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What's the worst game you played all year?

I think it has to be SSX and Darksiders 2 in a tie for me. Tremendously disappointing. There's worse games technically, but I don't play bad games as a rule.
It's a toss-us between two Vita games.

Ragnarock Odyssey - I was so looking forward to this game. The fact that you don't earn any experience for fighting, though: honestly, what a bad choice. Takes all the fun out of doing the maps and grinding.

CoD BlOps: Declassified. It's just so utterly mediocre.


I ended up really liking RE6. It was rushed, had a lot of bad design decisions, and varied wildly in quality from one moment to the next. However, the core combat mechanics were fantastic, it's an underrated game that makes a truly awful first impression. I also liked Syndicate, I'm insane apparently.

I've only played through the first 3 RE6 stories in co-op and that might've helped, but I really liked it too.


Oh god, Derrick hates everything.

Just joking man, this is one thread you can bitch away in!

I usually limit my worst of lists to just 5 because I actually don't like dwelling on the negative parts of the year too much but this year was so bad I was able to get a full top (bottom?) 10. But since this thread is just 1 game I can put one of the worst games I've ever played down.
Some people don't play every single game that comes out. Its not like you can tell someone what they did and didn't play and how awesome they should've rated it.

I can't speak for Guild Wars, but Max Payne 3 and D3 had major flaws that would easily turn a lot of people off immediately. Again, if you only play a few games a year (and this really points to the Diablo crowd... who were expecting a big time sink and many made the jump from MMOs to take it on and fill that gap), then saying its the worst experience you've had with a game from this year isn't a stretch at all.

Useful information like opinions. Its like me asking what your least favorite food is. "You don't like tacos? Liar."

And again, I really hate Far Cry 3. The repetitiveness of it all...

Well, let me put it another way. If Far Cry 3 or Diablo 3 or Just Cause 2 is the worst game you've played all year and you've played a significant amount of games, then you've played a lot of good games this year and I'm jealous.
Hoshigami Remix for DS.

The mechanics of the game were ok, but the presentation of the game was lacking.
Also, battles take forever and the story is forgettable.

Final Fantasy Tactics and Tactics Ogre raised the bar so high for these kinds of games, it's hard to go back I think.
Resident Evil 6.
My friend brought it over to play co-op, after 30 minutes I literally was begging him to turn it off. I've never had some a negative reaction to a game so quickly.


Resident Evil 6

RE has always been one of my favorite franchises. But this game is horrible. I couldn't get through Chris' chapters. So I stopped playing the game. Don't think I'll ever pick it up again.

Probably the first main RE game I won't finish.


I usually limit my worst of lists to just 5 because I actually don't like dwelling on the negative parts of the year too much but this year was so bad I was able to get a full top (bottom?) 10. But since this thread is just 1 game I can put one of the worst games I've ever played down.
To be fair, I'm yet to play AC3, and therefore can't comment on it. But goddamn, I find it hard to believe anything could be quite as bad as RE6.

Holy moly that game is atrocious. It's just so fucking bad, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.


Diablo 3.

- Crap loot
- Crap art direction
- Crap DRM
- Crap replayability
- Crap story

Easily the worst game I've played this year.
Ok, I see your point.

Yet, if I play an average-good game and find flaws in it I could think not to mention it as "The best game I've played in recent times". Yet, at the same time I'd think twice before adding it in a "worst game" list.

In this topic I've read the titles of Max Payne 2, Guild Wars 2, Diablo 3...
You are entirely missing the point of the thread. Sure worst thing ive played this year is probably great comparitively to a game like Imagine Poniez, but im smart enough to not buy things like that so they dont factor into my decision. By your logic even things like Syndicate arent valid because there is sure to be a worse game released this year. Its just that nobody here played it.

MP3 had a LOT of flaws. More then enough tp put it in the running for the worst thing ive played this year. Just because I dont
jump on every game that goes for sale for $5 on steam doesnt mean MP3 isnt a very flawed game that was little to no fun for me.

I played quite a few games this year, but I had much more fun with a $10 XBL arcade game like Hybrid then I did MP3.


I definitely agree with a lot of Derrick's post about AC 3. I haven't finished it yet, though, so I'll hold off on naming it until then, but it really sucks since I was hoping this would be a fresh start for AC.

Really disappointing since I'm someone who loved AC II and Brotherhood to death.


To be fair, I'm yet to play AC3, and therefore can't comment on it. But goddamn, I find it hard to believe anything could be quite as bad as RE6.

Holy moly that game is atrocious. It's just so fucking bad, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Well I'll be fair and say that I'm opposite of you. I haven't played RE6 and probably won't until the PC version gets a steep sale. It does look horrible though.

