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Wonder Woman |OT| The World is Ready for You, Gal Gad [SPOILERS]


Guys, I'm so, so happy that that Wonder Woman delivered the way it did. It's genuinely, truly great. Which isn't to say there aren't any rough spots, or even some genuinely iffy moments, but whats right with it overshadows whats wrong greatly.

The most salient aspect of this movie is it's theme of trying to figure out why the world is worth saving if it has evil and darkness in it. Diana believes throughout the film that it's only just Ares that's the evil one and if he just goes away, then everyone is going to want to co-exist peacefully. Diana's character arc is coming to terms with the idea that the world is not that simple, and what clinches it is the characterization that the film very considerably gives to it's minor characters.

It's not just Diana and Steve, but Charlie and Sameer and Chief. These are truly bit characters who play a minor role, but they are characters beyond that role. Charlie acts like he doesn't care about the lives he's taken, but has nightmares about the people he's killed. We see him later, after Diana miraculously leads a successful charge over No Man's Lan, and he's singing at the bar, with his friends talking about how he hasn't done so in years. We have Sameer, initially introduced as a cheat and somewhat slimy, talk to Diana at length about how he wanted to be an actor but couldn't see his dreams through because of racism. Similarly, Chief talks about his unique position as an native american in Europe gives him a sense of freedom he doesn't get while teaching Diana about the world and how his people lost their cultural identity. It's not that these characters have extremely deep characterization, but for the screentime that they have (which is probably less than 10 minutes total), they cover a huge variety of subjects that deal with the injustice that their world holds while simultaneously showing the human element that makes it worth fighting for.

The movie that's most like this one is Captain America: The First Avenger, but in contrast to this film, the only Howler that got any characterization in the movie was Bucky. I haven't seen the film in a while, but I feel I would have noticed if they got characterized beyond some stereotypes. They're just...there, while Wonder Woman's small crew was truly brought to life.

But also unlike Cap America 1, this movie is pretty concerned with showing you the human cost of war. Again, I don't remember much of Captain America showing casualties. His montage seemed to be mostly victories. In contrast, we are treated to the films most gruesome images of injured soldiers, the deaths, the strained helplessness of the british forces trying to hold on. Which makes Wonder Woman's charge through No Man's Land one of the most inspiring and satisfying action sequences in recent memory. The film establishes how awful things are on a very detailed and desperate level....and then Wonder Woman unveils herself and steps into the battlefield. This makes the action SO satisfying. It's not just that the choreography is good, it shows why Wonder Woman is as big a deal as she is. She turns a situation that soldiers have essentially resigned themselves to dying and wins the day in a single charge. And when she is hailed as a hero as a result, it's damn well fucking earned. It feels like the first time genuine heroism entered the DCEU. Awesome. So Awesome. (There are some posters that people always wonder why people want Superman to smile or interact with the populus he saves more. The scene where people come to thank wonder woman for saving their lives and her beaming at them is why. And if that scene doesn't speak to you, then idk, are you sure you have a soul?)

But as far as the two main characters go, the unique thing here is that Steve Trevor and Wonder Woman are as close to being on equal footing as they can be. Steve Trevor isn't just some love interest whose presence is contrived and is mostly mucking about just because they're the protagonist's love interest (*coughLoisLanecough*), but he comes off as an independent character who has his own agenda and agency. But so does Wonder Woman. As a result, I can't think of any partnership that is as equal in superhero fiction as this one. And as a result, their romance feels so believable. These characters feel like genuine people who lived through a transformative experience with each other (moreso on Wonder Woman's part, but still) and as a result their relationship just feels authentic. Their interactions run the spectrum from awkwardness to joking around with each other, to debating each other, to frustration and fighting with each other, to tender moments of affection, it's all there. I feel it isn't any kind of hyperbole to say that this is the best couple in Superhero movies right now. People have been talking about how Batman is being set up to get together with Wonder Woman. If true, that's a MASSIVE downgrade for Wonder Woman, and I didn't think I'd have ever said that about Steve Trevor in relation to Batman.

Wonder Woman's journey is, as a whole, a great achievement. Gal Godat nailed everything she needed to nail. Diana is entertaining, funny, heartfelt, genuine, and badass. While it definitely got a bit too CGI happy at the end, it's action sequences are really damn good, particularly the aformentioned No Man's Land Run. The personal struggle that Wonder Woman has, trying to cope with the fact that humanity just isn't perfect and needs a lot of work, can be a bit clunky towards the end, but it's well realized with her journey of meeting the people that she meets. You can definitely feel her anger and anguish and confusion particularly when she first decides that Steve is corrupted by Ares' influence, and then realizing that she can't just fix the world with Ares' death.

