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What are you reading? (January 2012)


Jesus, that good? My sister gave it to me but I was reluctant to start because of all the hype... Though I suppose a new reader to ASOIAF may feel the same way and that would be a huge mistake.

It's not a masterpiece or anything, but it's a really fun and quick read. Just read it.



O'Hara is up there with Chekhov for me.
Good shit. Weird structure, and kind of outdated in a few ways, but a great premise and a solid read.

Finished Gateway. Great book. I really loved it. How is book 2 of the Heechee Saga? Ever read it?

Also, does anyone have recommendations for other books like this .. ie exploration of unknown space?
Finished Gateway. Great book. I really loved it. How is book 2 of the Heechee Saga? Ever read it?

Also, does anyone have recommendations for other books like this .. ie exploration of unknown space?

The sequel doesn't have the unique structure of the first, but if you enjoyed the characters and universe Pohl created I recommend continuing the series. I finished the third book early last year and I'm still enjoying it.


Unconfirmed Member
Sure. It was kind of spread throughout the end of the book, but I think the gist of it is:

Paula found something fishy going on with the upper levels of politicians, people blocking her process by denying her the right to investigate all cargo going to Far Away,f or example. Then Burnelli got killed after she asked him to help with that. So she figured that something higher up than Johanson was doing it and she rationalized that going after Starflyer would be a way to ease up on her investigation with Johanson.

Gaaaah I could have sworn there was something specific about
who she thought was blocking her Johansson investigation
. This is going to drive me nuts.

Finished Gateway. Great book. I really loved it. How is book 2 of the Heechee Saga? Ever read it?

Also, does anyone have recommendations for other books like this .. ie exploration of unknown space?

I read the entire Heechee Saga, loved it all, then sold every book except Gateway.
Gaaaah I could have sworn there was something specific about
who she thought was blocking her Johansson investigation
. This is going to drive me nuts.

Oh, you're not talking about when Mellanie
realized that the reporter lady she works for (her boss, i can't remember) must work for Starflyer because she knew something about Cox even though Mellanie never named Cox as the foundation she was researching

Also, I seem to recall Johanson saying that
Doi was controlled by Starflyer
or something.




Enjoyed it quite a bit, but I felt it was lacking a bit in terms of cohesion, at the very least it had some great writing and a number of magical and funny moments.

Now Reading

Going be sad finishing this series off. *sniff*




Enjoyed it quite a bit, but I felt it was lacking a bit in terms of cohesion, at the very least it had some great writing and a number of magical and funny moments.

Ah nice, you finished it. Cohesion wasn't the issue with me, not at all actually, as much as it was redundancy. I felt as if the book really closed in all its intents around the 3/4 mark. The final few scenes being heavy handed reiteration.


Jesus, that good? My sister gave it to me but I was reluctant to start because of all the hype... Though I suppose a new reader to ASOIAF may feel the same way and that would be a huge mistake.
I thought it (The Hunger Games) was pretty bad. It never really felt like the main character was in danger, but half way through the games there's a change in the rules which releases the little tension there is like a whimpering fart. Other people seem to like it though.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
I thought it (The Hunger Games) was pretty bad. It never really felt like the main character was in danger, but half way through the games there's a change in the rules which releases the little tension there is like a whimpering fart. Other people seem to like it though.

Seriously? I felt tense the entire book, up until the very last page.

I guess you just didn't care for the characters.


Neo Member
I am reading The Hunger Games too, and so far it is very good. I didn't know of the hype surrounding it, but I managed to get all 3 for just £5 - a third of the normal price. Won't find that if it all goes digital! (But don't hold me to that :))

Gomu Gomu

Got The Hunger Games' Audiobook. I hope it's as good to listen to, as it is to read, based on your posts.
It's 11 hours. Ain't no thing, I listened to Steve Job's, 25 hour long, audiobook in a week lol.


Yeah Hunger Games isn't very long. I read the first two books in like a day each. Pacing felt good and I'm a sucker for Battle Royale type concepts.

