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What's the worst game you played all year?



Grabbed a used copy while my video card was out for repairs since I did not own a single PS3 game and needed some form of video game to play.

It was just Dreadful. Feels like you spend more time watching terrible cutscenes than you do playing the nonsensical game. Played about 3 hours of it and took it back to Gamestop.

I'll get the tar, who's getting the feathers?


Actually, I'm European, but it being alien or not isn't the (main) point. The fact is that they designed this for an audience, a significant part of which does know this stuff quite well, meant they almost certainly felt they couldn't take the liberties that they could with the previous games. This is what you see in the game, with it trying to cover every event of the Revolution. Absolutely unnecessarily so, a lot of missions that cover these events add nothing. Like
the Battles of Concord and Lexington, where you command those troops in that dull minigame, why did that have to be in there? Or Paul Revere's Midnight Ride? Completely uninteresting mission design that was.

Thanks for the perspective. It didn't occur to me that those missions were specifically aping off well known things. Well, some of them certainly did, such as the few "oh god everything's fucked - retreat!" missions and the "oh god everything's fucked - attack!" missions. Or the tea mission.

This is from the eyes of someone who's never taken a history class. >_>

Grabbed a used copy while my video card was out for repairs since I did not own a single PS3 game and needed some form of video game to play.

It was just Dreadful. Feels like you spend more time watching terrible cutscenes than you do playing the nonsensical game. Played about 3 hours of it and took it back to Gamestop.

Well, I woulda returned the PS3 version too, for what it's worth.

Not sure how far you got, but the majority of the game is spent clearing large areas of trash, followed by a unique boss encounter at the end. I can't even recall most of the cutscenes, it was immediately apparent that the plotline was all tongue-in-cheek nonsense so I chose to ignore it for the most part. So yeah, terrible cutscenes, but not the majority of the game. If I was going to pick a negative I'd go with repetitious trash enemies.
007 Legends.... beat it for the achievements, why they thought that playing random parts of the bond movies with bland gameplay would work is beyond me. Let my friend come over and play he put it down after 5 minutes. Thank goodness I used a free Redbox code on that.


Well, I woulda returned the PS3 version too, for what it's worth.

Not sure how far you got, but the majority of the game is spent clearing large areas of trash, followed by a unique boss encounter at the end. I can't even recall most of the cutscenes, it was immediately apparent that the plotline was all tongue-in-cheek nonsense so I chose to ignore it for the most part. So yeah, terrible cutscenes, but not the majority of the game. If I was going to pick a negative I'd go with repetitious trash enemies.

Other than the framerate being garbage (which coming from playing 99% PC games) I just accept as a given, what else was wrong with that version.

I got to some part where you are running up some crazy mountain chasing this dragon thing and the other lady with guns kept fighting you.

I would also put Mass Effect 3 on the list. Did not make it far into that one either out of boredom. Same garbage writing as every Bioware game this gen, only the missions were about as boring and vanilla as possible with bombastic and striking skyboxes and background action to try and distract you from them.


GW2,R6 and D3

RE 6 was a horrible mess, but I think that's also the view of masses?

GW2 was just boring and it not hook me like WoW. I might have to go back and give it another try. I don't there was anything wrong with the game, but it just did not click with me.
NEXUIZ - Xbox360

Nexuiz disappointed on every level. Forget 60f/s, this thing barely kept up to 30f/s.
Terrible lag and host advantage, uninspired cluttered maps, generic simple robot characters, lame boring weapons. Just ugh.
After 2 hours of trying to find something to like about Nexuiz, I then deleted it off my HDD.

Went back to far superior shooters like Quake Arena & Unreal Tournament III - even with their ghost town player counts on XBL, they are far better games.

Should have never bought the game without trying the demo.


Feel relieved I missed the whole RE6 mess.

