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Victim of a marital rape in Arkansas? Your rapist can now sue you if you try to abort

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I suggest you stop posting here because your views are not welcome.
I don't agree at all with his views, but I give meaty credit for being somewhat honest with himself. I enjoy reading these discussions with opposing views that remain civil.

No, but a child is represented by their parents, and they together have a say legally about the kid. I personally dont differentiate between a 3 months old fetus and a teen.
This month I learned how many toddler shootings took place in the US. You'd want infants held responsible for things teens do?
Isnt the worst part of the unwanted pregnancy the baby itself? I always find those women who decide to give their baby to another couple to have a decent time with their pregnancy.

I sure bet it sucks balls to get fat and have all those hormones flowing through your body. I dont want to say the woman's suffering is smalll, however I still think the baby's life is more valuable than that.

Im generally pro choice, but for different reasons. I believe a child raised by parents that did not want it will be an unhappy child, and it might be better to abort it. But if just one of the parents is just wanting to love it so bad, the child needs to live.

My wife is on bed rest for 3 months right now because of a short cervix and has had to get surgery during her pregnancy. I'd say being pregnant is anything but enjoyable.
I'd rather just marry a woman that wouldn't abort our child, but thanks for the advice.

I'm hearing this a lot.

"You shouldn't abort, you should send the child to an orphanage!"

"No way in hell am I adopting."

I find this ass backwards. Our adoption agencies are already understaffed and underfunded as it is.


I don't agree at all with his views, but I give meaty credit for being somewhat honest with himself. I enjoy reading these discussions with opposing views that remain civil.

I agree with this.

I strongly disagree with the Arkansas law, and strongly disagree with the poster, but the poster is being civil. Telling him he's not welcome leads to an echo chamber, which is less interesting/useful than a discussion that covers a wider range of viewpoints.
Pregnancy is dangerous: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molar_pregnancy (and this is just the tip of the iceberg).

And the fetus doesn't even have a brain approaching that of even a primate until pretty late in the pregnancy and while no one is advocating for causing pain to small mammals, it's not like the fetus is neurologically equivalent to the mom.


I ran this by some family just now, I'm hyper liberal living in Colorado but have some backwards ass evangelical family. I've been trying to have civil conversations with my Mom on this stuff. They haven't been easy, but we've managed to just talk and not yell at each other, basically trying to understand the other. Not much luck, I'm realizing she sees her views as perfectly acceptable, not racist, not oppressive, all ok because God agrees (even when he doesn't, and even when Bannon praises Satan).

ANYWAYS, the support she voiced for this was based on their belief that A) A husband can never really rape his wife and B) Women are crafty and would falsely accuse their husband of rape just so they could get an abortion.

I hate this world so much sometimes.


I don't agree at all with his views, but I give meaty credit for being somewhat honest with himself. I enjoy reading these discussions with opposing views that remain civil.

This month I learned how many toddler shootings took place in the US. You'd want infants held responsible for things teens do?
Where I live only 18+ people can go to jail. I heard its different in the us, I dont think teens should be responsible either.


Does his best thinking in the flying car
The best part of Arkansas is the wilderness, primarily because there are no people there.

Surprised to see folks caping for our shitty legislators. Male pregnancy experts lol listen to yourselves
I ran this by some family just now, I'm hyper liberal living in Colorado but have some backwards ass evangelical family. I've been trying to have civil conversations with my Mom on this stuff. They haven't been easy, but we've managed to just talk and not yell at each other, basically trying to understand the other. Not much luck, I'm realizing she sees her views as perfectly acceptable, not racist, not oppressive, all ok because God agrees (even when he doesn't, and even when Bannon praises Satan).

ANYWAYS, the support she voiced for this was based on their belief that A) A husband can never really rape his wife and B) Women are crafty and would falsely accuse their husband of rape just so they could get an abortion.

I hate this world so much sometimes.
First I would ask how a husband can't rape his wife. Unwanted sex is rape period.

Two why do you hate your own gender so much?
I'm hearing this a lot.

"You shouldn't abort, you should send the child to an orphanage!"

"No way in hell am I adopting."

I find this ass backwards. Our adoption agencies are already understaffed and underfunded as it is.

The underfunded part is the big one. It shouldn't cost 20k to adopt, it puts adoption out of reach for too many people.


I agree with this.

I strongly disagree with the Arkansas law, and strongly disagree with the poster, but the poster is being civil. Telling him he's not welcome leads to an echo chamber, which is less interesting/useful than a discussion that covers a wider range of viewpoints.

