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WrassleGAF August Edition: Cult of Personality

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are these huge walls of text with interesting infos to like 30 wrestlers /wrestling events posted regular ?
how long has it been since the last one was posted ?
Net_Wrecker said:
Is ROH going to be 1 or 2 hours per week?

1 hour by the look of it - it seems pretty close to the HDnet show in format, although with mostly only 2 matches per show I'd guess they're planning to have more backstage segments.

Kintaro said:
This sets up yet ANOTHER rematch between Tanahashi and Nakamura. Shit is old now. Very old. Very, very old. What would winning the title again this soon accomplish? Just another reign for Nakamura who has become rather boring to watch. His finisher is shit (oooo a running knee...because we haven't seen that by every wrestling since 2003) and his overselling is approaching Rock-like levels.

NJ is backed into a corner now. Seems like they are very afraid to pull the trigger on elevating new blood. Its good that Naito reached the final, but theres no way he had a chance in hell and everyone knew it.

Yeah I agree, it's sad they don't have enough confidence in anyone to pull the trigger on someone new. I was hoping
Naito & Suzuki
would make it through the finals. As for Nakamura, I like that he can have great matches with pretty much anybody, but I've no desire to see him chase the title again.

DNF said:
are these huge walls of text with interesting infos to like 30 wrestlers /wrestling events posted regular ?
how long has it been since the last one was posted ?

The Wrestling Observer newsletter that dream posts? The last one was a few days back, couldn't begin to tell you what page of the thread though, it's moving so fast this month.

*edit, apparently these were put under the wiper of every car during the ROH TV tapings;



Steen is awesome, glad to see this storyline progressing some.


Hopefully taking my son to a local TNA show next week. We aren't huge wrestling fans, but I was as a kid. I'm actually surprised I know some of the names on the card. I've never watched TNA before, but it' always some good fun to get out and see a show.


speedline said:
Hopefully taking my son to a local TNA show next week. We aren't huge wrestling fans, but I was as a kid. I'm actually surprised I know some of the names on the card. I've never watched TNA before, but it' always some good fun to get out and see a show.
Do the opposite of what everyone else does. In other words, get into it, cheer and boo.


Ydahs said:
How many here are buying Summerslam?
I'm still debating. I want to but I fear some bullshit ending with boring ass, iz maaiii desssteenee, ADR cashing in after Punk wins. So, I guess I'll decide at about 4-ish.


Rafa=FedKilla said:
Buy the PPV brah if you support punk or go to Hooters.
I would, but I live in Pakistan where I can't order anything :-/.

So when its closer to start time, I would appreciate a lamp...
jobber said:
I hope Team WWE picks Miz and they kick Nexus ass tonight


I hope the Nexus does something hardcore like DDT Cena on a chair...no better yet, concrete. Maybe that'll get him off TV for a week at least.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
Net_Wrecker said:
I hope the Nexus does something hardcore like DDT Cena on a chair...no better yet, concrete. Maybe that'll get him off TV for a week at least.

or the show ends with a big Daniel Bryan chant like Fatal Four Way did


got the wrong hit
jobber said:
I hope Team WWE picks Miz and they kick Nexus ass tonight


How awesome would it be if they denied the miz and daniel bryan returned. Fantasy Booking at its finest.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
AssassiN said:
How awesome would it be if they denied the miz and daniel bryan returned. Fantasy Booking at its finest.

Daniel Bryan is fired! Get over it SMARKS.

Live by the tie. Fired by the tie.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
Lunchbox said:
they are confiscating daniel bryan signs at the gate tonight

wat? what happened to freedom of speech???? DB is more over than Sheamus and Orton. i hope he goes to TNA and does a shoot promo.

zoner said:
Most people know who The Rock, Stone Cold, Ric Flair, etc are.

When HBK was in his prime, Angle was winning gold medals at the Olympics. Flair has been around for 4 decades. Angle came in during the whole Rock/Austin era.


