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[X360] 14 Mass Effect screens in 720p




It would seem that there's quite a difference between cut scene and game-play even though both are in-engine.

But that was to be expected as the cut-scene level of graphics would have seriously hampered the game-play (on any console and PC too) and it's usually rule for most titles.
I can only think of one upcoming game using the same assets for both.

Blackace said:
Anymore downgrade comments?

Just got an image in my head of Stalin asking "Anymore capitalist pigs who loves freedom of speech?" :lol
The only difference is between an alien and a Human.

Can't believe people are comparing the "graphics" between the two.

Cutcene is the exact same as gameplay, it doesn't change, have you guys ever played Jade Empire and Kotor at all?
The first two shots look completely stunning, but the gameplay ones aren't that impressive. And the main character has the exact same facial expression in 3 shots, he must be a one tough mofo.

Day one purchase for me. BiowAre is the best RPG developer to me, and i don't undersand the hate for Jade Empire :p.


Ynos Yrros said:
The first two shots look completely stunning, but the gameplay ones aren't that impressive. And the main character has the exact same facial expression in 3 shots, he must be a one tough mofo.

I heard that he'll have procedural facial animations like in Uncharted.

Ynos Yrros said:
Day one purchase for me. BiowAre is the best RPG developer to me, and i don't undersand the hate for Jade Empire :p.
Loved that game though the fight balancing was made too easy.

Oh oh, and the arcade flight session were a stroke of brilliance.


Ynos Yrros said:
And the main character has the exact same facial expression in 3 shots, he must be a one tough mofo.
He's just standing there. The conversations in this game are going to be the most realistic and natural ones you'll ever see.


Merovingian said:
The only difference is between an alien and a Human.

Can't believe people are comparing the "graphics" between the two.

Cutcene is the exact same as gameplay, it doesn't change, have you guys ever played Jade Empire and Kotor at all?
huh? there's a ton of DoF and lack of aliasing in the cutscenes. i'll bet there's also a difference in the specular maps or another area that would end up making the lighting more dramatic.



the difference is night and day. that in-game shot has especially bad aliasing in the background.
dfyb said:
huh? there's a ton of DoF and lack of aliasing in the cutscenes. i'll bet there's also a difference in the specular maps or another area that would end up making the lighting more dramatic.



the difference is night and day. that in-game shot has especially bad aliasing in the background.

Oh, i'm not talking about special effects. I'm talking about the Art Assets. Someone implied they weren't the same, which is wrong.

But yeah, i can see the conversations having a bit more shizzey, like DOF. And the difference isn't like night and day, it's like in Mgs, when the cutcenes comes they might have a filter here and there, some more shizzey, but the difference isn't night day. That's just some hyperbolic BS.


segarr said:
He's just standing there. The conversations in this game are going to be the most realistic and natural ones you'll ever see.

I'll wait till the E3 videos to make such bold claims.

But one thing is for sure, it's really neat looking.


Those are two different characters why would the specular maps be the same? And how could you even be able to see aliasing when the background is blurred. Night and day my ass.


VonGak! said:
How many species are there going to be? I bet we only have seen the tip of the iceberg.
So far Wikipedia lists the following alien races
# 4 Alien Races
* 4.1 Geth
* 4.2 Asari
* 4.3 Krogan
* 4.4 Salarians
* 4.5 Turians
* 4.6 Volus
* 4.7 Quarians
* 4.8 Batarians

The Geth are a bi-pedal, humanoid race of networked AIs that reside in the Terminus Systems. The Geth were created nearly 300 years ago by the Quarians as laborers and tools of war. When the Geth began to question their masters, the Quarians attempted to exterminate them. The Geth won the resulting war. The example of the Geth has led to a legally enforced, systematic repression of artificial intelligences in galactic society.

The Geth can learn and grow intellectually, but they progress far more slowly than an organic being. Still, the story of the Geth's creation and evolution serves as a warning to the rest of the galaxy of the potential dangers of Artificial Intelligence.