D3 for me. So disappointing on the most basic levels. Deleted and forgotten.
Diablo 3:
  • a loot game with shitty loot
  • constant server downtime
  • auction house unbalanced to the point that huge chunks of the game are useless. (You can get items from drops, merchants, and crafting, but there is never a situation where it wouldn't make sense to just use the auction house, so why is any of that stuff even in the game?
  • hardcore mode broken. I got 3 hours in and lost all of my progress to a single player lag spike. Cool.
  • always online, co-op focused game that actively, mechanically discourages co-op play.
  • bad writing. The kind of writing you see in a cartoon that was created after the action figures were created.

It is hard to format a list on my phone, so i'll just say that Diablo 3 was the most cynical cash grab of a game that I've played in 30 years of gaming.


I dunno, Raccoon City was not bad, it was just cheap and ugly.

Then again, I did not pay full price for that turd either.

IMO is a horrible game, I couldn't take more than an hour playing. The worst €'s spent on a game in recent years. Everything about it seemed to me bad (controls, graphics, gameplay ...)

And thanks to RE:ORC I have no intention of buying RE6, I hope that a friend let me play when he finished it
I played this for about five hours:


I really hate it.
Feel relieved I missed the whole RE6 mess.

D3 for me. So disappointing on the most basic levels. Deleted and forgotten.

Know what's better than having bought one copy of D3 at full price? Having bought two copes at full price.

I did this with SWTOR and GW2 also. The past 12 months has been the final straw for me ever impulse buying anything at release again.


I can't believe people are saying Alan Wake, The Last Remnant or Guild Wars 2. All really good games.

I'd like to say Diablo 3, but despite being a huge disappointment it wasn't really the worst if you look at it objectively. My real answer is NightSky. I picked it up in some humble bundle and I really can't think of any redeeming qualities of that game.


Honestly, everything I played this year was at least mediocre. So I guess Sleeping Dogs.

edit: scratch that, Mass Effect 3. Enjoyed certain stretches of it, but overall left a sour taste.
monster hunter freedom unite.. i tried it because of all the hype and played it for a few hours, but i absolutely don't get it :/ i even tried gods eater burst and it didn't click with me. maybe its because of the controls and the psp lacking a second analog stick. when i get my vita i will give them another chance i guess


Probably Blops 2.

Not that it was really bad, it's just...more Call of Duty. I haven't really played a terrible game this year.
The Mark
Bought it for zerofiddy for a laugh. But other than the story seemingly being written by TF2 Heavy, the laugh was on me. The game is literally so bad it makes me sick. A game has never had this effect on me before. Seriously, it's a potent god damned concoction of terrible technical mishaps. Or maybe it's an intentional experiment. Either way I just gave up like 30 minutes into the first level. Mind you that's enough time to get a grasp of how horrible the game still would've been even if it wasn't more chemical warfare than game.

Everything about it is bad and/or terrible in one bland early 00's budgety way or another, but there is one thing that stands out. Imagine severe headbob affecting your aim, making the reticle waddle along as you move around, magnified when looking down a scope. It is the worst thing ever and all by itself makes the game fundamentally fail at being a shooter. You could say it makes you....miss the mark. Which you should.

ME3, still didn't finish this shit, the whole game is just a bunch of small missions put together:

Cutscene for 3 minutes ----> hell yeah! -----> boring-ass mission for one hour
So far Assassin's Creed 2 GOTY. I had already put it aside earlier very early on in the game. I decided to put my teeth in it this time, beat it and even got a 87% or so trophy completion (so I really put some effort in it).

I'll admit it's really nice to walk around in 15th century Italy. But for the most part it's just a boring repetitive game, with some really annoying missions (like the escort missions) and the story is way too pretentious for me. Never plan to play another AC game again.


For me it would be Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale. Played it for about 30 mins on day one, haven't touched it since.


I'm going to have to go with Kid Icarus, and it's most certainly due to the controls.

