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Worldwide Vita Sales Revealed in Sony Earnings Call (1.8 million)


Wow, that is low ...
How to save vita:

announce this:


or this:


heck even this will do:


And here is the problem I have with the portable space. Why on earth do you want the console experience on a portable? Treat it as an independent platform and make games that exploit its strong sides.

This happens too much today. If I had a Vita I would not want any of those titles. Make new IP's and be creative. Don't make games that make money in the short run. *sigh*
Not at all. Vita is failing in Japan because it has no relevant software but Japan is a very unique market that has not been replicated in the west. In Europe, at least, people are used to getting handheld devices which do everything for them without paying up front. Faced with spending £199 for a Vita or the same money for a Sony Xperia U (which is PS Certified) many, many people would choose the latter as it is more pocketable and more useful.

A Vita Phone in a slider format with a 4.6" screen would be an irresistible prospect for people who want to game but also don't want multiple devices. I hope Sony and Toshiba are working on getting that SoC down to 32nm sooner rather than later because the Vita needs a new SKU that people can make calls from and keep in their pocket.

Why would somebody buy a Vita phone instead of an Android smartphone?
It doesn't take a maths genius to know there is no possibility of those being sold by the end of March not shipped
In all likelihood it's a shipment through to March 31st, since it's an earnings call.

Although, on further inspection it could be an estimation of sell-through to-date. Through the first 13 weeks of the year PSV LTD was ~1.45M. Add in another 50K for Weeks 14-18 Japan brings it to 1.5M. Depends on whether it's plausible to have sold through another 0.3M in US+EU for April and in other regions since launch.


Not competing is a much, much worse idea. Look at the result of Sony not competing in LCD production in the early stages of the market in 2002-2004, now they are absolutely dead in the water in one of their key markets.

If Sony just cede the handheld market to Apple it will be terrible for their future prospects in the whole smartphone and gaming arena. Not competing is not the answer, that is why Sony are in so much shit at the moment. No one is saying they should compete poorly (they will, no doubt) but they should still get in the game.

I should clarify, if Sony wants to compete on the mobile phone front, using their portable gaming platform as a trojan horse to that end isn't the way to go about it. Apple is about 15 steps ahead of them anyway. The Vita isn't an acceptable tentpole to build a mobile market around. No gamig platform is.
How to save vita:

announce this:


The Vita was dead the very moment Sony decided not to money hat the fuck out of Capcom, with MH on the 3DS it's too late.
Eurogamer is wrong - 500k was shipment in Q3 as Japan launch was December - so 1.3 milions for Q4

I let the guy know, he doesn't seem very receptive.

@Clert Vita vs. 3DS comparison is off in your article http://bit.ly/KNAiEs ...1.8m is Vita's full sales, 1.3m is its Q4 (vs. 2m for 3DS).

@UncleSporky i.e., it's a rough comparison at how well Vita is doing compared to the perceived good 3DS sales, if you see what I mean


If Sony keeps thinking that spinoffs of Sony franchises that weren't that big on the PS3 to begin with, will save the Vita, I think they are wrong.


Love my Vita but yeah it needs some more games ATM. I'm totally satisfied with MLB, Disgea 3 and MK though.

3DS needs more games also....done with everything that interests me. Waiting on Mario Tennis now. The biggest difference is we know some awesome 3DS games are coming but we know nothing about big ViTA games they have planned. I hope E3 is big this year for the VITA


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
Ok, so from Nintendo graphs, as extrapolated by Road




3DS 0.60 0.65 1.24 2.49
PSV 0.38 0.43 0.20 1.01
PSP 0.35 0.09 0.27 0.71
NDS 0.25 0.30 0.03 0.58

Adding what it did in Japan at the end of 2011 (440k), we have around 1.45 millions in Japan, Europe and US till the end of March.


Why would anyone buy a Vita to play CoD and GTA when they can buy and play superior versions either on the PC or consoles? I agree with Monster Hunter though. That title would help, but only in Japan.


