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Warhammer Online Open Beta IS GO. Unless you're European. GOA says LOLOL

Lord Phol

traveler said:
The top of the Warwiki page said he was the Swordmaster counterpart.

Edit: Oh, I see it now. Didn't bother to read down far enough to see "Path of Da Boss" (which is pretty much exactly what I was looking for) since I disregarded the class after reading it was the Chaos SM. This is interesting. How is the Black Orc, performance wise?

Actually that would be the Chosen, utilizing the different auras u both buff urself and ur teammates and debuff the enemy. You can tween upto 3 auras at the same time but have to be really active to maintain all the effects. A bit too tired to get in on all the details but there should be plenty of information about it out there, even in this very thread I think.

And yes the Black Orc is the mirror class of Swordmaster :p.


Neckbeard69 said:
To be honest, I never had the 'pleasure' of being a customer of GOA before, so I sorta still had vague hopes that the launch would go smooth...

I mean, I paid for my Open Beta, they would not lie to a paying customer, surely...

Now strongly considering weaseling out from my euro CE preorder and importing a US copy.

Already patching the US client btw, damn, that goes slow :D
Wait,you have to PAY for the Open beta?


For those frustrated with poor patch download speeds, from Mythic's WAR Herald:

Hi all,

As you may have seen me post on various forums we are currently working to increase your download speeds when using the WAR patcher to get you in game as quickly as possible.

This is our current priority and we'll let you know once the update has been completed. Thanks for your patience as we work to improve your playing experience.

Have fun!
Just got my usa version patched and made my toon. Some human looking blood elf hunter rip off on realm Chrace or whatever. 20 minute queue since the realm is full ;(
traveler said:
How is the Black Orc, performance wise?
Relatively high damage output, lots of different buffs/debuffs(some situational, others not), and they're able to stay in the fight forever thanks to their armor/health/mini heals.


I had to laugh after I saw that they put all the characters into their high-end armor on the character selection screen to hide the ugliness. :lol


Mark Jacobs:


As you might have expected, Mythic has been talking to GOA for the entire day about today's events. GOA is still our partner and no matter what the difficulties are right now, we must act as partners. I expect you'll be hearing more shortly.


P.S. The key Mythic personnel (including yours truly) have been involved in these discussions since way too early this morning. Hopefully that will give you some comfort on how seriously we are taking things.

"GOA is still our partner...."


Cause we have a contract with them, so we don't really have a choice

ALthough saying that they did fuck up DAOC and they went back to the shitfest, they must be cheap.


Okay, first impressions after getting to lvl 5 and doing maybe a dozen and a half quests, character: High-Elf Shadow Warrior:

Let me preface by saying I'm NOT an avid MMO player. I never bothered to go past lvl15 in WoW, for instance, so my opinions may not reflect that of the hardcore MMO communities. Now that that's out of the way...

The game's fun and engaging, it's addictive as it goes with MMOs, and it has some really great gameplay elements, but it seems to have some technical problems too for sure. There's pathing issues, the draw distance is weak even when maxed, there's no options for AA and AF, so you have to force that stuff via drivers, the animation is fairly poor compared to other MMOs I've played,

First thing I noticed was that it is not noob-friendly. It drops you into the world with little explanation for how things work. Sure, it gives you a billion "?" help bubbles, but no one wants to spend all their time reading all that shit.

The quest types are very diverse as far as I can tell. Some quests are just 'point A to point B', some are 'kill X number of beasts then get back to me', some are 'find this well-hidden object/person', some are 'go to this fortified enemy base and find four well-hidden somethingorothers which trigger this other somethingorother which you then collect and bring back to me' .. etc. So the variety's nice. The quest pacing is too. So far at all times I've had four or five quests queued up, and when I finish a quest I often found that the person then had two or three more available for me, which is nice.

So far the combat's been solid, even at these early levels. My character has always had two or three approaches to take for offing someone. This is nothing we haven't seen before, but it works well so it seems.

The controls are not all that great IMO. Sometimes the game doesn't know when you're trying to attack something or not. So I guess that's a technical issue more than anything. I'm pretty sure the controls and responsiveness could you a lot more polish.

One thing I love a lot: there are control point battles you can sign-up for, and soon as enough people have joined you have a blast playing it. This encourages teamwork even when you're soloing it. It's like battlefield 2 with elves and shit. You control alters and get tickets, basically, and this really lets you push you fighting skills against the other team. This shit is simple great IMO and makes up for the clunky controls.

