. They're like yin and yang, the sun and the moon, the first post and the better second post.

It was great to see such rampant positivity here. For once, OT doesn't make me sad.


Just being a normal person and asking someone out in a friendly manner is always the way to go!

Congratulations OP! Whether it works or not, there are very few feelings as good as getting a "yes" when you ask someone you're interested in out.
Maybe one day he'll tell their kids about this and say "And I didn't get discouraged even though GAF said it probably wasn't a real date."
Man OP... You executed that flawlessly. If you had just left it at hand out sometime and nothing else, it would've been less likely she'd say yes hut throwing in the farmers market and getting a little laugh out of her got you in the game!

You've given hope to those who have none.


OP, please disregard like half of these posts. You did just fine...better than fine, actually. You went the ideal route. You can figure out if you like one another during your hang out session. Why does it even need to be a date, or labeled as such? Sheesh, some of you guys...

Also, the friend zone is fake so don't have that enter your mind so you feel super pressed to make a move so you can avoid falling into it. If she's into you, you will never get to a point where she cherishes your friendship too much to bone, nevermind having that happen on the first or second date. Granted, it's too soon to have that even enter your brain, but since some here seem to be alluding to the idea that you're setting yourself up to be friend-zoned, I thought it might bear mentioning.


But giving him her number? If OP reports it's a fake number then, yeah.

Sometimes women will give their real number in case the dude tries to call them then and there (which does happen). It's about de-escalating a possible situation in advance. Not saying this is what happened to the OP, btw, just explaining.

I also see nothing wrong with telling the OP to make sure it's obvious they are on a date, or that he's interested in dating her. What's "obvious" to some is not obvious to others, and it removes the ambiguity. It's basic advice that's gonna help OP in the long-run. I would hope chemistry is obvious or not on Friday, but it can be difficult for a lot of people to figure out.

I will again say that I think OP did everything right, so nobody thinks I'm being a naysayer, haha! I think the farmers market is a great idea, too.


A good friend of mine talked to this waitress at a party a couple times and found they had some common musical tastes. He hunted down mutal friends of theirs to find out if she had a boyfriend (she didn't). Then when the ghost was clear, he rolled into her restaurant one night as things were shutting down to ask her for her number.

She smiled and gave it to him! I was with him and was surprised as hell, but proud of him.

He texted her once or twice. She never responded. Two days later she blocked him on Facebook. Never got an explanation.

Just a cautionary tale -- when you go to a girl's job and ask her out you are entering a world of unpredictable topsy turvy weirdness. There was really no other way to do it in this situation, though.


He texted her once or twice. She never responded. Two days later she blocked him on Facebook. Never got an explanation.

Why do I get the feeling that's not the whole story?

Ok I'll be the idiot and ask what do you do at a farmer's market?
Walk around outside in the nice weather, enjoy local food, people watch, and large crowds help keep things casual. It's an A+ first date choice.
A good friend of mine talked to this waitress at a party a couple times and found they had some common musical tastes. He hunted down mutal friends of theirs to find out if she had a boyfriend (she didn't). Then when the ghost was clear, he rolled into her restaurant one night as things were shutting down to ask her for her number.

She smiled and gave it to him! I was with him and was surprised as hell, but proud of him.

He texted her once or twice. She never responded. Two days later she blocked him on Facebook. Never got an explanation.

Just a cautionary tale -- when you go to a girl's job and ask her out you are entering a world of unpredictable topsy turvy weirdness. There was really no other way to do it in this situation, though.

OP didn't ask for her number though. The situation is different.

Also, a good friend of yours, riiiiight.


Ok I'll be the idiot and ask what do you do at a farmer's market?

Walk and talk, make some jokes, grab some good food, some good drinks, get to know each other in an open neutral space with tons of shit to do.

Farmer's Market wouldn't be my first choice for a first date, but it's not bad at all.


Ya did it OP I'm so proud of you booi
This is the most "feel-good" thread on Gaf in a while. Congrats OP! If it doesn't work out this is still great experience to have, it will only get easier! :)


To be fair, I thought he was actually going to ask her out on a date. Not some sort of ill-defined platonic "hangout". Now comes the "Is she interested in me as more than a friend?" guessing game.

Who asks to go on formal dates though? No girl who's not actually interested is gonna say yes to 'hanging out' in that situation unless they're playing games or incredibly naive. I do agree that the op will have to be clear with his intentions on the date though.

And op you realize you're obligated to live blog this relationship to the bitter end now right?


Tagged as I see fit
A good friend of mine talked to this waitress at a party a couple times and found they had some common musical tastes. He hunted down mutal friends of theirs to find out if she had a boyfriend (she didn't). Then when the ghost was clear, he rolled into her restaurant one night as things were shutting down to ask her for her number.

She smiled and gave it to him! I was with him and was surprised as hell, but proud of him.

He texted her once or twice. She never responded. Two days later she blocked him on Facebook. Never got an explanation.

Just a cautionary tale -- when you go to a girl's job and ask her out you are entering a world of unpredictable topsy turvy weirdness. There was really no other way to do it in this situation, though.

Amazing thread reference or....?
A good friend of mine talked to this waitress at a party a couple times and found they had some common musical tastes. He hunted down mutal friends of theirs to find out if she had a boyfriend (she didn't). Then when the ghost was clear, he rolled into her restaurant one night as things were shutting down to ask her for her number.

She smiled and gave it to him! I was with him and was surprised as hell, but proud of him.

He texted her once or twice. She never responded. Two days later she blocked him on Facebook. Never got an explanation.

Just a cautionary tale -- when you go to a girl's job and ask her out you are entering a world of unpredictable topsy turvy weirdness. There was really no other way to do it in this situation, though.

Is this a meme or do you actually think the saying is the "ghost is clear"

Edit: Beaten


I have female friends who still are surprised when some male friend/activity partner of theirs confesses romantic feelings for them. Even though it happens with like almost every single dude they hang out with. One very good friend of mine is pushing 30 and still doesn't understand that all her guy friends are secret-thirsty.

"Would you like to hang out and get some food at the Farmer's Market" does not make intent clear.

This would make sense if he was her friend and not some random dude chatting her up at her job.


Walk and talk, make some jokes, grab some good food, some good drinks, get to know each other in an open neutral space with tons of shit to do.

Farmer's Market wouldn't be my first choice for a first date, but it's not bad at all.


Ya did it OP I'm so proud of you booi

Walk around, check out the booths, maybe buy an edible goodie or two. Very laid-back, great atmosphere for a first date, actually.

Yep. There's also no real set amount of time to stay. If things aren't going well, it's pretty easy to part ways early.

And as someone who loves food, the farmers market is where it's at.

Make sure the weather's gonna be nice, OP!


I have female friends who still are surprised when some male friend/activity partner of theirs confesses romantic feelings for them. Even though it happens with like almost every single dude they hang out with. One very good friend of mine is pushing 30 and still doesn't understand that all her guy friends are secret-thirsty.

"Would you like to hang out and get some food at the Farmer's Market" does not make intent clear.

key word = "random".

Already being actual friends with said girl is a different story.

but in any other circumstance? If you're asking chicks out and they're hitting you with the "wait this was supposed to be a date" line, then you have severely fucked up. I'd even say that's worse than a genuine "i don't think this will ever work out", at least that's a date response.

I can't even think of a successful delivery that would result in a "yes" that would lead her to genuinely believe "Oh, he only wants to hang out with me, just hang out, my vagina has nothing to do with this at all".

Either that, or the girl is just being an asshole.
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