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*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 4 - Sundays on HBO

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I'm sure Stannis would burn the fuck out of his nephew.

Do you think it's possible that Mel might declare Jon Azor Ahai, and then burn Stannis for his royal blood?

Stannis doesn't think that Tommen is his nephew though, nor is he.

He would definitely be light on the pardons and heavy on the burnings if he ever takes the capital.


oh sorry about, I miss the perhaps not by blood part of your post. But I don't think Stannis would burn Tommen as long as Davos is with him.

it was already foretold that her kids would die and the "younger brother" would strangle her.

now i just need to wait for stannis to dish out some justice.


Tommen is the son of son of Stannis' sister-in-law. He's his nephew.
I'm not so sure that counts since he isn't the son of his brother. Either way, Stannis certainty wouldn't regard him as his nephew. I don't think the story ends happily for poor Tommen, no matter what happens.
it was already foretold that her kids would die and the "younger brother" would strangle her.

There's so many interpretations for the "younger brother" line. It could be Tyrion, it could be Jaime, it could be Stannis, it could be any of the living Stark males (Jon, Bran or Rickon), it could be the Hound.


Grandfather, what happens when you drink an entire vial of the essence of nightshade?





Ah thanks. I'm just starting a re-read of AFFC and ADWD, because it's been a few years and I don't remember their events terribly well. I want to be a bit fresher when the new book comes out.

Bran and Rickon are both younger brothers, as is Tyrion (but that would be too obvious).


it was already foretold that her kids would die and the "younger brother" would strangle her.
Strictly speaking "Gold would be their crowns and gold their shrouds" says nothing about funeral shrouds -- it could just be that she'll have Joff/Tommen with crowns as kings, and Myrcella with a shroud because of her disfigurement.
So what are everyone's theories on who the "younger brother" will be that (allegedly) kills Cersei?
As for the Valonqar I always believed it was Jaime (and I've wondered if he can be figuratively killing her by not coming her aid), but I've read tons of theories. It could be anyone, and I'm coming around to the idea that the whole passage is expanding on her children and so it will be Tommen.


Strictly speaking "Gold would be their crowns and gold their shrouds" says nothing about funeral shrouds -- it could just be that she'll have Joff/Tommen with crowns as kings, and Myrcella with a shroud because of her disfigurement.

As for the Valonqar I always believed it was Jaime (and I've wondered if he can be figuratively killing her by not coming her aid), but I've read tons of theories. It could be anyone, and I'm coming around to the idea that the whole passage is expanding on her children and so it will be Tommen.

The kids: I truly hope you're right and that's a great point, but I do think someone is going to re-enact Elia's death on at least Tommen. Maybe the Dornish, maybe the Iron Born, I don't think Stannis's people but you never know. I see a horrible death for an innocent child happening. The Myrcella shroud is spot on though.

I actually wondered if it was even thinking it might not be who we expect. Hell, maybe if the Aerys rumors are true it will be Dany. Get the young queen and killer sibling thing out of the way in one fell swoop.


Book Daario is best Daario. Pic needs more hilts with naked women though. I'm glad that at least that part of Daario was kept in the show.


Needs TV Littlefinger.

Everyone loves book LF, he's fooling almost all of them. But on the show, no one trusts him, he has no friends, he's just this slimy, openly manipulative shit.


Needs TV Littlefinger.

Everyone loves book LF, he's fooling almost all of them. But on the show, no one trusts him, he has no friends, he's just this slimy, openly manipulative shit.
We see a lot more of Littlefinger in the show, especially with Varys, who he isn't fooling in either.


Even Grrm has stated Littlefinger was the most altered character from the books. The show version doesnt come off as being half as smart.
Even Grrm has stated Littlefinger was the most altered character from the books. The show version doesnt come off as being half as smart.

I don't really think the book one comes off as super intelligent.

Idk, Aiden Gillen is fine in the role for me. He comes off really slimy and creepy, whereas in the book he's really slimy and creepy but so is everyone else so it's less noticeable.

Pimpn Drop Bear

Neo Member
Is it possible "little brother" is a swerve in the sense that arya has frequently been mistaken as a boy and it is actually her as the "little brother"?


Is it possible "little brother" is a swerve in the sense that arya has frequently been mistaken as a boy and it is actually her as the "little brother"?

I've thought this same thing, but with the angle being that according to Aemon, Valyrian is a genderless language, hence why the "Prince who was promised" could actually be a girl. So maybe little brother is really just little sibling?
Tommen will put his stamp on Cersei's death warrant without reading it.

I love this. I mean they've said that's his favorite part of being king: indiscriminately stamping his seal onto anything his handlers put in front of him. I assume Kevan was the only person on the council that gave much of a shit about either of them at this point.


Stannis doesn't think that Tommen is his nephew though, nor is he.

He would definitely be light on the pardons and heavy on the burnings if he ever takes the capital.
That's why I don't think Gurm will ever give him the throne, let alone the final king of the series. If that were the case, he'd kill Cersei, Jaime, Tyrion and Tommen Lannister, Daenerys Targaryen, Barristan Selmy, Jorah Mormont, Victarion and Euron Greyjoy, Roose and Ramsay Bolton, Arnolf Karstark, Aegon Targaryen/Blackfyre, Jon Connington, Mace and Loras Tyrell, Randyll Tarly, Paxter Redwyne, Brienne of Tarth, Walder Frey (and probably other Freys), Doran Martell, et al.

So what are everyone's theories on who the "younger brother" will be that (allegedly) kills Cersei?

The Hound?
Tyrion. Jaime becoming a kin-queen-kingslayer would be interesting, though.


I wonder if they'll introduce that whole Maggy's prophecy thing in the show. In the book it doesn't feel entirely out of nowhere because we haven't had a Cersei PoV till that point. It seems like it would feel pretty out of place on the show since it'd either be a random flashback or Cersei telling someone about it.
I wonder if they'll introduce that whole Maggy's prophecy thing in the show. In the book it doesn't feel entirely out of nowhere because we haven't had a Cersei PoV till that point. It seems like it would feel pretty out of place on the show since it'd either be a random flashback or Cersei telling someone about it.
I doubt it'll be in the show.


I wonder if they'll introduce that whole Maggy's prophecy thing in the show. In the book it doesn't feel entirely out of nowhere because we haven't had a Cersei PoV till that point. It seems like it would feel pretty out of place on the show since it'd either be a random flashback or Cersei telling someone about it.

Yeah, I really doubt they'll bring that up. Even in the book it felt clumsy, and the show pretty much cuts all prophecy to begin with.


]I don't really think the book one comes off as super intelligent.[/B]

Idk, Aiden Gillen is fine in the role for me. He comes off really slimy and creepy, whereas in the book he's really slimy and creepy but so is everyone else so it's less noticeable.

So he tricked you, too. You proved GRRM's point.
It's a terrible explanation though. A person's life can't be motivated by a prophecy.

A prophecy came before the destruction of Valaria, they worship 7 gods, Trees have faces, and Dragons exist.

Come on now. I would believe a prophecy that said I would step in dog shit at 2:34pm Tuesday.


A prophecy came before the destruction of Valaria, they worship 7 gods, Trees have faces, and Dragons exist.

Come on now. I would believe a prophecy that said I would step in dog shit at 2:34pm Tuesday.
And even if she was more dubious about those "historical" prophesies, that other girl did fall down a well and die horribly. That would kind of give anyone pause, I think.
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