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Wii U Virtual Console - News and Releases

I can't believe Nintendo is so inept with the VC. Its the same crap that launched with the Wii in 2006. They should just dump all of their first party titles on VC from ALL of their consoles and let them be playable on the WiiU AND 3DS. Sony was doing the last part with the PSP and PS3 5+ years ago! COME ON NINTENDO!


Unconfirmed Member

I'll get Super Mario World since I never got it on Wii.
Only barely can be said to relate but this VC launch is worthy of the idea. What a bummer.


This picture never gets old :lol


Absolutely pathetic. Nintendo is treating this system worse than Sony towards Vita. Normally I'd buy SMW but fuck this piece of shit company, they deserve no money.


With this list I would think that Nintendo wants to maximise profits by selling their no big hitters games right out the gate, . In other words is more easy sell Ice Climbers when you don´t have a title like Ocarina to compete. Starved WiiU owners will bait whatever VC title available.
Haha, the first page of responses speaks volumes.

Well done, Nintendo. Most of the people that own the sad excuse for a system Wii U is right now are core Nintendo fans who likely have most, if not all of these titles in some form or another (and in the case of Mario World, probably via numerous avenues). How does this serve those loyal users?

What a joke. I'm so glad I've yet to even consider getting the system. I'd really like to see it crash and burn this Q4.


With this list I would think that Nintendo wants to maximise profits by selling their no big hitters games right out the gate, . In other words is more easy sell Ice Climbers when you don´t have a title like Ocarina. Starved WiiU owners will bait whatever VC title.

Yeah, that wouldn't work even if I didn't already have a 3DS with Ice Climbers on it.


Sad to see lack of n64-gcn-wii games but to be expected. I guess in 2 years from now we will start getting to N64 games again sadly.


Well, this is why I'm glad Miiverse exists.

I say we shouldn't focus on one title, but rather spread our complaints throughout EVERY Virtual Console title that has a Miiverse community. That'll get the message across.

Def Jukie

Wow. They better be releasing 8 games a week or there is no excuse for this. If next week there is only 1 game released I'm not even bothering to follow what's coming out on VC. Somebody just wake me up when Earthbound is released.


Really should've been at least 10 first party and 10 third party games. No Zelda game for VC launch is dumb.


Ha! It's good?
It's godly. Most amazing pinball game of all-time. Puts those efforts from Zen & FarSight to shame.
I mean, just marvel at the graphical fidelity and recreation of old-school pinball greatness right here:


Does your pinball game have seals for bumpers? I think not.


Cause we are apparently always hungry for more games and Nintendo just can't keep up with demand be it AAA titles or in this case, VC titles!

and that's just the worst attitude to have about the fanbase. Of course fans are always going to 'want more', everyone wants more... the key is to have enough where almost everyone is satisfied despite that. And that's a far easier goal than Reggie is trying to make it out to seem.
With this list I would think that Nintendo wants to maximise profits by selling their no big hitters games right out the gate, . In other words is more easy sell Ice Climbers when you don´t have a title like Ocarina to compete. Starved WiiU owners will bait whatever VC title available.
This argument is bullshit and has always been bullshit. Allow me to quote myself from the other thread:

It's a stupid reason. Trickling out games one by one isn't going to convince me to buy NES Soccer, it's just going to piss me off and get me to take my business elsewhere.
If anything, this callous disregard for what the fans want just encourages piracy. We're living in a world of instant gratification. People aren't going to wait several years just to see if their favorite games ever become available. I don't blame them.


don't ask me for codes
You know, I'm someone who buys a lot of games. I even appreciate Atari 2600 and simpler NES games. If they release like 10 games every week, there's a great chance I'd buy a bunch of stuff every week. But this... TRICKLE means my wallet is on constant standby instead of throwing money at Nintendo.

And then they rerelease the same set of games for every new platform. Which we have to rebuy... I understand it's not possible to get licenses for some 3rd party games anymore, but there are a gazillion games on a few dozen platforms that are waiting to be released.

JESUS im so mad right now i cant think right.
It's godly. Greatest pinball game of all-time. Puts those efforts from Zen & FarSight to shame.
I mean, just marvel at the graphical fidelity and recreation of old-school pinball greatness right here:


Does your pinball game have seals for bumpers? I think not.

I played this game for hours and hours as a child. lol


I'm at a loss for words

It's simply beyond my comprehension how a company that is probably the best when it comes to actual games really lacks the skill to create even average services and functions - I mean my god, I say this even though I'm not religious but that stuff wants to make me believe in something

What's their plan for next gen? Starting over again? With less start titles? I.. WHY I mean IÄll probably get SMW for the 10000th fucking time but still ARGHHHH
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