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Why do people start smoking?

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Water is not wet!
Black_Ice said:
Basically, when you're intoxicated you aren't your real self. And acting fake...or should I say acting how you would not normally act is what a lot of people love to do, because it allows and helps people like them, talk to them, accept them, because the normal/non-drunk you certainly isn't interesting enough to garner that attention. Sad, really.
i find the opposite is true. When intoxicated people reveal who they really are. Their ego and inhibitions are lifted and the person that is constrained by how they feel they "should" act is free to emerge.

And smoking that helps you meet girls? Holy shit why would I want to meet a girl that would talk to me for the simple fact that I'm smoking?
Its a commonality. The same as making chit chat about how much you love the chimichungas from Robertos Taco Shop with someone while waiting for your order. Its an ice breaker and gets conversation going.

I've tried smoking and drinking...And with this post you can call me a square, an ass, or whatever, that's just the way I see it.
Well you tried it and it wasnt for you. Nothing wrong with that. The only thing thats annoying is when people preach without any experience in the subject. This can be applied to anything and happens all the time with different subjects. Just look at the Gaming side.


Jew Gamer
Black_Ice said:
I still think... what the fuck does smoking or drinking do for me that I can't do when I'm not doing either of those things?

Relax? I can do that with some music, or by myself.
Have fun? I can do that without drinking.
Socialize? I can do that without drinking, though I'd rather not.
Let loose? I can do that without drinking.

Basically, when you're intoxicated you aren't your real self. And acting fake...or should I say acting how you would not normally act is what a lot of people love to do, because it allows and helps people like them, talk to them, accept them, because the normal/non-drunk you certainly isn't interesting enough to garner that attention. Sad, really.

And smoking that helps you meet girls? Holy shit why would I want to meet a girl that would talk to me for the simple fact that I'm smoking?

I've tried smoking and drinking...And with this post you can call me a square, an ass, or whatever, that's just the way I see it.

You are wrong, incredibly wrong. When you are intoxicated you are more yourself than when you are sober. You lose the ability to filter yourself, the shit you say and do when you are drunk is more who you are than anything.


KHarvey16 said:
Run out of contrived rationalizations so quickly?

Well you started all that nonsense about cocaine so it's kinda hard to have rational discussion from that point onward.

edit: sorry it was heroin.

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
Number 2 said:
i find the opposite is true. When intoxicated people reveal who they really are. Their ego and inhibitions are lifted and the person that is constrained by how they feel they "should" act is free to emerge.

Its a commonality. The same as making chit chat about how much you love the chimichungas from Robertos Taco Shop with someone while waiting for your order. Its an ice breaker and gets conversation going.

Well you tried it and it wasnt for you. Nothing wrong with that. The only thing thats annoying is when people preach without any experience in the subject. This can be applied to anything and happens all the time with different subjects. Just look at the Gaming side.

So let me try to understand this, when [some] people are intoxicated, they're being their, true selves, so in turn this means that any other time they aren't being who they feel they should be? It must be hard to live a life where you feel you can only "emerge" when intoxicated...

Commonality? Point taken.

I really don't care what people do, although I do think a lot of people here are not looking at the long term, and just the short term. Those that are looking at the long term are only looking at the health complications... and there are a lot of other things with drinking and smoking :\

Edit: Isslave, when I was typing my post I was going to take it from the other side that when you're intoxicated you ARE being your true self, but I didn't feel like it.

Although, I don't really care enough to continue. :lol


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Because i love the taste of cigars.

Cigarettes i only smoke if i'm pissed and someone near me has one lit.


Jew Gamer
Black_Ice said:
So let me try to understand this, when [some] people are intoxicated, they're being their, true selves, so in turn this means that any other time they aren't being who they feel they should be? It must be hard to live a life where you feel you can only "emerge" when intoxicated...

Commonality? Point taken.

I really don't care what people do, although I do think a lot of people here are not looking at the long term, and just the short term. Those that are looking at the long term are only looking at the health complications... and there are a lot of other things with drinking and smoking :\

Edit: Isslave, when I was typing my post I was going to take it from the other side that when you're intoxicated you ARE being your true self, but I didn't feel like it.

Although, I don't really care enough to continue. :lol

I was referring to how you lose the filter. I have been blackout drunk and haven't done anything I wouldn't do sober because I ignore that filter because I feel that life is one big carnival and people need to start celebrating and stop being so uptight.

