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Waypoint: Inside the Sexual Misconduct Allegations Rocking NeoGAF's Last 48 Hours


The defense has been that the allegations are completely fabricated.

Tough situation here. Response just been tactless.

I feel evidence needs to be presented. Character witnesses. Etc.

Tough to find evidence in a nude shower scene. It boils down to who has more credibility.
The biggest issue I have with this is not the event, but Tyler's response to the event. Shutting down GAF. Calling the accuser mentally unstable. Shutting down all political and social discourse as a response. I'm taking a few classes on the rise of Nazism before WWII, and this is literally what they did. Not accusing Tyler of being a Nazi, but that *is* the precedent for this type of behavior. Such a shame too. The responsible thing would have been to cede control over Gaf to someone else, but clearly that's not what's gonna happen. Instead, this place is going to collapse on itself.
I agree.

It is absolutely not sexual assault or sexual harassment, or even sexual misconduct, by any legal definition. There will obviously never be charges brought against him for this, and if there were, they would go absolutely nowhere.
It's an open and shut case of indecent exposure, which is a felony in Louisiana.
So, not a film director then? Amateur filmmaker who has worked on a handful of indie shorts as a camera operator and ”directed" somebody's belly dance showreel... not the ”director, show runner, and producer" she lists on LinkedIn.

Bullshit artist.

Degrading women 101


So let's put it this way:

1) You're with a girl that you like, you go out for drinks, you both get drunk, you both check into the same room.

2) The girl goes to the bathroom and starts taking a shower; leaves the door open.

3) At this point you might not know she's sick or puking, you just hear the shower running. (We don't know the body language that took place earlier, You might have gotten signs that she was sexually into you and you already knew she's in an open relationship, aka don't appear to be off limits, especially after checking into the same room instead of her own).

4) You then make the wrong call and proceed to join her in the shower... what were you thinking?! She says, NO!

5) This is the pivotal moment... You don't force yourself on her, don't insist or put up a struggle in any way, but instead step back immediately, you both have a conversation about the incident and you acknowledge it was a mistake, after all you were both very drunk. You both put it behind you and determine you'll continue to be friends, which later turns into a consensual sexual relationship.

6) #Metoo is created over the Harvey Weinstein incident and the person decides to share a moment that she experienced and mentions the incident which she simply labeled as "Creepy" and not sexual assault.

This sounds to me like what took place based on what I've read so far. Does this constitute sexual assault? we'll see what the courts determine, if there's even a case brought. The way he's handling it is another story and maybe why the meltdown is taking place, but let's not lose focus of the facts.

No no no no

The pivotal moment is before you expose yourself in a confined space with a vulnerable woman not after.

It's like the pivotal moment for a bank robber is probably before they go into the bank, not after they're already standing in front of the teller with the gun in hand. That's another pivotal moment, sure, but they shouldn't be there with a gun like that.


A person has the right to say no at any point, be it causal acquaintances, or married for decades. Situations change and relationships evolve - but your logic is why the #metoo hashtag is important.
She said no and he stopped. If he kept going then yea I see the issue with that.


It's an open and shut case of indecent exposure, which is a felony in Louisiana.

It's an open and shut case everywhere. The question is if it's enough to fall under the sex offender registry and being called a rapist maniac, because the key members are leaving because they decided the owner is a rapist.

What would a judge state? I honestly have no clue.


I just don't get why evilore doesn't say, "yeah I wanted to bone and jumped in the shower. She turned me down, but we later got in a relationship, and etc. This isn't a simple story of me aggressively approaching her and that's it, there's a context and back and fourth story". Then he apologizes for making her feel uncomfortable in that moment. Life moves on, OT saved.

That would have helped a bit. But there was so much vented up anger in the community that I think it was inevitable that we would end up in the current situation.


She said no and he stopped. If he kept going then yea I see the issue with that.