Net_Wrecker said:
I hope the Nexus does something hardcore like DDT Cena on a chair...no better yet, concrete. Maybe that'll get him off TV for a week at least.
I bet Cena never gets up from a DDT on concrete. Sure he can fend off two guys in a handicap match, or beat Big Show, Great Khali, Umaga, and all other big men, but a DDT on concrete? Dude has no chance. I do not believe you, sorry.
Yokohama Bunka Gymnasium
5,000 Fans - No Vacancy


01. Karl Anderson [4] vs Wataru Inoue [2]

02. Satoshi Kojima [4] vs Strong Man [0]

03. Yoshihiro Takayama [6] vs Yujiro Takahashi [4]

04. Tetsuya Naito [2] vs Lance Archer [4]

05. MVP [4] vs Hiroyoshi Tenzan [2]

06. Shinsuke Nakamura [8] vs La Sombra [4]

07. Hiroshi Tanahashi [6] vs Hideo Saito [0]

08. Minoru Suzuki [8] vs Hirooki Goto [8]

09. Yuji Nagata [6] vs Togi Makabe [6]

NJPW G1 CLIMAX DAY 1 - 08/01/11
NJPW G1 CLIMAX DAY 2 - 08/02/11
NJPW G1 CLIMAX DAY 3 - 08/05/11
NJPW G1 CLIMAX DAY 4 - 08/06/11
NJPW G1 CLIMAX DAY 5 - 08/07/11

Bloody Sky Sports using it for Football now, stuck in my head again.

Well WrestleGAF I'm not even bothering tonight, after the brilliant build up to MITB they have completely lost me with this one sadly and have done nothing to warrant me spending £15 on it
Jeff Albertson said:

Bloody Sky Sports using it for Football now, stuck in my head again.

Well WrestleGAF I'm not even bothering tonight, after the brilliant build up to MITB they have completely lost me with this one sadly and have done nothing to warrant me spending £15 on it
Not bothering myself but mainly because doing so would allow me about 3 hours of sleep. That aside I agree about the rather non existent build up, once again the raw main event is pretty much the only match with a suitable build up and everything else on the card is just kind of there. Even Orton and Christian who have been feuding since April lack any sort of interesting story. I said at the start of this month that modern Summerslam events never live up to the past greats and this years card and build up aren't doing anything to change my opinion, instead they reinforce it. Just don't give Del Rio the title tonight, if they give it to him now I anticipate a Swagger style reign where the fans just don't seem to care.


formerly cjelly
Jeff Albertson said:

Bloody Sky Sports using it for Football now, stuck in my head again.

Well WrestleGAF I'm not even bothering tonight, after the brilliant build up to MITB they have completely lost me with this one sadly and have done nothing to warrant me spending £15 on it


Jeff Albertson said:

Bloody Sky Sports using it for Football now, stuck in my head again.

Well WrestleGAF I'm not even bothering tonight, after the brilliant build up to MITB they have completely lost me with this one sadly and have done nothing to warrant me spending £15 on it
Who the fuck are Sky Sports using that on?
Jeff Albertson said:
It's on the ford adverts that lead into their footballing programmes this season so I'm going to be hearing a LOT of it
As I read this post I just heard it from the living room, yep, definitely going to be a common occurrence.


All this talk about lamps and contemplating buying the ppv reminded me that the best thing about living in Kuwait is that all the ppvs are dirt cheap to order :) (UFC events are for free even)
middle east in general actually cause of the cable provider OSN
Nocturnowl said:
Not bothering myself but mainly because doing so would allow me about 3 hours of sleep. That aside I agree about the rather non existent build up, once again the raw main event is pretty much the only match with a suitable build up and everything else on the card is just kind of there. Even Orton and Christian who have been feuding since April lack any sort of interesting story. I said at the start of this month that modern Summerslam events never live up to the past greats and this years card and build up aren't doing anything to change my opinion, instead they reinforce it. Just don't give Del Rio the title tonight, if they give it to him now I anticipate a Swagger style reign where the fans just don't seem to care.

This is the case for me a bit as well, my wifes out tomorrow so I'm up at 7 with the baby so watching a PPV till 4 wouldn't be smart
Jeff Albertson said:
Well WrestleGAF I'm not even bothering tonight, after the brilliant build up to MITB they have completely lost me with this one sadly and have done nothing to warrant me spending £15 on it

Feel exactly the same way.
Yeah, I already said this last Monday, but there's NO WAY I'm buying tonight's PPV.

You kidding me? A $55-60 (?) PPV that had, what, 4-5 matches announced last week? Yes, of course, the Punk/Cena match will be great, but that's not worth the price of admission.

At least last month had TWO amazing MITB ladder matches and a damn fine World Heavyweight Championship match along with the phenomenal main event. Plus, an insanely hot crowd in Chicago.

