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Wii U Community Thread

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^ Good call. If only Nintendo would have said that at the beginning of the conference.

Not quite understanding the question, but when looking at what was shown last year those "reused parts" were clearly not finished compared to what was shown this year.

Well I mean there seems to be an insinuation that the GPU has Wii-style fixed, 'free' shaders. Some people were mentioning lighting but I was wondering if depth of field may be one given the extensive use of it we've seen so far.

Or I could be completely misunderstanding what fixed shaders are.


How can a pixel counter confirm if a game is 1080p if, let's say, it ran on a TV with a max resolution of 720p, exactly?

Pixel counting only works if the displays are running at a resolution that supports a higher maximum.

You are certainly grasping at straws


Day 1 for me (depending on if some things are day1)

Black WiiU w/ Nintendoland (I assume itll be included in America)
Pro Controller
Pikmin 3 (probably wont be at launch)
P-100 (probably wont be at launch)
Darksiders 2


Van Owen

You are certainly grasping at straws

Yeah, I can't believe people are still hoping for some increased Wii U power to be unveiled.

Forget everything I've said. I'm sure all Wii U games will be 1080p 60fps when the new dev kits with unlocked Nintendo magic are shipped.


Yeah, I can't believe people are still hoping for some increased Wii U power to be unveiled.

Forget everything I've said. I'm sure all Wii U games will be 1080p 60fps when the new dev kits with unlocked Nintendo magic are shipped.

Better than to think that Nintendo's too fucking lazy to make technologically-simplistic games like NintendoLand and NSMBU in a higher resolution. Unless we're of the opinion that those games are pushing the system to their limits, of course.
Man this launch lineup may not be stellar for most, but I'm in heaven with NSMBU and Pikmen 3.

I think it's setting up to be one of the best we've seen.

Well I mean there seems to be an insinuation that the GPU has Wii-style fixed, 'free' shaders. Some people were mentioning lighting but I was wondering if depth of field may be one given the extensive use of it we've seen so far.

Or I could be completely misunderstanding what fixed shaders are.

Ahhh. Well it's something I personally couldn't rule out. The "fixed shaders" are just one take. The only info I have right now says that these are "Nintendo-patented features". So it's definitely open to interpretation as to what that consists of. Lighting seems to be the most logical/expected thing to be a part of that.

If Only I could be a mod for a day.

Well Nirolak did say to contact a mod about this kind of stuff, and he's definitely pushing me to that point because it's getting annoying.


If pointing out the inaccuracy of a claim based on the technology it's used upon is grasping at straws, so be it. Better than taking everything I hear at face value.

I don't think they even make 720p TVs that aren't bottom of the barrel entry level pieces of shit these days. Occam's razor man.

Van Owen

Better than to think that Nintendo's too fucking lazy to make technologically-simplistic games like NintendoLand and NSMBU in a higher resolution. Unless we're of the opinion that those games are pushing the system to their limits, of course.

Quaz at Beyond3d hasn't been wrong yet, but ok.

Have fun getting your hopes ups.

Van Owen

Just because I called them pixel counters doesn't mean they're sitting there counting individual pixels. Go read about the method they use and educate yourself.

I'm going to go talk to the wall now since it seems like it will be just as effective as talking to you.


Did we figure out why there was no AA on any of the demo's btw? Simply not implemented yet, or something to do with the dev kits perhaps?


Did we figure out why there was no AA on any of the demo's btw? Simply not implemented yet, or something to do with the dev kits perhaps?

I really hope they fix this before launch or at least the firsts months.
Lego City looks fun but that aliasing... Oh god


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
Van Owen,

Have the pixel counters looked at the OS screens yet? I would like to have confirmation it will run in 1080p. It would help to have as much clarity as possible in order to help make out the faces of all those little Miis.

Azure J

Awesome new home base here guys. After letting it sink in a bit, I'm looking forward to Wii U's launch stuff a bit more than originally intended. I think it's a combination of no hinted megatons or really big stuff in development and the specific focus games at the presentation that really soured me initially, but NSMB, Pikmin, p-100 & Rayman is pretty good stuff.

Bring on next-gen Nintendo I say.

Van Owen

Van Owen,

Have the pixel counters looked at the OS screens yet? I would like to have confirmation it will run in 1080p. It would help to have as much clarity as possible in order to help make out the faces of all those little Miis.

Don't believe so. They seem to be going off direct feed screens released by Nintendo, which there are none of for the os.


Feels like home again heh.

About Wii U, I will wait until black if it´s not available at launch, I´m not very excited by the current launch lineup.