But she didn't have a chance to say no before he was in the shower with her. If he had asked before hopping in then there wouldn't be an issue. His brain didn't say no and he didn't stop.
Tough to find evidence in a nude shower scene. It boils down to who has more credibility.

But we do have evidence on how Malka handled it. It's all in the Waypoint article. He attacks the woman's mental health and confirms that he groped a woman in Spain without consent. Those things alone are enough to severely destroy his credibility on the matter.

He's a gross person who did a gross thing. He was completely fine calling up a reporter and calling a woman crazy and bragging about his alpha male power plays. He blames OT for his own actions (and inaction) and seems completely oblivious about how his behavior looks to others.


So, not a film director then? Amateur filmmaker who has worked on a handful of indie shorts as a camera operator and “directed” somebody’s belly dance showreel... not the “director, show runner, and producer” she lists on LinkedIn.

Bullshit artist.

What did you want her to list? An amateur filmmaker is still a filmmaker. It’s a freelance world. You always list the tasks you have done to some extent and the title you want.
Jesus. Women being willing to trust men that they are friends with does not make it right when the men break that trust and act like shitbirds. And yes, her boyfriend knew in both cases but he trusted Tyler as well.

I guess they were both wrong so it's their fault, right?

Tyler has enough money to offer up another room for his "friend". As soon as he said "I made reservations and your sleeping with me", she should of said "no, I need my own room". And if she cant afford one herself, why is she even there? As the boyfriend this should have raised all kinds of flags. Who here would let their girlfriend sleep in the same room with another man...alone? So I'm assuming since she cant afford her own room he picked up the entire tab on this "trip" and wanted some play (went about it entirely wrong) got denied and had an attitude about it. Some are acting like he raped her in the shower or something.

No, her and her boyfriend aren't at fault. All three are. I'm more questioning all the outrage.
A woman makes an allegation of sexual misconduct and you point to her career in a demeaning manner as a means to discredit her claim.

Yeah you don't even have to go that far down the rabbit hole. She banged him weeks later.

That discredits her claim of trauma. I wouldn't want to hook up with someone who appeared nude to me; I then tell them to go away and they do ok that's fine. I wouldn't hook up with that person unless it turns out I was in fact interested, I just had a boyfriend at the time... of "the nudening".

And apparently he treated her poorly the next day, acting all cold and shit. Well yeah, he just got shot down and feels like a fucking freak sex pest. So no shit he's not feeling welcoming lol.

But let's pretend this is some Buffalo Bill shit in order to maintain my ever growing erection of faux righteousness.


But we do have evidence on how Malka handled it. It's all in the Waypoint article. He attacks the woman's mental health and confirms that he groped a woman in Spain without consent. Those things alone are enough to severely destroy his credibility on the matter.

He's a gross person who did a gross thing. He was completely fine calling up a reporter and calling a woman crazy and bragging about his alpha male power plays. He blames OT for his own actions (and inaction) and seems completely oblivious about how his behavior looks to others.

He also posted revenge porn previously, which kind of shows his mentality about his exes isn't exactly unbiased...

Tyler has enough money to offer up another room for his "friend". As soon as he said "I made reservations and your sleeping with me", she should of said "no, I need my own room". And if she cant afford one herself, why is she even there? As the boyfriend this should have raised all kinds of flags. Who here would let their girlfriend sleep in the same room with another man...alone? So I'm assuming since she cant afford her own room he picked up the entire tab on this "trip" and wanted some play (went about it entirely wrong) got denied and had an attitude about it. Some are acting like he raped her in the shower or something.

No, her and her boyfriend aren't at fault. All three are. I'm more questioning all the outrage.

Having the same room as someone is not consent.