The drunken "I love you man" comes from repressed emotions that guys contain, and etc.

I was referring to how alcohol kills that filter.

More on topic:

My big problem with smoking is everyone who isn't a smoker needs to stop treating me like shit. When you see how much money is taxed on smoking in Canada, and see exactly what that funds, it really enrages me. I wish all Canadians would quit smoking so the same people who freak out on me can try and figure out how to put their kids through school when public education is no longer viable and health care suffers severe cutbacks.


Negaiido said:
To all smokers:

Smoking is NOT cool.

You really think people over 18 still smokes because it's cool ? I'm soon over 30 and soon to be family man so I'm far from cool and yet I smoke... Well I don't smoke that much but still I smoke but not because I want to look cool.


Still Tagged Accordingly
missbreedsiddx said:
It amazes me that with all we know about skin cancer people still sit under tanning beds every week or let themselves get fried in the sun.
It amazes me that with all we know about heart disease people still eat fast food, fatty steaks, and junk food.
It amazes me that with all we know about cirrhosis of the liver people still drink alcohol to relax, party, get drunk, or just fit in.
It amazes me that people don't understand that we make choices that aren't always the best for our health because sometimes... we just enjoy it.
it's true to an extent, but the difference is that all those things listed there will not do you major or irrevocable harm if done in moderation.

a bit of sun is good for you.
an occasional fast food meal will not harm you.
alcohol in moderation has no ill effects.

however, every cigarette is doing your body harm and to those around you through passive smoking.

and then of course there's the other less serious effects. it stinks, it stains your teeth and fingers, it's an expensive habit, it's highly addictive (and so harder to stop doing).

I used to socially smoke in high school, but then afterwards I realised that the cons far outweigh any pros for it. I honestly can't understand why anyone would take it up as a life long, daily habit. It's just an all round bad life choice.


CiSTM said:
Sorry, heroin.

Ok, now what nonsense? He told the OP to "grow a pair and try something he's afraid of." Heroin, like cigarettes, offers little in return for its negative effects. So I wanted to know if BattlestarDT had himself grown a pair and tried something he was afraid of. Revealingly, he offered a reasonable and practical argument for why he doesn't do heroin while still failing to recognize the likelihood that the same exists for smoking.

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
lsslave said:
I was referring to how you lose the filter. I have been blackout drunk and haven't done anything I wouldn't do sober because I ignore that filter because I feel that life is one big carnival and people need to start celebrating and stop being so uptight.

The drunken "I love you man" comes from repressed emotions that guys contain, and etc.

I was referring to how alcohol kills that filter.

I don't quite understand this filter. What are the things people would do when intoxicated that they wouldn't do when sober? And when are these things positive? If they are positive, why not do them when sober?

Maybe an example would be... asking a girl out? It kills the filter of shyness? Is that what you mean? If that's the case, step your goddamn courage game up.

Oh, and it kills a lot of other "filters", too. A tradeoff many consider worth it, however.

Oh, let me also say that drinking in moderation is nothing I "SMH" at, getting a buzz with a couple of friends, getting a little tipsy, I have no qualms with that.


Water is not wet!
Black_Ice said:
So let me try to understand this, when [some] people are intoxicated, they're being their, true selves, so in turn this means that any other time they aren't being who they feel they should be? It must be hard to live a life where you feel you can only "emerge" when intoxicated...

Ever hear of the phrase in vino veritas? Being inebriated people find it very hard to lie. Most people dont say what they want to say when they are 100% sober. They have feelings they cannot express because either society told them its shameful (like men talking about how they feel) or they think they will sound dumb or stupid. When people are truthful, express how they truly feel, they are showing who they really are.


KHarvey16 said:
Ok, now what nonsense? He told the OP to "grow a pair and try something he's afraid of." Heroin, like cigarettes, offers little in return for its negative effects. So I wanted to know if BattlestarDT had himself grown a pair and tried something he was afraid of. Revealingly, he offered a reasonable and practical argument for why he doesn't do heroin while still failing to recognize the likelihood that the same exists for smoking.

Jumping from smoking to heroin is one helluva jump. First of all doing heroin is illegal. Shooting up heroin during your break at work is not exactly the same as smoking a fag during your break. Taking an extreme example is really bad counter argument in rational discussion.