I bought my Vita just for The Show.

For me it was worth $320 (Vita, 8GB, TS) JUST to be able to take it into the field on my job. I travel out of town nearly every day of the week and it's like carrying a real console with me. The excellent port of MK has made it even better.

I honestly don't care a lot for many of Sony's first party games, but the Vita is awesome hardware. Worth every penny or more to me. I hope it does really well.
Why would anyone buy a Vita to play CoD and GTA when they can buy and play superior versions either on the PC or consoles? I agree with Monster Hunter though. That title would help, but only in Japan.

Monster hunter really wouldn't help that much in japan now, why would anyone buy a vita for . Mh when mh isavailable on a cheaper more successful system that already has a sizeable chunk of the mh userbase


Unconfirmed Member
Pretty bad numbers - but the Vita needs games lol.

I'm a potential buyer, I like the hardware ... I'm just waiting to have more than one reason (Persona 4 The Golden) to pick one up, I'm not interested in anything else on the platform at the moment.

I hope E3 changes things, because the Vita is a nice machine.


This is...a slow, slow burn. But I believe in my Vita- my beautiful, glossy, wide-screen adonis, but where was I?

Given time, the software will eventually make the system itself pick up speed and at that time, nothing will be able to stop it from exploding. Except maybe if it dies before then...


hmm if the Vita actually sold 600k worldwide in March, it might be doing about as well in North America and Europe as the 3DS. I mean, the 3DS isn't doing great there, but it's something.

With 60K in Japan and about 200K in US based on NPD, VITA is selling very well in Europe.


That reminds me, Road also did some pixel counting with Nintendo's FY 2010/11 charts (link)

Japan + US + "Europe" Q1 hardware sales (all up to week 13):

NDS: 2.48 million
3DS: 1.64 million
PSP: 1.43 million

3.61M sell-in and 1.64 sell-through for 3DS :lol.


I let the guy know, he doesn't seem very receptive.

I think you missed his first tweet:

@UncleSporky Ah it's not a quarter for quarter comparison. It's 600,000 x 3 (Vita's March performance x 3) vs what 3DS managed in 3 months

Would 'Vita's March Performance' include the EU and US launches, though? I don't think it'll include the launch itself, but the immediate aftermath, is that correct?
Worst major platform launch since the Virtual Boy and Sega Saturn? Looks that way. A Vita phone is about the only way to salvage this mess, but not until they throw hundreds of millions to billions more away trying to fill up that bottomless hole they've built themselves.


I think you missed his first tweet:

@UncleSporky Ah it's not a quarter for quarter comparison. It's 600,000 x 3 (Vita's March performance x 3) vs what 3DS managed in 3 months

Would 'Vita's March Performance' include the EU and US launches, though? I don't think it'll include the launch itself, but the immediate aftermath, is that correct?

Hmm, someone tweet and ask him why he's multiplying Vita's March performance by 3...

For a month of sales in Japan and a week in the rest if the world

Yeah that's true. Considering the time frame, 3DS launch sales were alright. Just trying to illustrate an overshipment vs. a proper shipment.


Why would anyone buy a Vita to play CoD and GTA when they can buy and play superior versions either on the PC or consoles? I agree with Monster Hunter though. That title would help, but only in Japan.

I'm not a sales guy personally so I won't discuss that aspect, but as a customer who bought the Vita I purchased it for the exact purpose of having console quality games on a handheld. I would buy COD, GTA, and the like on a handheld so that i'm not straped to a couch, or desk. Overall it's a better fit for my lifestyle to have a high quality mobile platform for my games.

The Vita imo, if the only platform currently that allows for this. So hopefully Sony can turn it around and make it successful enough that developers will support it.
Sony claimed 1.2M at the end of February, and now 1.8M at the end of March?