Seriously, this stuff is insanely simple, people. No, her and her boyfriend are not at fault for someone violating her like this. Not in any way. How about some personal fucking responsibility here?
The biggest issue I have with this is not the event, but Tyler's response to the event. Shutting down GAF. Calling the accuser mentally unstable. Shutting down all political and social discourse as a response. I'm taking a few classes on the rise of Nazism before WWII, and this is literally what they did. Not accusing Tyler of being a Nazi, but that *is* the precedent for this type of behavior. Such a shame too. The responsible thing would have been to cede control over Gaf to someone else, but clearly that's not what's gonna happen. Instead, this place is going to collapse on itself.

It is understandable when there are a massive amount of people who are poisonous trolls who'll hurl abuse at anyone on the forum. This incident was their rallying call.

I don't blame him for taking it down for a short period.
He also posted revenge porn previously, which kind of shows his mentality about his exes isn't exactly unbiased...

Having the same room as someone is not consent.

Seriously, this stuff is insanely simple, people. No, her and her boyfriend are not at fault for someone violating her like this. Not in any way. How about some personal fucking responsibility here?

He should of apologized for what he done or what he did.

But on the spectrum of sexual assault, this is a fucking nothing burger,

If a sex assault had to happen to me, I would take something like this, seeing a naked man appear before me, then walk away when I told him to.

As to you know, the actual real sexual assault that happen to women and destroy them utterly, removing their agency to say no. That actual real sexual assault.

This is some bullshit sex assault that wouldn't even get play on an HBO show. Unless that show is some comedy.


Tyler has enough money to offer up another room for his "friend". As soon as he said "I made reservations and your sleeping with me", she should of said "no, I need my own room". And if she cant afford one herself, why is she even there? As the boyfriend this should have raised all kinds of flags. Who here would let their girlfriend sleep in the same room with another man...alone? So I'm assuming since she cant afford her own room he picked up the entire tab on this "trip" and wanted some play (went about it entirely wrong) got denied and had an attitude about it. Some are acting like he raped her in the shower or something.

No, her and her boyfriend aren't at fault. All three are. I'm more questioning all the outrage.

We know who booked the room? Or that they even shared a room? I thought they were traveling for her shoot, I’d assume she’d have been involved in the logistics.


As to you know, the actual real sexual assault that happen to women and destroy them utterly, removing their agency to say no. That actual real sexual assault.

This is exactly what he did. He showed up naked behind her without consent when she was vulnerable and naked herself. He did not ask, thereby removing her agency to say no.

I'm glad you agree with me.


Tyler has enough money to offer up another room for his "friend". As soon as he said "I made reservations and your sleeping with me", she should of said "no, I need my own room". And if she cant afford one herself, why is she even there? As the boyfriend this should have raised all kinds of flags. Who here would let their girlfriend sleep in the same room with another man...alone? So I'm assuming since she cant afford her own room he picked up the entire tab on this "trip" and wanted some play (went about it entirely wrong) got denied and had an attitude about it. Some are acting like he raped her in the shower or something.

No, her and her boyfriend aren't at fault. All three are. I'm more questioning all the outrage.

Thank you for this 1950's viewpoint of the situation, someone should have told her she was being a loose woman by sleeping in the same room as a man. This vile temptress really forced Tyler's hand if you think about it.


Of I totally agree. I'm not saying he did nothing wrong (you can check my first post, if you care). However, it seems to me that everyone is behaving like he actually raped a person or something.

I mean, he made a mistake and apparently they moved on afterwards. Even the "assaulted" girl seems to be less offended than the rest of the community. She continued traveling with him while people here act like if he killed their dog.

I just think this is a huge overreaction from most people and only deserved by GAF itself by harboring this way of thinking for years. I truly hope the community can survive.

I feel the same.
This is exactly what he did. He showed up naked behind her without consent when she was vulnerable and naked herself. He did not ask, thereby removing her agency to say no.

I'm glad you agree with me.

He didn't ask and that was some stupidly bold move that really didn't pay off.

As soon as she asserted her agency to either say yes or no, what happened?

She said no, he fucked off with his wang tucked between his legs.

End of story.

