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What would you expect to see from Capcom Captivate 2012


Monster Hunter portable HD for PS3, or MH Frontier for PC/360 in the west. I don't care if they cost $250, I will still buy.


I guess some RE6 footage might be kind of cool. I thought I wanted new MvC but Capcom no longer has the staff capable of making anything close to MvC2 so I would prefer it go back to the grave.


It's Capcom. People will bitch regardless. The company has a worse reputation than Activision and EA put together at this point.

Probably true right now, but I hardly think they're that bad by comparison. Capcoms "fans" are just the most vocal and unrealistic. I don't see how you can top Activision in terms of general disservice to the industry. They could release a new CoD every 6 months, people would buy it and not complain. Heaven forbid if Capcom released Skylanders. People would scream like they were committing murder, yet somehow Activision gets a pass on this one. Whatever.

I'd like more content for UMvC3. An AE-style expansion pack would be great. not likely though.
For me? I'll buy another $60 disc in a month if it comes with the lost 8. No questions asked.

I'd only consider it if those 8 were pulled straight from the fan polls on BOTH sides(looking at you, Marvel...) and the update has all the features SFxT does currently(which it will not have). It's especially bad to have those standards when they will be releasing 12 characters on SFxT for $20.


Onimusha reboot by Spark Unlimited.


It's so plausible that it physically hurts me.


I will literally blow my load if there is a Dino Crisis 3 remake.

Too bad this is new Capcom not old Capcom so even if they have the plans to make it, it's not going to end well.


i expect :

Monster Hunter MegatonS (not involving the Vita)
One old franchise reimagined for next gen machines

that is all.


tagged by Blackace
What is the Lost 8?
Niitsuma wanted to add 20 new characters into UMvC3 instead of 12, but Capcom or moreover, Marvel, was like lolno ur shippin in November gud luk.

This brings out the salt in most because it was reported that people like X and Gene made it it into the final, albeit large pool of characters before they settled on the 12.
Niitsuma wanted to add 20 new characters into UMvC3 instead of 12, but Capcom or moreover, Marvel, was like lolno ur shippin in November gud luk.

This brings out the salt in most because it was reported that people like X and Gene made it it into the final, albeit large pool of characters before they settled on the 12.

Thats a shame.
  • DmC - Media Explosion, random cam shots and an unedited 2 minute random gameplay vid with no music again
  • Resident Evil 6 - New Story Trailer
  • Dragon's Dogma - New Monster Trailer
  • Monster Hunter - something something Vita/PS3 please god
  • Ace Attorney - Still not coming to US
  • SF 25th Anniversary Tournament Series details

Endo Punk

I just want DmC to have a release date, hopefully the rumoured August release is true because quite honestly I am sick of Capcom and NT BS. The game at this point has been in dev time for 2 years which is what every outsourced game gets, what makes Ninja Hacks so special that they get as much time as internal games? If RE ORC came out in under 2 years so should this abomination. Get it over and done with.

Im at the stage where I can't trust Capcom with any game now. They have a lot of franchises I love like Darktalkers, Viewtiful Joe, God Hand and Onimusha. But I rather these series die in peace than get butt raped like DMC, ORC.


What I want:
- Some Ace Attorney love (either AAI2 localisation announcement, or a proper AA5 reveal).
- New Shu Takumi game (I won't be mad if he's making AA5...).
- Some MML3 stuff. Yes, I'm still bitter.
- A true horror Resident Evil game.
- Dead Rising 3.

What we'll get:
- None of the above.
- Team Deathmatch mode and a progress-driven perks system in RE6.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Would be nice to hear a Rival Schools announcement for PSN/XBLA.



I just want them to give Dragon's Dogma enough hype so that it really starts picking up steam.

It looks like a great new IP and I already want to see it develop and not just be abandoned after this one game. From everything I've seen, it looks like it's going in the right direction.


Shu Takumi and Dragon's Dogma are the only things I give a shit about in Capcom nowadays. I do like fighting games, but I simply don't have time to master them anymore and it just isn't as fun if you don't.
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