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Why do people start smoking?

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CiSTM said:
Why does it have to have benefits ? Isn't it enough if one enjoys it ? I know all the facts about smoking and yet I choose to smoke just because I simply enjoy it. Why does it offens people so much that they have to come and preach me about me and my smoking habits.

He didn't just say he enjoys it. He's attempting to rationalize his decisions as if they were made for some sound, logical reason.

Number 2 said:
Maybe its just me but i feel people can do things for lots of different reasons. If someone smokes because it reminds them of a long lost lover, who gives a fuck? And i gotta be honest here, i feel the side effects are overblown. Will i get cancer from it? Maybe. Will i get cancer if i never breathed in one speck of cigarette particulate matter my entire life? Maybe. Will i die anyway? Yes. Thats not a death wish. That is a fact. No amount of hiding or praying or flossing or clean living will save you. You and me will both be in the ground someday. id rather live my life to how i feel is its fullest than live it for you or others like you.

I'm not asking you to live your life for me. I'm asking people not to make up bullshit rationalizations because they feel guilty or something.


I don't expect many people to understand my view on smoking, but here it goes...

I started for the same reason people start to drink alcohol or coffee, or start some new hobby, or try something different for change. It just seemed something I'd like to do. And I still feel the same way. It's a thing I like to do. I don't smoke because I have to, but because I want to. I usually smoke about 5-7 cigarettes a day, and after I've been drinking (when I tend to smoke more than usually) I often don't smoke for a day or two.

From time to time I've quitted smoking for a month to show myself I can do it, and I've noticed it's really easy for me. Someone might wonder why I don't quit altogether, but that's the thing, I like smoking. And that's the reason why I don't understand people who use snuff. They strip away what I enjoy in smoking, the doing-it part, and what they're left with is only the negative side of the habit.


I admit I started due to peer pressure. It then took me 20 years to get around to quitting. And I'm so happy I did.


KHarvey16 said:
He didn't just say he enjoys it. He's attempting to rationalize his decisions as if they were made for some sound, logical reason.
And you feel that you are capable person to judge what are and what are not rational reasons to start smoking ?All he said that there are mature reasons to start smoking. While you disagree some might agree with him.


CiSTM said:
And you feel that you are capable person to judge what are and what are not rational reasons to start smoking ?All he said that there are mature reasons to start smoking.

And that's a laughable statement to me. If it wasn't for immaturity the tobacco industry would be broke by now.
In my experience my main gripe with smoking, be it cigarettes or weed is people trying to force it on you. I used to go to any amount of parties where friends and other people there would be taking and doing all sorts of stuff. When offered I'd decline, but people who can't leave it at that really bug me. Why do they care if you join in or not? I'm perfectly capable of having a laugh with out smoking some shit or shoving some stuff up my nose.

As for drinking, I think I drunk about 5 times in '09. I enjoy the high of being drunk but not the actual drinking. I find most alcohol taste like crap and the aftermath sucks too. The pro's are vastly out weighed by the cons. Again, I get annoyed by these people who seem mind blown when you say you're not a big drinker.

*Edit: I don't think I ever met a person who didn't start because they thought it was cool. My girlfriend started for that reason and it pisses me off a bit.


KHarvey16 said:
And that's a laughable statement to me. If it wasn't for immaturity the tobacco industry would be broke by now.

Perhaps but still saying there are no reasons worth start smoking is ridiculous. Different people have different priorities.
Most of the people I know started smoking because of weed. Only few turned into real smokers (few cigs a day).
I fucking hate smokers. Even on the streets when they're close by and the wind blows their shit in my face. And I hate smoking areas in front of buildings. You literally have to hold your breath when you enter or leave the building.
I love the US for giving them hell!


CiSTM said:
Perhaps but still saying there are no reasons worth start smoking is ridiculous. Different people have different priorities.

And those priorities can be irrational, ill-advised or immature. I don't care if someone makes that choice but to deny those things and claim they had a good reason is still silly.


KHarvey16 said:
And those priorities can be irrational, ill-advised or immature. I don't care if someone makes that choice but to deny those things and claim they had a good reason is still silly.

Now we are just going round in circles here.

Kentpaul said:
Live free die young.

" Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride!"



When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
MarkMclovin said:
A fag after a large meal is all sorts of win.

I gave up about 4 years ago though.