I don't think smoking is relaxing. I think initially having something in your hand to fiddle and play with helps you feel a little relaxed, but then you get addicted to the drug and you feel stressed if you don't have it. The bad thing for smokers is, that addictive stress factor never goes away. At least according to my mum, who gave up smoking. She said that craving is always there, never ending.

I think people start smoking because it's wrong (the bad look), it helps in social situations, you look cool, gives you something to complain about, and it helps with weight loss.

The last one is a bit of a catch 22 though. Everyone I know who isn't a smoker says the same, you can see a hot chick but as soon as it's revealed she's a smoker you're a quick to dismiss the person entirely. I mean, smokers stink. Something they aren't aware of at all because they've become completely desensitized to the stench.

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
Number 2 said:
Ever hear of the phrase in vino veritas? Being inebriated people find it very hard to lie. Most people dont say what they want to say when they are 100% sober. They have feelings they cannot express because either society told them its shameful (like men talking about how they feel) or they think they will sound dumb or stupid. When people are truthful, express how they truly feel, they are showing who they really are.

So basically, people are generally fake when they aren't intoxicated? That sucks. This is why I don't trust SHIT.

Oh, and no I haven't heard of that phrase but it's cool :D


I grew up in a house where both my parents smoked in front of me inside/outside the house. Was impossible to get away from. I started causal smoking when I was about 14 and didnt stop for 15 years. Smokes went up to $12 a pack here and I lost my job, so I couldnt afford it any more. Been clean for about 20 months now. Best decision I ever made.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Number 2 said:
Ever hear of the phrase in vino veritas? Being inebriated people find it very hard to lie. Most people dont say what they want to say when they are 100% sober. They have feelings they cannot express because either society told them its shameful (like men talking about how they feel) or they think they will sound dumb or stupid. When people are truthful, express how they truly feel, they are showing who they really are.

Yeah generally when i'm drunk is when i open up and start saying what i really think instead of holding back.

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
Yeah, why the fuck are people so goddamn fake?

Like, if someone introduces me to someone, they say... "It's nice to meet you"

No, fuck you, you don't even know what I'm about, it's not nice to meet me [yet]. It's what society has told them is polite, I understand that, but it's not what you're thinking at that point. I'm perfectly fine with you just shaking my hand and saying "Hey, what's up," Don't give me this shit about nice to meet me, so keep it goddamn real with me.

But that's going off topic, continue with the smoking stuff.


CiSTM said:
Jumping from smoking to heroin is one helluva jump. First of all doing heroin is illegal. Shooting up heroin during your break at work is not exactly the same as smoking a fag during your break. Taking an extreme example is really bad counter argument in rational discussion.

The fact that heroin would be encouraged by the ridiculously sophomoric attitude he displayed in his post was the whole point. He left no room for simply having a sound logical reason for not doing it and instead decided to attack him for being a sheep, just like the internet rebel he is.

Just because I used the word heroin in a discussion about smoking doesn't mean I'm equating them in every conceivable category.


CiSTM said:
You really think people over 18 still smokes because it's cool ? I'm soon over 30 and soon to be family man so I'm far from cool and yet I smoke... Well I don't smoke that much but still I smoke but not because I want to look cool.

Maybe not you but I read that someone in this thread does still think that and probably a lot of smokers still do think that.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
Black_Ice said:
I still think... what the fuck does smoking or drinking do for me that I can't do when I'm not doing either of those things?

Relax? I can do that with some music, or by myself.
Have fun? I can do that without drinking.
Socialize? I can do that without drinking, though I'd rather not.
Let loose? I can do that without drinking.

Basically, when you're intoxicated you aren't your real self. And acting fake...or should I say acting how you would not normally act is what a lot of people love to do, because it allows and helps people like them, talk to them, accept them, because the normal/non-drunk you certainly isn't interesting enough to garner that attention. Sad, really.

And smoking that helps you meet girls? Holy shit why would I want to meet a girl that would talk to me for the simple fact that I'm smoking?

I've tried smoking and drinking...And with this post you can call me a square, an ass, or whatever, that's just the way I see it.

It isn't that you would want to meet a girl that would talk to you just cause your smoking, its that it gives you something in common and also puts you in situations where you can meet girls. For instance a few months ago I was at a club in portland maine and I stepped outside to have a cigarette, a minute later a very attractive women comes out to smoke and being the only two out there smoking, we strike up a great conversation. If we hadn't both been smokers we would more than likely never have run into each other in the packed club or had the ability to have a interesting conversation with the music blaring.


