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WrassleGAF August Edition: Cult of Personality

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NeoGAF's smiling token!
Shadowlink said:
Hey Dream! While you were gone, these jobbers named Plywood and Professor Beef thought they were the next big thing.

I almost feel tempted to apply to that position that was posted earlier despite being obviously underqualified, for shits and giggles.
Plywood said:

I almost feel tempted to apply to that position that was posted earlier despite being obviously underqualified, for shits and giggles.
Do it! Then you can introduce them to GAF in your interview.
Plywood said:
I should lie about my experience, just like people do all the time with other jobs!

They wouldn't check anyway. Just like Meltzer said indy wrestlers should lie about having played football in high school or college, because that would help you get signed and a push over someone else.


I can't wait until WWE writer Plywood becomes a Vince yes-man and walks around telling him how great his idea to have HHH beat both Cena and Punk one after another is.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
dream said:
I can't wait until WWE writer Plywood becomes a Vince yes-man and walks around telling him how great his idea to have HHH beat both Cena and Punk one after another is.
Look at me now, look at me now
Oh, I'm getting paper

Besides, no one commented on my fantasy booking, so I have no choice but to have HHH get put over.
yo! just got back from the RAW house show with Capt. Yamato! fucking awesome event tonight! we had floor seats but after the second match it was getting annoying and was hard to see so we moved over to some other vacant seats which were absolutely perfect.

i'll spoiler tag the following rundown of the show, just to be safe

1st match- McGenesis and Otunga vs Kofi/Bourne
Really solid tag match, McGenesis did a great job of pissing off the crowd, they really made the tag champs look strong in this match. But a scuffle ensues Bourne takes out McGenesis and Kofi hits the Trouble in Paradise for the pin.

2nd Match- Santino vs Swagger- ok match, the crowd loved Santino and he did some pretty funny stuff to get the crowd going, nothing too crazy here though, Santino misses the cobra twice and on the third time he takes out his new snake sleeve and puts it on and finally nails Swagger with it and gets the pin.

3rd Match- Ryder vs McEntyre
Man the crowd boo'd the shit out of Ryder (I was marking out pretty hard though), and there were some cheers, it seems as if most people don't really know if he's a face or heel and i think it is hurting his character. But he comes out with the Internet championship and cuts a small promo plugging his youtube show and picks a kid to be broski of the day.
McEntyre then comes out to a ton of Cheers and i'm like WTF!?!? didn't make much sense. match starts, great great match, both guys worked their asses off and by the end the crowd was really into it. McEntyre goes for the future shock Ryder reverses and hits Rough Ryder for the pin....now Ryder gets a huge pop, he takes a picture with a kid and leaves.

4th Match/Segment- Eve comes out as a guest host and is gonna start a dance contest, Beth Phoenix comes out to a TON of heat, she cuts a promo on Eve telling her that the crowd is tired of the barbies and they want to see her as the Diva Champ ( More Heat) Beth tells Eve to leave and refuses, staredown and Kelly Kelly then comes running into the ring. A match starts between Beth and Kelly for the Divas championship.....

Really solid match it was at least 13 minutes long, beth carried Kelly to a very entertaining match, for the most part it was Beth absolutely destroying Kelly, but then Kelly hits a surprise roll up out of nowhere for the Pin.

note: Eve, Kelly and Beth are so much fucking hotter in person then they are on TV.....Me and Yamato said GODDAM when they came out!!!

After the match they have a dance contest and some kid wins, i think he was a plant, cuz that kid destroyed the other contestants.....kid was insane.

5th match- Ziggler vs Riley
Ziggler comes out without Vickie and cuts a great promo how he's the greatest US champ of all time, how he's never gonna lose it and how nobody does it better than him and how he doesn't know how he his wasting his time with a guy that he doesn't even know what his name is. Gets really good heat. Riley comes out to practically no pop at all....it was kinda sad. Match is for the US championship

Match of the night by far, PPV level match, Ziggler didn't engage and just trolled the crowd for a good 10 minutes, finally Riley drags him in the ring and it's a great back and forth match, tons of near falls and the crowd was totally into this one, really looking forward to this feud down the line. Riley hits an F5 type slam and Ziggler kicks out, Ziggler gets the sleeper, ref does an arm count and Riley battles out of it, then finally Ziggler hits the Zig-Zag for the pin. he runs out of the ring and Riley gets up disappointed, the crowd finally starts cheering for em and there are a ton of "Riley" chants.

