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Valve announces Steam Trade (trade hats for games)

Uriah said:
Valve hired the guy who made the TF2 backpack site (which is also used for trading). He also made the original idling program which was later banned and everyone who used it had any items earned while using it removed. Funny enough, the guy got VAC banned for getting a golden wrench through "improper" means.
Huh. So he helped them with this trade system? Impressive.


So can we start a community thread for this? I have a copy of HL2 I'd love to trade for someone's extra copy of VVVVVV. I also have some assorted TF2 stuff.


never left the stone age
Max said:
Millions. So many people have added me just to ask for that stupid hat
Weird, no one has ever asked me anything about it :O. I'll never give it up though!


I just want to say how happy I am that Icefrog chose Valve and that they are able to work with Valve to create Dota 2..no other company is capable IMO to make a successor to the Dota game.


Meeru said:
I just want to say how happy I am that Icefrog chose Valve and that they are able to work with Valve to create Dota 2..no other company is capable IMO to make a successor to the Dota game.
I wonder what the chances are that Dota 2 will have a similar item system. I can see skins being part of it.


The first four words of that title had me raising my arms in triumph. Finally games I regret buying can go back! Then I got to the parenthesis and my arms dropped to my sides in defeat.

So close.... next time Valve.


Interesting. Although Im not much for trading.

beje said:
Whatever. I'm not touching TF2, not even with a stick, since the hat stupidity started (with the idle servers and general douchebaggery due to the halo hat) and looking at the course of events and updates, I guess I made the right decission.

Please continue thinking that GAF at large cares...
gabbo said:
The first four words of that title had me raising my arms in triumph. Finally games I regret buying can go back! Then I got to the parenthesis and my arms dropped to my sides in defeat.

So close.... next time Valve.
You can trade games for games.

We really need to change the title so people don't assume it's just hats.


Don't know what to think of it yet *downloads beta*

Foliorum Viridum said:
To be fair, I kinda feel the same way.

I miss vanilla TF2. It's not the same game now. Not that I'm saying it's bad now, it's just not the game I want to play.

And yes, I know, there are vanilla servers, but still!
Every now and again the item server craps out on me, and lo and behold, vanilla TF2 has returned. It's fun! (for five minutes). Then I start missing all the unlock weapons and the customized playstyles they afford me.
Exuro said:
I wonder what the chances are that Dota 2 will have a similar item system. I can see skins being part of it.
I think every non-gameplay TF2 feature added in the past year has been a beta test for DotA 2.


Meeru said:
Skins will definitely be in..no doubt bout that.
Well I'm more wondering if it'll be similar to TF2 with trading and such. After the steam update its probably a good guess that it will be similar.

All I'm saying is I'm hoping this becomes a big feature with multiple games instead of just TF2. They did say that they're in the talks with developers. I could totally see being able to trade weapons and junk on this in Borderlands 2 for example.
Hey. I am totally ready to dip into this thing. I have not a lot, but some tf2 crap including the potato hat I think you only got for getting a golden potato? and I'll trade any and all of it for a gift of Limbo.

Also I'll trade any TWO of these games for a gift of Limbo: Counter strike source, HL 2 ep 1, hl 2 deathmatch, tf 2, l4d 1, and the original portal.

I'm in the steam neogaf chat if you can peep my meager tf2 offerings from there, obviously this is all pretty new.

edit: aw man, if I had been a minute quicker, I could've posted in the shiny new thread. I'll stick this there too anyway.
I feel like such an old man. Team Fortress 2 was a team-based online shooter when it came out. Now the whole game is based around hats and collecting hats and crafting hats and now you can trade hats for games. What the hell? Does anyone even play the game anymore?

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
I swear in some dystopian future everyone in world will be divided into two opposing yet identical tribal groups named RED and BLU, and the world's only currency will be hats.

We tried to warn them about TF2, but nobody listened.

