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WikiLeaks releases video of US Apache helicopter (now with added RPGs)

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daw840 said:
Just because they are not trying to down that particular chopper doesn't mean they aren't trying to down or kill other US/Iraqi soldiers. It's called providing cover.
Are you fucking kidding me?


The video is shocking only in that it got released. It's foolish to assume that the U.S. military hasn't killed thousands of innocents.

Jesus Killed Mohammed

4 Charged in Rape of 14 Year Old Iraqi (P.S. They murdered her whole family)

For the record, the U.S. military is not evil (although it has its fair share of crazies). War as a whole is evil. People who push war as a solution to problems are evil.


Jayge said:
Are you fucking kidding me?

Um, no? At the time of the gunfire, they were hostiles in the minds of the chopper gunner. Very unfortunate case of mistaken identity, but....


pakkit said:
The video is shocking only in that it got released. It's foolish to assume that the U.S. military hasn't killed thousands of innocents.

Jesus Killed Mohammed

4 Charged in Rape of 14 Year Old Iraqi (P.S. They murdered her whole family)

For the record, the U.S. military is not evil (although it has its fair share of crazies). War as a whole is evil. People who push war as a solution to problems are evil.

some of the actions of the U.S. military are evil and demonic.
The thing is, Americans in general don't give a fuck about stuff like this. It's at a point now where people will proudly stand up to defend the patriot act and torture.

It's fine to kill innocent people in the name of stopping the "terrorists" but God forbid we spend money helping to heal and educate our fellow citizens. Only then is government over stepping it's boundaries according to these sociopaths. If the private sector isn't making a profit it ain't worth doing.


Neo Member
I don't know, maybe I'm a terrible person, but this really doesn't strike me as being that bad. I mean yeah, it sucks that people died, and that guy in the gun is a giant ass, but hell, it's a war. People die.



Wikileaks says it will shortly release a second secret US military video showing the deaths of civilians in an attack in Afghanistan. The Pentagon has been seeking ways to prevent classified material appearing on Wikileaks, including through "criminal sanctions". Wikileaks has made public classified US army reports on weapons, military units and battle strategy in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The Guardian said:
Wikileaks says it will shortly release a second secret US military video showing the deaths of civilians in an attack in Afghanistan. The Pentagon has been seeking ways to prevent classified material appearing on Wikileaks, including through "criminal sanctions". Wikileaks has made public classified US army reports on weapons, military units and battle strategy in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The Pentagon report, reflecting the depth of paranoia about where Wikileaks is obtaining its material, speculates that the CIA may be responsible. But perhaps most embarrassing leak for the US defence department was that of the 2008 report itself which appeared on the Wikileaks site last month.


The Pentagon report:


delleps said:
I don't know, maybe I'm a terrible person, but this really doesn't strike me as being that bad. I mean yeah, it sucks that people died, and that guy in the gun is a giant ass, but hell, it's a war. People die.

Hey, if the war was taking place in your country, and on your street, and God forbid your innocent family was killed by some soliders, would you still be saying "I mean yeah it sucks that people died...but hell, it's a war. People die?" don't be such a naive twat.

Dabookerman said:
Wait, so none of the american news outlets are allowed to report this?

more like afraid.


Jayge said:
Are you fucking kidding me?
did you miss the whole convoy of vehicles in the video?
you think the helicopter and the convoy were both there just by chance?

hell they even had coms with each other, it's not unreasonable to assume that the helicopter crew was tasked with providing support for the convoy
iirc there is even chatter that the convoy is under fire and a group of men with what looks like RPGs and AKs looks a lot like a an ambush, especialy if one leans over the corner and looks in the direction from where the convoy came with what looks like an rpg
daw840 said:
Um, no? At the time of the gunfire, they were hostiles in the minds of the chopper gunner. Very unfortunate case of mistaken identity, but....