But is is really interesting or useful when it is a position which should have nothing to do with the law? Religious belief and legal authority should be as far apart as possible. To me this isn't about personal beliefs, but about people who cannot differentiate between personal beliefs and accepting that society is in fact better off without these beliefs policed.

I'm Catholic. I've encountered these views my entire life. I personally would never encourage abortion, and I would struggle greatly with it in extreme circumstances. But I strongly condemn anyone who would use this belief to lobby for any sort of legal deterrent for abortion. The law should have no say in preventing abortions. The law should have no say in compensating men for "suffering" in a case of an abortion. The thought itself disgusts me because it's very clear that the thought process behind those things are not driven by good will or Christ-like behavior.

Men who think they are entitled to something because of what a woman does only have to consider this - does the woman not suffer at all when she undergoes an abortion? Do you truly think that someone who is pregnant decides to go through with an abortion with no psychological impact at all? It's only you who are suffering? No, fuck off, it's not.

This is obviously rather touchy for me, so I will no longer reply or moderate in this thread. But I'm not someone who likes to shut down discussions for the sake of it. I just feel this is a dead end subject. All it does is piss people off more and people get angrier inside, even if it is "civil debate".


First I would ask how a husband can't rape his wife. Unwanted sex is rape period.

Two why do you hate your own gender so much?

She believes that "women submit to your husband in all circumstances" is truth, because the bible lol. The ability for Christians to nail down a few select passages and obsess over them, while completely ignoring entire chapters has always blown my mind.

I thought that mindset was dying off with the new generation, then I met a friend of a friend. This guy was younger then me (I believe he was 25 or 26 at the time), and super Catholic. He was vocal in his belief that men should always, unquestionably run the household, and the wife was to listen. At one point his girlfriend (he only dated super Catholics) was being "abrasive" on the drive home, so he left her on the side of the road 8 miles from their house. She was apologetic about the whole thing and blamed herself. I still remember like 6 people sitting at a table with their jaws on the floor as that story was told.
I should have been more clear, 9 months of suffering, in my opinion, pales in comparison to a much longer happy life.

That changes nothing.

I don't think this is your intent, but your posts come across as suggesting that a baby is going to have a happy life if born. Is a baby raised by someone who didn't want them going to be happy?

Is a baby who grows up, becomes an adult, marries someone, is raped by their spouse and forced to carry the child under the threat of being sued having a happy life? What's your cutoff for the amount of suffering someone can have in their life before you say they don't have a happy one? If 9 months isn't enough, what is? A year? Ten years? Eighteen years?

If people having the right to a happy life is that important, then there are a whole bunch of bigger fish to fry. You don't get to say "I just want them to be happy" when the idea that you should be able to sue a mother for getting an abortion flies in the face of someone being able to live a happy life, on top of our society being woefully unequipped to help people of all ages. It seems less like you care about people being happy and more like you just care about people being.
She believes that "women submit to your husband in all circumstances" is truth, because the bible lol. The ability for Christians to nail down a few select passages and obsess over them, while completely ignoring entire chapters has always blown my mind.

I thought that mindset was dying off with the new generation, then I met a friend of a friend. This guy was younger then me, and super Catholic. He was vocal in his belief that men should always, unquestionably run the household, and the wife was to listen. At one point his girlfriend (he only dated super Catholics) was being "abrasive" on the drive home, so he left her on the side of the road 8 miles from their house. She was apologetic about the whole thing and blamed herself. I still remember like 6 people sitting at a table with their jaws on the floor as that story was told.


"We want smaller, less intrusive government in a persons life cause we're the GOP.... unless you're a woman in which case we make rules that tell you what you can and can't do with your body"

Like worse than fictional super villains.


Are there people that are okay with this but are outraged that Russia allows beating your wife? Same kind of medieval bullshit.
This will come to the US in due time. Republicans would really like that I'm sure. It's all about keeping your proprietary woman in check and obedient.


Does his best thinking in the flying car
"We want smaller, less intrusive government in a persons life cause we're the GOP.... unless you're a woman in which case we make rules that tell you what you can and can't do with your body"

Like worse than fictional super villains.

Ikr? Down with big gubment!*

*some exceptions may apply


Isnt the worst part of the unwanted pregnancy the baby itself? I always find those women who decide to give their baby to another couple to have a decent time with their pregnancy.

I sure bet it sucks balls to get fat and have all those hormones flowing through your body. I dont want to say the woman's suffering is smalll, however I still think the baby's life is more valuable than that.

Im generally pro choice, but for different reasons. I believe a child raised by parents that did not want it will be an unhappy child, and it might be better to abort it. But if just one of the parents is just wanting to love it so bad, the child needs to live.

