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Tomb Raider - E3 2011 CG Trailer


bigboss370 said:
i hope there is still substantial gunplay in this game, and if not, then a substantial fighting system like arkham asylum or something.
Oh god I hope not, but there probably will be with the revamped combat system and all that shit.


bigboss370 said:
i hope there is still substantial gunplay in this game, and if not, then a substantial fighting system like arkham asylum or something.
What? Have you ever played the series? With the exception of GoL combat has always been the worst aspect of the games. Just... no.
why not? with the reboot and new engine and all, plus the awesomeness of guardian of light, they can make combat really awesome. of course there will be lots of survival and traversing/exploring, but why not have a nice combat system in place as well?


I'd like a more refined combat system too. The core gameplay in a Tomb Raider game should always be puzzle solving and platforming though.
bigboss370 said:
why not? with the reboot and new engine and all, plus the awesomeness of guardian of light, they can make combat really awesome. of course there will be lots of survival and traversing/exploring, but why not have a nice combat system in place as well?

It's still running on the CDC engine (although it's heavily modified). That engine was also used for Underworld and Deus Ex: Human Revolution. They've also already confirmed that the gunplay has been completely revamped (no more lockon targeting). As far as it having "substantial gunplay, I guess that could describe Legend and, to a lesser extent, Underworld. Both of those games were an improvement over the previous games but i'd say that Anniversary is by far the best CD developed TR. Gunplay took a backseat and it was really all about puzzles and adventure. That's Tomb Raider. Anniversary also brought back the manual grab, and that's a huge plus.


SolidSnakex said:
Anniversary also brought back the manual grab, and that's a huge plus.
And it was removed when Underworld came around 2 years later lol. But I agree with the sentiment that Tomb Raider should be about exploration and puzzle solving, with only a little combat. The only thing that worries me about the puzzles in this game is that they sound completely different than past TR's. I'm not sure how I feel about that.


ultron87 said:
Cool trailer. Gameplay would be cooler though.

What happened to whoever pulled her out of the hatch on the ship? That couldn't have been the guy she tried to jump over to.
Was thinking the same thing myself
It so far from the release date...how much could they have playable for the show floor?

Has any other game (besides Zelda) been playable at E3 this far before release?
The voice acting gave me flashbacks of Metroid: Other M; hopefully it isn't final. CGI was nice, but now I'm worried about the narrative.


needs 2 extra inches
I liked it. But she looked less realistic in the trailer than she did on the covers. I like that they dropped the characterization and went for something more vulnerable and human, but she looked almost too fragile and weak for a seasoned veteran.

Unless this is literally a reboot, as in: Lara's first adventure, where she starts out weak and develops into the character she's known for throughout the game. I'm out of the loop on this one, so can anyone confirm whether this is the case or not?
Jinfash said:
Unless this is literally a reboot, as: Lara's first adventure, where she starts out weak and develops into the known character she's known for throughout the game. I'm out of the loop on this one, so can anyone confirm whether this is the case or not?
Entire reboot? Yes, this is her origin story.


bigboss370 said:
i hope there is still substantial gunplay in this game, and if not, then a substantial fighting system like arkham asylum or something.

What? No! Why do you want this game ruined? Did you ever play the original Tomb Raider? The series was never supposed to be about killing people or punching people or killing stuff or whatever else.

People like you are why good games get ruined! *sobs*
jbttwin said:
And it was removed when Underworld came around 2 years later lol.

I really don't know why either. Why not just leave it there as an option (as they did with Anniversary)? It just makes the game feel so much better.


HYDE said:
I'm reminded more of Dead Space 2 gameplay wise, than Uncharted. I see her hanging upside down like in DS2 and imagine her in a survival mode with a bow, and eventually other items that are used in third person mode. I think it will play similar to Uncharted 2, in that it's third person and an action/adventure game. But, I believe it will tread it's own ideas and possibly borrow a bit from Batman Arkham Asylum with the Metroidvania stuff that's being hinted at. Thoughts?

bigboss370 said:
i hope there is still substantial gunplay in this game, and if not, then a substantial fighting system like arkham asylum or something.

Even worse!

Tomb Raider has never been about these things. Is it so hard to follow the template of Forgotten ruins/temples with ultra complex traps and structures that you are required to navigate to reach whatever goal is buried inside. Couple that with the feeling of total isolation and you have Tomb Raider. The less combat the better.
Ceebs said:
The less combat the better.
This is so damn true, and always has been, but I don't think devs and publishers can comprehend how this can be a good thing.