B, buu, buu but what? You seriously can't justify this? You are the kind of enabler who actually makes this kind of thing possible, y'know sort of shrugging your shoulders and accepting that nearly a dozen people died, but hey shit happens right? Wrong. The complete lack of verification on the ground or from any other source that these people were a threat and the fact that deadly force was authorised on the basis of somebody staring from a mile way and thinking that a camera was an rpg should raise questions about military protocol. But fire first, ask questions later right?


Wow. I feel sorry for the families of those journalists and those apache pilots who have to live with this for the rest of their lives. Thinking about it though I'm not sure I wouldn't have done the same thing under the same circumstances. There's no way I would have been able to tell those were cameras on that screen.


The RPG seems to be the "trigger", how much danger would a RPG pose to a Apache at approximately 1 mile out? What are the chances it could bring it down?


daw840 said:
Um, no? At the time of the gunfire, they were hostiles in the minds of the chopper gunner. Very unfortunate case of mistaken identity, but....
Well that much is obvious.

Make up your mind; were they hostiles "providing cover" for other completely unseen mystical invisible hostile soldiers killing other random U.S. soldiers, or was it a case of mistaken identities? You're contradicting yourself. Are you justifying the attack because they were potential hostiles or are you justifying it because the chopper gunner thought they were potential hostiles? And what does "but..." imply? But what? But that's what happens when a war is going on? But they shouldn't have been out in the street looking like arabs? But the soldiers "thought" they were hostiles so it's unfair to blame them because of their poor judgment? Where were you going with that?


It's always interesting to peruse these 'U.S. military just killed someone' threads and observe public opinion, which seems to vary depending on who is currently sitting in the White House.

Granted, I've only skimmed through 7 pages, but I haven't seen our commander in chief take the brunt of GAF's outrage up the tailpipe like his predecessor. :lol
Why the fuck would news outlets be afraid to post this kind of news?? Isn't that their job? It's not like America is some sort of fascist regime where posting news that make the government or military look bad will get you killed..
Dabookerman said:
Wait, so none of the american news outlets are allowed to report this?

No, it's just that mainstream media in America, for the most part, is composed of a bunch of pussified twats.
GreekWolf said:
It's always interesting to peruse these 'U.S. military just killed someone' threads and observe public opinion, which seems to vary depending on who is currently sitting in the White House.

Granted, I've only skimmed through 7 pages, but I haven't seen our commander in chief take the brunt of GAF's outrage up the tailpipe like his predecessor. :lol

It should be. The fact that nothing has changed in regards to the way the military operates and how information is shared simply proves it's the same shit from a different asshole.


GreekWolf said:
It's always interesting to peruse these 'U.S. military just killed someone' threads and observe public opinion, which seems to vary depending on who is currently sitting in the White House.

Granted, I've only skimmed through 7 pages, but I haven't seen our commander in chief take the brunt of GAF's outrage up the tailpipe like his predecessor. :lol

This happened before our current commander in chief took office, but nice try!



Reddit, I submitted the WikiLeaks story to CNN iReport. Go comment and show the mainstream media that it's more important than Tiger Woods.
submitted 2 hours ago by ducttape36


ducttape36 [2 hours ago]
Holy shit, they took it down



pakkit said:
For the record, the U.S. military is not evil (although it has its fair share of crazies). War as a whole is evil. People who push war as a solution to problems are evil.
I agree with those latter two sentences, but I disagree with the first. If we accept that war is evil and that people who push war as a solution to problems are evil, then why aren't the instruments of war (military) also evil?
GreekWolf said:
It's always interesting to peruse these 'U.S. military just killed someone' threads and observe public opinion, which seems to vary depending on who is currently sitting in the White House.

Granted, I've only skimmed through 7 pages, but I haven't seen our commander in chief take the brunt of GAF's outrage up the tailpipe like his predecessor. :lol

If you think hard enough maybe you could even understand why it so.