I'M HOME!!!!

*hugs jonny_boi for the OP and snesfreak for the link*

Felt so weird posting in multiple Wii U threads.

Still definitely plan to get Wii U easily. It was just frustrating knowing games are coming to it and they won't announce them right now. That's why I'm not bothered by how bad the conference was.

What games are you talking about?


Well we don't even know when launch is, so anything is up in the air really.

True, but when they give us a list of launch window games I assume that's a good confirmation of what's to come. I'm just wondering whether they actually said the list was partial or if they have confirmed those titles to be the only launch window titles.


"it is in giving that we receive"
I know people say putting the map on the Wii U Game Pad is lazy and all but that's the main reason I'll get AC 3 if it's a launch title. Pulling up the map in past AC games (yes even on PC) has always been slow and choppy. If I can do all that and choose from my arsenal wheel without needing to pause the game it'll be the definitive version for me.



Nice to see that we have a community thread again. I had off on Tuesday & Wednesday, but have worked an average of 14 hours over Thursday & Friday, so I'm quite behind on my Nintendo/E3 news. My complements to the OP creator!

Where have I been? IRC. It spoiled me. I figured it would be the safest way for me to get through this admittedly trying week; having to self-censor stinks, especially during E3. As an added bonus, folks who would come in and bash/troll Nintendo fans would actually get banished on the spot. So someone calling Nintendo fans "creeps" or, say, "genuinely frightening people" would get kicked. I'll say it was quite refreshing. Hmm..

But enough about that. That stuff is boring, haha!

The conference left me with mixed emotions. Disappointment, anger, confusion, uncertainty, fear, excitement, happiness.. the whole gamut. I was left wondering what in the world all of Nintendo's studios have been doing over the past year or two, considering the dry spell that the Wii has been through over that time frame. Out of all of these numerous studios, they had so little to show.. and it was a bit upsetting at the time.

My main anger was that such a disproportionate amount of time was spent on certain titles instead of showing other items that were apparently ready to be shown during the week. To devote such a large percentage of the conference to Wii Sports U, Ubisoft's dance game, and NintendoLand after claiming that they're going after the "core" gamer with this system was a HUGE alarm bell in my mind. I've said in the speculation thread(s) that this week would be a moment of truth of sorts, showing us whether or not Nintendo really "gets it" as far as core gamers' sensibilities are concerned, and as far as their fans' desires are concerned. The conference went pretty far in convincing me that, no, they don't quite get it yet. So this was a bit upsetting.

After sleeping on it, I awoke and spent much of Wednesday watching video footage from the show floor. Lots of good, good stuff slated for launch window got me into a good mood pretty quickly, I've gotta admit. The more I thought about playing Mario and Pikmin during my Launch Week vacation, the better I started to feel about the whole thing. Then I saw that ZombiU had potential, and that Project P-100 was looking quite remarkable, and my mood improved further. Launch is looking pretty great, I've gotta say.. I can kinda understand why Shane Bettenhausen was feeling so up on the whole thing.

Overall, E3 pretty much confirmed in my mind that Western support is going to be quite anemic again, save for a small handful of development houses. I'm more wondering what Japanese support is going to look like. At this point, I'm going to be happy if Nintendo just remains profitable and outsells the GameCube for this coming generation. Color me pessimistic, I guess? :p

Visions of camping-out for a pre-order are now dancing in my head. I'm looking forward to finding-out the date, price, final Launch Day titles, etc. I'll likely get more and more excited as we get closer and closer. Gonna be really, really fun going through all of that craziness again. And now that E3 is over, I'm ready to begin the long goodbye with my Wii. I'll be playing through Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 over the summer; it'll be quite a proper sendoff, I think. :)


Well this E3 sure was... yeah. It was.

I'm glad we know more about the Wii U now, I kind of like the idea of the Miiverse, and some of the games do look pretty interesting, too. P-100 in particular. ZombiU looks nice, too, but I'm not a fan of horror games, so I'll sit that one out. 2D Mario is always nice, and launching with a New Super Mario Bros. game may turn out to be Nintendo's smartest move with the Wii U launch. 2D Mario just keeps on selling, after all, so why not get in from the start?

I'm still a little on the fence about wanting to buy a Wii U, though. It's nice to be able to use all my Wii gadgets for it, it'll be 4-player ready out of the box. Quite the scoop on Nintendo's part there, actually. Just make it so you can play VC games (that you transfer over from your Wii, of course) on the Gamepad and it'd be perfect. Mario and P-100 do satisfy my initial concern about getting good games, but I'd really like to know at least some of what's coming in 2013, too. I don't just buy a console for what's out now, but also for what's coming out in the future.