Kind of ironic all the same since the most loved aspects of the series are the raiding of tombs parts.


SolidSnakex said:
It's still running on the CDC engine (although it's heavily modified). That engine was also used for Underworld and Deus Ex: Human Revolution. They've also already confirmed that the gunplay has been completely revamped (no more lockon targeting). As far as it having "substantial gunplay, I guess that could describe Legend and, to a lesser extent, Underworld. Both of those games were an improvement over the previous games but i'd say that Anniversary is by far the best CD developed TR. Gunplay took a backseat and it was really all about puzzles and adventure. That's Tomb Raider. Anniversary also brought back the manual grab, and that's a huge plus.

So this is on the same engine as Underworld? Hope we get similar performance out of it on PC. I LOVED how smooth Underworld ran for me.

Agreed about Anniversary too. Underworld was also great in its own way despite some jankiness here and there. I hope CD pulls off this new TR really well. Itd be nice to see some new life pumped into it.
Ceebs said:
Even worse!

Tomb Raider has never been about these things. Is it so hard to follow the template of Forgotten ruins/temples with ultra complex traps and structures that you are required to navigate to reach whatever goal is buried inside. Couple that with the feeling of total isolation and you have Tomb Raider. The less combat the better.

ok, i've never actually completed a full tomb raider game. i have played a PS1 demo once though and i remember being in a cave shooting tigers. i also have Underworld and GoL which i played a little and still need to finish.

but whats with all the hate against combat? I still agree that there should be a huge survival and exploration/puzzles aspect but why not sprinkle in some combat as well? isn't the dual garter belt handguns like a major image of tomb raider? if they can create fun combat, why not?

and what you're suggesting doesn't seem like it would help to create a very compelling narrative. there needs to be interaction with other people. i know its completely different but look at portal, you are isolated and trying to survive through consecutive puzzles but at least you have interaction with another intelligence to keep narrative moving forward.


Wow, Lara looks great. It was so odd to see her shaped like a real woman in Underworld, and then see that her face has two giant eyes and weird lips. The part where she fixes her arms reminds me of Uncharted 2's beginning, haha.
but whats with all the hate against combat? I still agree that there should be a huge survival and exploration/puzzles aspect but why not sprinkle in some combat as well? isn't the dual garter belt handguns like a major image of tomb raider? if they can create fun combat, why not?

TR's combat is this: Jump, jump, shoot.


bigboss370 said:
ok, i've never actually completed a full tomb raider game. i have played a PS1 demo once though and i remember being in a cave shooting tigers. i also have Underworld and GoL which i played a little and still need to finish.

but whats with all the hate against combat? I still agree that there should be a huge survival and exploration/puzzles aspect but why not sprinkle in some combat as well? isn't the dual garter belt handguns like a major image of tomb raider? if they can create fun combat, why not?

and what you're suggesting doesn't seem like it would help to create a very compelling narrative. there needs to be interaction with other people. i know its completely different but look at portal, you are isolated and trying to survive through consecutive puzzles but at least you have interaction with another intelligence to keep narrative moving forward.
The combat in Tomb Raider has always been like the Mirrors Edge combat. It's the weakest link in the games and would not be missed if it was ditched completely. The dual pistols are iconic so keep them and integrate basic pistol shooting into the puzzles.
bigboss370 said:
but whats with all the hate against combat? I still agree that there should be a huge survival and exploration/puzzles aspect but why not sprinkle in some combat as well? isn't the dual garter belt handguns like a major image of tomb raider? if they can create fun combat, why not?

Sprinkling in gunplay and "substantial gunplay" (which is what you mentioned earlier) are two very different things. No one is really against there being some level of gunplay in TR, but fans just don't want it to be a major focus of the gameplay.
SolidSnakex said:
Sprinkling in gunplay and "substantial gunplay" (which is what you mentioned earlier) are two very different things. No one is really against there being some level of gunplay in TR, but fans just don't want it to be a major focus of the gameplay.

what i meant by substantial gunplay is to have it as a fleshed out gameplay mechanic(as opposed to feeling tacked on or stiff like mirrors edge), but not necessarily have it as the main gameplay. just have it permeate throughout the story.

i understand why people wouldn't want it seeing as previous gunplay in TR games hasn't been the greatest, but doing a reboot gives them the opportunity to remedy that.


bigboss370 said:
what i meant by substantial gunplay is to have it as a fleshed out gameplay mechanic(as opposed to feeling tacked on or stiff like mirrors edge), but not necessarily have it as the main gameplay. just have it permeate throughout the story.

i understand why people wouldn't want it seeing as previous gunplay in TR games hasn't been the greatest, but doing a reboot gives them the opportunity to remedy that.

