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What's the worst game you played all year?


I started up Too Human.

Actually, I didn't even play it, just watching the intro sequence again put me off enough.


I'm stuck between Disney Universe (horrible game mechanics, looks poorly, bad as a single-player title and even worse in co-op) or Resident Evil: Operation Racoon City (shit gameplay, short and annoying, that fucking final boss).
I don't understand, you quoted the exact part of my post that points out that the writing was bad, intentional or not, then ask why you should excuse it? I'm confused. I was saying, "I totally get that you hated the writing, but I thought it was intentionally bad." You appear to have misunderstood me.

Oh, I guess I did. I thought you meant it as an intentional aspect that I was supposed to run with because it was intentional. Sort of like, if in GT high performance cars handled terribly to communicate that you weren't good at driving them. It's just a bad idea

I wouldn't have minded Alan if he was self aware but his blandness seems all encompassing

There's an interesting plot in there but man, him and Barry...


You lucky man.

Admittedly, the game runs better than the demo would suggest, but oh my its a bad game. In pretty much every sense, it's just horrendously bad.

You know, actually one should play a game before judging it; but damn, almost every journalist and most of GAF agree that this game is shit. Maybe I'll get it when it gets dirt cheap on PC and I got really nothing better to play (which is hard to imagine when I look at the releases in 2013), but I will never pay much money or attention for this turd.
Diablo 3 is a good game, it's just really short. It takes 5-10 hours to beat it the first time and then if you want afterwards you can beat it again and again and again. I wouldn't recommend that since after the 2nd or 3rd time it gets boring but the first time it's really fun.
Forgot to mentioned Max Payne 3. What a frustrating experience. Waste of a cover system. Some people told me "I'm playing it wrong" fuck that, its in the game, don't give me that lame ass excuse. The worst encounter I had was a boat stage. NPC's where on top and was taking cover inside the boat, but because the hair counts as part of the hitbox, I was getting tagged badly. The aiming they had was fucking amazing. I rather play Gears by my damn self is insane.


Forgot to mentioned Max Payne 3. What a frustrating experience. Waste of a cover system. Some people told me "I'm playing it wrong" fuck that, its in the game, don't give me that lame ass excuse. The worst encounter I had was a boat stage. NPC's where on top and was taking cover inside the boat, but because the hair counts as part of the hitbox, I was getting tagged badly. The aiming they had was fucking amazing. I rather play Gears by my damn self is insane.
Max Payne 3 was way too hard, even on easy. I died a few times an hour. I'm no gaming savant, but I'd like to think I can hold my own. But most reviews complained about the crushing difficulty also. I don't think I'd ever play it on even normal.


You know, actually one should play a game before judging it; but damn, almost every journalist and most of GAF agree that this game is shit. Maybe I'll get it when it gets dirt cheap on PC and I got really nothing better to play (which is hard to imagine when I look at the releases in 2013), but I will never pay much money or attention for this turd.

It's actually my GOTY for 2012, by a large margin. But this isn't the thread for that debate. There's an extremely solid game in there if you take the time to learn how to play and give it a shot. It's also much more fun playing it with a friend. Even if it just shipped with Mercenaries, I would have loved it.

If there's any game I wouldn't judge on just the demo, it's RE6.


So, I've played some bad games this year. If I had to pick, I think Risen 2 might be the worst, but it certainly wasn't the one I had the least amount of fun with. For what it's worth, I enjoyed Risen 2, even if it did eventually become a bit boring for me.

No, what I'll talk about is the game that I fucking hated. A sequel to a franchise I've enjoyed over the years, that totally ruined the entire series to me with its shitty ending, its watered down gameplay, its nonsense story and its insipid, poorly thought out design. No, not Mass Effect 3. Assassin's Creed 3 is the worst game I've played this year. I'm not the best at explaining myself, but I'll give it a shot.

I thought Assassin's Creed was a pretty fun, ambitious game that didn't quite achieve what it set out to do. Assassin's Creed 2 refined mechanics from the sequels and improved on the storytelling, the combat and the side missions. Brotherhood was a bit more subtle, but is absolutely the pinnacle of the series. I didn't play Relevations - I might go back and try it out eventually. So, there's some quick background.