I respect your opinion, but hope you keep an open mind about the following:

The legal argument for abortion isn't around an infant being unwanted, it's that a woman has autonomy over her body and that right overrides a fetus' right to life.

The common analogy in this case is that a woman is kidnapped, knocked out and wakes up hooked up via IV to another person against her will. That person dies if the IV is removed. Does the woman's right to autonomy and not being hooked up if she doesn't want override the person's right to life? Abortion law says yes.

Put yourself in that position: imagine you were the one forced to be hooked up against your will. Do you think you are entitled, IF you so choose, to walk away? You don't HAVE to walk away, but do you have that right?

This is actually a stronger anti-choice biased scenario than abortion due to its assumption that the person you're hooked up to IS a person, which isn't at all clear with pregnancy, medically or legally, and also doesn't really address the health risks of pregnancy, which are substantial.

I view this law as abhorrent because it doesn't respect the woman's right over her own body. She should be able to do whatever she wants with her own body. It's the most fundamental liberty there is.
Whew! Well, one positive here is that it will take some heat away from Oklahoma for a bit!
(I'm joking. This is a sick, demented piece of legislation.)
If you give rights to the unborn, you take them away from the adult. That's all there is to it, If you are a woman, you are doomed to have your rights removed and your body staked out as somebody else's territory. Our laws either respect bodily autonomy or they don't.
But is is really interesting or useful when it is a position which should have nothing to do with the law? Religious belief and legal authority should be as far apart as possible. To me this isn't about personal beliefs, but about people who cannot differentiate between personal beliefs and accepting that society is in fact better off without these beliefs policed.
It is for me, as it helps me understand the people I don't agree with.

When I was young (maybe up till my thirties) I held very few liberal views. I was a homophobic, sexist idiot. I would have been one of those annoying online atheists if the internet was around in my twenties. Hell, I was a diet racist until I entered my fifties. My views evolved over time from finally listening to people I was talking to.

For example, as a Canadian living in Vancouver I had pretty much zero exposure to blacks, and for years spouted the usual 'bootstraps' bullshit. It wasn't until I read on GAF that being black meant there's a good chance that an empty taxi would drive right past you. Seriously, that's what it took to click in my brain that that's fucked up. Not the police brutality, not the systemic racism when it comes to education, business, banking and everything else... just standing out in the rain trying to get a taxi. Probably cause that's something that I can relate to.

Often on GAF I see the occasion poster wrestling with their own beliefs, you can tell they're at that point in life where they're starting to realize that a lot of the views they hold basically boil down to selfishness. I'd rather have them talk it out, till something clicks.


So if I'm understanding right, as a woman, basically my body belongs to every male I happen to come into contact with in this new alt-right world?

I almost wouldnt be surprised to see sexual assault become a non crime at this point
:l. Hyperbole, but also kinda not.
She believes that "women submit to your husband in all circumstances" is truth, because the bible lol. The ability for Christians to nail down a few select passages and obsess over them, while completely ignoring entire chapters has always blown my mind.

I thought that mindset was dying off with the new generation, then I met a friend of a friend. This guy was younger then me (I believe he was 25 or 26 at the time), and super Catholic. He was vocal in his belief that men should always, unquestionably run the household, and the wife was to listen. At one point his girlfriend (he only dated super Catholics) was being "abrasive" on the drive home, so he left her on the side of the road 8 miles from their house. She was apologetic about the whole thing and blamed herself. I still remember like 6 people sitting at a table with their jaws on the floor as that story was told.

I know someone exactly like this. It's sickening to the bone. No logic can reach them either, so I stopped talking to them.


But is is really interesting or useful when it is a position which should have nothing to do with the law? Religious belief and legal authority should be as far apart as possible. To me this isn't about personal beliefs, but about people who cannot differentiate between personal beliefs and accepting that society is in fact better off without these beliefs policed.

I'm Catholic. I've encountered these views my entire life. I personally would never encourage abortion, and I would struggle greatly with it in extreme circumstances. But I strongly condemn anyone who would use this belief to lobby for any sort of legal deterrent for abortion. The law should have no say in preventing abortions. The law should have no say in compensating men for "suffering" in a case of an abortion. The thought itself disgusts me because it's very clear that the thought process behind those things are not driven by good will or Christ-like behavior.

Men who think they are entitled to something because of what a woman does only have to consider this - does the woman not suffer at all when she undergoes an abortion? Do you truly think that someone who is pregnant decides to go through with an abortion with no psychological impact at all? It's only you who are suffering? No, fuck off, it's not.

This is obviously rather touchy for me, so I will no longer reply or moderate in this thread. But I'm not someone who likes to shut down discussions for the sake of it. I just feel this is a dead end subject. All it does is piss people off more and people get angrier inside, even if it is "civil debate".