Based Gabe: *laughs*
BrodiemanTTR said:
I feel like such an old man. Team Fortress 2 was a team-based online shooter when it came out. Now the whole game is based around hats and collecting hats and crafting hats and now you can trade hats for games. What the hell? Does anyone even play the game anymore?
Yes. The vast majority of people, in fact. It's not based around hats at all.


Second-rate Anihawk
BrodiemanTTR said:
I feel like such an old man. Team Fortress 2 was a team-based online shooter when it came out. Now the whole game is based around hats and collecting hats and crafting hats and now you can trade hats for games. What the hell? Does anyone even play the game anymore?

uh, yeah.


BrodiemanTTR said:
I feel like such an old man. Team Fortress 2 was a team-based online shooter when it came out. Now the whole game is based around hats and collecting hats and crafting hats and now you can trade hats for games. What the hell? Does anyone even play the game anymore?

No one.

*Note: Only click that link between 8pm and 2 am Eastern Time.


BrodiemanTTR said:
Does anyone even play the game anymore?
Nope, in fact I've just spent my recent time playing TF2 looking at my plethora of hats and items. Way better then actually playing the game!


beje said:
Whatever. I'm not touching TF2, not even with a stick, since the hat stupidity started (with the idle servers and general douchebaggery due to the halo hat) and looking at the course of events and updates, I guess I made the right decission.
ok have fun missing out on the greatest multiplayer game this gen


Oh man, I happened to pick up a semi-decent TF2 item a few months back that I don't care about (that tag thing that lets you rename stuff).

This pleases me.


Oh Valve! I see people pulling a reach-around on them for what they've done here (juxtaposed to what Blizzard is doing with their system which is letting you buy out of their economy) is let you buy into their economy.

It seems the items being traded can be something purchased at one point with real money but then Valve keeps all the money and you can exchange the items at commodities (except with the case of used software). The best part is as people are buying the items into the economy and making Valve a ton of money in the process, supply is increased and said items lose value.

I guess its fine since nobody is getting hurt but coming from the perspective of this having a potential to be implemented with in-game items that affect game-play makes me wonder if they're treading the same sore line Blizzard has.

Just to add to my thoughts above, I also wonder if this has a potential to backfire on Valve with their Steam Sales. They're constantly selling these collection people buy because they're missing one game (or they buy the collection just for that one game) that might be more expensive when purchased alone. People can now bypass a potential revenue opportunity for Valve.
I remember when TF2 updates used to focus on gameplay balance and depth. Items like the Kritzkrieg offered genuine gameplay choices, and efforts were made to change classes at a fundamental level to better the game (such as the Pyro's air blast).

I still love TF2 and play it on occasion, but nowhere near what I did from beta up until around the Spy/Sniper update. I keep wanting to play more, but it's like items are now just collections of stat values derived from throwing darts at a board of sticky notes with random buffs/nerfs. And with hats providing such a large revenue stream for them, there's not really a financial incentive to fix anything wrong with the gameplay when they can just throw more items out each update.

To be fair, some of the items seem to have glimpses of inspiration behind them, but they're almost always still unbalanced and mostly only suited for crazy pub fun, which isn't necessarily bad. Kind of like the FPS equivalent of Smash Bros. Brawl.

Err, but as for the trading...

Seems kind of nifty, but abusable. Does Valve still use that ridiculous drop system that rewards AFK'ing in an idle server? "We don't want to reward items through in-game performance since that can be farmed, but having a reward system that is even easier to farm without players even being required to press a single button is better", right?

What's to stop me from idling on my PC every night, accumulating a healthy number of items, and trading the hats to noobs for copies of my most-wanted games? (Besides a larger electricity bill.)


LoftyTheMetroid said:
I remember when TF2 updates used to focus on gameplay balance and depth. Items like the Kritzkrieg offered genuine gameplay choices, and efforts were made to change classes at a fundamental level to better the game (such as the Pyro's air blast).

I still love TF2 and play it on occasion, but nowhere near what I did from beta up until around the Spy/Sniper update. I keep wanting to play more, but it's like items are now just collections of stat values derived from throwing darts at a board of sticky notes with random buffs/nerfs. And with hats providing such a large revenue stream for them, there's not really a financial incentive to fix anything wrong with the gameplay when they can just throw more items out each update.