Assassin's Creed 3 has a strong start - you're introduced to a cool character, you get to do some assassinating, and the early boat missions are pretty sweet. The chapter on the boat, and a single level later on, are perhaps the only enjoyable things in the entire game. So, you get off the boat, and then the framerate dies. And so does everything else.

I'll just go through the mechanical changes first.

The combat, at first look, is the same as it's ever been. It's a game of counter then attack and not much more. They've added in a second type of counter, and the firearms are a bit more overstated now. However, the combat suffered from streamlining. No longer is the hand to hand combat option viable, which was a favourite of mine in past games. In 2 and Brotherhood, you could counter each enemy in the game provided they were low on health (something that is no longer transparent in 3) and take their weapon for their own. In 3, however, this is limited to the regular soldiers. As often as I tried, I could not take weapons out of the heavier enemies, nor a few other special types. This was a disappointing change, but hey, I'll live with it. There was one major problem with the combat system that I couldn't avoid, though, which was the countering system.

That is to say, countering was broken. Every, single, fucking, fight, enemies would attack me without the counter icon. Every time this happened, I was unable to counter that enemy, and was hit. This could happen while I was countering or attacking another enemy, and it severely disrupted the combat flow. I'm not sure if this was a bug, but it really did happen every fight. Hitting the counter button before these enemies attacked did nothing, and would often break me out of my current animation. After talking with someone else who played AC3, it appears they didn't run into this issue, so maybe it was a bug relating to my platform (PC) or perhaps even my specific computer setup or game installation. I don't know, but it was frustrating as hell.

But, for the most part, combat was acceptable. It wasn't as fun as before, but it'll do.

So, the free running. It was kind of the reason Assassin's Creed 1 did so well. It's often my favourite part of games, especially when it feels rewarding. Now, don't get me wrong, Assassin's Creed 1 and 2's free running didn't really have much player agency. 2 and Brotherhood fixed this a little, by adding an additional longer but more risky jump that just gave you something else to do while climbing. To compliment, structures would often have small climbing puzzles to make sure you're engaged with the mechanic even if it was simple. Where Assassin's Creed 3 fails is in a few areas. One, the button presses were reduced. You no longer have the further jump - it's now automatic, and conveys no risk. You now hold one less button, which creates an issue I'll cover shortly. The rooftop environments are far less interesting, but are also made worse by the overpopulation of guards on rooftops. For nearly the entirety of Assassin's Creed 3, I was on the ground, because it was faster and less frustrating.

So, the problem with Assassin's Creed freerunning is simply that the player character is far too sensitive to jumping on top of things. He'll snap to practically any crate, lamp post, fence or side of a wall you're even remotely close to. If you're running at the slightest of angles through a doorway, Connor will instead of passing through the door, run directly up the side of the wall next to it. The problem, I think, is partly because of the reduction in buttons. In previous games, you had to hold down RT + A + Up in order to freerun, and holding RT+Up instead just had you run. Now with the reduction of pressing A, you are freerunning all time, causing you to stick to far too many objects. In short, the freerunning is a mess mechanically. It's not fun, it's janky at the best of times and game breaking at others. It makes some chase sequences unbearable, while making the game itself intolerable.

Then, I guess, we have the mission design. Assassin's Creed 1 certainly didn't have much of that, but Assassin's Creed 2 and Brotherhood were great. Objectives were lenient but fulfilling, and checkpointing was good so you never had to replay much should you screw up. Yet... Assassin's Creed 3 is full of absolutely atrocious, unfun, anger inducing objectives. For most of the game the missions were just tutorialising mechanics that were introduced years ago. Some had incredibly harsh stealth sections, following people to locations, the canon / ordering minigames, just... I can't actually pinpoint too many criticisms, because the entire game was just monotonous. There's a sequence on a horse where you have to, along the way, neutralise some message bearers on the way to a location. One of these messengers was lying on the side of the dirt row, crouched down overlooking his dead horse. So, he wasn't going anywhere. I left him be, and continued on. There were four more along the corridor you're forced to run down, each of which I disposed of. Yet, because I didn't kill that first guy beside the road, who wasn't moving at all, I failed this very time sensitive objective because somehow I didn't prevent this message from arriving to the place that I was at already. Great.