Not saying that it's a bad game, just the worst experience I've had all year with a game. In it's defense, I rented it from Redbox and when that happens, you aren't in the same mindset to appreciate a game like if you owned it. I rushed past guards most of the time (I did play stealth for a bit) and rushed my way through as much as I could before returning it. But even though the way I was playing was my fault, I could tell that the game just didn't appeal to me no matter what.


RE: Operation Raccoon City.
I still can't believe this game was released. The AI partners are borderline insulting and I refuse to believe this game had any kind of testing done.


Well I'll be fair and say that I'm opposite of you. I haven't played RE6 and probably won't until the PC version gets a steep sale. It does look horrible though.
Please Derrick, do your blood pressure a favour, and leave it on the shelf! Being a stickler for polish as you are, it'll drive you up the wall, I can guarantee it!


SSX redeemed itself when they patched in Freeride. Now my kids and I play it all the time.

Resident Evil 6 is the disappointment of the year for me. Just an all-round mess of a game. The environments were horrible for the control scheme. QTEs to jump from boat to boat while people are shooting at you and you have to shoot back. Ridiculous. For the most part you could just melee your way through the game. The menu sucked, the upgrades sucked, the guns sucked, and most of all Capcom sucks the bag.
Ghost Recon Future Soldier.

To be honest it's not a bad game, just fairly average. I really enjoyed GRAW and its sequel but FS just felt like it grabbed my hand at the very beginning and never really let go.

There were some neat moments and I don't want to shit on it because as I said, it's not a bad game. Just the poorest I've played this year and I never felt compelled to finish it which is kind of rare.

Sadly Future Soldier just confirmed what was allready pretty clear: Tactic shooter are dead on consoles. The one man army fiction is just too popular in shooter design right now, and GRFS never even gets close to the quality of the older GR games.

The worst part is the absolutely braindead MP with micro levels, aim assist out the ass, twich shooter mechanics and no customization options at all. The last point in particular is pissing me off, as GRAW1-2 really let people set everything down to time of day, weapon restrictions etc...

Ubi, relaunch GR ZombiU style. Make User skill and game mastery matter again.
To be fair, I'm yet to play AC3, and therefore can't comment on it. But goddamn, I find it hard to believe anything could be quite as bad as RE6.

Holy moly that game is atrocious. It's just so fucking bad, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

AC3 is one of the weaker Assassin's Creed games. It feels disjointed. All of its systems don't mesh together well. The pacing is kinda off. The insta-fail missions are frustration and the checkpoints in those missions don't help matters. The main character is blah. Finding where to begin climbing on trees is not clear. The bugs right after it was released were many.

Ship battles are fun though.


tagged by Blackace
Probably SWTOR, it just lacked soul, from the visual presentation to the gameplay. From the get-go, I felt like I was going through the motions, and that's a horrible sign.


AC3 is one of the weaker Assassin's Creed games. It feels disjointed. All of its systems don't mesh together well. The pacing is kinda off. The insta-fail missions are frustration and the checkpoints in those missions don't help matters. The main character is blah. Finding where to begin climbing on trees is not clear. The bugs right after it was released were many.

Ship battles are fun though.
Yeah, that seems to be the concensus. I'm still going to give it a try when it's cheap enough, I've loved them all so far!
usually I got something, but I spent 2012 gaming relatively safe and bought fewer games.

so not much negativity from me here

same :) . passed on both re6 & ac3, 2 games i formerly would've gotten day 1. enjoyed the few non-major titles i played (yakuza: dead souls, dragon's dogma, sleeping dogs), & thought everything else was at least okay...


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Probably say Diablo 3 for the same reasons that have already been said in this thread.
That or Pandaria, at this point it's probably just because I'm bored of wow but I got the free 10 day trial of it and barely made it half way through 85. Not enough new to add and.as ever questing and levelling is just a long bloody barrier to get to max level which is ultimately useless as nothing you get while levelling is used at max level. I think that's probably just my gripe with most mmos...


Split/Second: Gimmicky shit that's completely style over substance with the absolute worst most obnoxious rubber banding I have ever seen in any racing game ever

Final Fantasy 13-2: I thought this might at least be passable in gameplay, even accepting the plot and characters are garbage, they made the gameplay so mind numbingly easy this was completely dull. The added "variety" in the form of shitty quizes with questions like "Pick a direction, left or right?" is beyond awful, the clock puzzles are one of the worst ideas ever and the casino games are so boring and plain.

Dead Rising 2: Off the Record: I diont know HOW this manages to be so completely boring and tedious but it really is, the combat is awful and the bosses are awkward jankfests



Boggles my mind how people enjoy this game. The game is so unforgiving with it being easy to run into something (having to half watch the map combined with how busy the world is) combined with the fact that a couple of crashes will make it impossible to win.

I put a couple of hours in and literally could not beat or even place in most of the races I tried. I'm hardly awesome at racing games but I have played most of them so I'm not sucky at them either.

Also don't like the way the career is designed at all with events locked to cars and lots of driving required to even get into a race.