When ever eat out with friends all the smokers always spark up after the meal and tell me how good it is having a cig after the meal, Since i am only a drunk smoker i will never experence it :lol


I tried it to see what it was like and it was awful. I was coughing all day and the taste it left in my mouth was terrible. Never tried again it after that.


Bacon of Hope
Coffee and cigarette in the morning -- this is how a man starts his day. You children wont ever understand.


How I started? Started LATE! I'm 27 now.. smoked real lightly around 22ish. Typically bummed from people when I was out.. Liked it when I was drinking...Around 25 took smoke breaks at my job so got a bit more serious.

Sometimes I "quit" for like 6 months, sometimes I smoke a pack a day.. Sometimes a pack every two weeks.. Really depends I guess..

I enjoy going outside for a min after working my ass off for like 3 hrs straight and having a smoke, chill out for a minute. It may be hurting my health but the 5 minutes of being able to clear my mind and go outside makes up for it in my eyes.

Like I said, coffee in the morning is great.. Gets shit done, crank hard, accomplish a bunch of shit then take a quick 5 min smoke break.. Get another cup of joe and keep it going..

I really hate the smell, like a lot. Smells shitty on my clothes and stuff so dont really smoke before going out or while I'm out.. Just when I'm at home or maybe playing Street Fighter with some friends. Get a 10 win streak then lose to some bum cause I missed an uppercut, gotta have a smoke, gat DAMN!

Do I want to quit? Yeah, sure I guess.. I dunno, don't really care.. I usually get really serious about quitting every 6 months or so.. but at the end of the day I just want to keep it under control and not have it get out of hand. I feel like it's all about moderation, just like everything else in life.


Every time I see this thread on the main page I want to have a cigarette.

I couldn't tell you why I started smoking originally, because I was 15. I have smoked on and off since, which was 7 years ago. A lot more 'off' though, since I've barely smoked for the past 3 years.

Any more, I only restart smoking due to stress. My girlfriend broke up with me about a month ago and during the mess I started smoking again. Prior to this time, I briefly smoked about a year ago, when the previous girlfriend broke up with me. So that's why I start smoking, over and over.
Why do women always leave me around Christmas? :(
Whenever I watch Fight club, watching Tyler makes me want one too. Dunno why.



CiSTM said:
" Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride!"


Except there's a strong chance you won't be loudly proclaiming anything as you're dying from a slow, painful, lingering death on life support, fighting for every breath as you wait for death to give you a release from the suffering. Not trying to stop you or bag you out, just showing the other side of the picture you're presenting :) I used to love a smoke as much as the next man and I'm not one to try and stop people doing something once I've stopped.

My uncle has emphasema, is on oxygen and still smokes. I'm glad he's in another country so I won't have to see him die. My friend's mum died of lung cancer, high on morphine for the last five months of her life. My brother in law's mum died of lung cancer.

Keith Richards, on the other hand, is actually preserved by cigarettes, cocaine and alcohol.
Dont know, tried it, didn't like it, dont give a shti about other people smoking as long as they dont do it right in my face or when i'm eating at a resturant or something like that, luckily the law doesn't allow that here anyway. BTW I was so very confused when a english guy asked me for a fag. :lol


dejay said:
Except there's a strong chance you won't be loudly proclaiming anything as you're dying from a slow, painful, lingering death on life support, fighting for every breath as you wait for death to give you a release from the suffering. Not trying to stop you or bag you out, just showing the other side of the picture you're presenting :) I used to love a smoke as much as the next man and I'm not one to try and stop people doing something once I've stopped.

My uncle has emphasema, is on oxygen and still smokes. I'm glad he's in another country so I won't have to see him die. My friend's mum died of lung cancer, high on morphine for the last five months of her life. My brother in law's mum died of lung cancer.

Keith Richards, on the other hand, is actually preserved by cigarettes, cocaine and alcohol.

Thank god from euthanasia... Actually god doesn't have much to do with it but you know what I mean.


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
Fantastical said:
But that's not why you started. I mean, were you just curious? Curious enough to try a seriously addicting drug?

I don't generally smoke anymore. When I turned 18 I smoked to step out of the working environment I was in, in other words, I only smoked when I was working. Now I only smoke cigars, no inhaling, because I like the taste and smell. It's something I do in cigar bars only.