Oh, and I can't forget the optional objectives. Okay, so this is a minor, nitpicky complaint. For every single mission in the game, there are 1-5 optional objectives on your screen. These have you vary your play style to make the missions harder... for no other reason than the missions are incredibly easy. You have a mission where you have to kill 10 guards? Why not make it so you can only use your assassin's blade. You have a mission to sneak into a town, and there's a hay cart in front of you - the optional objective is to not use the cart, and instead to climb up on the trees. Okay, so my complaint here isn't that the optional objectives exist. My complaint is how obnoxious they are. At the start of every mission, you get a screen-filling list of objectives that seldom disappear. You get reminded with an annoying noise and a bigass cross every time you fail one. At the end of every single mission, you're forced to watch a 10 second unskippable menu that checks or crosses the optional objectives you failed or succeeded. And if you do all the optional objectives? You get nothing. If you fail every single one of them? Nothing.

They're annoying, they had no reason to be so prominent, they were detrimental to letting players do what they fucking want to, and by the end of the game I was intentionally failing every one I could just to spite the stupid fucking mechanic. You don't want me killing 15 guards? Fuck you game, I'll kill 30 of them. You don't want me touching the water? Fuck you game, I'll swim in them. Don't tell me what I can't do.

Oh, and all of the side objectives sucked. They all sucked. They might as well have not been there. They were boring, had no substance at all, didn't reward you in the slightest, and existed purely to waste time in the fucking flat game we were given. Climbing towers was nothing more than holding up on the controller until you got there. The betting games were all garbage. The homestead missions were shit. They were all bad. Everything was so bad.

So, I really have to ask, why the fuck was this an open world game. The world did nothing. Why not just make it a linear game? I guess to justify an art budget. Like, I didn't really try the ship side missions. I suppose they might have been cool. They weren't fun enough for me to want to do more than the three ones you're forced to do, so I didn't bother.

The story was complete bullshit. The story's always been bullshit. But holy crap was the ending bullshit. I won't spoil it, but what the fuck did they do to this series.

I mentioned that there was one cool level after the boat level. I won't spoil it. I'm tired of writing about Assassin's Creed 3. I fucking hated that game. I think I hate AC3 more than I hate any other game in existence. Assassin's Creed 3 is the worst game I've played this year. I'm done with that franchise. I'm done with it.

And the funny thing is, I knew this game would be garbage. And I played it anyway. People were telling me to stop, because it was emotionally ruining me. But I had to see for myself. I had to see how fucking bad that game is. And it's terrible. It's goddamn terrible. And I didn't even properly discuss the story, and I lack the writing ability to describe my disappointment during every single mission in that game. God damn.

holy fuck nobody is going to read this how did I take 50 minutes to write this what the fuuuuuck
Hmmmm .....I didn't play too many new games this year. I played Okami HD, Silent Hill HD, RE6, Far Cry 3, Max Payne 3, SFxT, TTT2

I mainly stick to just SSF4 and Marvel...

So if I had to pick it would be RE6.

As bad as the ports were for Silent Hill they are still amazing games. RE6 was just plain boring....Boring boss battles, stupid story, bad gameplay and they made Leon a bitch. Ada is also a horrible character....

the only saving grace for that game was Piers and Chris...they were at least bad assess.
I played Alan Wake PC earlier this year. So painful

  • Shitty protagonist
  • Shitty companion
  • Story is presented in an interesting manner but the manuscripts read like they were written by an 8 year old
  • Shitty combat lacking in any real variety. There isn't even any aiming to speak of. Gets even worse when the bullet sponge enemies become bullet spongier towards the end. Only reprieve comes in having flash bangs/flares

I get what Remedy were going for, it just didn't turn out as good as it could have been (more threatening enemies and less of them, no bullet sponges, no guns just light sources). I finished it and have no intention of ever playing it again

Those graphics though...
See, I'm reading this and am thinking to myself, "Man, this guy sounds like I did when I first played it." I thought the story was extremely generic and predictable, and I felt no connection whatsoever to Alice. I even took a few months off from the game because it wasn't really grabbing my attention.