GreekWolf said:
It's always interesting to peruse these 'U.S. military just killed someone' threads and observe public opinion, which seems to vary depending on who is currently sitting in the White House.
Granted, I've only skimmed through 7 pages, but I haven't seen our commander in chief take the brunt of GAF's outrage up the tailpipe like his predecessor. :lol
Considering this happened in 2007...

Tntnnbltn said:
Appalling as fuck... =(
Josh7289 said:
I agree with those latter two sentences, but I disagree with the first. If we accept that war is evil and that people who push war as a solution to problems are evil, then why aren't the instruments of war (military) also evil?

Military should only ever be used as defence or helping people. That's what I thought they were there for.


Girl got arse pubes.
joelseph said:
The RPG seems to be the "trigger", how much danger would a RPG pose to a Apache at approximately 1 mile out? What are the chances it could bring it down?

It's not very likely an rpg (the typical insurgent kind), would be able to hit an apache from a mile away.

they are notoriously inaccurate + the pilot would see it coming from a mile away, and take evasive action


pakkit said:
Okay, so it did look like one of the guys had an RPG...but then when the copter sweeps around it's obvious that none of them are trying to down the craft, they're just standing around. And then they all flee when shot at, they don't try to shoot, and one just lies in the sand as the gunner pumps rounds into his body.

Disgraceful. I'm glad this game to light. I know this happens much more than it gets reported, but the media sweeps it under the rug as "insurgents." Women, children, reporters...insurgents.
For one they didn't know the apache was in the area so of course it wasn't in danger. And two it was troops in the area who had previously taken fire that were in possible danger. But yeah, disgraceful.

Scipius said:
I'm struck by the people defending the second round as caused by the fact the van was not clearly marked as a rescue vehicle. We first are led to believe the first round occured because the group displayed the behaviour of combatants. They were then gunned down, but one unarmed man survived. This man is then approached by the group in the van, which did not display this behaviour, but were still gunned down just the same. Was this then simply because they were in the "kill zone"? You do realise this occured in the middle of a city? What concrete threat did the group in the van pose? I'd say it's obvious the RoE were not followed or are inadequate for this kind of environment.
I will say it was not "concrete". And the van is certainly a grey area, but I'd say given the circumstances it was in the wrong place, wrong time. Given the options: van is some random civilian helping wounded (where you just unleashed hell), or given the circumstances, someone who knows the guys you just opened up on. If I were in their shoes I'd open up on the van too once I got the green light. But that's just me of course.

iamaustrian said:
I can't believe you honestly try to defend they van-attack.
what the hell is wrong with you?

and stop with that "Killzone"-term bullshitting. it makes me sick
The van attack is not something you can take out of context. And if you don't like reality (an apache attack helicopter massacring a group of people, legitimately), eject.


is now taking requests
To the people defending this i'd like to ask; how do you explain the leak to begin with?

Someone in the US military risked a lot to get this video out. Why would anyone take that risk if everything in the video was perfectly kosher?

To me the leak only makes sense if it was done because someone felt that these people were getting away with murder, and just could not stomach it. And he would have to be pretty sure about it as well. Maybe there are other explanations, but i just don't see them.

That's my take on it anyway. And when they ask for permission to shoot, the report they give about how armed they were, well it just does not match what i see in the video. I saw one AK and no RPG in that image. Would these guys have been given permission to shoot everyone if they had reported "we have 12 people here, one of them is carrying a rifle"?


Dabookerman said:
Why the fuck would news outlets be afraid to post this kind of news?? Isn't that their job? It's not like America is some sort of fascist regime where posting news that make the government or military look bad will get you killed..

Not entirely sure if its true but apparently most of the leading American new outlets have firm relations with the government.


This is gonna say a lot about which news organizations are phonies and which are real.

And about the video, the only part that really pissed me off/shocked me was about bringing the children to battle : /


even if in some twisted way you could justify to yourself the pilots did nothing wrong, how can anyone defend the covering up of the video ?