Now drinking, that's something I got into when I was 23. I love wine and beer. Love it.
I'll smoke the occasional cigarette in order to fit into certain situations. One example I can give you is if I'm at a bar/club and want to initiate a conversation with girls outside, away from the noise. For the most part, the only time you can do this is when they're outside smoking, so I may decide to have a smoke with them when really it's just a means of me hitting on them.

But that's about it because honestly smoking makes me feel like absolute shit. I get really nauseous, break out into a cold sweat and shivers and then generally feel like shit for the rest of the day. The initial buzz is kind of nice, but it only seems to last for about 5 minutes and the rest is coming down off of it and it's fucking horrible. I guess it's because my body's still not used to it, but I don't think I want to get used to something that makes me feel like that.

In other news, weed makes me feel awesome. :D


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
Black_Ice said:
Yeah, why the fuck are people so goddamn fake?

Like, if someone introduces me to someone, they say... "It's nice to meet you"

No, fuck you, you don't even know what I'm about, it's not nice to meet me [yet]. It's what society has told them is polite, I understand that, but it's not what you're thinking at that point. I'm perfectly fine with you just shaking my hand and saying "Hey, what's up," Don't give me this shit about nice to meet me, so keep it goddamn real with me.

But that's going off topic, continue with the smoking stuff.

This is adulthood, get used to it.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Why would people start to relieve stress? I understand why someone that's already smoking would. Nicotine screws around with the reward system and elevates serotonin. And when you consume it with a smell, taste, visual association, and socially, your brain links the two and it becomes one of the strongest addictions there are. Nicotine gum on the other hand does not do that.


Black_Ice said:
Yeah, why the fuck are people so goddamn fake?

Like, if someone introduces me to someone, they say... "It's nice to meet you"

No, fuck you, you don't even know what I'm about, it's not nice to meet me [yet]. It's what society has told them is polite, I understand that, but it's not what you're thinking at that point. I'm perfectly fine with you just shaking my hand and saying "Hey, what's up," Don't give me this shit about nice to meet me, so keep it goddamn real with me.

But that's going off topic, continue with the smoking stuff.
What would you rather them say? "Hi, you suck, it's not nice to meet you".

It's called being polite, you're over thinking everything.

Davey Cakes

I tried a cigarette one time and it was quite possibly the worst thing ever.

I don't see how anyone can live with pumping their lungs full of smoke like that. Just the idea makes me cringe.

This is also why I don't smoke weed. Tried it, didn't like it, and I don't approve of the idea of inhaling smoke. That said, at least weed has potential effects and benefits. Something tells me that when people say that cigarettes calm them, it's because of a need created by their body's reaction to nicotine. When you get high, you're not satisfying your body's need to get high, you're doing it just for excess pleasure. When it comes to cigarettes, your body actually begins to need it, which is the sad part. The pleasure is more artificial.

When people start smoking, it baffles me. As if there aren't other ways to calm yourself down or other ways to have fun. Smoking, just like with any "drug" (including weed and alcohol) is expensive and most of the time, in my opinion, pointless. It does nothing to benefit you other than to fulfill a self-created need, and only does major harm. It's so funny how we've gotten to the point where lung cancer is a major killer and smokers don't seem to give a shit.

(As an added note, I don't drink much alcohol, but I do enjoy a good mixed drink once in a while. It's usually not worth the money, but I like to treat myself once in a while.).


Sometimes, just sitting there, on some bench, having a beer and smoking a cigarette can make you forget everything that's going on in your life, and for those 7 short minutes you are relieved.

That, and, €4.20 a day and some 15 years off my life is a small price to pay to look cool 24/7.

Life spoiler:
If you don't drink, you don't smoke, you don't do drugs, you don't fool around with loose women, etc...you will live longer. But if you don't do that what's the point? Short fun filled life FTW!

Davey Cakes

josephdebono said:
Sometimes, just sitting there, on some bench, having a beer and smoking a cigarette can make you forget everything that's going on in your life, and for those 7 short minutes you are relieved.
Wouldn't it be better to live your life in a manner that's a bit less stressful overall, than to live a life that's full of stress where you merely relieve yourself for short periods of time?

People think the whole "get high on life" thing is stupid, but...I don't know.