The only redeeming qualities about the game for me at the time were the setting, music, and atmosphere (I'm a sucker for forests at night and small towns with quirky characters). The writing felt a bit like amateur work at times, like it was trying too hard (there were some really good manuscripts, though) and I was a bit underwhelmed, too.

ANYWAY, I played American Nightmare right after and really enjoyed that. No annoying machetes and axes being thrown at you, etc. And Mr. Scratch... oh, man <3 Mr. Scratch is amazing. Totally worth it just for him. I'm not even exaggerating.

Oh, right, my point. After enjoying the hell out of American Nightmare, I went back to do Alan Wake on Nightmare and get Achievements... and I actually enjoyed my second playthrough so much more. I really got engrossed by it. So much so that it became one of my personal favorite games. I appreciated it my second time around, and I don't know why; but I'm glad I went back to it.

- I always liked Barry. Guy's my kind of funny asshole.
- Alan was a bit plain, but he showed promise for the future
- What do you mean "no aiming"? The flashlight shows you where you're going to shoot
- They improved combat in American Nightmare, in my opinion. If you haven't played it, it probably won't "wow" you because it's essentially the same shine-the-light-till-the-darkness-disappears gameplay, but it's just so much more fun.

The Last Remnant (PC). Falls for every terrible JRPG trope possible.


pretentious, overdramatic story
annoying main character
boring/annoying every other character
convoluted battle system
weird cat people
You don't play The Last Remnant for the story. It's one of the more enjoyable RPGs I've ever played, and it's simply because of the battle system. I could battle all day. Can you explain what makes the battle system convoluted for you?
Pokemon White 2

It was more like an expansion pack than a sequel. The plot took a power nap multiple times and you would spend a great deal of time walking for no good reason. One of the new modes, Pokemon World Tournament was a shined up Battle Frontier. You spent a lot of times walking through cities that haven't changed much from its predecessor.

If you aren't a fan of Unova or Generation 5 in general, don't expect this game to change it.


Neo Member
Worst game for me was probably MoH Warfighter or BLOPS 2. Both just more of the same. Warfighter actually played worse than the first one sp-wise i thought... I know neither of these games are really meant to be played for the SP but the SP portions of both sucked a whole big bag of dicks.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
hotline miami.

because I have windows 8 and when I'm really enjoying myself it crashes on level 6. EVERY TIME BLARGH.

but the game would be stelar if it ran on win 8 :(

I can't think of anything else.


holy fuck nobody is going to read this how did I take 50 minutes to write this what the fuuuuuck

I read the entirety of it, and I would probably agree with you... if I bothered to even finish the game. I've dropped it before
Connor becomes an assassin
. Just stopped caring about it.
From the ones I played: Mass Effect 3, not just the ending, I didn't like the way they threw enemies at me, always a big one plus normal sized bad guys.
Resident Evil 6.

Gave this a rental on 360. So far i'm at the subway part of Leon's campaign.

This is without doubt the worst game of 2012. This isn't some hyperbolic bash at the way the franchise has degraded, it is literally a horrendous experience. Stuff I don't like so far:

- Shooting feels weird, as if it's too rigid. If you compare it to Resi 4: that had far more limber aiming, and actually required skill because the sight swayed more. It was something that could be learned, exploited, and anticipated. It felt great once you could master where each bullet would go. In comparison, Resi 6 feels like every other stiff, generic third person shooter.
- Abysmal story. With the way it has unfolded - from the sudden opening, to the new character Helena appearing with no introduction, to the flashbacks - I have no idea what's going on except that everyone is infected for some reason. What is my main goal of the game? Why can't this dumb bitch just tell me what's going on? Why do we have to get to the cathedral?
- The game is horrible at building suspense. It tries to employ all these silly tropes like audio stingers and scary flashes of lightning, but it's all undermined by its very cliche nature and the mundanity of the objectives that accompany it.
- QTEs... HOLY FUCK I AM DROWNING IN THEM. These have been taken to a whole other level of unnecessary nonsense - you need a button to look around the car, then grab the keys, then turn the keys, then reverse, and then, and then. Ugh. A particular annoying one is needing to dodge the train in the subway - why do I still die even if i'm on the opposite track where the train can't hit me?
- Maybe i'm too used to PC gaming now, but the graphics are surprisingly poor outside of cutscenes. Marred in complete darkness, lots of jaggies, low resolution fire and depth of field effects, too much ugly bloomy lighting, and piles of stuff (eg. sandwiches, clothes, paper etc) that just look like piles of messy shit. Dodgy framerate too. Resident Evil 5 looked and ran better on consoles from what I remember.
- Why the hell can't I pause game? If this was some genius idea to build up suspense in the same manner as Dark Souls, it has backfired tremendously. [I later learned this was because I was playing online]