My runner up would have to be Borderlands 2. I guess I've completely lost interest in the formula, because I was hooked on the first game for months.
With the first game I ran into better new guns practically everytime I popped the disc in. With B2 it wasn't nearly as much. The cel shaded graphics leave me flat (especially when you have to wait for textures to load), and the missions were dull.
Driver: San Francisco (PC)

What a piece of trash. Reasons why this game sucks! (imo)

-Terrible physics and driving controls w/a XBOX 360 Controller. Not much variation to the gas trigger - its either go slow or burn out. You lose traction extremely easy and it feels like that's forced on you. And I consider myself pretty good at driving games. Played the hell out of GT1-GT5, NFS Games, Burnout, etc.
-Does not capture the soul of San Francisco - what disappointment. As a sf native, aside from a few bridges, and a handful of buildings, Ubisoft has FAILED at capturing even the "feel" of the city, much less the layout. Driver 1 on the ps1 did a better job TBH.
-Cheesey/irritating VA's and lame characters. Esp Tanner...he sounds like a total dudebro DB.

It was mainly the controls that killed it for me. I really wanted to like this game, but it's just not a good end product.


All from this year:
Family Guy on the PC
Assassins Creed 3 - im bored shitless with it a few hrs in. Havent even become indian kid/guy yet
Playstation All stars - disappointing piece of shit


Chronovolt (Vita). Luckily it was free with PS+, because it was a real turd. Sloppy controls, annoying voice overs, unnecessary gimmicks. Quickly deleted it off my memory card.


As has been mentioned a billion times already, Resident Evil 6 was goddamn awful. I'm still amazed there are apologists for it.

I also played a little of Risen 2, and wow. Just...Wow.

Games from previous years though, I played through a bunch of Resident Evil 5 this year. Also not a great game. Better than 6, and fun when played co-op but goddamn awful when played single player. Also there are some insane design decisions in the PS3 version's local co-op.


I will not include demos (Ninja Gaiden 3 would've been the worst by far) so I'll say Darksiders 2, I bought the game at day one at full price and end up almost throwing the disc out of the window after 18 hrs...poor pacing, a lifeless and dull world, a dumb protagonist, fetch quest galore, the loot did more harm than good and the game felt like a beta with numerous glitches/bugs and a shitty performance with random pauses, low frame-rate and lots of tearing (you hear me hdn?).

The game felt like it was not made by the same people who created the first great game, biggest disappointment this gen along with Gears 2 & MGS4 IMO.


I'm going to say Datura. I can appreciate what they were trying to do, but it just didn't work. I mean literally, it's some of the flakiest Move performance I've endured yet.


Max Payne 3 was tedious as all get out. Way too many cut scenes. Dull combat in their tiny linear maps when they finally had the good sense to get out of the way and let me play.


Diablo 3 was my very first Diablo experience and I felt really ripped off.

It was physically uncomfortable to play, no narrative pull, the mechanics......yeeelch. I had heard people say "you just click on stuff" but it's even worse. You click on stuff and then compare numbers. And then click on stuff and compare numbers.

I've had more fun with Microsoft Excel than I did with Diablo 3.


Max Payne 3

-The length of the cutscenes
-The content of the cutscenes
-The direction of the cutscenes
-The intrusive nature of the cutscenes
-The unskippable nature of the cutscenes
-The cutscenes
-The butchering of the character, and the awful story in general
-The clunky gameplay (yeah it's clunky, clumsy, thoroughly average stuff apologists)
-The shorts

but hey, that soundtrack was great huh?


Driver: San Francisco (PC)

What a piece of trash. Reasons why this game sucks! (imo)

-Terrible physics and driving controls w/a XBOX 360 Controller. Not much variation to the gas trigger - its either go slow or burn out. You lose traction extremely easy and it feels like that's forced on you. And I consider myself pretty good at driving games. Played the hell out of GT1-GT5, NFS Games, Burnout, etc.
-Does not capture the soul of San Francisco - what disappointment. As a sf native, aside from a few bridges, and a handful of buildings, Ubisoft has FAILED at capturing even the "feel" of the city, much less the layout. Driver 1 on the ps1 did a better job TBH.
-Cheesey/irritating VA's and lame characters. Esp Tanner...he sounds like a total dudebro DB.

