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Was GTA V weak compared to GTA IV?


Slight disclaimer on this as I haven’t played much of GTA V but from what I did I much prefer GTA IV. Interested to hear if you agree/disagree...

I thought IV was a really sharp, funny game. You play as this violent immigrant who comes over to New York for a better life and finds nothing but shit in his face. He learns his cousin is a lying moron, weighted over by bigger ballers in the taxi business – itself surely one of the lowest ranking professions you could ever think of. He keeps on phoning you up to go bowling with an incessantly chirpy shit-eating tone like the game is deliberately trolling you. Then you meet a woman and think things are getting better but nah, she’s a fed out to get you. Tough fucking luck Nico. That's how it goes.

The game constantly puts you in scenarios that poke fun at parts of American culture. You meet tons of charismatic crazy people, blow loads of shit up and drive around listening to parodies of Judge Judy, featuring advertisements for a World of Warcraft-esque called ‘Loot ‘n Wank’. The whole script is as big as the entirety of Proust’s In Search of Lost Time and nobody is safe from being poked fun of – from gun-loving conservatives to poor Romanian immigrants to left-leaning trust fund hipsters. The Episodes too were great, especially The Ballad of Gay Tony. A testament what could be accomplished with mid-2000s satire.

V however didn't grab me. I will admit that the gameplay is much more refined but I couldn't quite enjoy it in the same way. I'm not convinced it's as sharp culturally as IV was. I won't say it's a bad game because it's incredibly popular but nothing about it sticks in my mind. Again, that's only about 10 hours of gameplay so take the point with a pinch of salt.

Trailing off here but I'm interested to hear your thoughts. Did you prefer IV or V?

Edited for clarity.
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GTA 4 was plagued with technical issues. It had horrible frame rate on consoles and very ugly lighting/colors/foliage. The PC version was also one of the worst ports. I still can't make it run smoothly at 60fps.

GTA V has at least much better visuals, better looking foliage, nice colors and amazing lighting. Even on last gen consoles it had all those improvements and at the same time performance was better, though it still had frame rate issues. I remember how i couldn't believe this game looks so much better on 360 and at the same time the performance is not worse (slightly better even). The PC version is also one of the best ports this time.

I know these don't have anything to do with the gameplay/physics/story. I know that there were some regressions in GTA V in the physics department. But all it's technical and visual issues made GTA 4 a chore to play in all platforms for me. GTA V was a joy to look at and smoother to play.
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The fact that that there is no "Cousin! It's your cousin! " phone calls is enough for me to say no , GTAIV was considerably weaker. Every time that phone rang my f*cking skin crawled .


Unconfirmed Member
I like both. I do however wish I could get 4 to run on a modern W10 machine.


4 was better. I enjoyed Niko as a protagonist more than the 3 losers from V, and actually nearly all the side characters from 4 were memorable to me in some way, the McReary's, Playboy X, Jacob, Roman, Brucie....like that's off the top of my head haven't played the game in a decade. I can barely remember anything that happened in 5 or any side characters, I remember the 3 big protags but that's it, and honestly I didn't really think their interactions worked, felt like a really forced group.

There was also a video I watched a while ago where the guy showed with comparison videos how Rockstar seemed to have dumbed down all of the internal systems and mechanics from 4, to I guess make the graphical fidelity higher in 5. It's clear as day when you experience the two games side by side, 4 had more dynamic and interesting systems under the hood I think. Which is more fun for sandbox play.

I'm at work and can't test this, but I think this might be the video I'm talking about
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For staarters V had much much better characters and a better story.
Theny ou have the GTA oline mode which again was receently rewived through te GTA RPG community which now has more viewers on witch than APEX

Also the World is not only much bigger but also more natural and more lively. There is tons of variety with multiple towns, mountains fields etc.

PS: Nico is an absolute Asshole and terrible character. The only one who saves this disaster is Gay Tony
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I'll be honest, if they remade 4 with the gameplay of 5 (and more vehicles, like maybe planes), I'd like it better. 4 has a lot of missions which are just drive to point A, shooting gallery, chase to point B, shooting gallery - which kind of sucks because driving is incredibly unfun in that game. More mission variety with better controls would go a long way, but I liked the story and characters of 4 more. I just can't go back and play it ever again because of the controls (it reminds me of 3, and how your cars would tip over and explode for no reason whatsoever).


From a tech standpoint, no. GTA V is a wonder in that regard.

Gameplay-wise, about the same.

Story-wise, IV buries V.


The world is not as fun to drive around, and you have to drive around a whole lot in V. In IV, the streets were laid out to be interesting and fun, with jump ramps strategically placed near cliffs and water. In V, the city was trying to be too real.
Yes although the gunplay is absolutely dog shit in 4, not that its good in V or red dead either but its an improvement.
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Unconfirmed Member
They released a patch recently so I think IV runs on W10 now.

In theory they did, but it seems to crap out on my laptop with a GTX 1070 (ie plenty of grunt to get the job done). I can sometimes get to the menu screen but that's about as far as it gets.


Must admit I'd forgotten how badly it performed on PC.