On top of that, smoking, drugs, and alcohol aren't gateways to fun. If anything, they're overly used as a "crutch" for people who can't do anything better with themselves.
My first cigs in high school were because I was curious and wanted to fit in. I didn't start smoking until after high school though. My GF broke up with me and I had an older friend who I worked with. He was also going through a break up. So he would come by my house, bring over some beers and we would have a couple smokes together. It pretty much took off from there.

I've recently quit though. We'll see. I've quit a bunch of times, though this time feels different. I have reason and purpose this time. I was actually starting to feel like crap in the morning because of them. My breathing etc etc. I now have motivation other then, "I know I should"

Out of all the crazy things I've done and tried, cigs are the only thing I regret ever letting into my lungs. Horrible habit.

Most of the reason people have for smoking are all self made.

"I like having one after a meal"

"I like it when I drink"

"I need one when I drive"

"When I take a break at work"

"It relieves stress"

ETC ETC. All these reasons are bullshit made up by our own brains to keep us in our habit. If we had never smoked, none of these things would ring true.

Meh ... wish me luck. :D


I've never smoked a cigarette, can't even stand the smell, but I absolutely love cigars and pipe tobacco. I'm smoking a pipe right now cause it's cold outside and I don't smoke cigars inside the house. People that have never tried it should, the flavours are amazing.


Rash said:
Wouldn't it be better to live your life in a manner that's a bit less stressful overall, than to live a life that's full of stress where you merely relieve yourself for short periods of time?

You would think so. But then it gets boring.

Point is that arguing about smoking with smokers is like having an argument on the internet. Everyone know it's bad for you but everyone wants to stand their own ground. I've tried quitting before and it was relatively easy for a month or so when I was busy at work and had stuff to do at home.

I smoke mostly because I'm bored, to pass time, but nevertheless, a cigarette after a meal, a cigarette with a beer or a cigarette while sitting relaxed in the sun is something incredibly fun and pleasurable and the problem with me quitting smoking is that I don't want to stop smoking but I would like to retire to a 'social smoker' status which would be great.

However to smoke socially you need a packet of cigarettes and when you have a packet of cigarettes is harder to hold back.

Also, it's badass.

All these reasons are bullshit made up by our own brains to keep us in our habit. If we had never smoked, none of these things would ring true.

True, but isn't that the same with everything? I like a glass of red wine with a steak. I like browsing the internet in the early hours of the morning. I love FHUTA while her boyfriend is out of town.

It's only addictive after you tried it the first time...


Manics said:
I've never smoked a cigarette, can't even stand the smell, but I absolutely love cigars and pipe tobacco. I'm smoking a pipe right now cause it's cold outside and I don't smoke cigars inside the house. People that have never tried it should, the flavours are amazing.

<3 It's been long time since I last smoked pipe. I really should buy a new pipe.

Rash said:
On top of that, smoking, drugs, and alcohol aren't gateways to fun. If anything, they're overly used as a "crutch" for people who can't do anything better with themselves.



Water is not wet!
Rash said:
Wouldn't it be better to live your life in a manner that's a bit less stressful overall, than to live a life that's full of stress where you merely relieve yourself for short periods of time?
i know a lot of that is actually making the conscious decision to attain them, but a lot of people for whatever reason dont have that luxury. The luxury of a job they love, a stress-free loving relationship, bills caught up.. these kinds of things lead to lots of stress. People want relief from these things.. sometimes it takes the form of escapism like videogames, other times the "band-aid" druigs.

People think the whole "get high on life" thing is stupid, but...I don't know.
Generally anything that makes people feel better, happier or more at ease, i say go for it. This goes for the high on life stuff. If putting ships into bottles gives you multiple orgasms or even just slightly makes you content.. awesome. Have fun. Same goes for cigarettes or other drugs. This is just my opinion though.

On top of that, smoking, drugs, and alcohol aren't gateways to fun. If anything, they're overly used as a "crutch" for people who can't do anything better for themselves.
This is so very wrong in my experience. Smoking.. some people find smoking girls/boys sexy.. there is an entire porn industry built around this. Drugs.. certain drugs can lead to a crazy feeling of love and intimacy. Alcohol.. well, how many people have had fun getting laid while drunk? How many have found alcohol makes it easier?

Hate to break it to you but "crutches" are what set us apart from other animals. Its part of what makes us human.. using our environment to further our comfort.


:lol at anyone that sit around and moan about what everyone else is doing and laugh at the people out there having fun, rather than trying to have a little bit of fun in their bleak, boring, lonely, pathetic and insignificant little lives.

