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What can they even do with Grand Theft Auto now?

Stick to one protagonist and craft an excellent story around them. Keep the single player experience the primary focus with additive multiplayer for those that want it

I'm fully aware none of this will be the reality.
There are some great story and setting ideas in here. With a franchise as big as GTA, I'm sure that the pros at Rockstar will find a way to make it feel fresh.

III has set the basic template ever since 2001, but IV and V were still big refinements.
the size of V was great, I'd rather they actually have more detail and interiors in VI
Yeah... though I'd be OK with even more countryside on the fringes. So, not increasing travel time between cities but more open areas and open road to explore on their perimeters. But in terms of core content, yeah, a core city and a couple small towns are OK.

Personally I hope GTA VI is just set in an expanded San Andreas, perhaps in Sen Fierro or Las Venturas. Lots they can do there story wise... you can do a lot of gambling, the mob, gangs of different ethnicities between SF and LV, etc. Lots of characters you could use, too, depending on if you go back to SF or LV in the 80s or maybe fast forward 10 years past V.

And just focus on adding more content and detail to the existing map rather than redesigning an entire new map or creating even more 'shell' cities.

Would work well for GTA Online, too... allow it to easily just expand.


Vice City? Maybe. I think Rockstar is just as likely to return to another city (San Fierro) or create something entirely different.

80s? Not likely. Modern culture and technology have become so integral to the franchise, anything less would be a downgrade. It would also be the third Vice City game set in the 80s - it's time for something new.

Disagree. Nothing you do with your mobile phone in V can´t be done with a menu.

Phone booths!! That´s an iconic part of GTA I can´t wait to make a return.

Fairly confident the next one will be another take on VC and the 80s.

It'd be cool if there were more buildings to walk in, have a denser city. And a female protagonist could be amazing, if Rockstar does right by her.


Woman Protag.

...I'm sure they will come up with something. They make the big bucks for a reason.

Why though? Just to satisfy the PC brigade? Something tells me Rockstar aren't the types to bow down to that kind of pressure.

Also call me old fashioned but there's just something off putting about hearing a lady cussing or acting in a similar fashion to how, say, Trevor would.


One of my favourite decisions in GTAV was not giving the player access to flying the jet through a mission and hiding it in the map instead. Busting into that base to steal the jet was fun. Put more of the game's stuff into the sandbox. Make it we have to steal bank faults in a similar manner. Breath of the Wild has shown Rockstar how it can work.


Back to the 80s, and back to Miami.

Get the mobile phone out of there.


yes. YES!


Story wise since GTA likes to be topical.
Dual Protagonists

A white cop murders a black man and gets away with it. A Son/Brother/Cousin/Friend (Its GTA it will be a guy) of the victim takes up Arms to avenge his death and turns the city into a warzone. The player plays as both the dirty cop and the rebelious criminal as the violence escelates to its most extreme satirical conclusion

President Trueman Nukes an American City


Why though? Just to satisfy the PC brigade? Something tells me Rockstar aren't the types to bow down to that kind of pressure.

Also call me old fashioned but there's just something off putting about hearing a lady cussing or acting in a similar fashion to how, say, Trevor would.

Speak for yourself, I'd love a psycho female Trevor type character lead in gta6.
Got nothing to do with pc anything, it'd just be cool.

Hell yeah!
Singleplayer-DLC for GTA V would be a great start :-(

For GTA VI: More of the same is all I need. GTA V is a nearly perfect game.

Make the world bigger (whole San Andreas state would be awesome!) and put in some new characters. Keep the multi-protagonist approach.


They should move away from the US setting, but I wonder if they don't feel confident with a parody of another country.
Part of me wants Liberty City again, just to have that leap each generation. But I question if the leap over last gen would be significant to warrant rebuilding their New York.


Gold Member
I always thought they had more on the table, with all the buildings that almost seem plausable to incorporate, like the race track, casinos, theatres, shopping malls.

I'd think a more interactive way will be the way forward in VI, with most buildings being accessable and active in some way.


It has been said, but essentially : take more risks with the setting and the structure of the game. I dunno, sci-fi world, comic book graphics, going for that RPG touch with a little more branching choices. Maybe simpler to do : more focused missions. Heists were great but there were not a lot of them. Why not make a game where there's fewer but better missions? Modern GTAs are so long to finish, they can easily lose some hours of gameplay to focus on quality.

My dream GTA would be a game going the adventure route with dialog trees (not necessarily everywhere). I don't think it's a realistic thing to expect though.


Why though? Just to satisfy the PC brigade? Something tells me Rockstar aren't the types to bow down to that kind of pressure.

Also call me old fashioned but there's just something off putting about hearing a lady cussing or acting in a similar fashion to how, say, Trevor would.