To be fair, some of the items seem to have glimpses of inspiration behind them, but they're almost always still unbalanced and mostly only suited for crazy pub fun, which isn't necessarily bad. Kind of like the FPS equivalent of Smash Bros. Brawl.

Err, but as for the trading...

Seems kind of nifty, but abusable. Does Valve still use that ridiculous drop system that rewards AFK'ing in an idle server? "We don't want to reward items through in-game performance since that can be farmed, but having a reward system that is even easier to farm without players even being required to press a single button is better", right?

What's to stop me from idling on my PC every night, accumulating a healthy number of items, and trading the hats to noobs for copies of my most-wanted games? (Besides a larger electricity bill.)

They added a cap. You can only get 10-12 items a week now.
Uriah said:
They added a cap. You can only get 10-12 items a week now.
I remember the cap, I was just wondering if they changed the means of acquiring the items. The cap doesn't change the fact that I can acquire a large cache of virtual wealth just by AFK'ing, eventually cashing in on the more ignorant players.

Imagine if the Chinese gold farmers could just AFK in Orgrimmar/Stormwind and watch the money flow in, lol. Why doesn't Valve just quit beating around the bush and just give every TF2 account 10-12 items at the start of each week? Or, if they don't want performance-based rewards to result in farming, have your performance at least reduce the time between item drops until you reach the weekly cap?

Anything is better than rewarding AFK'ing, but I guess this is getting off-topic...


viewtifulsub said:
This hat shit needs to stop.

I doubt it will. People spend $2.50 per key to unlock a crate for a chance to get an unusual hat. An unusual hat has a special particle effect attached to it. The odds of getting one out of a crate are about 1 in 100.


where can you see the value of your tf2 items? is like a page or something that tells you which ones are rare and which ones aren't?
Oh wow, so Valve has just created PC game trade ins.

Kaijima said:
I swear in some dystopian future everyone in world will be divided into two opposing yet identical tribal groups named RED and BLU, and the world's only currency will be hats.

We tried to warn them about TF2, but nobody listened.

Based Gabe: *laughs*

So how would one busk on the street in this society? If your patrons money is going into your hat, but your hat is money....and their money is hats.....

Fuck this I'm out.


LoftyTheMetroid said:
I remember the cap, I was just wondering if they changed the means of acquiring the items. The cap doesn't change the fact that I can acquire a large cache of virtual wealth just by AFK'ing, eventually cashing in on the more ignorant players.

Imagine if the Chinese gold farmers could just AFK in Orgrimmar/Stormwind and watch the money flow in, lol. Why doesn't Valve just quit beating around the bush and just give every TF2 account 10-12 items at the start of each week? Or, if they don't want performance-based rewards to result in farming, have your performance at least reduce the time between item drops until you reach the weekly cap?

Anything is better than rewarding AFK'ing, but I guess this is getting off-topic...
You don't get shit for virtual wealth just by getting your weekly item cap. You get around 2.50 worth of metal in 6 weeks.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
The whole cross game trading system is clearly paving the way for what DOTA2 will offer. Valve is essentially creating a quasi universal currency system across multiple products. I unlock something I dont need but you do in TF2, and you unlock something you dont need but I do in DOTA2.


SalsaShark said:
also when someone asks you to buy something for them and say "i'll pay you back with paypal tomorrow!", now you can hold the game until they do :p
You always could. I have a handful of games that I'd emailed to myself.

Until they're claimed, you can send them to anyone as many times as you want.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
EatChildren said:
The whole cross game trading system is clearly paving the way for what DOTA2 will offer. Valve is essentially creating a quasi universal currency system across multiple products. I unlock something I dont need but you do in TF2, and you unlock something you dont need but I do in DOTA2.
Its really fascinating watching this evolve. Part of why I like Valve is because they do stuff like this with public testing so that they can see how a community actually reacts before they release it with a new game. It started with the Mann Co store.
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