Well if that's the case then there should be some decent combat in this game. There's no more auto aim (thank god). I'm just curious how taking auto aim out would work, since combat has always been very fast paced in TR.
If the developer spends considerable time developing a good gunplay mechanic, the more likely it will be emphasized. I want CD to focus on level design, not gunplay. I don't care about shooting in Tomb Raider games.


marathonfool said:
If the developer spends considerable time developing a good gunplay mechanic, the more likely it will be emphasized. I want CD to focus on level design, not gunplay. I don't care about shooting in Tomb Raider games.
Exactly. There are truckloads of games released each month for you to get your shooting jollies off if that is your thing. There are however very few games that bring the other aspects of Tomb Raider.


bigboss370 said:
but whats with all the hate against combat? I still agree that there should be a huge survival and exploration/puzzles aspect but why not sprinkle in some combat as well? isn't the dual garter belt handguns like a major image of tomb raider? if they can create fun combat, why not?

It isn't that I hate combat, I hate the attitude the industry has that combat has to be in games in order to make them interesting. Make games interesting in other ways? Lost in Blue was a game about surviving on a deserted island, and while it may not have been the best game ever, it was a lot of fun and unique and never once had anything near combat. Disaster Report / Raw Danger were games about survival - which, again, could have been better in the right hands - and they were outrageously enjoyable for the concepts they explored.

As well, I can think of a number of games that would have been far better had they had their combat stripped out - Rule of Rose and Ico as two examples.

There's just too much opinion out there that adventure games can't just be adventure games - they have to be action adventure. For people who want to shoot stuff, there are THOUSANDS of options. For people who don't want any combat, there are almost no options. Don't encourage the taking away of even more of those small handful of titles.

Do you know how hard it is for people (like me) who love games that are fun and epic and large in scope but who have actual emotional detachment from having to constantly kill people? I'm getting tired of killing, not as a gameplay mechanic, but on a bigger, more personal level. (Not that I won't play games that force me to kill, but really, more and more I wish I had more options where I didn't have to, and more and more avoid those that force me to.)

Ellis Kim

bigboss370 said:
why not? with the reboot and new engine and all, plus the awesomeness of guardian of light, they can make combat really awesome. of course there will be lots of survival and traversing/exploring, but why not have a nice combat system in place as well?
I want solid gameplay mechanics. What I don't want is gunplay for the sake of gunplay.

I want more of what made Tomb Raider Anniversary good, not what made Tomb Raider Legend and Underworld bad.

TR != Uncharted.
shidoshi said:
It isn't that I hate combat, I hate the attitude the industry has that combat has to be in games in order to make them interesting. Make games interesting in other ways? Lost in Blue was a game about surviving on a deserted island, and while it may not have been the best game ever, it was a lot of fun and unique and never once had anything near combat. Disaster Report / Raw Danger were games about survival - which, again, could have been better in the right hands - and they were outrageously enjoyable for the concepts they explored.

The previews already showed that she has a bow and some sort of mountain climbing axe thing; there are you weapons right there. I expect there to be combat, but I hate for it to be a focal point for the game.

Larson Conway said:
Wow at fan-made Dead Island version of the trailer. Dat piano

more like dat strings :D
Stallion Free said:
I will goddamn rage when this happens.

MS landed fully exclusive episodes for Underworld and timed exclusive content for GoL. If you're going to be upset by it then i'd say to start hoping that it's simply timed exclusive content. That's possible since nearly every developer sets out to make DLC these days. Underworld's content was exclusive because MS asked for it and funded it.


Exclusive shit will make not want this game. I already hate Underworld for excluding PC/PS3 out of Beneath The Ashes which looked done better than TRU altogether.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
SolidSnakex said:
MS landed fully exclusive episodes for Underworld and timed exclusive content for GoL. If you're going to be upset by it then i'd say to start hoping that it's simply timed exclusive content. That's possible since nearly every developer sets out to make DLC these days. Underworld's content was exclusive because MS asked for it and funded it.
I don't want to have to play the version with shitastic visuals to get to experience everything. It better be timed exclusive.
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