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WWE Draft |OT| A McMahon on every show

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Rock and Austin would just adlib themselves. So would Punk or Cena. Owens too probably. Everyone else cuts scripted promos and look confused when asked to adlib.

I guess what I meant was Rock/Austin/Jericho would just tell her to shut up if she tried that last word shit to undercut a face getting the better of her
I fell asleep an hour into the draft, woke up, went to actual bed, and only now read about stuff long after I woke up. IMO the draft failed at getting me intrested in watching anything on the main product regularly. They had a unique option to differentiate the brands with the draft, but instead made each product seem diluted - which is a total failure of the task they gave themselves.

My current stance of looking at Youtube the day after RAW for short clips probably won't change, although now I might do the same for Smackdown now too. I will still keep my WWE Network subscription going as I like NXT and bits of pieces of the original content.

I am not asking for RAW or Smackdown to turn into NXT but my one hope for last night was to make RAW and/or SD distinct from each other - and they fell at the first hurdle of accomplishing that. The roster of each show feels like it was determined via a lottery system, with no sensible human overlooking the situation. That is a horrible start.

It's a pity that WWEs big effort to make things different resulted in everything staying pretty much the same - at least for me.

My current feeling on WWE is not hate, I gave that up a long time ago, It is now more a sense of apathy. They can get things so right every now and then, but it is surprising to when they do so. The draft was certinly a low point, when it had every chance of been much more.


Bliss is moving up over Bayley?

Huh. OK. I bet some people who dont watch NXT are gonna really like Alexa.

I mean Bayley is such a uniqe thing I fully support keepe=ing her in NXT until they are sure they have a plan for her on the main roster so she doesnt debut stillborn like so many other out of nowhere NXT people.

If they dont fuck it up she can be the John Cena for little girls. I think they know this and dont want to fumble.

Or ya know. If you want to be totally jaded. She doesnt exactly fit the WWE main roster Womens model look and maybe Vince doesnt like it

Oh please. Vince knows what a money maker Bayley is. She is almost assuredly the top merchandise seller on NXT, and might be top 10 for the whole company.

Bayley has a match vs Asuka at Takeover Brooklyn, and drafting her now might make that pointless since we know what the outcome is going to be (I'm sure Asuka is going to win, but still). Besides, in kayfabe, it's possible that NXT selected a number of people as free agents that could be drafted, just like how you have to enter the NBA and NFL drafts to be able to be drafted. Since Nakamura, Joe, et. al are in the title picture, they were not put up as draftable, while people who weren't doing anything like Alexa and Carmella were entered.

If they announced this beforehand, the surprise of who got drafted from NXT would have been much lessened since you already knew who could be drafted.


could never
Stephanie will still be trouble no doubt, but Triple H has shown that he could be good for the WWE through things like NXT and the CWC.
Hmm, right now we have Trips apperently arguing with Vince on certain things then backing down. Would the same happen when Vince is gone? will the king of kings be chopblocked by the Queen?

Just watched Cesaro's interview. He's probably going to get heat for it but everything he said there was 100% spot on. Smackdown's picks were out of line with the kayfabe message they were putting out and nobody gives a flying fuck about Stephanie

They now can have 30 minutes of every Raw just being Steph slapping Cesaro over and over again.



I kept my expectations low for this and somehow still came away disappointed. My favorite part was when Shane and Bryan couldn't even feign excitement for their picks about halfway through.


The newest shit thing Steph has been doing lately is anytime a face gets a good zinger in at her Steph goes off script for a second to awkwardly cut into someone's promo and get some halfassed last word in. It's annoying as fuck because it's more of her not letting anyone get over plus it ruins the pace of a segment.

She wouldn't get away with that shit with Rock or Austin.

fucking love how austin would just say "SHUT UP" any time someone cut him off, babyface or heel

except they would actually shut up when they said that. if someone told steph to shut up i'm pretty sure she'd just talk more in order to get her little word in
When did people turn on Ziggler? He used to be big on GAF.

He's down in the dumps with most of GAF sort of like how Miz was for so long.

I personally went cold on Ziggler because it felt like his feuds were going nowhere but I still think he could be championship material.

He was great during his MITB cash-in, and saving that Survivor Series match, but he's been garbage ever since.
I kept my expectations low for this and somehow still came away disappointed. My favorite part was when Shane and Bryan couldn't even feign excitement for their picks about halfway through.

I get the impression they were being handed their picks straight from Vince during the breaks. You can see the excitement fade away by the end of Smackdown.


They are never asked to adlib.

And generally when they do get in situations where they can go off the cuff, they are pretty good, see literally any WWE.com interview, Raw Fallout interview etc. etc.