6th match/segment Mysterio promo, Kofi/JoMo vs Del Rio/Truth

Rey Mysterio comes out to a fucking huge pop, Fresno has always been down for this guy, I was even going pretty crazy for the guy. He gets on the mic and just talks about Fresno and how he and John Morrison are gonna win one against Del Rio and Truth tonight for the 559. During the promo Del Rio runs in and hits Mysterio with the MITB briefcase and beats him down pretty good, JoMo runs in to save, then Truth comes in to save Del Rio, Mysterio is hurt and JoMo is getting worked so Kofi runs out to save. They say Mysterio is unable to perform due to Del Rio's attack and Kofi will be JoMo's partner. all this took about 15 minutes then the match finally starts.

Decent match, nothing too great, Del Rio shouted " I'm your daddy bitches" in spanish which was awesome...lol....Truth and Del Rio look really strong, ref gets distracted Kofi takes out Del Rio, JoMo hits Starship Pain on Truth for the pin.

I went pretty crazy when JoMo hit Starship.....Move looks fucking insane in person....he nailed it perfect too.

Main Event- Cena vs Punk

Punk comes out to tons of boo's, the Fresno crowd has always been diehard Cena fans, Punk dind't have to much goin for em, though me and Capt. Yamato were going crazy. Cena comes out and the audience is fucking ridiculously loud. during the match we tried getting a CM Punk chant going and a Cena Sucks chant going but the crowd was having none of it. Hardcore Cena city Fresno is.

Good match, Punk was amazing and Cena busted out some moves that I havent seen in a while.....locks up the stfu punk gets the rope, Punk goes for GTS Cena reverses Cena goes for the AA, punk gets out, then Del Rio and Ziggler run out and proceed to attack Punk and Cena. the match ends in a double DQ. Del Rio and Ziggler grab both belts and hold them in the air, they then try to hit Cena and Punk with them, they both duck Cena hits the AA on Del Rio and Punk hits GTS on Ziggler at the same time.....Crowd went crazy.

Post match promo, they pick up the belts, Cena notices he has punks belt and punk notices he has Cenas belt. Punk then hands Cena his belt and Cena hands punk his, Punk says how this was just a taste of whats gonna happen at summerslam and this isn't a popularity contest, it's about who really is the best. Punk leaves, Cena gets on the mic and says he feels he is the rightful champ just as much as punk is, and says that he doesnt like to make guarantees but at summerslam he guarantees that he will be the undisputed WWE Champion.

end show

All in all it was a fucking fun night!!! loved it, it's been a while since I went to a live event and it was just super fun, the house shows are awesome because every match got at least 15 minutes or more and were just really solid. The crowd was great, though there was this annoying " it's still real to me, dammit" woman behind us who was being pretty obnoxious and saying some fucked up things with a ton of kids around. Me and Capt. kept our chants PG.....

Can't wait to go to another show and Hopefully my Waifu will be there!!!! :D :D

was pissed that they didn't have Ryders shirt for sale there though....really wanted that.


Thanks for that, ^^^ eraldo. This was in Fresno, you say? It's been years since I've been to a show. Would love to see starship pain in person.
Striker said:
Orton possesses a terrible clothesline. It's equal to Kelly Kelly running the ropes.
It's really more of a body/groin thrust just with an outstretched arm if anything, modified clothesline indeed
Watched Smackdown just before, DBD's new music sounds like a Final Fantasy boss theme or something. Its something at least.

Also Orton will go to the papers if he has too.
Jamie OD said:
I remember Alex Shelley used to do that move in TNA, a good while before he and Sabin became the MCMG. He always got a "That was gay" chant from the crowd, too.

Yeah, I remember that and remember thinking that while ROH crowds can often be obnoxious, at least they aren't TNA crowds :/

Would love to see the MCMG back in ROH, hopefully The Young Bucks will be back soon enough - need to see Bucks/Cole & O'Reilly 2.
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