The weakpoint is unfortunately Ares himself, but I was prepared for that to be the case. I am a mythology buff, so I'm very particular in how gods are depicted, and I feel most people do it poorly, especially in this genre. The spectacle at the end was more creative than I had expected, so I got to give them credit there. Still, Ares is a very generic "But I'm not to blame, I just gave them the tools and incentive and temptation to be total shitheads" and "Diana, I am your brother. Join me, and we can rule the empireworld". I dig his evil wizard fighting style, but that's as much good as I can say about him. And personally, once he gets his reveal, I feel like he just brings down the acting of everyone around him. Gal Godat starts speaking internal thoughts of "I learned this lesson" and Chris Pines does his long held gaze before shooting the gun for maximum drama.

Still, if that's the primary sin of this movie, which devotes 85% of it's energy into good stuff that pays off, then that's more than good enough.

In the end, there is some other stuff, but the main thing about this film is that it has heart. Not just more heart than other DCEU films, but more heart than most superhero films in general. Only Logan might have Wonder Woman beat in this category. I hope ever superhero fan sees this movie. It's more than great. It's wonderful.
(I'm so sorry, I had to. I just had to.)


My favorite bit was the shot of her running on the roof while Steve ran parallel to her on the ground. Something about that just looked cool as fuck.
Hard to put it into words, but something about that captured just how....normal Steve was compared to Diana. She's running over rooftops like this it's no big deal and he's just barely keeping pace on solid ground. Something about it really captured just how powerful Diana is.


Hard to put it into words, but something about that captured just how....normal Steve was compared to Diana. She's running over rooftops like this it's no big deal and he's just barely keeping pace on solid ground. Something about it really captured just how powerful Diana is.

A lot of things came together in that one moment. The contrast between Diana and normal soldiers, how her presence changed the entire tide of the battle, the swiftness and skill of Diana's fighting...yet for all her power, we have several scenes of them helping each other out. Diana doesn't actually break through until Steve creates an opening, for one. And they actually end the battle by Steve replicating an Amazonian tactic. The tactical synergy between the two, despite the power disparity, is part of why Steve is such a good partner for Diana.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Mustache man as the villain was hilarious. He looked aesthetic in armor; should've had a bit more screentime in that.


I feel like the aggregation score is my personal score. Around a 3.5/5. I very much enjoyed the movie and it is clearly miles ahead of every DC movie so far. Hats off to DC for one thing it excels at in every movie over marvel and that is action. Super battles feel super and I love that. The story was typical super hero stuff and that is fine since it is an origin story. The acting was great which added to the experience as well.


semen stains the mountaintops
Sucks that Steve won't be in other movies cus they're dynamic was so good.

I guess Batman will be the new Steve, though. Hopefully they work as well as Steve and Diana in JL.
Sucks that Steve won't be in other movies cus they're dynamic was so good.

I guess Batman will be the new Steve, though. Hopefully they work as well as Steve and Diana in JL.

I doubt, well, I hope they do not go for a Wonder Woman and Batman thing.

I recall Gal saying she wants Halle Berry to be the love interest in a sequel.

edit: I just realized I worded it like I wanted a Batman and Wonder Woman thing. No Wonder Woman with Batman, Superman, Aquaman, or any of the League members.


I really do hope they keep Batman and Diana as just friends. The dynamic that works so well with Steve and Diana, wherein they're made equals by covering not only for each other in battle but also by respecting and debating each other's different perspectives and growing through their shared experiences, is largely made possible because Steve is a supporting character. Batman is, well, Batman. They won't show him as vulnerable or weak physically in comparison to Diana as they did Steve, nor will that portray him as anything less than heroic. So the dynamic is going to be different, and the options you have with a character like Batman are less interesting.

Ditto on that with Superman.

Edit: As for who I would make the love interest. Well, I've always been partial to the idea of Etta Candy and Diana. There have been many hints over the years that Diana is bisexual, and I believe Rucka just flatout said that's how he writes her. I'd love to see them pull the trigger on it in a film.


semen stains the mountaintops
Ya'll dudes are horny, I was talking about them just working well as a team and having good chemistry, and not them rubbing nasties.