Funnily enough, the narrow FOV that everyone complains about isn't bothering me that much. It's everything else that cannot be fixed with a patch.

In any case, i'm considering returning the game already. Complete failure.

I did end up returning it not long after that post. And to think Leon's campaign is the best in the game


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Resident Evil 6.

I did end up returning it not long after that post. And to think Leon's campaign is the best in the game

I think Leon's is actually the worst of the main three. The weird thing with RE6 is how scattered certain aspects are, in particular QTEs are most heavy with Leon, puzzles with Ada, camera angles that focus on something with Chris, Jake seems the most experimental with what you do in general. In the OT it was funny seeing how some people LOATHED certain campaigns while really enjoying other ones.

The shooting is incredibly different from re4 but is not like any other TPS out there, it's a lot of fun when you get the hang of it. Game certainly has a lot of flaws but I don't feel like the general gameplay loop is one of them.


One of the worst parts of Resi 6:

Get to a door

Press B

Wait for AI partner to come and say "OK" and wave her hand at the door

Open door

What the fuck is this shit?


You don't play The Last Remnant for the story. It's one of the more enjoyable RPGs I've ever played, and it's simply because of the battle system. I could battle all day. Can you explain what makes the battle system convoluted for you?

The combat system is never explained properly, TLR throws you into the battle and it seems like everything happens at random. Hell, I played the game for 30+ hours and I still thought that many things happened at pure random (healing spells?). TLR needed a fucking instruction manual.


Hell Yeah
Boring level design, annoying humour. It just wasn't fun.

Sword and Sworcery EP
The style is fresh and awesome, but the gameplay mostly revolves around walking back and forth. And why does the game have to constantly nag me about posting my experiences on Twitter?


Persona 4 Golden.

I kid! Don't beat me!

But seriously, there's been a lot of bad games this year. AC3 was awful. NG3 was awful. RE6 was awful. Chronovolt was the most disappointing game PS Plus has ever given away.

Bad year, man. Pick one.

EDIT: I forgot Max Payne 3 and Hell Yeah. Also awful. Oooh, and was Driver Renegade this year? That was dire.
Guild Wars 2: Bought it day1 and... wth is this, stopped after 2-3 hours.
Epic Mickey 2: I didn't like the first one, but I thought Spector now has some more experience with 3d platformers. Yeah, well... no.
Mass Effect 3: Never been a Mass Effect fan, tried the demo and was disgusted... tons of cheese, bad writing mixed with no-fun gameplay. No Mass Effect for me.


holy fuck nobody is going to read this how did I take 50 minutes to write this what the fuuuuuck

Read it all :p. I'm actually playing through the game right now (so no spoilers please), and while I definitely agree with certain criticisms (optional objectives, climbing too easy/boring, combat still too easy), I am actually enjoying myself reasonably well. I've run into fewer bugs, my framerate is excellent, and I'm enjoying certain elements quite a lot. Mainly, as with Far Cry 3 (which was an incredibly disappointing game in the end), it's the side stuff that I'm enjoying far more than anything else.

I think the homestead mechanics are a huge step up from those in Brotherhood and Revelations, where it didn't feel like you were doing anything but were just getting free money for doing dick all (and in Revelations, notoriety for no good reason). I even like them better than in AC2, developing your homestead is just a lot of fun, even if the crafting isn't interesting (mainly because of the awful interface for doing so). It's a nice change of pace from the campaign in that you actually stick with a specific set of characters for a sizeable chunk of the game, in the campaign you meet character after character (because they wanted to cram every major event of the rebellion into the game without asking themselves if that would make the game any better).