"old fashioned", dude come on. Thats straight up sexist.

Anyway to go back to the question, Vice City is the only answer really

GTA is a satire on American culture just as much as a game - so it has to be in the US somewhere, and the last 2 games have covered NYC and LA, so the next logical place would be Miami (or idk, somewhere like Chicago maybe?)


Why though? Just to satisfy the PC brigade? Something tells me Rockstar aren't the types to bow down to that kind of pressure.

Also call me old fashioned but there's just something off putting about hearing a lady cussing or acting in a similar fashion to how, say, Trevor would.

That´s a pretty disgusting post.

3 sentences - every one offensive in its very own way.

EDIT: What did an "old fashioned" guy like you think about the gay character in GTA IV?


That´s a pretty disgusting post.

3 sentences - every one offensive in its very own way.

EDIT: What did an "old fashioned" guy like you think about the gay character in GTA IV?

Think you need to get a grip mate.

I don't have a problem with gay characters or gay people so don't even go there with that.

I would just have a problem with a female protagonist acting and behaving in the same way as Trevor did (I hated his character too)
Why though? Just to satisfy the PC brigade? Something tells me Rockstar aren't the types to bow down to that kind of pressure.

Also call me old fashioned but there's just something off putting about hearing a lady cussing or acting in a similar fashion to how, say, Trevor would.

This is a really bad post.


Think you need to get a grip mate.

I don't have a problem with gay characters or gay people so don't even go there with that.

I would just have a problem with a female protagonist acting and behaving in the same way as Trevor did (I hated his character too)

You´re the one bringing Trevor to the discussion about female protag for no reason buddy.

The poster you were replying to just said "Woman Protag".

Which in your words would only satisfy the "PC brigade".

I think you need to get a grip "mate".


This may have been already said, but the two things that would allow the series to really progress are

Making it a proper MMO, where the story elements are sing;e player or co-op, and everything else is in a city populated by real players


Making it a VR game

Anything else will just be an incremental build on whats already there, which isnt a bad thing, but not what I want from the next one personally


This may have been already said, but the two things that would allow the series to really progress are

Making it a proper MMO, where the story elements are sing;e player or co-op, and everything else is in a city populated by real players


Making it a VR game

Anything else will just be an incremental build on whats already there, which isnt a bad thing, but not what I want from the next one personally

Was not said already...... for a good reason..


Woman Protag.

...I'm sure they will come up with something. They make the big bucks for a reason.
But how could I relate to a character who engages in large scale criminal enterprises with hardened thugs and personally undertakes a lawless rampage across an entire city and the surrounding areas, claiming countless lives and inflicting incalculable damage upon public and private property a woman?


Is that reason that gamers say they dont want franchises to ever change their formula, then at the same moan that COD is the same every year?

The reason is that that the smart people behind gaming´s biggest franchise wont limit their target audience to the few that bought a VR headset.

And this MMO idea of yours is technically not possible.

So the reason is that your ideas are a little stupid/uninformed.


The one thing I want with gta VI is that all buildings are interactable. I know that won't ever happen due to the amount of time it would take to do, but instead of most buildings just being decorations it would be awesome to be able to go inside. Also, destructible environments.


The reason is that that the smart people behind gaming´s biggest franchise wont limit their target audience to the few that bought a VR headset.

And this MMO idea of yours is technically not possible.

So the reason is that your ideas are a little stupid/uninformed.

Ah I must have missed that information about what the VR landscape will look like in 2020, apologies. Send me a link?

And it not impossible, you just have little imagination


You´re a little delusional, sorry buddy.

Whatever dude. The thread is how they can take the franchise forward, thats what they can do, and totally feasible within the time frame of a new GTA game.

Given how popular GTA online is, I dont get why making it online focused seems that much of a stretch

And VR will start to attract more AAA developers over the next few years as the technology beds in.

But these are just mad delusions. What the franchise really needs is a bigger city. That'll do it.
Here it is... Give me an interactive version of NBK.

I want a two character piece, male and female, but instead of being truly open world, I'd like the world we get to play in progress along with the story.

Make me feel the need to progress through, not able to just wander around and aimlessly do what I want in a circular sandbox.

Give me a large but narrower A to B map, with a story to tell along the way, that drives me on, with the constant, escalating pressure of being discovered along the way. Nowhere to hide, no laurels to rest on. Having to be wary of people recognising me.

Let me have to constantly find new places to stay, and have to generate money along the way. Give me an arc where one is in custody, and I have to break them out.

None of this would be easy, and a real shift from what we are used to both in narrative, and game structure / progression.

It'd be immense though :)
I have often said that they need to take another leap and reinvent a new way to play GTA. Going from top down to the third person view was cool but they need a new spin on it (not V's 1st person mode).
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