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Why do Nazis get free speech apologetics while BLM gets finger wags?

Are we as furious about the Women's March on January 21 that was the largest protest in American history?

Honest question, because I don't know: did the protests in New York that shut down the bridges do the whole planned and permit thing, or were they spontaneous?

I have 0 issues with protesting in the streets, to be clear, I just am not in New York so I didn't really look into them.
Are we as furious about the Women's March on January 21 that was the largest protest in American history?


I'm going to be so late to work, aw jeez!


how do expect to implement change if you aren't trying to get people on your side? I.e. Winning them over.

Why do you assume that we aren't winning people over? Look at this thread. Do you feel like the people against it are the majority? Has BLM been hurting to find support? They can't block anyones precious streets if they didnt have people.

Don't confuse YOU refusing to support a group protesting unjust police murders of POC for NO ONE supporting said group.

Takes one hell of a jerk to take a protest about innocent people being murdered and make it all about themselves. "Yeah sure people are being killed unjustly, But what are you doing to bring me on to your side of all of this? How are you courting me to stand with you against these unjust murders? Oh, and you had better answer in the manner I deem acceptable, else I might just end up supporting the murderers!" Like Jesus... Can you stand NOT being the center of everything for 5 freaking minutes? Does everything have to revolve around you?

Lord, with "Allies" like that...


Imagine a close friend or loved one gets gunned down brutally by those sworn to protect and serve, and not only does nothing in society change, but no one in society even cares. What would you do, or feel justified doing, to wake people up to the injustice that took place?

Or would you think to yourself, "ya know, these people probably need to get home to cook dinner, I shouldn't bother them."


how do expect to implement change if you aren't trying to get people on your side? I.e. Winning them over.

Why do you assume these people could even be won over?

Let's be frank here. These 'liberals', as they might think they are, care more about running an uninterrupted life of comfort than doing anything about minorities being oppressed and murdered. Everyone knows the racial situation in the USA, and if the facts and the protests haven't 'won you over' already, what's gonna do it?

Nothing will do it, is the answer. These 'possible allies' and so called liberals are in truth passive supporters of the racist system. They've chosen their comfort over human rights of their neighbors but now they whine because they also want to keep some sort of a moral superiority by upholding a mistaken belief that they're good people who could, theoretically, do something about the issue. But that's just a delusion. They never would.

D i Z

Pretty interesting.

You're supposed to win those people over to your side, somehow. And protesting in parks is apparently the way to do it. That's the big secret to ending racial oppression.

Out of sight, out of mind. We'll earn that silent support by hiding in parks, instead of that silent resentment by being front and center.


It's more important for some white people to defend their commutes than the lives of black people.

Horrifying yet banal truth about the world #45,869


I want to thank some of you for being open about not caring about black lives, especially when inconvenienced.


Why do you assume that we aren't winning people over? Look at this thread. Do you feel like the people against it are the majority? Has BLM been hurting to find support? They can't block anyones precious streets if they didnt have people.

Don't confuse YOU refusing to support a group protesting unjust police murders of POC for NO ONE supporting said group.

Takes one hell of a jerk to take a protest about innocent people being murdered and make it all about themselves. "Yeah sure people are being killed unjustly, But what are you doing to bring me on to your side of all of this? How are you courting me to stand with you against these unjust murders? Oh, and you had better answer in the manner I deem acceptable, else I might just end up supporting the murderers!" Like Jesus... Can you stand NOT being the center of everything for 5 freaking minutes? Does everything have to revolve around you?

Lord, with "Allies" like that...

What the fuck?! I have said repeatedly that I support BLM. This is a question of tactics not of substance.

Are we as furious about the Women's March on January 21 that was the largest protest in American history?


I went to the Women's march. It was nice and huge and peaceful and disruptive....but ultimately it led to nothing.


Gold Member
What a strange thread and debate.