What I like even better are the mechanics revolving around your ship, both in terms of developing it and in terms of the missions you go on. Naval combat is pretty simple yet a lot of fun to do, and that's a very rare thing, because I can't think of very many games that do naval combat well without them being simulations or abstract strategy games.

What I didn't really like is the setting, the American Revolution is a time period that has been covered extensively in other media, which for me takes away one of the main selling points of the franchise. I always liked that Assassin's Creed took you to relatively underutilized settings, which also freed the developers from trying to stick too close to history (which they clearly tried to do here, given how you experience every major event of the rebellion as I noted earlier) and gave them the freedom to build the game however they liked. More in general, outside of the frontier, the visual appearance of the game just isn't very interesting, which is another failing of the setting. Snow helps a lot (it should always be snowy, I love snow :p), but otherwise the appearance of the game world is quite dull, especially when you compare it to cities in earlier games like Jerusalem in AC1 or Venice in AC2.

Finally, I thought the timeline was a bit ridiculous, especially if you're like me and do all the side stuff before proceeding with the campaign. Before the rebellion had ever started, I had taken five forts for the as yet non-existent United States, raised a flag that wouldn't exist for years and saw troops that didn't exist yet march in. Hell, I wasn't even
an assassin yet at that point, nor had I ever met one, I was just a non-aligned native.

Overall, it's about as good as I was expecting after Revelations. Clearly more content and the like, but still flawed. The series still hasn't come close to matching AC2.
I cant decide between Max Payne 3 and Mass Effect 3.
MP3: Cutscenes that are boring where you see/hear boring characters talking about boring stuff. The action was good the rest not.

ME3 : Cant really tell what it made so awful but for me it felt like a game from bunch of 12 years old boys.

Fuck i forgot Slender the game : Bad graphics, bland places and there was nothing really scary about the game at all.


SF x Tekken. Oh God this was so bad that I sold it within the week and never looked back. Fucking disgusting in every way possible. This game gave me mono.

Poor visual style. Extremely shoddy online (sound didn't work on launch), time outs, imbalanced, and DLC gems. So bad in every way.


What I didn't really like is the setting, the American Revolution is a time period that has been covered extensively in other media, which for me takes away one of the main selling points of the franchise. I always liked that Assassin's Creed took you to relatively underutilized settings, which also freed the developers from trying to stick too close to history (which they clearly tried to do here, given how you experience every major event of the rebellion as I noted earlier) and gave them the freedom to build the game however they liked. More in general, outside of the frontier, the visual appearance of the game just isn't very interesting, which is another failing of the setting. Snow helps a lot (it should always be snowy, I love snow :p), but otherwise the appearance of the game world is quite dull, especially when you compare it to cities in earlier games like Jerusalem in AC1 or Venice in AC2.

Oddly, the one thing I didn't mind about AC3 was the setting. Not in the sense of world design, but because the American Revolution is completely unknown to me. It's as alien as the settings in past games. There's probably a disconnect between North Americans and the rest of the world with that, though.
Assassin's Creed III: Liberation

I regretted owning it within 10 minutes of starting it. I just can't believe how slow and dumbed down the combat was. I would press one button and watch Aveline do a 10 hit combo with no input from me while all the guards just stood around and watched. I haven't played an AC since part 2, and if this is what part 3 is like, it's literally one of the worst things I've ever played. Aveline was also not a likable character, at all.

I enjoyed Ninja Gaiden 3 more, and that's saying something.

Why do you say that? Haven't played the game yet, the OT was about 60-40 positive, but the character was honestly the thing that caught my interest the most, especially since I don't really care for the AC series in general.

Probably Guild Wars 2, was so hyped and it just didn't deliver at all. Pretty much everyone I know stopped playing after they hit 80, or a few weeks.

I wanted so much to believe Arenanet's promises, GAF's hype, my hype. Gave up pretending I was enjoying myself after about 2 weeks. There's so much good work put into the game too, but somehow they managed to take a look at WAR's PQs and the issues with WoW's leveling and come up with a PQ concept that on paper sounded incredible but in practice felt like WoW leveling but somehow even less open and more linear.