I read the Eurogamer article and I'm kinda confused. These numbers ... what is going on.

so shipped number end of march minus sony's incredibly dodgy dont add up estimate for end of feb



This thing needs to be 199 with memory card and game I'd actually want to play like CoD.

Given Sony's...optimistic projections for Vita this year, I'm sure it's coming. Just have to be patient.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I'm pretty sure the PSP is going to be under 4 million worldwide this year so they are expecting around 12 million Vitas to sell?



Oh wait, now I understand what the Eurogamer guy is getting at. He's saying if Vita continues to sell 600k a month, it will sell 1.8M per quarter, and 7.2M in the year, and that's far from Sony's projection.

It's just that the line "Extrapolated, that's 1.8 million Vita sales a quarter, which isn't bad" is really jarring. Didn't make any sense until I read the article a second time.

Also, he's not comparing the 1.8M FY Vita shipment to the 2M Q1 3DS shipment. He made up this 1.8M per quarter number as a theoretical scenario. What a mess.


That reminds me, Road also did some pixel counting with Nintendo's FY 2010/11 charts (link)

3.61M sell-in and 1.64 sell-through for 3DS :lol.

Yeah that's true. Considering the time frame, 3DS launch sales were alright. Just trying to illustrate an overshipment vs. a proper shipment.

Sales might have been alright, but were well below expectations, hence the huge difference between shipments and sell-through. (We all know what happened after the 3DS launch. No need to retell the story.)

With the Vita, everyone knew it would be already dead, so shipments weren't even that high in the first place.
Oh wait, now I understand what the Eurogamer guy is getting at. He's saying if Vita continues to sell 600k a month, it will sell 1.8M per quarter, and 7.2M in the year, and that's far from Sony's projection.

It's just that the line "Extrapolated, that's 1.8 million Vita sales a quarter, which isn't bad" is really jarring. Didn't make any sense until I read the article a second time.

Also, he's not comparing the 1.8M FY Vita shipment to the 2M Q1 3DS shipment. He made up this 1.8M per quarter number as a theoretical scenario. What a mess.

So...it's mostly confusing because according to the call, it's sold 1.8M so far, but he also predicts it will sell 1.8M every quarter based on one month's performance.

But yeah, if your brand new product that had a Christmas in one major territory only sold 1.8M in about one quarter, how can you expect it to keep that up? Launches are pretty front loaded, right? I guess E3 better be a really big deal for them.
I should clarify, if Sony wants to compete on the mobile phone front, using their portable gaming platform as a trojan horse to that end isn't the way to go about it. Apple is about 15 steps ahead of them anyway. The Vita isn't an acceptable tentpole to build a mobile market around. No gamig platform is.

Of course, I didn't say Sony should use Vita as the sole competitor to Apple or Samsung, just in addition to their Xperia line which seems to be seeing more success lately and there has been a lot of buzz around the Xperia GX/SX.

Personally I would make the Vita Phone an Android+Vita device so that it could run all Vita games and have access to the Google Play market. Give it a shit load of RAM so that VitaOS App could go into an instantaneous save state etc...

It sounds convoluted, but it would work as Vita operations would be sandboxed within Android and eventually, if it is popular, Sony could roll out the "Vita App" to all of their compatible Android devices with sufficient power including tablets, TVs and PMPs.

Vita should be something that unites Sony's products and services, but the way in which it has launched makes it unlikely now.
The handheld gap is going to be even more ridiculous than it was last gen. As someone put it best earlier in the thread, clearly sony does not have the pulse of the handheld market.


So...it's mostly confusing because according to the call, it's sold 1.8M so far, but he also predicts it will sell 1.8M every quarter based on one month's performance.

But yeah, if your brand new product that had a Christmas in one major territory only sold 1.8M in about one quarter, how can you expect it to keep that up? Launches are pretty front loaded, right? I guess E3 better be a really big deal for them.

That and the "extrapolated" line comes out of fucking nowhere. I didn't realize he was talking about a theoretical scenario until later in the article.
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