The closer Geth physically are to each other, the more intelligent each one becomes. Effectively, they "share" brain power. An individual Geth has only a basic intelligence on par with animal instincts, but in groups they can reason, analyze situations, and use tactics as well as any of the organic races.

Over time the Geth have evolved into numerous sub-forms - from the diminutive but highly agile "Hoppers", to the gigantic, lumbering Geth "Armatures". It should be stressed, however, that in all forms the Geth are to be approached with extreme caution as they are universally violent.[18]

[edit] Asari

This race has been revealed to be a member of the Citadel Council. Of all the species in Council space, the asari are the most widespread and the ones who most closely resemble humans. Asari are an asexual species--the concept of gender doesn't particularly apply to them. However, their features are very feminine.

Their complexion usually consists of blue and greenish pigments. Instead of hair, asari have wavy folds of sculpted skin.

The asari are accepted as the most respected, admired and powerful species in the galaxy. They were the first species after the Protheans to achieve interstellar flight. This allowed the asari to be the first species to discover the Citadel.

In addition, the asari served as a founding member species of the Council.

[edit] Krogan

The krogan are a species of large reptilian bipeds native to the planet Tuchanka, a world known for its harsh environments, scarce resources and overabundance of vicious predators. The krogan managed to not only survive on their unforgiving homeworld, but actually thrived in the extreme conditions. Unfortunately, as krogan society become more technologically advanced so did their weaponry.

Four thousand years ago, at the dawn of the krogan nuclear age, battles to claim the small pockets of territory capable of sustaining life escalated into full scale global war. Weapons of mass destruction were unleashed, transforming Tuchanka into a radioactive wasteland. The krogan themselves were reduced to primitive warring clans struggling to survive a nuclear winter of their own creationÂ… a state that continued until they were discovered by the salarians two thousand years later.

Due to the brutality of their surroundings, natural selection has played a significant role in the evolution of the species. Krogan reproduce and mature at an astonishing rate. Their large shoulder humps store fluids and nutrients, enabling them to survive extended periods without food or water. Their thick hides are virtually impervious to cuts, scrapes or contusions, and they are highly resistant to toxins, radiation and extremes of both heat and cold.

Biotic individuals are rare, though those who do possess the talent are typically quite strong in their abilities. But their most amazing physiological features are the multiple instances of major organs; these secondary systems are capable of serving as back-ups in the event of damage to the primary biological structures. This redundancy makes them incredibly difficult to kill or incapacitate in normal combat scenarios.[19]

[edit] Salarians

Salarians are a race renowned for their technical skill as well as their high aptitude for espionage. In the interstellar community, they've created many of the major technological advances that now fill the galaxy.

[edit] Turians

The turians were the last of the Citadel races to join the Council. Their features are avian, making them resemble humanoid birds or raptors. They have a reputation for skill and bravery in combat, but they are not known to be bloodthirsty. A rigid code of honor and strict discipline are the hallmarks of any turian officer. This includes humane treatment of prisoners and conquered enemies. A turian patrol unit will never willingly leave behind one of their own, no matter what the cost of saving them.

Turian society is highly regimented and very organized, and the species is known for its strict discipline and work ethic. Turians are willing to do what needs to be done, and they always follow through. They are not easily spurred to violence, but when conflict is inevitable, they only understand a concept of "total war." They do not believe in skirmishes or small-scale battles; they use massive fleets and numbers to defeat an adversary so completely that they remove any threat of having to fight the same opponent more than once. They do not exterminate their enemy, but so completely devastate their military that the enemy has no choice but to become a colony of the Turians.

Other species see them as "men of action," and they are generally regarded as the most progressive of the Citadel races. Since their culture is based on the structure of a military hierarchy, changes and advances accepted by the leadership are quickly adopted by the rest of society with minimal resistance.[20]

[edit] Volus

Little is yet known about the Volus, but their heavy clothing and breathing masks are apparently a necessary garb when away from the unique atmosphere of their home world.