Though, now I'm thinking about a naked Batman and it ain't the worth thing.


I really do hope they keep Batman and Diana as just friends. The dynamic that works so well with Steve and Diana, wherein they're made equals by covering not only for each other in battle but also by respecting and debating each other's different perspectives and growing through their shared experiences, is largely made possible because Steve is a supporting character. Batman is, well, Batman. They won't show him as vulnerable or weak physically in comparison to Diana as they did Steve, nor will that portray him as anything less than heroic. So the dynamic is going to be different, and the options you have with a character like Batman are less interesting.

Ditto on that with Superman.

Edit: As for who I would make the love interest. Well, I've always been partial to the idea of Etta Candy and Diana. There have been many hints over the years that Diana is bisexual, and I believe Rucka just flatout said that's how he writes her. I'd love to see them pull the trigger on it in a film.

Ugh. I knew someone would go with this. It's not going to happen.


Ya'll dudes are horny, I was talking about them just working well as a team and having good chemistry, and not them rubbing nasties.


Though, now I'm thinking about a naked Batman and it ain't the worth thing.

I was just talking about them having a relationship. You did the sex and the naked Batman on your own.

....We're learning way too much about each other in this thread.
Just got back from a showing really didn't like the beginning or the end but I thoroughly enjoyed the rest of the movie. Overall it was pretty good! I'm definitely going to go watch it again. Best DCCU movie so far for sure.


Guys, this was freaking good. They didn't give me a fucking pin for watching it in IMAX at AMC though 😒
If studios are mandating that these things must have a silly, overblown huge ass villain battle focused on effects and generally don't sync up with the rest of the film for the climax, they really need to fucking stop that right now because that prevented me from saying that this is my favorite superhero movie.

It's still fucking incredible and the rest was so great that I can almost let it slide, but the whole climax lacked proper build, it kinda came out of nowhere and after all the brightly lit and beautiful cinematography throughout, it's set in this dull, dark airfield and lacked the intimacy and charm of the rest of the film-- and David Thewlis was terrible.

This is still like a 9.5, I'm just really, really bummed that they felt the need to do that.


I really do hope they keep Batman and Diana as just friends. The dynamic that works so well with Steve and Diana, wherein they're made equals by covering not only for each other in battle but also by respecting and debating each other's different perspectives and growing through their shared experiences, is largely made possible because Steve is a supporting character. Batman is, well, Batman. They won't show him as vulnerable or weak physically in comparison to Diana as they did Steve, nor will that portray him as anything less than heroic. So the dynamic is going to be different, and the options you have with a character like Batman are less interesting.

Ditto on that with Superman.

Edit: As for who I would make the love interest. Well, I've always been partial to the idea of Etta Candy and Diana. There have been many hints over the years that Diana is bisexual, and I believe Rucka just flatout said that's how he writes her. I'd love to see them pull the trigger on it in a film.

Spoiler alert: This is not going to happen. We're blessed that this movie even got made, let alone having a bisexual woman as the main character in a summer blockbuster franchise film.

I know it's not going to happen. I just said I would like it to. Sheesh.

Oh you're entitled to liking to have it but man I'm just trying to take what I can get here.

Just got home from watching the movie. Best DCEU movie, hands down. It wasn't all soon and gloom, like MoS, BvS, and SS. There was hope.

One gripe I've had since the initial trailers is Diana's attachment to Steve Trevor. Maybe it's because I haven't read her comics, but she falls in love with someone she just met. He was the first man she's ever seen. That's some Disney princess ish. Also, they fuck after less than what seems like a month of knowing each other? Eh.

It's an earned relationship honestly. She's naive about the world, which he kinda helps. They fight, they have tough times together, but it's clear that going through a lot of shit together brought them closer together. We don't really know how far she feels for him, but it's clear she's feeling something. If anything, it's clear that Trevor's completely head over heels for her as he initiates every romantic advance to the point where he fucks up his job for a bit.


Spoiler alert: This is not going to happen. We're blessed that this movie even got made, let alone having a bisexual woman as the main character in a summer blockbuster franchise film.

I know it's not going to happen. I just said I would like it to. Sheesh.
Just got home from watching the movie. Best DCEU movie, hands down. It wasn't all soon and gloom, like MoS, BvS, and SS. There was hope.