By its very nature a protest and acts of civil DISOBEDIENCE are messy affairs. This is the whole point of them.

Whether one views them effective or not is another matter. History and current events have shown that protests along with other efforts can and often effectuate change.

Alot of fuck you, got mine last page and this....

Why the fuck are the protestors even in the street to begin with?

You think we fighting melting ice caps lmao.

I don't get it.. kill someone dead, no trial, no charges.... and you still confused why the city burning?

Why these nigs in the street man?!


What the fuck?! I have said repeatedly that I support BLM. This is a question of tactics not of substance.

I went to the Women's march. It was nice and huge and peaceful and disruptive....but ultimately it led to nothing.
These tactics have proven effective before
They shut down entire city centers.

Like, do you honestly think this didn't block traffic?

The point of a protest of that nature isn't to just mass in a place. It is to disrupt the local livelihood to such a degree that your voice is heard. As someone pointed out before, the Montgomery Buss Boycott cost the city thousands in revenue, brought the company to near bankruptcy, and likely lost folks their jobs. The local KKK-style group surged because of the boycott.

In The Letter From Birmingham:

This is what protest is.

If you believe that protest that may have a negative effect on the average citizen is wrong, then you believe that most of the effective protests throughout history (some of which turned violent), are wrong. Is that the argument you wish to make?
Because attacking Nazis in that case is an attack on free speech? And BLM blocking highways is illegal. Not saying civil disobedience isn't necessary in some cases, but legality has a lot to do with people defending a Nazis right
Yo a march with permits and planned routes should not be compared to blocking freeways illegally. It dimishes the effort and planning that those groups did.
I don't really have a desire to adjudicate whether I think you personally belong to the class of people who is utilizing motivated reasoning or if your beliefs are sincere, and I find it hard to believe that you actually want me to. Of course an invincible defence against a claim of motivated reasoning is to claim "No it's not, I really believe this".

No one thinks they're making an insincere argument, no one thinks they personally are using motivated reasoning, and yet we all know motivated reasoning occurs, and that to some extent the more knowledgeable and educated people are the worse they suffer from it.

It seems like you have traded one invincible argument for another, just based on unmeasurable insinuation rather than unmeasurable direct statement.


Because attacking Nazis in that case is an attack on free speech? And BLM blocking highways is illegal. Not saying civil disobedience isn't necessary in some cases, but legality has a lot to do with people defending a Nazis right

Punching someone for calling you the n word isn't a attack on free speech.


Because attacking Nazis in that case is an attack on free speech? And BLM blocking highways is illegal. Not saying civil disobedience isn't necessary in some cases, but legality has a lot to do with people defending a Nazis right

Seems like the law should look at why cops can kill black people damn near indiscriminately and, also, why it's legal to proclaim yourself a nazi.

Seems weird to defend those because you might be late to work.
Selfish as fuck folks in this thread, not even surprised at this. Some of you soulless people need to stop being so ignorant and look in the mirror sometime. Damn.


I had an argument with someone they made the argument that Nazi's and people Like BLM were functuannaly equivalent to each other and it was all about perspective... I argued with him for more than 6 hours on this subject and go no where


I had an argument with someone they made the argument that Nazi's and people Like BLM were functuannaly equivalent to each other and it was all about perspective... I argued with him for more than 6 hours on this subject and go no where

That is depressing. What even is the argument on how they are remotely close to each other?


I imagine, as I'm being rounded up for concentration camp in a time line where Nazis take full control, some silly ass dickhead will tell me "Don't fight it bro or you're just as bad as them. Remember MLK."

D i Z

That is depressing. What even is the argument on how they are remotely close to each other?

They both make moderate white folk uneasy in their inability to backseat their own comfort for the lives or choices of others.
Both are a call to action or support, to be counted one way or the other, and those are two things that scare the shit out of moderates.


That is depressing. What even is the argument on how they are remotely close to each other?

Let me see if i can remember his exact words...