Wow horrific. This is like HBO'S Oz. Really gripping shit.
So, not a film director then? Amateur filmmaker who has worked on a handful of indie shorts as a camera operator and “directed” somebody’s belly dance showreel... not the “director, show runner, and producer” she lists on LinkedIn.

Bullshit artist.

People exaggerate about work responsibilities and achievements all the time.
He didn't ask and that was some stupidly bold move that really didn't pay off.

As soon as she asserted her agency to either say yes or no, what happened?

Rape apology right there. Not asking for consent = "a bold move."

She was never given agency to say yes or no because he was already in the shower with her before she had any say in the matter.
Personal fucking responsibility? Like choosing to go to New Orleans with someone and share a hotel room and get drunk? She made those choices. Clearly there was something more than friendship here and she even admits to her relationship being polyamorous.

That's not how polyamory works. That's also not how trusting a friend works.
Rape apology right there. Not asking for consent = "a bold move."

She was never given agency to say yes or no because he was already in the shower with her before she had any say in the matter.

It's not a rape apology is it sphincter.

At no point did he physically intrude onto her body. That's a big difference.

Yeah he took his clothes off and came into the shower, erroneously thinking this is going to go down well.

It didn't as soon as she said no, he left.

Do you ask women for permission before you attempt to make out with them? "Hurr may I kiss you please you're pretty hurr"

Or do you just react to the scenario you believe is happening? So does that make you a sex assaulter, or just going out on a limb.

You attempt to kiss the girl, she reacts either negatively or positively, if it's negative you back off.

He backed off.

It was a shit play. But he backed off when she asserted agency.


A woman makes an allegation of sexual misconduct and you point to her career in a demeaning manner as a means to discredit her claim.

A women makes and allegation of sexual misconduct without providing any evidence, then makes the post private after it gains wider attention, then provides additional details that change the optic of the initial accusation, and then says that she never meant her post to cause any kind of uproar. So people come here and shitpost to hell, telling Tyler to kill himself and that he should suffer... accusing him of rape amongst other things. What do you even know about this woman? There is little public information available to us, but it looks like she misrepresents herself in her vocation. She's open to scrutiny too, this doesn't just work one way. Her gender is irrelevant.


Personal fucking responsibility? Like choosing to go to New Orleans with someone and share a hotel room and get drunk? She made those choices. Clearly there was something more than friendship here and she even admits to her relationship being polyamorous.

Sure he made a mistake climbing in the shower without consent but they are sharing a room and that includes the bathroom. He thought he might have an "open door" and stepped in. Then backed off once she made it clear he wasn't welcome. If she didn't want to be in this situation she probably should have gotten her own room.

As a married man in a committed relationship I would NEVER share a hotel room with a woman that isn't my wife or another family member.


I'll repeat in case you didn't see the first time:


And again for anyone really fucking confused about this:


Stop with the rape apology victim blaming bullshit.

If Evilore didn't want to be accused of sexual assault, then he should have some personal fucking responsibility and get consent before exposing himself and showing up in a vulnerable woman's shower. That's personal responsibility.


Personal fucking responsibility? Like choosing to go to New Orleans with someone and share a hotel room and get drunk? She made those choices. Clearly there was something more than friendship here and she even admits to her relationship being polyamorous.

Sure he made a mistake climbing in the shower without consent but they are sharing a room and that includes the bathroom. He thought he might have an "open door" and stepped in. Then backed off once she made it clear he wasn't welcome. If she didn't want to be in this situation she probably should have gotten her own room.

As a married man in a committed relationship I would NEVER share a hotel room with a woman that isn't my wife or another family member.

Yeah, it doesn't make sense at all. From what has been said, people need to take a step back and be realistic.


Yeah, it doesn't make sense at all. From what has been said, people need to take a step back and be realistic.

It's not realistic to get consent before you expose yourself and jump into a vulnerable woman's shower? I tend to thing it's pretty realistic actually.
It's not a rape apology is it sphincter.

Wow, how mature.