Obviously we have the Kalisto's of the world but every generation needs a Steve Blackman, right?
It's like when hype gets too big before an Apple or video game event, and their PR says something a week before to shut down wild expectations and keep us realistic. WWE needs that.

If they just said the NXT picks could be anyone but the champs and the #1 contenders, we could have stayed hyped knowing what we would get. I'd be somewhat happy with Bliss, Jax, Mojo, and Carmella now instead.


In fairness, Daniel Bryan seemed pretty pumped for American Alpha (though who wouldn't be).

Smackdown needed more picks like that. The problem is the perception between most Raw and SD picks. When you pick Baron Corbin before Raw takes Kevin Owens, there's a problem.

While it's obvious Raw's the "A" show, it's not even balanced to make them look comparable.


D. Bry and Shane on the Network interview my god.

"Tell us about your pick strategy."



I enjoyed the draft for what it was; a pre-scripted event to add some different talent to the different shows.

I felt like they created a decent enough story around the kayfabe reasoning for a draft split and I like a lot of the talent on the different shows.

I'm excited to see Balor on Raw with guys like Rollins, Owens and Cesaro.

I'm excited to see Styles and Cena on Smackdown and see how they manage being extremely experienced dudes on a 'B' tier show.

I also enjoyed the fallout from all the 'interviews' with the Superstars after finding out their draft picks. The amount of threads/posts I saw on Reddit talking about the "pipe bomb" of Cesaro made me happy.


D. Bry and Shane on the Network interview my god.

"Tell us about your pick strategy."


Corey: Was there any guy that you didn't pick during the draft but was very happy was still available after the show?

Shane: (I don't know how to answer that)

DB: Apollo Crews.

Jamie OD

When did people turn on Ziggler? He used to be big on GAF.

He's down in the dumps with most of GAF sort of like how Miz was for so long.

I personally went cold on Ziggler because it felt like his feuds were going nowhere but I still think he could be championship material.

When he and Lana did a romance angle last year. They had no chemistry whatsoever and Ziggler's performances both in-ring and promo wise took a drop. Around the same time Ziggler started doing stand up comedy as a hobby and his tweets became unbearably bad with unfunny jokes. That along with him thinking he should be on top when his in-ring form said otherwise turned him into an unlikable figure to some of us.


Receipts please



Just for NXT, went to best sellers, besides 2k17 Bayley's shirt is no. 1.


All women superstars. Best sellers, Bayley's shirt is #3 behind Brie Bella bracelets/headbands which are like $3. Thus, for overall women, Bayley is #2.


For all t-shirts. Bayley's shirt is #24, and counting only superstars and not individual shirts, she is #9 overall (not counting the smackdown/raw shirts and WM shirts either).

And she is only on NXT. That's pretty fucking good.

Tom Nook

Cesaro straight fuckin shootin on the draft live show

Love it, especially at the end

A lot of people talk, it’s always a lot of talking and you haven’t heard me talk that much. This is actually great. I can be even able to talk and people can see I can actually speak, you know? My brain can form thoughts that come out through my mouth. The problem is sometimes I stumble the words because I speak five different languages, we know all that, so the thing is I like to speak the language that everybody speaks all around the world, that the WWE Universe loves... that’s the language of wrestling that I do in the ring. That’s what I do best. That’s why I always deliver. Cesaro on Raw.
Cesaro will probably catch heat for the bit where he straight up said he doesn't care about Mick/Steph. But he's right. Steph's teetering on X-Pac heat at this point because she's a heel who's basically untouchable and she hogs way too much spotlight.
Say what you want about Vince but at least he understands that he needs to look foolish now and then and put the babyfaces over. Steph somehow has an even bigger ego than he does.


Say what you want about Vince but at least he understands that he needs to look foolish now and then and put the babyfaces over. Steph somehow has an even bigger ego than he does.

Even HHH, the guy who has a massive reputation for burying talent and keeping himself over, has been doing this in recent years.


love on your sleeve


Just for NXT, went to best sellers, besides 2k17 Bayley's shirt is no. 1.


All women superstars. Best sellers, Bayley's shirt is #3 behind Brie Bella bracelets/headbands which are like $3. Thus, for overall women, Bayley is #2.


For all t-shirts. Bayley's shirt is #24, and counting only superstars and not individual shirts, she is #9 overall (not counting the smackdown/raw shirts and WM shirts either).

And she is only on NXT. That's pretty fucking good.

Top Seller lists on most sites is just shit they're trying to push on you. It's advertising.

It's a fucking work.

Jesus guys...


Steph is a mark for herself, they wouldn't script those comments.


This was so depressing. The only really fun parts were promos by Jericho, Owens, Rusev and a few others on the Network special. I've lost hope for change on the actual,shows.
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