One gripe I've had since the initial trailers is Diana's attachment to Steve Trevor. Maybe it's because I haven't read her comics, but she falls in love with someone she just met. He was the first man she's ever seen. That's some Disney princess ish. Also, they fuck after less than what seems like a month of knowing each other? Eh.


Just got home from watching the movie. Best DCEU movie, hands down. It wasn't all soon and gloom, like MoS, BvS, and SS. There was hope.

One gripe I've had since the initial trailers is Diana's attachment to Steve Trevor. Maybe it's because I haven't read her comics, but she falls in love with someone she just met. He was the first man she's ever seen. That's some Disney princess ish. Also, they fuck after less than what seems like a month of knowing each other? Eh.

this seems like an odd complaint
Seriously, that trench scene is probably my favorite sequence in any superhero movie. For me, I say for me because I'm not here to fight, but for me it was up there with the train sequence in Spider-man 2 or the crane sequence in Amazing Spider-man, in terms of holy shit uplifting superhero moments. It's those kinds of scenes that define superhero movies for me. I need for Spider-man Homecoming to have something along those lines.

Gah. I'm almost too smitten with the rest of the movie to worry about not digging the climax, but it was a real problem for me that dragged my overall impression down just a bit.
this seems like an odd complaint
Thinking back on it, yeah. You're right.

But I just didn't like how his death pushed her to actually be able to kill Ares. For a movie based on who's now a feminist (woman power) icon, a man playing an important role in her victory seems odd.


Just came back from this and I'm just really glad it delivered on being as good as it was. I thought Wonder Woman and Captain Steve were great together. Both had their own goals but weren't hindered by each other when it came down to both of them accomplishing their goal. What I really dug about Wonder Woman here was how much of a communicator she was, or that she was able to talk to so many different people and it further encouraged her to take action. I loved everything about her further discovering the world of men (fish out of water comedy is always great for me) and how her beliefs and morals were tested, especially fitting since the film took place in WWI, a war with no real moral high ground.

If there's anything that kinda kills the momentum of it, for me, it was the third act when Ares appears after Diana kills the general. The killing of him doesn't feel satisfactory, despite his mustache-twirling villainy (seriously, him and Dr. Poison share a laugh when the generals are dying, as if to remind us that this is all still a silly comic book movie--which it is). Then, old man Ares shows up and some exposition cut up between the men trying to stop the gas bombs. The actual fighting between the two is cool to watch, I know people don't like (FOR SOME REASON) the climatic fights in MOS and BvS, but I love this shit as it's what I've been aching to see forever on the screen with these characters, and Wonder Woman is no different here. The issue here becomes that the fight is cut up between the mission with the men, then the fights pauses to have Steve's sacrifice and Diana's burst of anger with Ares, essentially, fighting for her soul. She spares Dr. P, and the fight sorta ends seconds after. I think something could've been reworked better where Ares could've done his spiel and temptation of Diana's abandonment of her beliefs then lead everything to the beatdown instead of chopping it up and spreading it throughout the finale. It loses a certain momentum throughout and it's a shame because up until that point the movie had me without a problem. The characters were charming and the action up to here was awesome (I love the slo-mo, just like in Snyder's films. It's nowhere near his work, but it's still great).

That said, I still really enjoyed it. I honestly couldn't care less about Justice League, just get me another WW movie in WWII with Jenkins at the helm again. I'll check it out to see how Wonder Woman is utilized in it, but I'm not really feeling another Snyder-led flick even if his action scenes are awesome (and that's it).

Bruce shooting his shot by reminding Diana about her dead boyfriend.

Bold strategy.

Hey it could work.
But I just didn't like how his death pushed her to actually be able to kill Ares. For a movie based on who's now a feminist (woman power) icon, a man playing an important role in her victory seems odd.

Underlying message was about love in general. He was the first man she's ever seen, and they did grow a legitimate bond throughout and it's also in human nature to act/feel that way. I don't think anything about this was "anti-male," she grew a good bond with several male characters and she admired them. Steve's death to her and how she felt when he died was what made her a believer in man.


Am I the only one perfectly ok with the climax?

Aries has been trying to whisper from the shadows until he finally discovers Diana so he tries to corrupt her by enabling her friends to basically fail, which they almost do. He almost won until her connection to Trevor, the main person to show the complexity of man to her, sacrifices himself to save lives.