Do you ask women for permission before you attempt to make out with them? "Hurr may I kiss you please you're pretty hurr"

You attempt to kiss the girl, she reacts either negatively or positively, if it's negative you back off.

He backed off.

Yes, if I was not in a relationship with a woman I would absolutely ask for permission before I force myself on her and try to make out with her. That's what consent is.

You're also equating kissing to showering together, two completely different levels of intimacy.

A women makes and allegation of sexual misconduct without providing any evidence, then makes the post private after it gains wider attention, then provides additional details that change the optic of the initial accusation, and then says that she never meant her post to cause any kind of uproar. So people come here and shitpost to hell, telling Tyler to kill himself and that he should suffer... accusing him of rape amongst other things. What do you even know about this woman? There is little public information available to us, but it looks like she misrepresents herself in her vocation. She's open to scrutiny too, this doesn't just work one way. Her gender is irrelevant.

So one person exaggerates on a LinkedIn page, the other admits and openly brags about committing sexual assault in a bar and posted revenge porn of someone's girlfriend. Yet they're both equally open to scrutiny. That is called sexism.


If a rape had occurred I wouldn't have posted any of that. I don't understand why the word rape continues to show up in these threads. Jesus Christ!

Because rape culture and apology are the same sorts of factors that also lead to sexual assault and sexual harassment. You're using the same defenses that get used and defend rapists' behavior.

This really isn't that hard to understand.
It's a he said/she said situation though. Both claim he started having a growing interest in other women while they were together, but that could just be him wanting to sleep with other women. She interpreted his wondering attention as payback for the shower incident, but maybe he just wanted to hook up with another woman? And he interpreted her annoyance with his wondering attention with her being jealous even though they were in an open relationship.

There are 3 possibilities here.

1: He's lying and he was just trying to hook up with other woman as payback for only sleeping with him later.
2: She's lying, and she was jealous of him looking at other women.
3: They're both being honest and misread each other's signals. She thinks he was giving her payback, he thinks she was being jealous.

Occam's razor suggests that she probably was just jealous though. He only started ignoring her for other women when other women started entering his radar, and maybe he was holding a grudge for her not sleeping with him sooner, but it's far more likely he, like many men before him, wanted to sleep with other women.

That's fair enough. I wasn't active in GAF back then, I wouldn't know. I just know now what the environment became.

This is a really weird Occam's razor. EviLore is someone suspected of lying in order to deny or downplay a sexual assault incident in the past. Occam's razor is that someone who lied in the past vs. someone who we do not know to have lied, the latter is more trustworthy.


It's not realistic to get consent before you expose yourself and jump into a vulnerable woman's shower? I tend to thing it's pretty realistic actually.

I'm guessing you haven't been out much? They were both drinking and sharing a room. Something was there because they got into a physical relationship after this event.
Wait, she left the bathroom door open.

And she was in a polyamorous relationship.

And they had consensual sex at a later date.

And now she's calling it a "creepy thing" instead of sexual assault.


If this is true... this is a non-issue. Call me what you want. But... how can this be happening if they had sex after the fact of the matter?

I'm at a loss for words.


You're also equating kissing to showering together, two completely different levels of intimacy.

Seriously, why do people keep bringing up kissing with this?

Like, it's still fucked up people go in for unwanted kisses but that's beside the point. Showing up in a shower with someone who has no consented to it is on a WAY different level. It has the potential to cause some next level terror on almost every woman alive.

I'm guessing you haven't been out much? They were both drinking and sharing a room. Something was there because they got into a physical relationship after this event.

So if I rob a bank and then later that bank lets me open an account there, I did not originally commit a crime?


Also I have been out a good bit. Drinking and sharing a room aren't consent. In fact drinking actually means Evilore should have been more adamant about getting actual consent.


I think a key point that most people are failing to mention is how he treated her after that incident of being turned down. Being a prick to someone after being turned down for sex is still harassment, ya'll.
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