Water is not wet!
Black_Ice said:
Yeah, why the fuck are people so goddamn fake?

Its just how society is. Going off the earlier thing lsslave brought up about drunk guys saying "i love you, man"... todays society in general has taught boys from a very young age that any emotional display is frowned upon. Love is seen as feminine or homosexual. Anger is seen as losing control. Sadness is seen as a coping failure. All are seen as weakness. Is it any wonder why most drunk guys tend to fall into lovey-dovey, angry or sad type drunks?


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
Black_Ice said:
Yeah, why the fuck are people so goddamn fake?

Like, if someone introduces me to someone, they say... "It's nice to meet you"

No, fuck you, you don't even know what I'm about, it's not nice to meet me [yet]. It's what society has told them is polite, I understand that, but it's not what you're thinking at that point. I'm perfectly fine with you just shaking my hand and saying "Hey, what's up," Don't give me this shit about nice to meet me, so keep it goddamn real with me.

But that's going off topic, continue with the smoking stuff.

holy crap man, its just a saying, maybe it IS nice to meet you, some people are genuinely glad to meet other people.
You need a stiff drink! :lol


I had smoked a few puffs and cigarettes at various stages of my youth, but I started “proper” smoking when I was 16. I was at a party and a little drunk. A friend of mine was there with a pack of menthols so I asked her for one. I enjoyed her company and found the menthols light and pleasant with the alcohol so I basically shared the pack with her over the course of the evening. All very social and fun and it was at a stage in my life where I was starting to lose my shyness and enjoy an active social life, having previously been somewhat awkward around people. Perhaps enjoying “adult” pleasures at the party made it more special for me.

The next morning I woke up and I realised that I felt like a cigarette. I didn't worry at all about the possibility of addiction, I just wanted to enjoy them again. I guess the positive association I had formed with them the night before added to their physically addictive qualities. Later that week I bought a packet for myself and so started a habit that would stay with me for well over a decade.

Tobacco goes supremely well with two things; alcohol and coffee. A smoke and a coffee was a blissful way to start the day and smoking a pack was essential when having few beers with friends in the evening.

I quit a couple of years ago. I had quit for a few periods before then too, six months being the longest spell previously. It would start up again with "just one cigarette for old times sake", even though I had told myself numerous times before that one cigarette that it's precisely that one cigarette that gets you back in. Now I have zero desire for one, even when totally stressed, which used to be a massive trigger for me. I actually have an aversion to them and idea of having one makes me feel a little nauseous.

Losing the cigarettes was great. Like a bad marriage, I had a love/hate relationship with them while they were in my life. Now I'm free and don't have to worry about them at all. Good riddance.


Negaiido said:
Maybe not you but I read that someone in this thread does still think that and probably a lot of smokers still do think that.

If people over certain age still smoke because it's cool thenI think smoking is least of their problems.


is now taking requests
Black_Ice said:
Yeah, why the fuck are people so goddamn fake?

Like, if someone introduces me to someone, they say... "It's nice to meet you"

No, fuck you, you don't even know what I'm about, it's not nice to meet me [yet]. It's what society has told them is polite, I understand that, but it's not what you're thinking at that point. I'm perfectly fine with you just shaking my hand and saying "Hey, what's up," Don't give me this shit about nice to meet me, so keep it goddamn real with me.

But that's going off topic, continue with the smoking stuff.

I dont know about you, but it IS rather nice to meet me.


Jew Gamer
Wii said:
No willpower, low self esteem, lemmings, conformers.

That is just an insult.

Willpower -> Tell that to the over 150 lbs and counting amount of weight I have lost
Low self esteem -> Smoking doesn't effect that, smoking is something I do alone to enjoy
Lemmings -> In a day and age where EVERYONE TREATS SMOKERS LIKE SHIT? Yeah, thanks for being intelligent there. Back in the 80s maybe, even early 90s, but now? Its not like that anymore.
Conformers -> You make your own clothes and cut your own hair unlike anyone elses? Yeah, I smoke because I conform.

Thank you for lumping all smokers with a bunch of scene kids who jump to every scene and do everything to fit in. Really nicely put post, thumbs up, etc.