It was mainly the controls that killed it for me. I really wanted to like this game, but it's just not a good end product.
It sounds like either:

You've never played a driver game before

The pad isn't set up properly

You just suck.

There is plenty of throttle control on Xbox, and the handling is meant to be loose, it's a 70's inspired chase game, you are meant to be fishtailing all over the place.

It's amazing, one my second play through. It's an absolute technical marvel too, being able to warp from one end of the city to the other in a matter of seconds, picture in picture, 60fps (although it rarely sticks to it) and awesome physics. It's great IMO.
Modnation racers on the vita. How you can release a kart game with no online and a frame rate that is so bad it regularly turns into a slide show is beyond me.

Most other games I have played this year I really liked so this one wins by a mile.



Grabbed a used copy while my video card was out for repairs since I did not own a single PS3 game and needed some form of video game to play.

It was just Dreadful. Feels like you spend more time watching terrible cutscenes than you do playing the nonsensical game. Played about 3 hours of it and took it back to Gamestop.

Stay away to the videogames, then, you waste your time. I have played only the ps3 demo & it's one of the best game of the whole generation, simply ingenious, gameplay wise; if someone is unable to appreciate it, he deserves the annual COD release for the whole life. I join to the party: RE6 demo was one of the most disturbing thing that I have played in this generation; everything is an incredible mess, I can't believe capcom has screwed all the good things of this series for the sake of the marketing, congratulations to them.


Stay away to the videogames, then, you waste your time. I have played only the ps3 demo & it's one of the best game of the whole generation, simply ingenious, gameplay wise, if someone is unable to appreciate it, he deserves the annual COD release for the whole life.
"Because people who like CoD have terrible taste in games! A herp-a-derp!"

*rolls eyes*


Yeah, I'm usually not one to pick up games that I don't really think I will enjoy so I don't have many games that I regard as being "bad" but one game that I really didn't enjoy was Spirit Camera: The Cursed Memoir. Seriously, whatever cool AR mechanics it has is overshadowed by the awful gameplay and a setting that is ruined by the fact that you basically need to play it in broad daylight. The game has some cool moments but overall it's just not that fun. I'm glad I didn't have to pay fucking 40 dollars for that shit.



I do most of my gaming on Nintendo hardware, and was looking forward to playing a much hyped 3rd party game representative of games typically found on the HD Twins.

One of the driest, most boring games I have ever played. It simply was not fun.


"Because people who like CoD have terrible taste in games! A herp-a-derp!"

*rolls eyes*

I haven't said exactly this, eh. I'm just saying COD symbolize the typical product of the mass market, where Bayonetta is more the classy of the old school of videogame, if it's clear what I mean.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
I actually can't think of anything this year that I bought that I'd consider 'bad' but in terms of disappointment to hype ratio, probably Borderlands 2. That intro with the fridge robot thing was one of the worst, if not THE worst intros I've ever played to a game. It didn't even go on that long but it was just so terrible. He is completely insufferable, obnoxious, annoying, everything. Horrid. Then I saw on twitter they released his sound files for people to remix into music! Got further into the game and while it was fun for a while, nothing that kept me playing.

I also tried split screen coop with the bf, had to sit through that intro again then realised they didn't even bother making the already-awful inventory/menu/shop system split-screen friendly.

Going by how fast Darksiders 2 went from 'hype!' to 'trash' on here, kinda glad I managed to avoid that one.


I haven't said exactly this, eh.
Well not in so any words but yeah, you basically did. You said, "if they can't appreciate Bayo, they should be punished by having to play the annual COD release", implying that if they can't appreciate "good" games, they should have to play "bad" ones.
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