I understand your points, and agree that in general abortion is not a great subject to argue about as the divide is so great that the discussions rarely bear any fruit. When I taught an introductory writing class students were asked to write a persuasive essay. Each time a student wanted to write about abortion I would tell them it was a bad idea, explain why, but then ultimately allow their choice if they felt they could approach it in a less biased way. 99% of the time even those who thought they could do so ended up turning in very biased work. It's a tough topic to talk about, but if there is going to be discussion about it I'd prefer that we see opposing viewpoints as well (even though I disagree with those viewpoints).
You are acting on the belief that its simply "because a man wants hid kid". I honestly believe theres a actual life, and its happy future being saved.

Like I said before, if its a risk pregnancy, its not worth it putting the woman in risk. Im just giving weight to suffering, and in my opinion, a normal pregnancy is less suffering in this specific case.

Did you accidentally type an e instead of an r for your username? Seems like it.


So if I'm understanding right, as a woman, basically my body belongs to every male I happen to come into contact with in this new alt-right world?

i guess if you marry every male you come into contact, then maybe? Hopefully you would divorce the lunatic and throw him into the jail if he rapes you though.

It is pretty shit, but some people are also reaching. I would be dead against the law, as I am not really religious so I dont see a problem myself - i dont see why would I want a kid with woman that doesnt want one with me.

I guess this means that if you disagree with your better half about having kids, you should divorce him.. you should also report him for rape and throw him into jail.
So if I'm understanding right, as a woman, basically my body belongs to every male I happen to come into contact with in this new alt-right world?

Trump/GoP hates Muslims, but love Muslims Laws that keep women in the dark ages, Trump wants to grab pussy, rape women, and get away with it like many men in Dubai...


i guess if you marry every male you come into contact, then maybe? Hopefully you would divorce the lunatic and throw him into the jail if he rapes you though.

It is pretty shit, but some people are also reaching. I would be dead against the law, as I am not really religious so I dont see a problem myself - i dont see why would I want a kid with woman that doesnt want one with me.

I guess this means that if you disagree with your better half about having kids, you should divorce him.. you should also report him for rape and throw him into jail.
More talking about the writing on the wall than this specific law.


Why are people in this thread debating a husband's right to sue in case of abortion when the context is specifically spousal rape?


Why are people in this thread debating a husband's right to sue in case of abortion when the context is specifically spousal rape?
I'd imagine some of it is that some people literally don't believe a wife can be raped by her husband.


This thing about the rape is fucking insane for sure.

That being said, I dont quite disagree with the notion that the law abiding, respectful father has some right over the baby. It would be soul breaking to me if a son of mine was aborted.
The woman obviously has the right to not want a child, if thats the case, and the father wants the kid I believe he has the right to have the kid handed to him and being a single father.

This completely missed the point of Roe vs. Wade.


You're willing to force that potential pain and suffering and everything else a pregnancy imposes on women for your own happiness. It's supremely fucked.

Please, assume im arguing over the baby's life, not over my happiness.

But is is really interesting or useful when it is a position which should have nothing to do with the law? Religious belief and legal authority should be as far apart as possible. To me this isn't about personal beliefs, but about people who cannot differentiate between personal beliefs and accepting that society is in fact better off without these beliefs policed.

I'm Catholic. I've encountered these views my entire life. I personally would never encourage abortion, and I would struggle greatly with it in extreme circumstances. But I strongly condemn anyone who would use this belief to lobby for any sort of legal deterrent for abortion. The law should have no say in preventing abortions. The law should have no say in compensating men for "suffering" in a case of an abortion. The thought itself disgusts me because it's very clear that the thought process behind those things are not driven by good will or Christ-like behavior.

Men who think they are entitled to something because of what a woman does only have to consider this - does the woman not suffer at all when she undergoes an abortion? Do you truly think that someone who is pregnant decides to go through with an abortion with no psychological impact at all? It's only you who are suffering? No, fuck off, it's not.

This is obviously rather touchy for me, so I will no longer reply or moderate in this thread. But I'm not someone who likes to shut down discussions for the sake of it. I just feel this is a dead end subject. All it does is piss people off more and people get angrier inside, even if it is "civil debate".

Im not religious, the thing is that there is no cientific real consensus on when a fetus becomes a human life, so I generally assume its sooner rather than later since I dont have the facts for this.

Since im not religious, I dont believe in the after life, so I believe that when a baby dies, its life is lost forever. Everything he could ever been, lost forever to the limbo. That gives me a perspective that with no after life, every human life is precious.