Aries then basically says fuck it and tries to make her change by force. It felt earned and worked for me.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Superman (1978)
Wonder Woman 2017.

Fuck guys. This is a legit superhero movie.

Movie makes you realize how much Snyder fumbled Superman in MoS.

Diana just exuded heroism throughout the entire movie. Hopefully Supes 'death' can be a soft reboot for the character and they bring him back to how he should be in JL *fingerscrossed*
Movie makes you realize how much Snyder fumbled Superman in MoS.

I really didn't think he did. I don't think all superheroes need to be the same, or perfect. If anything I liked the representation of Superman in Man of Steel because he was imperfect, outmatched, and not this noble, arms-folded dude that had all situations under control. That made him more interesting and relatable to me, that he had flaws. I get that it's sacrilege to fans but I've never been that fond of Superman just because I've always found him too perfect and as a result, boring. Man of Steel didn't do that with him, but he always tried to do the right thing and fought very hard for humanity. It's just that with the various villains and world machines, he couldn't be everywhere at once and his foes were of an equal match to him.

I do think the events of MOS and BVS will make him "stronger" and more "like" the Superman everyone knows/loves, but I thought he was plenty "Superman" in MOS and it just opened a window for some actual character growth, even if it's minor.
Her mini-arc in that film, such as it was, was about coming out of a century of self-imposed retirement. She explicitly said that a hundred years earlier "I walked away from mankind". Her arc in this movie is the exact opposite of that -- she ends the war reaffirming her faith in mankind being worth saving. Which, relatedly: where exactly have you been the last 100 years, then? Some pretty bad shit went down.

Yeah, this one kind of annoyed me. I'd almost wish that there was no Ares, that her realization at the end of the film is that the legend wasn't real and humans are just assholes. This leads her to retreat until called again in modern times. I dunno. I'm no writer, but Ares basically being a big generic baddie (albeit with a ripped David Thewlis rocking a mustache) didn't satisfy me at all.

Gadot and Pine were great, though. Really genuine performances.


Movie makes you realize how much Snyder fumbled Superman in MoS.

Diana just exuded heroism throughout the entire movie. Hopefully Supes 'death' can be a soft reboot for the character and they bring him back to how he should be in JL *fingerscrossed*

I guess it really depends on what you want from these movies and what you expect from the characters. I can totally understand wanting that heroism out of Superman, but it didn't matter to me. Maybe that's why I love MoS so much. Such a beautiful and well shot movie, I can look past those problems
Yeah, this one kind of annoyed me. I'd almost wish that there was no Ares, that her realization at the end of the film is that the legend wasn't real and humans are just assholes. This leads her to retreat until called again in modern times. I dunno. I'm no writer, but Ares basically being a big generic baddie (albeit with a ripped David Thewlis rocking a mustache) didn't satisfy me at all.

Gadot and Pine were great, though. Really genuine performances.

Ares should have been pushed to the next film or just not in there at all. This movie was working hardcore before all of that. That stuff didn't kill the movie, but it sure did feel like a threat.


Felt it was legitimately a good movie period, great wonder woman character arc, amazing action (starting to like slow mo again), good underlining theme, and well paced in my opinion.

If have to make comparisons, definitely up there with the best Marvel movies.

Few comments though, in the beach scene, when the Amazonians fall, they still fall by flipping majestically, awkward and funny.
And the final shot, just, jumping to.. Ehh??


Am I the only one perfectly ok with the climax?

Aries has been trying to whisper from the shadows until he finally discovers Diana so he tries to corrupt her by enabling her friends to basically fail, which they almost do. He almost won until her connection to Trevor, the main person to show the complexity of man to her, sacrifices himself to save lives.

Aries then basically says fuck it and tries to make her change by force. It felt earned and worked for me.

I think the dialogue gets a little clunky and it doesn't quite tie together all the themes (the "love wins" line felt more like they had to have Wonder Woman say it than something that came about naturally from the events preceding it), but I really don't believe it drags the movie down as much as others are saying.

Ares is a formidable opponent, his powers are well done, and moments like Steve's sacrifice and Diana's sparing of Doctor Poison landed just right.


Something about this movie just didn't click with me, despite being a massive DC fan. While the movie wasn't bad per say, I just didn't feel anything while watching it, and I feel like the vast majority of the casting in this movie was off. Most of the movie just felt like it was going through the paces of Wonder Woman's origin story, and the script ultimately came off as lackluster in so many places. Climax was rather weak, but I did much prefer the second half of the movie overall.