All that said, I'm enjoying this a lot more than the first 10 levels of WoW (which, again, isn't saying much because I didn't get much past that in WoW). Also enjoying more than Guild Wars, which I still pick up and play occasionally. The game would be better if they fixed some technical issues and clarified quests a little better, or in short: made everything a little more user-friendly. But the flaws so far are not game-breakers and the pros outweigh the cons by a lot. That's my early, EARLY, NOOB impressions, for whatever they're worth.


Mallika said:
Mark Jacobs:

"GOA is still our partner...."



Yeah they clearly start to realize what big mistake it was to partner with GOA again. Would love to see them delay the whole EU thing for a couple of month, kick GOA out and set something up by themself.


I played for a bit, the game runs pretty well on my setup (E6750, 8800GTS 640 MB, Vista x64, 4 GB RAM).

I haven't played WoW in a while, but the game gave me some major deja vu. If you've played WoW before you likely won't even need to read the key mappings (some keys are mapped differently but easy to figure out).

I picked a Dark Elf mage to start. I think I'll try a healer class next. The starting area is pretty hectic, it's hard to tell what's going on at first since there's shit dying and people screaming everywhere. It's like I was dropped into the beach scene of Saving Private Ryan. And no one was talking :p


Revolutionary said:

At least it looks better than WoW, though.

It might have technological advances over WoW, but looking at WotLK screens I still prefer WoW's art direction by a long shot.
Revolutionary said:

At least it looks better than WoW, though.

Not sure I agree with you. Playing on high at 1680x1050, and I gotta say I think WoW is at least equal to the visuals I'm seeing here.

They're obviously going for the same demographic, but still, it's ugly as fuck.


No Means Nomad said:
No...it really looks a lot worse despite being much more hardware intensive.
Did something change from closed beta? When I played, I thought it looked pretty good, both technically and artistically. Definitely better than WoW, technically, but probably about on par with WoW, artistically. Different styles, but both good. In my opinion.

Oh well.

EDIT: Granted, I've played mostly in the greenskin area, which is considerably more "wacky" than the rest of the races. I dunno if that makes a difference or not! But there you have it.


Heh, I registered without knowing :S.

I left for dinner this afternoon after trying to register an account for close to 10 hours, no succes! I come back and there's this authorisation email in my mailbox for one of the username/login combinations I used. (luckily it was one of the later ones :lol)

Now the wait for the authorisation servers to come back up, and then the wait for the patching :S


I still can't pinpoint it, but something at WAR just irks my graphically. It just fails to create a good atmosphere while running around for me.


And there comes account email number 2. How could I have created 2 (or more?!) accounts without even reaching the 5th step (confirmation).



Even with forced AA and AF the graphics look like crud to me ... that and the weird animations from people 10 yards away .... the shitty textures only appearing for you if you're within 5 feet of em ...

I know some of that is to help control framerates ... but come on ... let people chose how the engine works with settings.

Graphics aside, I'm having fun. PvP seems fun ... I dunno. We'll see.

I hope they fix the shit animations though, it's hard to play in this form. Seeing damage but no character animation to swing or anything .... yuck


TheOneGuy said:
Did something change from closed beta? When I played, I thought it looked pretty good, both technically and artistically. Definitely better than WoW, technically, but probably about on par with WoW, artistically. Different styles, but both good. In my opinion.

Oh well.

EDIT: Granted, I've played mostly in the greenskin area, which is considerably more "wacky" than the rest of the races. I dunno if that makes a difference or not! But there you have it.

No, they're just being picky. I think the game looks great, still. Even better than the last PW in terms of lighting. It has some bugs they still need to work out, but overall I love the look of it, technically and artistically.

Personally, I like the art direction better than WoW. WoW is just far, far more polished.

The game does currently have a nasty texture LOD bug that makes some of the textures appear extremely blurry that are more than a couple hundred feet from your character. The bug wasn't there before build 4.1.


Bit of an update for those of us in the EU:

I just got off the phone with senior management at GOA and I know you'll be getting lots of information shortly. I know it doesn't make today better but I can assure you that leadership is very aware of the situation and they are doing/going to do something about it. They are not at all happy about the situation either.

I won't say trust me on this because right now, our European fans have no reason to have any trust. I will say though to see what transpires before launch, during Open Beta and then, if we launch well, I hope we will regain your trust.

