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Ubisoft: Watch_Dogs will run at 900p on PS4 and 792p on XB1, both at 30fps


Eh the difference between 900p and 1080p isn't that massive sure it's not ideal but with a decent upscaling, it's not as much of a night and day as 720p to 1080p and this is with a computer monitor so it's far easier to notice the issues compared with a tv.

Certainly worth the increase in framerate, to me at least.

It's "massive" to me. AC4 pre-patch at 900p was immediately noticeable. And it is very, very easy to notice the issues on my TV. Assuming that a monitor would be more noticeable is a bad assumption. I don't sit 10 feet away from some little 42" screen. I sit 8 feet from a 60" screen and you see every little tiny thing.

It wouldn't ever stop me from buying it, but I will notice the upscale blur every moment that I am playing it. A resolution patch is wishful thinking, but hey, there's always a possibility of it being optimized better at some point. I just hope this doesn't become common.
Honestly? I don't find Watch Dog so impressive to require 900p (like probably The Witcher 3). I bet what you want the next GTA will put in the shame this dynamic world . In any case I want to see this revolutionary dynamic world in action. I wouldn't surprise if will be barely to the same seen on GTA in the ps360. The same Eurogamer has put some doubt about this revolutionary dynamic gameplay in a dedicate article.
I think you forgot how GTAIV looked like...
Ubisoft gameplay more often than not turns out to be repetitive, run of the mill and unchallenging but at least they know how to deliver technical marvels.
After seeing the latest batch of watchdog screens on PS4 (which most people first thought where enthousiast pc settings that would melt the ps4) I expected this game wouldn't run at 1080p. 900p is just a small sacrifice if it means they can keep those high settings effects at an acceptable framerate on the PS4. People are making a bigger deal out of it than it is.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
1920x1080 = 2,073,600 pixels.
1920x800 = 1,536,000 pixels.

2,073,600 - 1,536,000 = 537,000 pixels.

This is is the difference between Xbone and DeityStation 4.

I guess the difference between these two versions is even less than a "few extra lines".
Did.... you just say "deitystation 4"?


M°°nblade;111981337 said:
I think you forgot how GTAIV looked like...
Ubisoft gameplay more often than not turns out to be repetitive, run of the mill and unchallenging but at least they know how to deliver technical marvels.
After seeing the latest batch of watchdog screens on PS4 (which most people first thought where enthousiast pc settings that would melt the ps4) I expected this game wouldn't run at 1080p. 900p is a small sacrifice if it means they can keep those high settings effects at an acceptable framerate on the PS4.
You mean now? At the time GTA 4 was impressive to me . I'm not want to troll but Watch Dog not give the same impression, not like KZ or Infamous.


It's "massive" to me. AC4 pre-patch at 900p was immediately noticeable. And it is very, very easy to notice the issues on my TV. Assuming that a monitor would be more noticeable is a bad assumption. I don't sit 10 feet away from some little 42" screen. I sit 8 feet from a 60" screen and you see every little tiny thing.

BF4 looks slightly blurry compared to every other game out there on the PS4 (BF4 IIRC is the only sub-1080p game).
It doesn't make a huge difference to me, but I don't think this can be chalked up as "oh the PS4 isn't powerful enough well so much for next gen" like some people are saying here. I think it's more that being the main team had to work on the XB1 and PS4 version with so much trouble going on (the delay, the graphics downgrade) that they basically had to rush the optimization process. For all we know there could be some 1080p patch like AC4.
900p doesn't bother me that much, but I feel even worse for the Xbox One folks with the 792p.
Because watchdogs has done the exact same thing, hence some people are surprised people still fall for their blatant deceit. Ubisoft show you one thing to mangle you in the cogs of their hype machine, and then they bait and switch to something worse. they do this on a consistent basis, without fail. We really shouldn't be surprised at this point.

Lets put it this way.

Don't expect the division to come out when they say or look the way it did.

this is cynicism bordering conspiracy.
You mean now? At the time GTA 4 was impressive to me . I'm not want to troll but Watch Dog not give the same impression, not like KZ or Infamous.
GTAIV impressive? It had a terrible draw distance, framedrops, low framerate, tree popups, lot's of low resolution textures and ran at subHD resolution on my PS3. It was proably the worst looking open world game at it's time. By comparison, Ubisoft's assassin's creed looked amazing.
BF4 looks slightly blurry compared to every other game out there on the PS4 (BF4 IIRC is the only sub-1080p game).
It doesn't make a huge difference to me, but I don't think this can be chalked up as "oh the PS4 isn't powerful enough well so much for next gen" like some people are saying here. I think it's more that being the main team had to work on the XB1 and PS4 version with so much trouble going on (the delay, the graphics downgrade) that they basically had to rush the optimization process. For all we know there could be some 1080p patch like AC4.
900p doesn't bother me that much, but I feel even worse for the Xbox One folks with the 792p.