I feel like I am definitely in the minority when it comes to this, but I was much more entertained with Batman v Superman despite it being not that great either.

To each their own I guess.
I'm interested in alternate opinions about the climax. If it helps me like it even just a bit more, I'll take it. Just thought it was by far the weakest part of the film, and I didn't think there was the proper build to it. I thought after she killed Ludendorff that there was going to be more story before the climax; that felt like the point in a film where things get dour for a while, the characters split up, and then come back together for the climax. That kinda happened, just all at once and when the final battle started I was just feeling like, wait, what?


I like how it showed her taking out the machine gun after crossing over into the enemy trenches.

Action could have been better but that's just my own expectations, DC stays winning for superhero fights.
I like how it showed her taking out the machine gun after crossing over into the enemy trenches.

Action could have been better but that's just my own expectations, DC stays winning for superhero fights.

I actually wanted more action lol. That trench sequence and ensuing fights in the building was so fucking awesome, but then the next time there's action it's basically that lame ass climax.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
I wonder where they'll go with Doctor Poison?

I'm on a DC kick now, I don't want to buy Injustice 2 because I know there will be a GOTY edition down the line. I was retwatching Young Justice, maybe I'll finish that.


I wonder where they'll go with Doctor Poison?

She does put us in an interesting position by being one of the few supervillains to actually survive the climax. These movies tend to kill most of them.

If they remain in the past, I'd love to see her come back working with another villain like Baroness von Gunther or the Duke of Deception. If we go to the future, maybe someone can uncover her notes and use them to create some new super weapon.
Movie makes you realize how much Snyder fumbled Superman in MoS.

Diana just exuded heroism throughout the entire movie. Hopefully Supes 'death' can be a soft reboot for the character and they bring him back to how he should be in JL *fingerscrossed*

Can't recall if I already said it in this this or another thread, but it's telling to me that the current two most heroic characters in superhero movies, Wonder Woman and Captain America, start in different time periods. I end up feeling like Superman is ultimately a product of our cynical times and society, and while it's arguably not successful given the response to him across the last two movies, it works for me and I appreciate the arc. Even in BvS, you see a pragmatic Wonder Woman and a Batman who lost his way. What I see when I look at this Superman is the same Superman I've always been a fan of, placed in a world that isn't ready for a Superman. So, ideally the world is ready when he returns. And it'll help that he has allies like Wonder Woman there to help him.

That said, I like the idea of Wonder Woman being the true north of heroism in the DCEU. Technically she is the first superhero of the DCEU, at least in in the modern age of heroes.


Anyone feel like Diana's outlook on humanity at the end of this movie doesn't really line up with what she told Bruce at the end of BvS? Like, I was expecting for her to get fed up with mankind by the end of WW, but it was pretty much the opposite. It's annoying how BvS set up Diana. Otherwise we could have had more adventures with Diana and Steve in the early 20th century. Now we have another Dark Knight Rises situation where the hero stops being a hero for a long ass time.
I did like the scenes from BVS being a bookend to this movie. That was pretty cool.

Who else thought the humor was perfect? It was really funny, that scene on the boat was my favorite dialogue exchange in the film, so well written and acted. It had a building charm and humor to it. I loved Gadot's fish out of water performance, it wasn't stupid, just obliviousness to real-world situations and I'm glad they played it that way instead of making her feel dumb.


I would not be at all surprised if they said "Fuck it" and just overlooked Diana's whole leaving man's world thing from BvS. Even this movie starts acting like she's been around forever, even if not active as Wonder Woman.

If not a full retcon, they could also go with a thing where she decides to stop actively being Wonder Woman, but still chills out in man's world undercover. Her just saying "I walked away from mankind" is just vague enough that they have some wiggle room to readjust based on what they do in the sequels.


I did like the scenes from BVS being a bookend to this movie. That was pretty cool.

Who else thought the humor was perfect? It was really funny, that scene on the boat was my favorite dialogue exchange in the film, so well written and acted. It had a building charm and humor to it. I loved Gadot's fish out of water performance, it wasn't stupid, just obliviousness to real-world situations and I'm glad they played it that way instead of making her feel dumb.

The humor was perfectly tuned. As much as I enjoyed GoTG2, the overabundance of humor really hurt the gravity of a lot of scenes.
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