Well, Nintendo still has about 5 more months, depending on when they release the Wii U, to convince me. So I'll keep an eye open for that.

Also new thread! Yay! The speculation threads were fun to read, I kind of hope to participate a bit more in this one.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
I know people say putting the map on the Wii U Game Pad is lazy and all but that's the main reason I'll get AC 3 if it's a launch title. Pulling up the map in past AC games (yes even on PC) has always been slow and choppy. If I can do all that and choose from my arsenal wheel without needing to pause the game it'll be the definitive version for me.

The funny thing is that in the floor demo of AC3 they still still have the map on screen. You think they'd remove that to demonstrate the advantage of a cleared main display.
Yeah, I don't see how the hell Nintendo flubbed their conference so badly. Just the games on the show floor (aside from Nintendoland) had lots of potential and greatness. And I still don't understand why they didn't show Aliens: Colonel Marines, considering there was a trailer on the show floor for the game at Sega's booth that looked great.


Yeah, I think the launch window will be quite good actually, waaay better than 3DS at least. NintendoLand and NSMBU at launch, with Pikmin 3 and P-100 a bit later, and then there's Ubisoft's stuff which looks better quality than their previous launch lineups.

It's just the conference that was so disappointing. Spending so much time on things like Batman, Wii Fit U and Sing was annoying. And having NintendoLand as the big reveal at the end? Yeah, not exactly going out with a bang. Don't get me wrong, it looks like it could be a fun launch game showing off the abilities of the WiiU and it's controller, but the amount of time spent on it and it's placement in the conference were just wrong.

If only they showed us some 2013+ games! I wanted a conference like 2006 or 2010 where we got game after game, surprise after surprise. It didn't exactly get people excited about the WiiU.

Eh, I suppose that at least, since they didn't show any 2013+ stuff this year, they'll have decent shows for the next couple of years (I hope). Maybe that's why they held back?
Very good job OP, thanks for your work.
I really hope there will be everything Wii-U related here (posting links of other Wii-U thread could make this one the central one).
Thread subscription done :)
Super Mario: Horizon

Bowser ends up causing ruckus in Sky
Sanctum. It's being destroyed, and pieces are falling out of the sky. Some are extremely huge, and some very small. The base gameplay consist of levels made from falling pieces, and some levels will really test your platforming skills. Some levels may even seem "normal" due to their size, while others are made of such small chunks that absolute precision is needed. His ability to press against walls and slide down them after he jumps into them(like in galaxy) will play a major roll. Bosses will sometimes play on the falling mechanic as well. Even certain secrets will. For instance, a platform that is only reachable at a certain time in a level since special pieces fall at a higher rate of speed than others. Miss them, and they are gone for good, so you must restart the level. That is for bonuses and whatnot only, not the main game levels.

Also, there are sections with Wario that involve him stealing things and you running him down like a reverse mode of the shadow Mario from galaxy. We know Wario can run like hell from his latest Wii entry. The final level would consist of Bowser trying to kill both you and Wario, with you attacking Bowser and getting important items from Wario to reverse what has been done to Sky Sanctum.

The visual style of the game will be focused on scope, with the world around you being extremely huge. Some pieces will make you gasp at their size. A good sense of speed, passing through clouds, levels that happen during storms...good stuff like that. No clue what the controller would be used for...

Good idea?
Thanks for the thread.

I'm there day 1. Conference was crap but I do like the prospect of doing Wii Fit routines while watching TV or playing home console games while the missus watches some M.D. series. P-100 and Zombie U also look really gamey, which is right up my alley after all these visceral current gen experiences.

Seeing that I'll completely focus on PC and Nintendo consoles after my disappointment with PS3 and X360 this gen I'll be spending quite a few bucks on this I'd wager. Good thing I don't need extra remotes or a balance board and I also have a spare USB hard disc. Looking at Wii Fit U, NSMBU, Pikmin 3, Rayman, Zombie U, P-100, expecting Nintendoland to be a pack in (if not I may only buy it if it's sold for a low price).


Although I was mostly a lurker, gotta say I am sooooo glad to have this thread back.

Pretty sure I'll buy day 1 as well. Personally, I am hoping it'll be the go-to machine for Japanese developers who can't afford really high-end stuff.

BTW: Yesterday I had this strange idea for a Nintendo all-ages "fun-shooter":

Mario Paintball!