Suffered even more (imo) seeing as Forza Horizon hit about the same time.

The icing on the cake was the fact I only got 400 yen trade in for the game despite it being less than a week old and it cost me 5000 yen. I've never gotten so little for a game that new. Hated the game so much that I just took the 400.


Why is it that games that everyone hates on so severely (RE6 in this case) just makes it that much more curiously appealing to me? Combine that with the odd gameplay connections to Vanquish I was hearing about.

Dark Void was my worst. God what an atrocious mess that was. The flying controls felt very slippery and sensitive to me, coupled by the fact I couldn't lock onto anything while flying (maybe later on I could?). I just couldn't grasp it, and then the level presentation when you got to the on foot portions were extremely subpar. All it did was make me really, really want a true Rocketeer-ish type game.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
ScOULaris said:
As for games that I played this year that weren't actually released this year, the dishonor goes to Nier. I bought into the GAF praise and picked up the game used. After spending a couple of hours with it, I immediately took it back to the store and returned it. I honestly can't understand the love for that game around here. Everyone praises its story and music, but I thought both were atrocious! I was actually embarrassed while playing it, as I knew my wife was in the other room hearing that awful dialog and thinking to herself, "Who the fuck did I marry?" Game was bad. Real bad.

Nier won OST of 2010 on GAF by a landslide, so if you didn't like it, well... there are plenty of people that did. Not everyone likes the same music, so that's cool.

But, the main problem is that Nier isn't the sort of game that can be fairly judged by its first couple of hours. Not saying you'd change your view had you played it all the way through, but I suspect you'd realize what many of us really liked about the game.

Your loss.
Blades of Time

Much like X-Blades, so much of the game is so aggressively mediocre or worse.
Bad shooting mechanic, overused time mechanic, non-existent story, forgettable music, boring art style (as compared to its predecessor, which wasn't fantastic to begin with really)...


Assassin's Creed 3.

Not even close. What a disappointment.

Atrocious pacing, a mountain of technical issues (framerate, glitches everywhere), inconsistent art (holy shit what did they do to Desmond and friend's faces!), and an underwhelming rushed ending. Conner is also boring as shit as a character.

This is coming from someone who loved every other AC game, even Revelations.

The game tried to do too much and as a result, it's a god damn mess.


Street Fighter X Tekken

I really am not a big fan of fighters in the first place, but this has got be one of the most boring/bland fighters that I have played in recent memory.

Soul Calibur V is another disappointing game from this year too, that I was not impressed much by.


Etrian Odssey I&II, I know I was really late to the party on those two, but I much rather would have stood them up and left them on the shelf. I thought I was getting a new jRPG experience for my DS and all I got was a grind, grind grind, grind, Die... Oh wait, back to the grind. They are for sale in the B/S/T thread....


Of the games that I've played more than ten minutes of, I think it's between Operation Raccoon City, Fez, Ninja Gaiden 3, and Super Crate Box.

Operation Raccoon City was crazy bland and had some messed up aiming controls, Fez was a lot of trigger-mashing and novelty aesthetics, Ninja Gaiden 3 was an entire game about jumping around to avoid throws, and Super Crate Box was one of the laziest 2D action games I've played in a long time.

If I had to rank them from worst to least bad, it would probably be:

Super Crate Box
Operation Raccoon City
Ninja Gaiden 3


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Darksiders 2's crushing badness and radical structure change from the first game was legitimately disappointing but I can't say the game was objectively bad. It was loaded with filler, unevenly paced, janky and glitchy, a complete betrayal of fans of the first, and at times even boring, but it did at least seem well designed mechanically, even if I would have preferred those mechanics to FOAD.

But RE6 was legitimately horrific. I liked absolutely nothing about it. Complete and total clusterfuck disaster. I had more fun with ninja gaiden 3 and even operation raccoon city, which was so bad I had to space out the badness by playing one level a week for two months.

Deleted member 81567

Unconfirmed Member
Toss up between Lollipop Chainsaw and Ninja Gaiden 3. Probably the former, because I bought it day one and actually expected it be good. At least I kinda knew what I was getting into with NG3 after all those hype deflation prior to release.
Started diving into my backlog and played Bit Trip Runner.

What an awful game. A great first 30 minutes that's absolutely ruined by awful level design by the end of Zone One.

Awww, Runner is great, but I know what you're talking about. Try and stick with it (if you like that kind of game, anyway). Yeah, there's a bizarre difficulty spike in 1-11 (I think) that it doesn't reach again until the end of the entire game, if at all.

It's actually the easiest Bit.Trip game by a fair margin, evidenced by the fact that I actually beat it.

I kept waiting for it to drop in price and still feel like I wasted my money after purchasing it for as low as it's likely to ever go...I think I managed to force myself through two and a half tedious and boring missions before I gave up.
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