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Wasteland 2 Announced for Xbox One


This will certainly slow down the rebalancing they have been talking about. :(

Looks like they are adding more character tweaking options which was good. Hopefully they overhaul what they currently use... whoever thought it was a good idea to have attributes not affect skills at all... fuck that guy.


Considering it's part of that id@xbox thing, it's almost certain it's not coming to PS4. A bad decision by inXile if you ask me.

Why would that be certain it's not coming to PS4? ID@Xbox just means it has to debut on Xbox. And even that's iffy if the game is popular.
It isn't? Sorry, then. What was the commotion about the Thou-Shall-Not-Publish-On-PS4 thing about then?

They want to avoid Xbox One being an afterthought by developers and releasing later on the platform. They're not forcing exclusivity they're to get release date parity, and even then it seems they aren't particularly insistent on it given stuff like Shovel Knight and Rogue Legacy (among others) coming to Xbox One after the PS4 gets them.


Why should they dumb down the combat?

I primarily play with kb + mouse so I'm not that familiar with controllers, but I'm having a hard time seeing how RTwP can be played with a controller.

That sounds more like a statement to entice hardcore PC gamers to back the project. Would anyone care if a slightly dumbed down port was made a year after the PC version? Probably not.

Obsidian has a fanatically following. I doubt they would need to entice anyone (just mention Chris Avellone is writing).

I wouldn't necessarily have a problem with a port unless...

IF it takes resources away from what could be a PC expansion or sequel, yes.

^ this.

You know what this means? A traditional Bard's Tale IV.... could show up on a console. I would die of happiness.

I believe Bard's Tale IV is going to be InXile's next kickstarter. It's possible they could have a console port as a stretch goal.


Never played or read up on this game. Is this a isometric shooter or a turn based RTS type of game? Looked pretty cool in the video.


If I'm not crazy, isn't the next Bard's Tale their next project? Could have sworn it was mentioned in one of their Kickstarter updates. Your dream could be true.

You aren't crazy. I wouldn't be surprised if there was console stretch goals.

Do cRPG's even have an audience on consoles? Serious question btw. I know of course there will be some people that buy them. But I mean enough to be profitable where devs would want to bring sequels and such to the platform.

I don't see why one couldn't be made if gone about the right way. Exactly the opposite of the way it went from 2002 - now.

Why should they dumb down the combat?

Because an top down RTwP game would be annoying to control with a controller.

Never played or read up on this game. Is this a isometric shooter or a turn based RTS type of game? Looked pretty cool in the video.

Well a turn based RTS is a bit of an oxymoron but that's more along the lines of what you were thinking.
I used to loathe turn-based and shill for RTwP. In my maturity, I have come to realize turn-based is usually superior.

V. excited about the system in Pillars, though.


Weird. I would've never expected THIS. But whatever, I already played through the game and loved it. I'm a little curious how it would play with a CONTROLLER though...

Any word on the new character stuff being able to be used on previous version Newgame+ characters?
You aren't crazy. I wouldn't be surprised if there was console stretch goals.

I don't see why one couldn't be made if gone about the right way. Exactly the opposite of the way it went from 2002 - now.

Because an top down RTwP game would be annoying to control with a controller.

Well a turn based RTS is a bit of an oxymoron but that's more along the lines of what you were thinking.
Wasteland 2 is fully turn based in combat. You can leave it there as long as necessary when fighting, just outside of fights it goes real-time.


I burned out on the game after being in (presumably end-game spoiler)
for a while. I might return after this update hits PC


Well my first thought is this is going to crash and burn for inXile as I just don't see this doing well on consoles. Anyway as long as it doesn't take inXile down with it and the PC version gets all the upgrades then I don't really care.
The changes sound fantastic. An extra polish pass and some more character traits (beyond their skills and appearance) will do a lot to improve the game. The major hurdle will be making the moment-to-moment combat engaging, something that XCOM knocked out of the park and Wasteland 2 struggles with.

Though honestly, unless they overhaul the enemies I can't see any additions drastically improving how the game plays. It would need to be a Shadowrun: Returns to Shadowrun: Dragonfall type leap, because the former is closest to where Wasteland 2 stands currently.

Oh, and I'm puzzling over how they'll make the controls work on consoles. Probably a lot of cycle-selection and layer-menus...


I didn't find much to like in this game, but I might give it another go if they add controller support to the PC version.
My fear with Bard's Tale IV is that they won't keep the combat from I - III, just like they ditched Wasteland's combat in Wasteland 2. =/
Good game, Xbox folks should pick it up. Presuming some of those changes will be hitting the PC version.

Extremely. Probably the one way it stands out really. Combat and whatnot are mostly on the average side.

Considering PC gamers kickstarted the thing they better all be coming over or there'll be an uproar


Why only Xbone? I don't get it. inXile seemed to be pretty open on the PC platform supporting Windows/Mac/Linux flavors of the game but releasing only on Xbox One? I guess I do not understand this decision based on how much support was given over various operating systems on the PC.

The PS4 has from my understanding a larger user base and the touch pad on the controller might be more useful than say a kinect. I'm just left scratching my head wondering why the PS4 is also not getting a port of Wasteland 2 as it would make more sense to include a console which could generate potentially more sales. Releasing on a single console also does not make much sense based on how much support the PC version got or so it seems.


Why only Xbone? I don't get it. inXile seemed to be pretty open on the PC platform supporting Windows/Mac/Linux flavors of the game but releasing only on Xbox One? I guess I do not understand this decision based on how much support was given over various operating systems on the PC.

The PS4 has from my understanding a larger user base and the touch pad on the controller might be more useful than say a kinect. I'm just left scratching my head wondering why the PS4 is also not getting a port of Wasteland 2 as it would make more sense to include a console which could generate potentially more sales. Releasing on a single console also does not make much sense based on how much support the PC version got or so it seems.

Did you just decide to ignore the stay tuned for more news tweet?

Generally, I'm happy that more people are getting to play Wasteland 2. I love PC CRPG's and I want them to be popular so that I'll get more of them. If that means consoles get the love then I'm all for that, as it helps increase them in popularity. As long as PC stays the lead and there aren't concessions made to appeal to a "wider audience" then it's all good.


I was unable to get into Wasteland 2. Its a cool get and everything, but this seems like the last console friendly title to port. Tje character creation alone is daunting as fuck.


Tried it on launch, didn't really like it but I'll give it another try when (if?) the PC version gets all this new stuff too


Damn, finally wanted to start Wasteland 2 - guess Ill wait for the update now.

Console version is good for XB1 users, game looks great.
Good for them. As a backer I'm very happy that this game is a success and will spread to other platforms. I wouldn't play it on the console but I know many don't have that option.


Probably also coming to PS4:
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