But then again Consoles Forever!
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"but it doesn't seem to stick in people's mind as much" there really is something with this phrase. I haven't played 4, but earlier entries in the series stood with me way better and from time to time I still like to go back and play them. GTA 5 on the other hand? I don't know, I remember credits really hit me in the feels but other that that? I can't really remember anything from the game and I have no desire to go back and play it for some reasson, lol.


I didn't like either game. The humour just feels forced by todays standards.

It shame because we thought R* learned from their mistakes in the excellent EFLC.


Gold Member
I never finished 5 but did enjoy my time with it more than 4. 4 still has my favorite mission: the bank heist and shooting your way out.


The worse-than-previous-gen driving model and awful 'friends' systems (along with the subpar minigames - no fuck off cousin, I do not want to go bowling with you!) both let GTA IV down for me.
GTA 4 was plagued with technical issues. It had horrible frame rate on consoles and very ugly lighting/colors/foliage.

Wait, are you serious? It was one of the most polished games that came out during that era/year. I hope you're not comparing it to current gen games. The PC port was terrible, I'll give you that.

Regarding OP's question, I still think GTA IV is slightly more superior than GTA V. GTA IV was ahead of its time in several ways: Liberty City was truly life-like with an astonishing attention to details, the sound design created a new benchmark for open-world games, the music selection (for me) masterful, and the physics engine was out of this world (Euphoria engine). What makes GTA IV truly more superior was the complete package: All 3 characters with their respective storylines/DLC content. The Lost and Damned was fantastic, and The Ballad of Gay Tony showed that Rockstar still knew how to make fun and exciting single player games.

So OP, wanna go bowling?
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Gold Member
V was better looking and a smash hit so there's that. I preferred the story more in 4, though. Nico was a whole lot more affable than 2/3rd's of the cast in V. Franklin was good, though.

Joe T.

GTA IV was a huge step back from San Andreas, so no. GTA V is much better at everything.

GTA V is far superior to IV in every way.

It's been mentioned already, but GTAV scaled back some of the physics and lots of other minor details from GTAIV. You can say that's an improvement in the overall package, but how is that superior in every way?

It's one of my favorite franchises and I love both games, but when compared side to side the two games clearly have their pros and cons. Having V's police AI with IV's more detailed NPC interactions, cops included, would have made for a more dynamic open world experience. I don't see how removing the paramedics' ability to revive downed NPCs in V was an improvement, for example.
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Not for me, really didn't enjoy IV much at all. Didn't like the characters and I honestly remember little about the game at this point, didn't leave an impression other then disappointment. I did really enjoy all 3 of the playable characters in V and need to get around to playing the PS4 version (Played it on the PS3 at launch).
The ragdolls were weak af. The joy of gtaiv was how violent getting hit by a car or plowing into people looked. Gta v did wrong on one of the main components of the series.


Gold Member
I figured that Trevor killing off a character from IV was an apology of how awful it turned out.

I still remember the controversy when the 10’s dropped and people couldn’t understand how anyone could give it such a score given how poor it was.

It blew up alot more than the poor RDR2 control scheme.


Starting to get pissed off with Rockstar.. I'm still upset they have not bothered to patch an enhanced version of GTAV for the Pro and or X with all the fuckin millions they made and milked out of that game. Plus not even bothering to respond or admit fault or fix the HDR issue on RDR2 has left a bad taste in my mouth! Fuck you Rockstar!


Gold Member
I didnt enjoy both. But if I had to pick, I'd say 5 was better than 4. I couldnt relate to Niko at all. In GTAV, I at least found Franklin likeable. But then there's Trevor, whom I try to avoid playing as much as possible. I find it hard to play games with asshole-ish main characters in general.


If GTA4 got a proper optimized release on PC it would be my favorite ngl. I just really like Nico and Liberty City. The cast of characters was more my speed too.

But since GTA4 is and apparently will always be a technical mess on all platforms, GTA5 takes the title.


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I thought 4 started off really strong and then got really boring, I felt like I was waiting for it to end. I liked the main character but something just felt like it wasn’t clicking for me after about 8 to 10 hours.

5 has a really slow start but gets better as it goes along. I felt like it really got good, like unbelievably so the further along it went . The mission variety was amazing; I have played several open world third person GTA type games and 5 is hands down the best IMO. After 10 hours I couldn’t put it down.

I think 5 is overall better narratively as well, but that’s more of an opinion and what your personal taste is. Niko was ok but the three solid characters in 5 were all excellent.
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All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
GTA IV was a bad game. In a series where you spend 80%+ of your time in cars, the developers made it really difficult to control cars. Why do that? In a series known for its interesting stories, I never met a character that I liked or was interested in. It was also the successor to Grand Theft Auto San Andreas, a game where you go through a hell of a lot of urban gang warfare to control territory. After building a really fun, balanced combat system for that game, GTA IV throws you into some of the most tedious, artificially difficult combat missions the series has ever had. After spending probably hundreds of hours on the series, I put only 10 or so hours into GTA IV, and I'm still so put off I haven't even tried GTA V yet.


Gold Member
In a series where you spend 80%+ of your time in cars, the developers made it really difficult to control cars. Why do that?

Some people say that it made it realistic but that just worries me about their driving ability.
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