What does this PPV have? An alright performance by some hack performer? Puh-leeeze! :D

I'd honestly like to know who's REALLY spending money tonight. Because I'd bet that 99.9% of you guys are going to lamp it up just like me and everyone else who doesn't want to get ripped off by the WWE. ;)


Ydahs said:
So how many here are buying Summerslam who also bought MitB?
I bought Money in the Bank but will either lamp Summerslam or ignore it. Can't reward a company for barely devoting any time to a proper build of their purported #2 annual PPV. Especially when both main events seem to be hinting strongly towards screwjob finishes.

If I support this, they'll think 2-3 weeks of build will be enough for WrestleMania. CM Punk has not given me CHANGE in the one area that desperately needed it... aka Creative. So until that happens the WWE gets none of my money.


Yeah, this card definitely looks like crap, but I'm still going down to the local theater to watch with my cousin.

If anything, the various crowd reactions (usually half-mark/smarkish) will be a nice source of entertainment. Definitely added to the atmosphere for MITB at least.
I don't think I'm buying a WWE PPV until they show they can consistently put on good PPV's.

I don't like feeling that I'm gambling on if it will be entertaining or not.


Dork Knight said:
Yeah, I already said this last Monday, but there's NO WAY I'm buying tonight's PPV.

You kidding me? A $55-60 (?) PPV that had, what, 4-5 matches announced last week? Yes, of course, the Punk/Cena match will be great, but that's not worth the price of admission.

At least last month had TWO amazing MITB ladder matches and a damn fine World Heavyweight Championship match along with the phenomenal main event. Plus, an insanely hot crowd in Chicago.

What does this PPV have? An alright performance by some hack performer? Puh-leeeze! :D

I'd honestly like to know who's REALLY spending money tonight. Because I'd bet that 99.9% of you guys are going to lamp it up just like me and everyone else who doesn't want to get ripped off by the WWE. ;)
I've bought every WWE/TNA PPV in the past couple of years, though we're not paying those ridiculous prices over here in Australia (for once).

And I also, y'know, don't like to pirate something I know I'll enjoy.
I'm working 630pm-630am tonight, so I'm not buying the PPV or lamping it.

Money in the Bank was the first non Wrestlemania/Rumble ppv my group of friends bought in years and the reasons were many of the same ones already listed: great build up for the main event, undercard matches that were going to be good, hot crowd.

PPVs are expensive as hell, especially in HD, and WWE (or TNA or UFC or boxing) need to come strong to get me to part with that kind of money. A thrown together card with no excitement behind it ain't going to do it.
Should be a good ppv. Punk vs Cena should bring it again. It won't have the electricity of the first match, but if they give them another 30 minutes to go out there expect good things. With the number of matches on this ppv they should get 30 minutes too. Orton vs Christian could be good. Not really feeling this feud, but with No Holds Barred I'm hoping they bust out some weapons. Daniel Bryan vs Wade Barrett will hopefully get over 20 minutes. Daniel Bryan needs to go over here by submission. Sheamus vs Mark Henry will hopefully be quick. I'd hope they do the right thing and let Sheamus go over, because I'd like to see a Christian vs Sheamus feud for the title. I'd expect a IC title or US title match and a tag title match thrown in. Depending on how long they want to give the main matches. Also, I expect some dumb ass Hornswaggle and Ceelo Green segments and also Ceelo singing the theme song.


No One Remembers
Penguin said:
The match that caused Booker T to leave the WWE haha

What match was that??

I never buy PPVs. I'll be lamping it up. Especially given the card for tonight. I mean Punk/Cena could be another brilliant match like it was at MiTB, but there other matches aren't be catching my attention as much.
Another prediction:

Cee-Lo warming up backstage: "I see you drivin' 'round town with the girl I love, and I'm like"
Hornswoggle: "(In swogghili) fuck you"

evil ways

AnEternalEnigma said:
Guys, I have well-placed sources telling me that Daniel Bryan was spotted backstage at Summerslam. Holy shit.
And apparently Undertaker was spotted at 2 different places at the same time.


Predictions...on like the 5 matches we know about. -_-

John Cena vs. CM Punk (with special guest referee Triple H)
CM Punk; but for lulz, let's just say HHH wins.

Christian vs. Randy Orton (No Holds Barred Match)
Orton probably wins. They REALLY need to end this feud.

Sheamus vs. Mark Henry
Sheamus, if only to further the feud. Should be interesting at least.

Daniel Bryan vs. Wade Barrett
Eh...could go either way. I'll go with Daniel Bryan.

Kelly Kelly vs. Beth Phoenix
Beth. I'd be disappointed if it didn't happen.
I'll probably be disappointed.

Surprise Match (Let's face it, there has to be one. Right?)
Probably a random IC/US title match.
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