This coming from a non-smoker, by the way - but some of the posts in here have just made my laugh my bollocks off.



Boom! Bitch-slapped!
I don't even remember why I started smoking. I have quit since then but I honestly don't remember the first time I smoked. I still smoke pot though, maybe once every weekend and I started doing that several years ago because it helped with nicotine cravings.


May contain jokes =>
at anyone that sit around and moan about what everyone else is doing and laugh at the people out there having fun, rather than trying to have a little bit of fun in their bleak, boring, lonely, pathetic and insignificant little lives.

This coming from a non-smoker, by the way - but some of the posts in here have just made my laugh my bollocks off.


I pretty much agree with the above post. I don't smoke, drink, do drugs, or anything like that. I love my life and I don't feel there's much missing from it. I don't really care or get upset about other people smoking or drinking, but I don't really understand it either.

Some of the most fun nights of my life have involved sitting around with friends, eating, playing video games, joking around, or having serious discussions. I do kinda believe that people who rely on drinking or smoking do so because they are not content with themselves. I can sit around all night hardly doing anything, and still have a good time. You gotta enjoy your own company.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
I will try not have a cig when I'm hitting the bars and clubs tonight.. i will post in this thread tomorrow morning and tell you guys if i did or not!
josephdebono said:
True, but isn't that the same with everything? I like a glass of red wine with a steak. I like browsing the internet in the early hours of the morning. I love FHUTA while her boyfriend is out of town.

It's only addictive after you tried it the first time...

I wouldn't classify that wine and steak as addictive though. I know booze can be a problem, but I never get a craving for a glass of wine like I do a cig. It doesn't matter what I'm eating. There's a special kind of pull and attraction that a cig offers that I haven't experienced with any other drug I've tried.

And in the case of the cig, your brain is lying to you. A glass of red wine and steak is enjoyable for a lot of people. Even people who aren't addicted to food and booze. Browsing the internet is enjoyable to most people as well. Even to people who aren't addicted to porn, WOW and message boards. All of the things you spoke of, are nice things people can enjoy without an addiction.

Unless you've already been addicted to cigs, none of the things we've come to enjoy from them would be enjoyable to people who don't smoke.

That's the difference.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
lsslave said:
You are wrong, incredibly wrong. When you are intoxicated you are more yourself than when you are sober. You lose the ability to filter yourself, the shit you say and do when you are drunk is more who you are than anything.
That line of thinking is very suspect. Your inhibitors and filters are part of what you really are. Does removing them make you better or worse, or who you should be, is another question, but I don't think removing them makes you more yourself. To illustrate this point further, you know what else removes inhibitions? Heavy drugs, and if you give yourself some of them you may feel dead confident that jumping off of a building is a fantastic idea that will result in you flying all over the city. It may be something you always wanted to do, but were inhibited by forces of reason.


Emerson said:
I pretty much agree with the above post. I don't smoke, drink, do drugs, or anything like that. I love my life and I don't feel there's much missing from it. I don't really care or get upset about other people smoking or drinking, but I don't really understand it either.

Some of the most fun nights of my life have involved sitting around with friends, eating, playing video games, joking around, or having serious discussions. I do kinda believe that people who rely on drinking or smoking do so because they are not content with themselves. I can sit around all night hardly doing anything, and still have a good time. You gotta enjoy your own company.

People should understand that drinkers and smokers can do all this you mentioned. It's just that when you drink you are having different kind of fun. If you drink every now and then or even often it doesn't mean you loose your ability to have good time when you are sober. Every time there is some anti drinking/smoking thread you see the argument that "I can have fun without alchol" or something like that, well, news flash: so can everyone else.

Fenderputty said:
Unless you've already been addicted to cigs, none of the things we've come to enjoy from them would be enjoyable to people who don't smoke.
How about the taste ? Or is it flavor when talking about topacco/cigars ? Point is that you don't have to be addicted to cigs to enjoy the flavor/taste of it.


KHarvey16 said:
Really? Exaggerated?

Also it just seems to relieve stress because you are satisfying your nicotine dependence.

Untrue. I've had a few cigars in my lifetime (only enough to count on one hand, I think), and nicotine is definitely a mild relaxant. Think of it as the anti-coffee. It's actually a very pleasant. That being said, I'll stick to pot.
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