I feel a little better. I have to say though, that I'm having a hard time trying not to let the whole GOA thing color my view of the game ... since it's not like GOA developed it or whatever. I just hope GOA doesn't fuck up the actual launch and/or account pages where we put in sensitive information (CC details and the like). Maybe it might be wise to look into time cards ...


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
12 hours later, twelve hours, and finally we're getting consistent 'updates' and it seems like someone is trying to get something done.
So where can I find my influence?

nataku said:
No, they're just being picky. I think the game looks great, still. Even better than the last PW in terms of lighting. It has some bugs they still need to work out, but overall I love the look of it, technically and artistically.

Personally, I like the art direction better than WoW. WoW is just far, far more polished.

The game does currently have a nasty texture LOD bug that makes some of the textures appear extremely blurry that are more than a couple hundred feet from your character. The bug wasn't there before build 4.1.

It's not a matter of being picky, it's a matter of first being exposed to it. It's jarringly ugly on first impression, and the starting ability animations are just terrible. I'm playing a Witch Hunter and Snap Shot is the ugliest thing I've ever seen.


I hate WoW and I most likely will never go back to that game. I pre-ordered this game and so far I'm having a lot of fun in open beta. I will tell you this though, WoW looks 10000x better in animation and style. Big props to Blizzard's art team and... well hell the developers in general. WoW still looks pretty good despite how old it is and how well it runs on many types of computers. Now if only they knew how to make the game fun, then maybe I would never have thought about leaving for WAR in the first place.
so iam home now and the european registration site is still closed damn i hoped they would have fixed the issues in the time i was at work :lol
i have a bad feeling about the european launch :(

doodyball5 said:
I hate WoW and I most likely will never go back to that game. I pre-ordered this game and so far I'm having a lot of fun in open beta. I will tell you this though, WoW looks 10000x better in animation and style. Big props to Blizzard's art team and... well hell the developers in general. WoW still looks pretty good despite how old it is and how well it runs on many many computers. Now if only they knew how to make the game fun, then maybe I would never have thought about leaving for WAR in the first place.
they are focusing to much on highend raiders and highend pvp players they are forgetting 90% of the people playing wow :lol starting with the damn 5000g für the epic flyer
even if you buy it from chinese guys it would be 50$ or something - less farming more fun for the rest of the people (that are paying 13,99 for content they will never see) would be the way to improve the warcraft experience

Buggy Loop

Played disciple of khaine and witch hunter so far, I really like it, it looks good, i love the art, the lore, i love how every class is different, PQ, RVR & scenarios are genius, the starting areas bitchslap any MMO starting area i've ever played, it actually looks like its at war.


so i think my server crashed and now i cant join another. Keeps saying "locating battles, searching for allies" and when i try to join a different server it says "account is already logged into a diff" (cuts off like that)


Trevor360 said:
so i think my server crashed and now i cant join another. Keeps saying "locating battles, searching for allies" and when i try to join a different server it says "account is already logged into a diff" (cuts off like that)

At least we're not paying for it right now, eh?

I made a Squig Hunter and been playing the game on and off for the last 3-4 hours. It's been alright so far, but nothing has really impressed me yet. I'll continue though. Maybe make another character with a different class.

maniac-kun said:
they are focusing to much on highend raiders and highend pvp players they are forgetting 90% of the people playing wow :lol starting with the damn 5000g für the epic flyer
even if you buy it from chinese guys it would be 50$ or something - less farming more fun for the rest of the people (that are paying 13,99 for content they will never see) would be the way to improve the warcraft experience

As someone who was a highend raider and will be getting back into it at WotLK, I say you are wrong on that. Ever since The Burning Crusade been released, Blizzard has been doing whatever they can to make sure that the game is more accessible to the 90% of the population. It's gone to the point where they've basically dumbed down everything to allow more people to see this content. (potion sickness to prevent using more than 1 pot per fight, 10-man and 25-man raids, the whole change to the buff/debuff system, the change of how elixirs work, etc.)


nataku said:
The game does currently have a nasty texture LOD bug that makes some of the textures appear extremely blurry that are more than a couple hundred feet from your character. The bug wasn't there before build 4.1.

I've been in beta since February and it this bug has literally been there for me the entire time. On 3 different computers/hardware configurations. ATI and nvidia.

Xdrive05 said:
First thing I noticed was that it is not noob-friendly. It drops you into the world with little explanation for how things work. Sure, it gives you a billion "?" help bubbles, but no one wants to spend all their time reading all that shit.