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
pakkit said:
For the record, the U.S. military is not evil (although it has its fair share of crazies). War as a whole is evil. People who push war as a solution to problems are evil.
Humankind as a whole is evil.
US crime statistics per year - ~20,000 murders - 100,000 forcible rapes - 1,000,000 aggravated assaults.
There are roughly the same number of murders in the US per year as their are civilian deaths per year in a warzone from the Iraq conflict.
War isn't a special case, conflict exists everywhere in the world, and there are always people who are eager to kill, people who are indifferent to killing and people who are forced to kill to protect themselves and those they love.
The video is terrible, but the pilots/gunners of the helicopters thoughtthey were doing the right thing - they were trying to protect the troops on the ground.
mello said:
Not entirely sure if its true but apparently most of the leading American new outlets have firm relations with the government.

Well both MSNBC and Fox News are ostensibly propaganda outlets in my mind so there's no reason for them to report on this because they'd be biting the hand that feeds them.


I posted this video on another message board, and this is the first response I got:


3000 were dead in NY.

I dont care"


Why the fuck would news outlets be afraid to post this kind of news?? Isn't that their job? It's not like America is some sort of fascist regime where posting news that make the government or military look bad will get you killed..

No, but it will get a large group of influential people very angry with you for "putting our troops in danger". This just goes to show that money and viewership trumps journalistic integrity.


Josh7289 said:
I agree with those latter two sentences, but I disagree with the first. If we accept that war is evil and that people who push war as a solution to problems are evil, then why aren't the instruments of war (military) also evil?
Because many militaries exist out of self defense. Ever since the end of isolationism, the US has been an aggressor, but I understand that war is an inevitability and, thusly, the existence of a military is not an act of aggression or evil.

poppabk said:
Humankind as a whole is evil.
US crime statistics per year - ~20,000 murders - 100,000 forcible rapes - 1,000,000 aggravated assaults.
There are roughly the same number of murders in the US per year as their are civilian deaths per year in a warzone from the Iraq conflict.
War isn't a special case, conflict exists everywhere in the world, and there are always people who are eager to kill, people who are indifferent to killing and people who are forced to kill to protect themselves and those they love.
The video is terrible, but the pilots/gunners of the helicopters thoughtthey were doing the right thing - they were trying to protect the troops on the ground.
You can always use the "it could be worse" argument.

Also, it's worth noting that civilian deaths reported in warzones are almost always underestimated.


poppabk said:
Humankind as a whole is evil.
US crime statistics per year - ~20,000 murders - 100,000 forcible rapes - 1,000,000 aggravated assaults.
There are roughly the same number of murders in the US per year as their are civilian deaths per year in a warzone from the Iraq conflict.
War isn't a special case, conflict exists everywhere in the world, and there are always people who are eager to kill, people who are indifferent to killing and people who are forced to kill to protect themselves and those they love.
The video is terrible, but the pilots/gunners of the helicopters thoughtthey were doing the right thing - they were trying to protect the troops on the ground.

Except murders and rapes aren't done willingly by two parties. War is. War is a contest to get something.
dogmaan said:
It's not very likely an rpg (the typical insurgent kind), would be able to hit an apache from a mile away.

they are notoriously inaccurate + the pilot would see it coming from a mile away, and take evasive action

Dude, it has been said before, it's not the heli the supposed rpg posed a threat to. An Apache is generally used to provide intel to and cover fire for ground personnel.
poppabk said:
The video is terrible, but the pilots/gunners of the helicopters thoughtthey were doing the right thing - they were trying to protect the troops on the ground.

Whilst laughing and generally acting in y'know the serious manner that the killing of multiple people deserves.

I think they just drove over a body! Really? Yeah (Laughs)


Crisco said:
This happened before our current commander in chief took office, but nice try!

You're absolutely right, these horrific military campaigns are no longer conducted each week. Instead, we hand out Cadbury's!

BTW, call off the witch trials, I voted for our current administration.
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