I promisse not to get angry here, Im just trying to have a conversation.

That changes nothing.

I don't think this is your intent, but your posts come across as suggesting that a baby is going to have a happy life if born. Is a baby raised by someone who didn't want them going to be happy?

Is a baby who grows up, becomes an adult, marries someone, is raped by their spouse and forced to carry the child under the threat of being sued having a happy life? What's your cutoff for the amount of suffering someone can have in their life before you say they don't have a happy one? If 9 months isn't enough, what is? A year? Ten years? Eighteen years?

If people having the right to a happy life is that important, then there are a whole bunch of bigger fish to fry. You don't get to say "I just want them to be happy" when the idea that you should be able to sue a mother for getting an abortion flies in the face of someone being able to live a happy life, on top of our society being woefully unequipped to help people of all ages. It seems less like you care about people being happy and more like you just care about people being.

Answering the bold.

I dont want kids to be raised by parents that dont want him/her, Im pro abortion if thats the case.

I believe the suffering involved in being raped and forced to carry a child is so huge, that woman should be allowed to do watever she wants with the baby.

That is not true. Family rights are the rights of the concrete case. A judge and a psychiatric professional would have to analize each case to weight whose right is being harmed the most. Thats how moral damage works really.

If, lets say ,its a woman with clinical depression, her suffering would surely outweight the others.

And how do you measure suffering? How exactly do we know if those 9 months of suffering a woman must endure for the sake of a baby are going to lead to a long term happiness and not more suffering?

I don't think this applies if there is rape.

We don't know. We can't know. The baby could die in its first month. Thats absolutely true. We cant predict the future.

I respect your opinion, 1 - but hope you keep an open mind about the following:

2 - The legal argument for abortion isn't around an infant being unwanted, it's that a woman has autonomy over her body and that right overrides a fetus' right to life.

3 - The common analogy in this case is that a woman is kidnapped, knocked out and wakes up hooked up via IV to another person against her will. That person dies if the IV is removed. Does the woman's right to autonomy and not being hooked up if she doesn't want override the person's right to life? Abortion law says yes.

4 - Put yourself in that position: imagine you were the one forced to be hooked up against your will. Do you think you are entitled, IF you so choose, to walk away? You don't HAVE to walk away, but do you have that right?

This is actually a stronger anti-choice biased scenario than abortion due to its assumption that the person you're hooked up to IS a person, which isn't at all clear with pregnancy, medically or legally, and also doesn't really address the health risks of pregnancy, which are substantial.

I view this law as abhorrent because it doesn't respect the woman's right over her own body. She should be able to do whatever she wants with her own body. It's the most fundamental liberty there is.

1 - Always. I dont claim to know everything.

2 - Thats certainly the legal grounds on countries that allow abortion. I have a completely different background. I live in a country that doesnt. I believe it should be allowed here on the grounds of potential suffering (if neither parents want it, the kid will live an unhappy life).

3 - I believe that analogy works with a rape case, the women was forced into a situation. And certainly, in that situation I dont think she should be forced to donate blood. I believe consensual sex doesnt work completely with this analogy.

4 - Assuming I was forced into this situation, I believe I would have the right to walk away yeah. I wouldnt tho, I value life over all else.


The "best part" to read from people against abortion... they never bother to ask the opinion of the pregnant woman about it.


Isnt the worst part of the unwanted pregnancy the baby itself? I always find those women who decide to give their baby to another couple to have a decent time with their pregnancy.

I sure bet it sucks balls to get fat and have all those hormones flowing through your body. I dont want to say the woman's suffering is smalll, however I still think the baby's life is more valuable than that.

Im generally pro choice, but for different reasons. I believe a child raised by parents that did not want it will be an unhappy child, and it might be better to abort it. But if just one of the parents is just wanting to love it so bad, the child needs to live.

You're not pro-choice. Pro-choice means respecting the health of women and choices made by women because you understand that women deserve rights to their own bodies, even if it means you don't get everything you want.
You're not pro-choice. Pro-choice means respecting the health of women and choices made by women because you understand that women deserve rights to their own bodies, even if it means you don't get everything you want.

I'd go so far as to says he's MRA. Seems obvious to me.


There are legit unresolved questions of a man's involvement in unwanted pregnancy, given paternity laws. The debate around it is incredibly toxic because of the pro-birth movement and the MRA's and red-pillers, however, so it's a debate that's impossible to have without some very bad people spouting off opinions that turn everything nuclear very fast.
Apologies. Blame it on english not being my first language. Where I live son is kinda gender neutral

Your argument boils down to "my emotional attachment to an unborn fetus is more important than the health, safety and bodily rights of the mother."
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