And for BF4 the resolution was dropped in order to achieve 60fps. In addition, BF4 is a launch title.
S¡mon;111980809 said:
No, he means that The Order: 1886 in fact does output a 1920 x 1080 image. Sure, 140 black lines on the top and 140 black lines on the bottom - but the picture in between the black bars won't be stretched.

On a 1920 x 1080 display, it looks exactly as it is intended to look. Unlike with 'crazy' resolutions like 1600 x 900, where basically stretching is taking place.

On the issue of '900p' and '792p' for PS4 and XB1. At the end of the day, both games will be very enjoyable to play.

Most people were satisfied with BF4's graphics on PS4, even though it was only 900p. It was still clearly sharper and better-looking than last-gen's often below-720p games.
And on XB1, well, at the end of the day, I heard very few people complain about it being 720p.

People didn't worry about the resolution. People just... played. :)

I understand what he's saying but like I said, Film does not benefit in any technical manner from it's chosen aspect ratio, games absolutely do. So when the Order goes anamorphic it's for technical reasons as much as stylistic choice, just like the old master system carts back in the day

OK own up, which one of you posted this?
There is no reason to base performance and resolution on a cross-gen game.

Let's wait for the likes of Arkham Knight and GTA 6 to really determine it for open world games.
What is up with the 792p thing? Is that simply to escape the 720p criticism? Didn't Titanfall use 792p?

Odd though. I have been playing games / PC games for 20+ years and never once seen 792p


In my opinion, those who have decided not to get the game, or have cancelled their preorders, because it doesn't meet their expected resolution have just about lost touch with what it means to be a gamer.

This "1080p or nothing" attitude is for the birds. Absolutely ridiculous.

Nah, this is bs. I am a gamer. I game on PC. and I've gamed forever on consoles. New hardware always means better fidelity gaming, it goes hand in hand with one another. When a console can't perform it, people can choose to not support the shoddy development (When its available in other titles). I don't buy a new videocard to run 320x240 game content for 60 dollars. That isn't what I want to support as a customer. Its not just some "herp derp 1080p or nothing!" Its, Im not paying top dollar for it.

Rolling over and pretending that because the Xbone can't do it, that means that resolution all together doesn't matter, is a lie. Resolution matters, in combination with a polished product. As close to 1080p you can get is fine by me for devs that strive to do it.


M°°nblade;111983410 said:
It's also a heavy GPU dependent game. I'm not an expert but the things WD does stress the CPU a lot more.

I wonder how much all of Watch Dog's silly multiplayer hooks impact performance. I'd gladly give up all of that nonsense for a better single player experience any day. It all sounds extremely gimmicky and unappealing.


M°°nblade;111982846 said:
GTAIV impressive? It had a terrible draw distance, framedrops, low framerate, tree popups, lot's of low resolution textures and ran at subHD resolution on my PS3. It was proably the worst looking open world game at it's time. By comparison, Ubisoft's assassin's creed looked amazing.
You mean the 15 fps with 50% of torn of tearing on ps3? O.O GTA 4 used Eupheria, physics & deferred light at the time. AC 1 was a mess on ps3 almost unplayable
If, hypothetically, 900p becomes commonplace on the PS4 in a year or two, this is going to be a hilarious thread to revisit.

I don't really care about 900p. It's the 30fps which chaps my hide. If you're putting out a game at 900p, you'd better be locked at 60fps, or I will laugh at your game engine because it's certainly not the PS4's fault.
I wonder how much all of Watch Dog's silly multiplayer hooks impact performance. I'd gladly give up all of that nonsense for a better single player experience any day. It all sounds extremely gimmicky and unappealing.

you can turn that all off i believe.

the whole every npc has a story to tell and what not is probably whats hogging processes. Also the whole, we simulated weather and wind patterns of chicago, because.


chances for a post-release patch to 1080p or a FPS bump? They did it for AC4, and it was a noticeable improvement.

I'm not stressing about 900p, I can tell the difference between 720p and 1080p but once you get to 900p the difference is negligible for games IMO. Certainly not a killer for me. I agree that if they are going with a lower res that more FPS should be expected though.
Rolling over and pretending that because the Xbone can't do it, that means that resolution all together doesn't matter, is a lie. Resolution matters, in combination with a polished product. As close to 1080p you can get is fine by me for devs that strive to do it.
He's not pretending resolution doesn't matter. He thinks it's weird how people think a game isn't worth playing because the resolution isn't ideal.


chances for a post-release patch to 1080p or a FPS bump? They did it for AC4, and it was a noticeable improvement.

I'm not stressing about 900p, I can tell the difference between 720p and 1080p but once you get to 900p the difference is negligible for games IMO. Certainly not a killer for me. I agree that if they are going with a lower res that more FPS should be expected though.
Not a single. In all honest thinking again they are unable to render AC4 at 60 fps why should be a surprise even for me .


1920x1080 = 2,073,600 pixels.
1920x800 = 1,536,000 pixels.

2,073,600 - 1,536,000 = 537,000 pixels.

This is is the difference between Xbone and DeityStation 4.

I guess the difference between these two versions is even less than a "few extra lines".