007 Legends, and I think that needs no further explanation.

I think it will be hard for me to argue with this. Ultimately this year, I disliked Retro City Rampage, I disliked NeverDead, I disliked Diablo 3, but I enjoyed all three far more than this. The only difference is, I wasn't expecting much out of this, so this game didn't disappoint me nearly as much as the others.

This is going to be a hard year to give a Top 10 list. So much I didn't get around to, so much I did get around to that I didn't care for.


I played Alan Wake PC earlier this year. So painful

  • Shitty protagonist
Alan Wake isn't supposed to be likable though.
  • Shitty companion
    Which one? I'm not sure you got the point of the characters in this game.
  • Story is presented in an interesting manner but the manuscripts read like they were written by an 8 year old
This is opinion, I guess, but the story was supposed to be written cliché-style.
  • Shitty combat lacking in any real variety. There isn't even any aiming to speak of. Gets even worse when the bullet sponge enemies become bullet spongier towards the end. Only reprieve comes in having flash bangs/flares
This is pure opinion but the combat did indeed drag a bit by the end. I wouldn't say enemies were bullet sponges though, just tough towards the end.
I get what Remedy were going for, it just didn't turn out as good as it could
have been (more threatening enemies and less of them, no bullet sponges, no guns just light sources). I finished it and have no intention of ever playing it again
The guns added a lot, I think, though. The duality-based combat was better than just shining a light on them OR just shooting them. I didn't mind it. Some of the later enemies were threatening, hell, even the fast zombies of the first sections could fuck you up if unattended.

Those graphics though...

I don't think Alan Wake can really be anyone's WOTY, though. SURELY you've played something worse. AW's one of my all-time favorite games after also playing it earlier this year. I think they achieved their goals, but you should at least give American Nightmare a shot because the combat is vastly improved and there's tougher enemies.

EDIT: Ooh, looks like I'm the third person to jump on you about this. Sorry.

NintendoLand. Seriously, WTF.

Really? Nintendo Land is one of the games of the year for anyone who's a Nintendo fan. Some of the best local multiplayer in years.

As for me personally?
Tiny and Big: Grandpa's Leftovers
To put this in perspective, I played Garshasp this year.

Tiny and Big is one of the worst games I've ever played. It was saved by the fact that it's short as hell (2.7 hours, according to my Steam gameplay, but that includes messing around with the menus to get it to work) a bit, but not enough for me to ignore the facts.

The Story and The Characters
Ugh. A travesty. The writing was atrocious, full of spelling/grammar mistakes, and the entire plot is so stupid and childish that I rolled my eyes every time I was taken out of gameplay for an annoying cutscene.
The entire plot revolves around you and another, equally ugly and annoying character trying to get your Grandpa's old underwear.

Yes. You read that right.

The Gameplay
The game features a single device with a few nifty features:
A grappling hook (for pulling)
A rocket... thing (for pushing)
A laser (for slicing)

This sounds kind of cool, right? Wrong. The slicing is annoying to get correct, bland, and the physics don't always play ball. The rocket is essentially straight out of Garry's Mod and with physics nearly as broken. The grappling hook may be the worst offender for bad physics (note all the physics complaints because this is a physics-based game), and at one point I stood on top of a huge chunk of pillar and pulled it under myself with no traction or momentum.

These are all underutilized and end up with you doing the same three things four hundred times to keep climbing in repetitive and ugly locations.
You slice a rock, you push a different piece of rock, and you pull the rock down to jump on top of. Rinse and repeat.

The Graphics
These actually would have been OK if not for the ugly art design. The cel-shaded and washed out look was nice, but the texture and character art was so annoyingly putrid that it dragged the style overall down to being mediocre.

Overall, I think the game was a total waste of time (2.7 hours) and money ($2.50) and if that doesn't say it all, nothing will.


kid icarus: uprising

almost unplayable thanks to the one-two combo of shitty controls and boring game design. a shockingly charming script and good voice acting kept me barely interested enough to keep at it, but yeeeesh

It's like they took everything important to a fun game, lit it on fire, and then took a crap on the charred remains. Never forget the ten variations on big bird. There's big yellow bird, big blue bird, big red bird, small (but still big) orange bird. Oh, and the beautiful dungeons like dark purple forest, darker purple forest, and dark purple forest with small tombstones. A dreadful cast of characters and a main male character that makes you feel dirty doesn't help either.