First.. It's a paradox to preach about equality and fighting for ones right/Free speech then try to dissaprove of another groups beliefs and try to silence them.. So i'm the hypocrite

Then something about Why are KKK / Neo Nazi''s and company allowed to feel as if their race is dying "White genocide" he cited that the white population goes down each year.

My first reaction was to scream but instead i talked to him and tried to tell that one of these groups was founded on helping people while the other two were made to control and hurt others.
So you're saying that the person that you've pissed off to get their attention is going to hear anything you're saying after you're pissed them off. That's not how people work.

Here you go again making generalities about people you don't know. Grow up.

Here's a generality. If you are fine with systemic racism because black people are mean to you, then you are not a moral person.

Late Flag

Roads and highways are also public.

Not in the same way -- parks and roads are set aside for different uses. I can't drive my car through a park, and by the same token, we expect people not play fetch with their dog in the middle of a road. Rallies and other forms of free speech fit great in parks -- they're large, open spaces that are deliberately designed as places that people can gather. Roads, on the other hand, are ways from get from one point to the other. That's why its relatively easy to get a permit to hold a protest in a park, and much more difficult to get one that involves blocking traffic. (And rightly so).
permitted protests aren't protests, they're parades

block highways, block airports, shut shit down.

This the point of a protest. If ignorant folk in this thread cant get that or care about the plight of people who have been oppressed for years.....then you ain't worth talking to, or listening to or even acknowledging at all because people clearly know where your priorities lie. So stop putting on an act thinking you give a damn and just say you don't, makes it easier to disregard your disgusting opinions from the get go.
Poster: "Wow white people sure are silly."

Fragile white poster: "Wow maybe civil rights were a mistake all along."

Hyperbole yeah, but screw those with fragile feelings, whose greatest struggle to supporting civil rights is a minority demanding not being killed and maybe having emotions about that?


Let me see if i can remember his exact words...

First.. It's a paradox to preach about equality and fighting for ones right/Free speech then try to dissaprove of another groups beliefs and try to silence them.. So i'm the hypocrite

Then something about Why are KKK / Neo Nazi''s and company allowed to feel as if their race is dying "White genocide" he cited that the white population goes down each year.

My first reaction was to scream but instead i talked to him and tried to tell that one of these groups was founded on helping people while the other two were made to control and hurt others.

He was comparing a decrease in a population with the actual murder of people?! I'm sorry. Sounds infuriating.
Not in the same way -- parks and roads are set aside for different uses. I can't drive my car through a park, and by the same token, we expect people not play fetch with their dog in the middle of a road. Rallies and other forms of free speech fit great in parks -- they're large, open spaces that are deliberately designed as places that people can gather. Roads, on the other hand, are ways from get from one point to the other. That's why its relatively easy to get a permit to hold a protest in a park, and much more difficult to get one that involves blocking traffic. (And rightly so).

Do you not realize that one of the main reasons I can even post a response to you in this day and time is because black people of yore stood in the road?

Late Flag

Do you not realize that one of the main reasons I can even post a response to you in this day and time is because black people of yore stood in the road?

Sure. Civil disobedience has its place. It faces a comparatively high bar relative to non-disruptive protests. This isn't an always-justified/never-justified thing.


Neo Member
I have no idea. IMO Extremists on either side of any conflict are all the same amount of terrible and should be treated with an equal amount of disdain.


I have no idea. IMO Extremists on either side of any conflict are all the same amount of terrible and should be treated with an equal amount of disdain.

Absolutely agree. People who want to kill all people of color and people who want to kill all white people should be held to the same standard. People who just want to not be shot by cops should be recognized as the rational middle ground.

Is that not what you meant?


I have no idea. IMO Extremists on either side of any conflict are all the same amount of terrible and should be treated with an equal amount of disdain.

Huh? So black people shouting that their lives matter are the same as white people shouting that black peoples lives don't matter?
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