There are MATURE reasons that people smoke you know (If this was a joke post I apologize but this is a very tired argument to hear)

Number 2 said:
Its just how society is. Going off the earlier thing lsslave brought up about drunk guys saying "i love you, man"... todays society in general has taught boys from a very young age that any emotional display is frowned upon. Love is seen as feminine or homosexual. Anger is seen as losing control. Sadness is seen as a coping failure. All are seen as weakness. Is it any wonder why most drunk guys tend to fall into lovey-dovey, angry or sad type drunks?

Well put, I really like what you added to what I am saying :)

It is also why guys go into the "need sex" mode when they are drunk (girls can be just as bad but I generally avoid desperate girls) because it isn't cool to "need" sex.

I really like you addition, it really furthered my point :)

Black_Ice said:
Yeah, why the fuck are people so goddamn fake?

Like, if someone introduces me to someone, they say... "It's nice to meet you"

No, fuck you, you don't even know what I'm about, it's not nice to meet me [yet]. It's what society has told them is polite, I understand that, but it's not what you're thinking at that point. I'm perfectly fine with you just shaking my hand and saying "Hey, what's up," Don't give me this shit about nice to meet me, so keep it goddamn real with me.

But that's going off topic, continue with the smoking stuff.

People aren't fake intentionally, its society. Society is the same people who make girls self esteem insanely low, guys always worried about their dick size, and people to always jump on any bandwagon they see.

An argument I've had for a while is "Imagine if the terrorists won... visiting another country would be much harder, people would willingly give up their rights, and riding a plane would be such a terrible experience where you feel like a criminal and are afraid of everything. Yeah, imagine if they won."

That is entirely society's conditioning, people will follow whatever suit that the bandwagon jumps on.

missbreedsiddx said:
It isn't that you would want to meet a girl that would talk to you just cause your smoking, its that it gives you something in common and also puts you in situations where you can meet girls. For instance a few months ago I was at a club in portland maine and I stepped outside to have a cigarette, a minute later a very attractive women comes out to smoke and being the only two out there smoking, we strike up a great conversation. If we hadn't both been smokers we would more than likely never have run into each other in the packed club or had the ability to have a interesting conversation with the music blaring.

Another topic I had brought up earlier, and another good point to defend.

It really makes it easy to talk to girls when you are outside away from the blaring music. When you go back inside together she drags you to the dance floor, you take her for a drink, you can't talk with the music but you will go for another smoke soon and talk more.

Even non-smokers tend to smoke at clubs for these reasons from my experiences.


jorma said:
I dont know about you, but it IS rather nice to meet me.

In that case, Nice to meet you! :lol

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
missbreedsiddx said:
holy crap man, its just a saying, maybe it IS nice to meet you, some people are genuinely glad to meet other people.
You need a stiff drink! :lol

I know it's just a saying :lol

It was just a smaller example of the bigger actions people take on when being fake.

"That's just how society is"

Damn, guys... I already had low faith in humanity, and now I'm being told that people just act fake to appease others? For fucks sake man.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not about being an asshole or obviously mean, but man...

Oh well, we're all going to die and years from none of this will matter.


Jew Gamer
Black_Ice said:
I know it's just a saying :lol

It was just a smaller example of the bigger actions people take on when being fake.

"That's just how society is"

Damn, guys... I already had low faith in humanity, and now I'm being told that people just act fake to appease others? For fucks sake man.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not about being an asshole or obviously mean, but man...

Oh well, we're all going to die and years from none of this will matter.

Society is a double edged knife, without society to conduct a slight conformity we would have anarchy and aside from some angsty people who don't understand it the overall benefit DEFINITELY outweighs the detriment of it.


My mate used to smoke and always asked if I wanted one. He knew I didn't smoke. Then one night I was just pissed off so I tried one. Didn't mind it. Everyone at work was also ducking out for a smoke break so I figured fuck em and started doing the same thing.

Became something of a routine. I'm more addicted to the action of just having a ciggy than I am the chemicals themselves. If I'm distracted doing something I don't smoke but the second I realise it I want one.

Also, smoking suits me apparently. /me shrugs

It also makes me cool.



Totally tastes better. Too bad you can't carry it around though.


lsslave said:
That is just an insult.

Willpower -> Tell that to the over 150 lbs and counting amount of weight I have lost
Low self esteem -> Smoking doesn't effect that, smoking is something I do alone to enjoy
Lemmings -> In a day and age where EVERYONE TREATS SMOKERS LIKE SHIT? Yeah, thanks for being intelligent there. Back in the 80s maybe, even early 90s, but now? Its not like that anymore.
Conformers -> You make your own clothes and cut your own hair unlike anyone elses? Yeah, I smoke because I conform.