Third book is taking a bit longer because I'm not as interested in the direction it's going.
Day X of Mieville-watch: A reboot of Dial H for Hero is coming as part of DC's New 52, and China Mieville is at the helm. Since Railsea will likely be short-ish YA - although I don't mind the good YA - it's good to know there'll be more Mieville to read this year. Man, it's nice to have prolific authors.

Elsewhere, the new Scott Lynch is likely to be pushed into next year.

My wife's first published novel!

Jo Anderton - Debris


I think I'm the last person to start reading this book. It's great so far, but hey, I'm biased.

Kudos to her. Angry Robot seems to be a cool place to be right now.


Day X of Mieville-watch: A reboot of Dial H for Hero is coming as part of DC's New 52, and China Mieville is at the helm. Since Railsea will likely be short-ish YA - although I don't mind the good YA - it's good to know there'll be more Mieville to read this year. Man, it's nice to have prolific authors.

Oooh, that sounds interesting. Was kind of miffed when DC scrapped Mieville's Swamp Thing, so glad to see him on something else (although I wish it were a Vertigo title, but glad to have anything).


Just started this:

It's very good so far, but I didn't realize there was so much eroticism. I was reading it at work for a bit and started to get hard when I got to the passage where the narrator fucks Maria.

Link Man

Just finished reading The Life of Pi by Yann Martel, and am regretting it. Seriously, if you read this book, just stop after the second section.



About 40% through Empire State, and I'm glad I saw it being recommended here! Noir sci-fi superhero shouldn't work together this good, but it totally does. Also, being less than $5 on Kindle didn't hurt at all.
Glad you're enjoying it man. I'm loving it as well. Like you said, the mix of different genres and certain elements sounds weird on paper, but it works great I think.

We really need more noir sci-fi in the world. Makes for a great read when done right.
Just finished reading The Life of Pi by Yann Martel, and am regretting it. Seriously, if you read this book, just stop after the second section.

I know nothing about that book but I go to a library book sale each year and there's always a hundred copies of that sitting around.

Glad you're enjoying it man. I'm loving it as well. Like you said, the mix of different genres and certain elements sounds weird on paper, but it works great I think.

We really need more noir sci-fi in the world. Makes for a great read when done right.
Sounds interesting. I just purchased it.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
And... Done with the second book.


Just as good as the first - maybe even better. It's not as tense (except for a couple of chapters in the first half, after a twist), but the setting is more interesting, and the characters, more likable. And dat ending...

I don't think I'll be able to hold back for long, but I'll try to delay reading the final book. I don't want it to end, haha.

bob page

Jesus, that good? My sister gave it to me but I was reluctant to start because of all the hype... Though I suppose a new reader to ASOIAF may feel the same way and that would be a huge mistake.

Yeah, it's definitely a page-turner. I definitely enjoyed it, but I haven't bothered with the other two.


Hugo Award Winning Author and Editor
Republic of Vapors . . . I wonder if he's running into some difficulty trying to adhere to that seven-book plan he had going.

The book's been finished for months, he's just stalled on his publisher's edits.



Not LOVING it. Im about half way through and theyre still being pretty vague about whats going on. Kind of waiting for him to get to the point.

I just started reading the other day and I am loving it.
Haven't laughed out loud while reading a book in a good long while and the plot is very unpredictable and well written.
My current dilemma is whether to keep reading this when I get home from work or if I should log on to SWTOR...


And... Done with the second book.

Just as good as the first - maybe even better. It's not as tense (except for a couple of chapters in the first half, after a twist), but the setting is more interesting, and the characters, more likable. And dat ending...

I don't think I'll be able to hold back for long, but I'll try to delay reading the final book. I don't want it to end, haha.

I agree, I think the second book was better than the first. My wife and daughter have read the third and they say it's the worst of the three. Not bad mind you, just not as good as the first two. I've been getting them off the Prime Kindle Lending Library, so I have to hold out until February for the third one.

I'll be finishing up these two this weekend.

Then finally on to this.