The animation is also terrible, making you wish they just went the Tales route instead, because it's 100 times more effective than the bullshit "HD 2D animation" Image Epoch was trying to hype.



Grabbed a used copy while my video card was out for repairs since I did not own a single PS3 game and needed some form of video game to play.

It was just Dreadful. Feels like you spend more time watching terrible cutscenes than you do playing the nonsensical game. Played about 3 hours of it and took it back to Gamestop.



Grabbed a used copy while my video card was out for repairs since I did not own a single PS3 game and needed some form of video game to play.

It was just Dreadful. Feels like you spend more time watching terrible cutscenes than you do playing the nonsensical game. Played about 3 hours of it and took it back to Gamestop.

I've yet to play Bayonetta, but oh man. I do not envy you in this thread.

I hear them arriving.
The combat system is never explained properly, TLR throws you into the battle and it seems like everything happens at random. Hell, I played the game for 30+ hours and I still thought that many things happened at pure random (healing spells?). TLR needed a fucking instruction manual.
Anecdotal evidence incoming: I didn't have much of a problem understanding it. It tells you about Interceptions, Deadlocks, Raidlocks, etc., and the requirements for them. It also tells you different weapons have different properties/skills.

You have to connect the dots for yourself in battle. You have a map that shows friendly and enemy unit placements on the field. When you have one of your units selected and are picking an enemy to attack, a line connects both of you, showing the path you'll take if you do attack. Obviously if you don't know what you're doing and select an enemy in the back, you'll get Intercepted by the enemies in front, and so on. The one thing that seems to get a lot of people is that you can simply press the X button (not sure of the keyboard key) to see the actual attacks your units will perform, instead of stuff like "Attack them from afar!" But that's also there for you on the screen to see, too. And as you switch through enemies, you also see that attacks change based on the enemy selected and their distance.

As for healing, you have to meet certain requirements. If you get injured badly, you will most likely get healed if you pick the right command (again, press X). Sometimes they'll reassess and heal if you take no action. If you rely solely on healing items, it's possible for you to run out, leaving you unable to heal.


Oh, and for me it was Hydrophobia: Prophecy, to quote the ineloquent impressions I PM'd stump after finishing it:
Hydrophobia: Bullshit

I hate this game, but let me describe to you the degree to which I hate this game. A small list of things wrong with the game (I apologize for any mild swearing that may occur):
- All environments look the fucking same
- All you fucking do is follow checkpoints
- The enemies are all the fucking same
- The enemies have amazing accuracy, you are stuck with a peashooter
- The controls are clunky as fuck, especially when towards the end they introduce a new and absolutely fucking terrible mechanic that couldn't be a bigger tacked on piece of shit
- Combat fucking blows
- The game runs like a complete piece of fucking shit, regardless of settings
- Everything about it fucking screams lazy fucking console port
- None of it is actually fun, it's all just a fucking chore
- The ending bossfight is next to unwinnable, after a few tries I gave up. Fuck that boss. Fuck how you had to defeat him with those clunky fucking controls.
- Everything in general feels designed to be as fucking frustrating as possible
- The fucking story makes no sense and is bullshit regardless

Fuck this game. Fuck anyone who made it. Fuck Valve for even accepting this piece of shit on Steam.

The water effects are quite nice though.

So yeah, awful.

Oddly, the one thing I didn't mind about AC3 was the setting. Not in the sense of world design, but because the American Revolution is completely unknown to me. It's as alien as the settings in past games. There's probably a disconnect between North Americans and the rest of the world with that, though.

Actually, I'm European, but it being alien or not isn't the (main) point. The fact is that they designed this for an audience, a significant part of which does know this stuff quite well, meant they almost certainly felt they couldn't take the liberties that they could with the previous games. This is what you see in the game, with it trying to cover every event of the Revolution. Absolutely unnecessarily so, a lot of missions that cover these events add nothing. Like
the Battles of Concord and Lexington, where you command those troops in that dull minigame, why did that have to be in there? Or Paul Revere's Midnight Ride? Completely uninteresting mission design that was.

Seek therapy.
Don't post shit like this.
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