Thank you for lumping all smokers with a bunch of scene kids who jump to every scene and do everything to fit in. Really nicely put post, thumbs up, etc.

There are MATURE reasons that people smoke you know (If this was a joke post I apologize but this is a very tired argument to hear)
Like most of my posts, it's not serious


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Smoking at a bar, drunk , chatting away to random strangers while everyone is having a smoke is life at its finest.

that is all , you don't smoke i feel sorry for you at a bar cause you ain't experencing it all.


Water is not wet!
Wii said:
Like most of my posts, it's not serious
Its almost impossible to take any of your posts seriously with your avatar. Sorry. i catch myself reading something from you and going "whats funny about that? ... ohhhh" :lol

edit: also this conversation would be 100 times better with us all sitting around having a smoke, drink in hand :lol


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Number 2 said:
Its almost impossible to take any of your posts seriously with your avatar. Sorry. i catch myself reading something from you and going "whats funny about that? ... ohhhh" :lol

edit: also this conversation would be 100 times better with us all sitting around having a smoke, drink in hand :lol

One thing i hate on a nightout if i have a Smoke and i stop smoking later on that night i can't chat as good to random strangers/friends

so if i dont smoke at all i can have a great chat with them

if i smoke i can have a great chat with them

if i stop smoking after iv smoked that night i think i need a smoke to have a great chat with them :lol the worries of life ftw


Water is not wet!
Kentpaul said:
One thing i hate on a nightout if i have a Smoke and i stop smoking later on that night i can't chat as good to random strangers/friends

so if i dont smoke at all i can have a great chat with them

if i smoke i can have a great chat with them

if i stop smoking after iv smoked that night i think i need a smoke to have a great chat with them :lol the worries of life ftw

Thats classical conditioning.


Number 2 said:
zomg, people living their lives, doing what pleases them. The horror.

No, people feeling the need to come up with ridiculous justifications for their choices is almost insulting. Say you like it or maybe that you're addicted. Don't tell me the side effects are overblown or it has some benefit the rest of us are missing out on.


KHarvey16 said:
No, people feeling the need to come up with ridiculous justifications for their choices is almost insulting. Say you like it or maybe that you're addicted. Don't tell me the side effects are overblown or it has some benefit the rest of us are missing out on.

Why does it have to have benefits ? Isn't it enough if one enjoys it ? I know all the facts about smoking and yet I choose to smoke just because I simply enjoy it. Why does it offens people so much that they have to come and preach me about me and my smoking habits.


Water is not wet!
KHarvey16 said:
No, people feeling the need to come up with ridiculous justifications for their choices is almost insulting. Say you like it or maybe that you're addicted. Don't tell me the side effects are overblown or it has some benefit the rest of us are missing out on.

Maybe its just me but i feel people can do things for lots of different reasons. If someone smokes because it reminds them of a long lost lover, who gives a fuck? And i gotta be honest here, i feel the side effects are overblown. Will i get cancer from it? Maybe. Will i get cancer if i never breathed in one speck of cigarette particulate matter my entire life? Maybe. Will i die anyway? Yes. Thats not a death wish. That is a fact. No amount of hiding or praying or flossing or clean living will save you. You and me will both be in the ground someday. id rather live my life to how i feel is its fullest than live it for you or others like you.


It's been over 20 years since I started smoking and I honestly can't remember exactly why I started. I was the first in my peer-group to smoke so it wasn't peer pressure, I didn't think it made me look 'cool' or 'hard' to others (in fact I hid my smoking because I was ashamed of the image) but I just always knew I'd be a smoker. I love the smell, the taste, the feeling of looking forward to a coffee & cigarette break. I smoke cigarettes, cigars, pipes and joints and enjoy them all.

I know it's bad for me, I know it pisses other people off (and don't they love telling me!) but it's something I genuinely love and I feel that for me, the upsides outweigh the down sides. It's simply part of who I am and if that means dying a little younger, so be it. Extremist religious motherfuckers are going to make this place pretty intolerable before long anyway.

Puck said:
They want to end their miserable existence quicker than normal. And destroy everything and everyone around them at the same time.
Although cigarettes are small suicide bombs this is a bit crazy. Calm down.
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