Reading Stupefaction: A Radical Anatomy of Phantoms by Keston Sutherland. History of the idea and figure of the idiot in literature and philosophy. Lots of Marx, and it's the effulgently literary side of Marx, which is pleasant enough. Sutherland is a show-off, though. It would be twice the book if it were half as stylish.
I thought so. It got intense, almost frantic, near the end of Judas Unchained.

I loved Tochee too. He seems so warm and fuzzy. Like an intelligent pet.

I just started reading this yesterday! Its pretty huge though with Judas Unchained.

Started this week: Absorption by John Meaney

Finished yesterday: Manhattan in reverse by Peter F. Hamilton



Will probably finish this in the evening :

Dear god I had no idea polio was so serious and grim.
and the hero is so pathetically dutyfull it's weird...
Can't say I enjoyed it as much as I can say that it made me think.
I half want to make a topic about some of the subject it's about..


Been reading the Codex Alera series by Jim Butcher. I am a fan of his writing after the Dresden Files. The two series' are completely differenth though.


I'm about 100 pages into Catching Fire. I like it, but its not all good. All I know of Twilight is the advertising, but Hunger Games has a similar Jacob/Edward/Girl dynamic that I find immature and boring.


I loved River of Doubt by Millard, but how was this? I grabbed it from the library, but never even started it before it was due again.

It's really good. What made me want to read it was something I read in One Night Stands with American History. It was a blurb about Garfield being able to write in Latin with one hand and write in Greek with the other at the same time. It sounded like he was a pretty smart guy and it was a shame that his term as President was only a few short months.

Most of the book is focused on Guiteau and Garfield, but it discusses the main four men involved, Garfield, Guiteau, A. G. Bell, and Dr. Doctor Bliss. Yes, the doctor's first name was Doctor, go figure. It goes into the early life of Garfield a little bit, but not too much where it's boring. It talks about A. G. Bell and how he invented the metal detector specifically to find the bullet in Garfield. Guiteau's craziness is discussed as it builds up to the shooting. Finally, the Doctor's history is discussed pretty quickly in a few pages after the shooting.

All I can say is, I'm very glad for modern medicine. In the end, if the Doctors had left Garfield alone and not worried about the bullet in him, he would have probably lived.
Finally grab this, the Seven kingdom series.....Heard it was good, any gaffers read it? Book three comes out this year I believe...
Book 1

Book 2


Living in the shadow of Amaz
I'm about 100 pages into Catching Fire. I like it, but its not all good. All I know of Twilight is the advertising, but Hunger Games has a similar Jacob/Edward/Girl dynamic that I find immature and boring.

They get better. The book, and the love triangle thing.



Holy crap. I can't believe how well this series ended. Just finished book 3 and I'm still blown away the following day at how good this book was. I had NO idea at the ending and everything was planned out so well. Even small things from the first book which I never bothered to think twice about turned out to be megaton revelations in the finale.

Awesome, awesome, awesome book and series. I can see why Robert Jordan chose Sanderson to finish the wheel of time. If he does anywhere near as good of a job with that series as he did with Mistborn, I'll forgive Jordan for the 9000 pages of descriptive nothingness.


I just finished the final [sixth] book of the Codex Alera by Jim Butcher. Man, what an awesome and epic fantasy series, this man can do no wrong.

I cannot recommend it enough. End of sixth book is the end of the saga, all the story lines are completed, no cliffhanger. EVERYONE NEEDS TO READ IT NOW. :)
Finished Empire State. It was okay - light and quick. Noir and steampunk mixed with Fringe. With superheroes. Or something like that.

Honestly, I read it because of the community site Angry Robot is trying to build around it, and I wanted to see if there was any potential for writing something in the Empire State world. I mean, heck, if you're gonna write fanfic, you can at least do it where you know a publisher might see it, right? My only problem is I have no idea how the time dialation works between the two worlds. I'm not even sure the author does, frankly...
Beyond the Blue Event Horizon (Heechee book 2) just arrived. Whee!

I really like the cover of this thing. Has a cool retro 70s type vibe to it.
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