Not to sound too elitist or condescending, but it's an MMO. Reading is required. There should be a pdf file included that's more or less a ghetto manual, but again, you'd have to read it. This may be a part of the reason why you never made it past 15 in WoW.
TheOneGuy said:
Did something change from closed beta? When I played, I thought it looked pretty good, both technically and artistically. Definitely better than WoW, technically, but probably about on par with WoW, artistically. Different styles, but both good. In my opinion.

Oh well.

EDIT: Granted, I've played mostly in the greenskin area, which is considerably more "wacky" than the rest of the races. I dunno if that makes a difference or not! But there you have it.
Maxed out the game looks like this:


Part of the problem is the absolutely claustrophobic max view distance, the other is the terribad textures, which someone said was a bug...


venison crêpe
General update
GOA seniors and Mythic personnel are currently meeting in Paris. Naturally, everyone involved is very much aware of the flora of challenges we've seen today. We are keeny waiting on updates from this meeting.

Server caps
Previous closed beta testers are being let in. We are successively allowing more and more players join. The current population cap is 500 players per realm (so 1000 max players online per server) with an additional 1500 players in queue. We will raise both the online and queue caps by roughly 25% every few hours. This is a delicate process, vital in keeping the servers and starting zones in good shape. Reports from QA reveal that our Open Beta servers have indeed performed very well since they were brought online, as those of you who can currently play can surely attest to.

Why not simply add more servers?

The amount of servers are balanced after the needs of the total community. That is, one want the appropriate amount of servers to host a stable population of players. If we were to create enough players to host every single open beta tester right now, these servers would have a healthy population for a few hours. After a couple of days though, it would become apparent that there were simply too many servers and that players were too thinly spread to allow for a meaningful RvR experience.

The situation is similar with the server caps. Players must be let wave by wave, because the starting zones simply can't handle too many players. This is true both on a technical level and on a game-play level.

We know exactly how many Open Beta keys are available and we have tons of data on how large a portion of our playerbase is expected to be online at a given time of the week. Naturally, when launching the Open Beta, an exceptionally large part of the total number of players will be trying to play, but were we to adjust the number of servers to that one exceptional event, we would as said stand there with half-empty servers in a couple of days.

Current issues
Retailer updates
The EA Store have had problems distributing the Open Beta keys. Status: investigating.

Account registration and key authentication unavailable
Registration and authentication servers have been taken offline for maintenance. This means that it is currently not possible to create new accounts or authenticate Open Beta keys. During this maintenance we are processing all queued account registrations and key authentications. These services will be available as soon as this work is complete.

Status: Still no ETA, but we don't expect them to be online tonight.

We don't expect the key authentication to be online tonight either.



No Means Nomad said:
Maxed out the game looks like this:

Part of the problem is the absolutely claustrophobic max view distance, the other is the terribad textures, which someone said was a bug...

The biggest problem is that textures get muddled and look horrible if you're not standing right beside it or directly above it (like those mounds in your screenshot).


but ever so delicious
Still no solution to my patch crashing.

You know blizz, this would be a great time to send me an email with a wrath beta key, just as a sign.

So no one has been able to grab all 200mb of the OB patch and upload it somewhere?


FLEABttn said:
I've been in beta since February and it this bug has literally been there for me the entire time. On 3 different computers/hardware configurations. ATI and nvidia.

Not to sound too elitist or condescending, but it's an MMO. Reading is required. There should be a pdf file included that's more or less a ghetto manual, but again, you'd have to read it. This may be a part of the reason why you never made it past 15 in WoW.

No elitism or condescension taken. :)

But I figured out WoW just fine, which had a better break-in period for noobs like me. The reason I didn't go further in WoW was really because of my job, finances, and (somewhat) social life, which I couldn't give up for all the MMO crack in the world.

Either way the point still stands because I'm weaksauce at MMOs. :lol


Wow. I don't remember the textures looking like that at all.

Either I have a bad memory, or that is a new bug. D:

That is fugly.


The email
Greetings ***,

You have received this email because you have just started the registration process for Warhammer® Online: Age of Reckoning™. In order to complete it, please click here.

Your login: ***
Your nickname: ***

Please keep your personal details safe and do not share them with anyone.

Once you have confirmed your registration by clicking on the button, you can log onto the portal with your login and password, and access the Subscription section to set up your account. You can also log onto the game. The login and password are the same for both the portal and the game.

If you are not interested in registering or you do not wish to complete it, then please delete this email.

The WAR Team
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