Complete with Kart-like special items. colour grenades, water cannons for recovery etc.


Seeing Pikmin 3 gave me the urge to replay the older ones. The first game is a lot shorter than I remember, or maybe I'm just better! I have 29 parts with 15 days left, so I should finish very soon unless I get stuck on the final trial. I don't think I ever got all the parts, so this should be cool. I can't recommend this game enough, still fantastic after all these years, even though the sequel improves on every aspect(I'll play that one next).


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
Seeing Pikmin 3 gave me the urge to replay the older ones. The first game is a lot shorter than I remember, or maybe I'm just better! I have 29 parts with 15 days left, so I should finish very soon unless I get stuck on the final trial. I don't think I ever got all the parts, so this should be cool. I can't recommend this game enough, still fantastic after all these years, even though the sequel improves on every aspect(I'll play that one next).

Try to beat the game in only 9-days, the bare minimum that is possible.


Speaking of Pikmin, a little thing I noticed from the demo...


I very much like how they are creating backdrops to the levels. They give you a sense of the larger forest surrounding the tiny area that you play in. In the first two they didn't so much of that and more or less dropped you straight in without giving any glimpses far beyond the boundaries of the level.

Here is the video where that grab is taken from:



My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
Porromponpon....First pics Wii U First Devkits



Supposed leaks of dev kits.

What I find significant is that its from the same source that leaked those specs earlier in the week. So having shots of the Dev Kits certainly add validity to those specs. And those specs, which don't tell a whole lot about performance (at least to my ignorant self), line up with what people around here have been telling us about the machine.


I remember reading somewhere that the software lineup for launch was just a partial list. Is there some merit to this?
Reggie and Moffitt seemed to insinuate that there was more coming that they didn't announce.
BTW: Yesterday I had this strange idea for a Nintendo all-ages "fun-shooter":

Mario Paintball!

Complete with Kart-like special items. colour grenades, water cannons for recovery etc.
Well they're probably including a shooter as the Metroid NintendoLand game, Battle Mii (from last E3). It's kind of like Star Fox on foot vs air battle. But with Samus.

...Star Fox x Metroid


Just playing Mario World again... damn the controls are tight. The graphics are pretty bland to be honest, they only look better than the NSMB because they have some semblance of consistency. Looking forward to the world map in U.
Although portions of the conference were baffling, the actual announcements weren't too bad. Honestly, I should have seen the first party announcements coming; every first party game revealed after E3 last has, or will, launch within 8 months of being revealed and this seems to be their new strategy (Fire Emblem, Brain Training, Pokemon BW2, Mario Tennis, NSMB2, and basically the entire Wii U launch line up).

Still, will be buying Wii U between 30,000 ~ 40,000 yen. Hoping to get in launch period:

Assassin's Creed III
Pikmin 3
Nintendo Land (depending on pack-in status)
Darksiders II
Rayman Legends
Zombi U
Game & Wario

Which, given my schedule and play speed, is probably more than I can handle, but it's my money, so I'mma do what I want.

Speaking of schedules, Intelligent Systems - by the end of launch window they will have put out Pushmo, Fire Emblem, Paper Mario, and Game & Wario in a little under 18 months. Not a bad effort.


Although portions of the conference were baffling, the actual announcements weren't too bad. Honestly, I should have seen the first party announcements coming; every first party game revealed after E3 last has, or will, launch within 8 months of being revealed and this seems to be their new strategy (Fire Emblem, Brain Training, Pokemon BW2, Mario Tennis, NSMB2, and basically the entire Wii U launch line up).

Still, will be buying Wii U between 30,000 ~ 40,000 yen. Hoping to get in launch period:

Assassin's Creed III
Pikmin 3
Nintendo Land (depending on pack-in status)
Darksiders II
Rayman Legends
Zombi U
Game & Wario

Which, given my schedule and play speed, is probably more than I can handle, but it's my money, so I'mma do what I want.

Speaking of schedules, Intelligent Systems - by the end of launch window they will have put out Pushmo, Fire Emblem, Paper Mario, and Game & Wario in a little under 18 months. Not a bad effort.

True, but Paper Mario was announced at E3 2010 and looked quite polished according to journos. Must've worked on it, then put it aside to work on Fire Emblem/Pushmo, then finish off Paper Mario and Game & Wario.

They're on a roll of great games. Paper Mario is looking great (hoping they go to work on a WiiU Paper Mario ASAP!), so that streak should continue for a bit, but Game & Wario looks a bit underwhelming from impressions I've read.
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