Holy fuck. :lol
chances for a post-release patch to 1080p or a FPS bump? They did it for AC4, and it was a noticeable improvement.

I'm not stressing about 900p, I can tell the difference between 720p and 1080p but once you get to 900p the difference is negligible for games IMO. Certainly not a killer for me. I agree that if they are going with a lower res that more FPS should be expected though.

And the thing with ACIV 1080p native support patch on the PS4 was that the game continued to run at locked 30fps with no slow downs.
You mean the 15 fps with 50% of torn of tearing on ps3? O.O GTA 4 used Eupheria, physics & deferred light at the time. AC 1 was a mess on ps3 almost unplayable
Uhm every game has physics. Just because it a fancy name doesn't mean a lot. GTA 4 had far bigger framerate problems than AC1. Regardless of the techniques it used, it looked like **** on that sub HD resolution.


Nah, this is bs. I am a gamer. I game on PC. and I've gamed forever on consoles. New hardware always means better fidelity gaming, it goes hand in hand with one another. When a console can't perform it, people can choose to not support the shoddy development (When its available in other titles). I don't buy a new videocard to run 320x240 game content for 60 dollars. That isn't what I want to support as a customer. Its not just some "herp derp 1080p or nothing!" Its, Im not paying top dollar for it.

Rolling over and pretending that because the Xbone can't do it, that means that resolution all together doesn't matter, is a lie. Resolution matters, in combination with a polished product. As close to 1080p you can get is fine by me for devs that strive to do it.

Since when is $400 considered "top dollar"?

And no one's "rolling over" here. I'm simply saying for the $400 a person spent on the PS4, they shouldn't expect miracles. People should take a game as its presented, not as something they expected in their own heads.
Nah, this is bs. I am a gamer. I game on PC. and I've gamed forever on consoles. New hardware always means better fidelity gaming, it goes hand in hand with one another. When a console can't perform it, people can choose to not support the shoddy development (When its available in other titles). I don't buy a new videocard to run 320x240 game content for 60 dollars. That isn't what I want to support as a customer. Its not just some "herp derp 1080p or nothing!" Its, Im not paying top dollar for it.

Rolling over and pretending that because the Xbone can't do it, that means that resolution all together doesn't matter, is a lie. Resolution matters, in combination with a polished product. As close to 1080p you can get is fine by me for devs that strive to do it.
Pretty much. This thread is full of reductionist arguments on both sides of the coin.
I was deciding between this and Wolfenstein and this news just made the decision easy. It's not that I won't potentially buy Watch_Dogs at some point but it's just not a high priority anymore, and I'll wait for it to be cheaper.


I understand what he's saying but like I said, Film does not benefit in any technical manner from it's chosen aspect ratio, games absolutely do. So when the Order goes anamorphic it's for technical reasons as much as stylistic choice, just like the old master system carts back in the day

cant hit 1920x1080?

lower the viewing size, add black bars, and say its for artistic reasons!

shit, UBISOFT should of done this, at least they wouldn't get a 4000 post thread with them shitting their game up
cant hit 1920x1080?

lower the viewing size, add black bars, and say its for artistic reasons!

shit, UBISOFT should of done this, at least they wouldn't get a 4000 post thread with them shitting their game up
There were planty of people 'shitting the game up' in threads about The Order because of it's aspect ratio/resolution.


cant hit 1920x1080?

lower the viewing size, add black bars, and say its for artistic reasons!

shit, UBISOFT should of done this, at least they wouldn't get a 4000 post thread with them shitting their game up

Whats your point?
You do realize that between the IQ of The Order and Watch_Dogs have a huge gap. Right?


If, hypothetically, 900p becomes commonplace on the PS4 in a year or two, this is going to be a hilarious thread to revisit.

The only way that would happen is if some new more powerful than PS4 console h/w comes out and sells a ton of units making development of higher specced multiplatform games viable.

The reason why we see 900p on PS4 in BF4 and WD is because these games started their development cycle way before DICE and Ubi had final XBO and PS4 specs/devkits.

PS4 will be the most powerful platform for the rest of this generation (well, unless Nintendo surprise us all). What this means is that there will be three types of multiplatform games:

a. PS4 is the lead target platform. 1080p for PS4, something less than that for XBO. This is the most likely scenario for the future if the sales trend will continue as it is.

b. XBO is the lead target platform. 1080p for XBO, something more than that for PS4 (more fps on average or better graphics quality). This is what we've seen in several non-demanding cross-generational games and this is likely to continue in the same non-demanding titles - like indies or HD re-releases.

c. "Someone's guess" is the lead target platform. 720p or 900p for XBO and something more for PS4 - 900p or 1080p. This is what we're seeing in BF4 and WD right now and this is likely to go away in favor of a. and b. in a year or so with devs having now a very clear understanding of power limits of new consoles.

There really is no reason to make a game that won't be able run in 1080p/30 on PS4 - the only platform that will coup with such game in an acceptable way is PC and it's unlikely that any multiplatform developer will target PC over the new consoles in the next couple of years.
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