[edit] Quarians

A nomadic race of humanoid aliens, the quarians are generally shorter and of slighter build than humans. They dress in a scavenged assortment of materials, hiding their faces behind visors, goggles, or breathing masks. Some believe the quarians are cybernetic, a blend of machine and biology that can survive for a time in the cold vacuum of space. Others believe the quarians are simply so used to living on their substandard, makeshift ships that they never remove their survival suits.

Three hundred years ago the quarians created the Geth, a species of rudimentary AIs, to serve as an efficient source of manual labor. But the Geth rebelled against their quarian masters and drove them into exile. Now the quarians wander the galaxy in a flotilla of salvaged ships, secondhand vessels, and recycled technology. Other species tend to look down on the quarians, seeing them as scavengers and condemning them for unleashing a dangerous synthetic life form on the rest of the galaxy.[21]

[edit] Batarians

A very seedy race with large numbers in the crime syndicates throughout the galaxy. The batarians are skinnier than the average human but are about the same size height wise.


segarr said:
Those are two different characters why would the specular maps be the same? And how could you even be able to see aliasing when the background is blurred. Night and day my ass.
I have only seen the blue faced woman go again in game-play and cut-scene.

But it would be unfair to compare those two pictures.

Thanks Tieno. :D


Mawio Gawaxy iz da Wheeson hee pways games
dfyb said:
huh? there's a ton of DoF and lack of aliasing in the cutscenes. i'll bet there's also a difference in the specular maps or another area that would end up making the lighting more dramatic.

the difference is night and day. that in-game shot has especially bad aliasing in the background.

Screenshots are pretty meaningless in my opinion.

After this video; http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=15568&type=mov&pl=game, how can anyone argue it's not a great looking game? You see aliasing in there, but it still looks f'ing fantastic.


segarr said:
Those are two different characters why would the specular maps be the same? And how could you even be able to see aliasing when the background is blurred. Night and day my ass.
i wasn't implying the specular maps were the same for these two specific characters. i'm saying gameplay models might not be running the same specular maps when they're in gameplay vs cutscene. just a hunch because it's not all that uncommon and the lighting in gameplay isn't as awesome as the cutscene lighting.

aliasing isn't present on the alien even where there's no DoF (the in-focus areas). look at where the neck meets the suit and compare it to the gameplay one. DoF is a resource-heavy application in itself, so your point is pretty pointless.

Thunderbear said:
Screenshots are pretty meaningless in my opinion.

After this video; http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=15568&type=mov&pl=game, how can anyone argue it's not a great looking game? You see aliasing in there, but it still looks f'ing fantastic.

i think the game looks great -- i'm definitely not saying it looks ugly. but outside of the cutscenes, it's just not as impressive as some other upcoming games. even comparing real-time cutscenes to other real-time cutscenes (uncharted, perhaps heavenly sword) -- they're pretty even, though ME goes for a more realistic art style.
VonGak! said:
I heard that he'll have procedural facial animations like in Uncharted.
Yeah I heard that it was going for some amazing facial animations too, but I still haven't seen the "wrinkle mapping" in this game, and is the character in those 3 screenshots under the EXACT same circumstances? He should have his mouth open in at least one of those, or his eyes maybe, anything. Unless the system isn't in place yet.

And I'm not picking on the game, cause what's there is perfectly fine with me, but I'm picking on people who were trolling the Uncharted thread.
Ynos Yrros said:
Yeah I heard that it was going for some amazing facial animations too, but I still haven't seen the "wrinkle mapping" in this game, and is the character in those 3 screenshots under the EXACT same circumstances? He should have his mouth open in at least one of those, or his eyes maybe, anything. Unless the system isn't in place yet.

And I'm not picking on the game, cause what's there is perfectly fine with me, but I'm picking on people who were trolling the Uncharted thread.

The wrinkle system, lol

Yeah it has it. Man even Too human has it, the wrinkle thing really isn't that big of a deal anymore. And i don't walk around with my mouth open...you do? If you do that's weird.


szaromir said:
EDIT: http://i8.tinypic.com/4qynwuw.gif[/IMG]

I think ynoS meant during gameplay where the main character will dynamically change facial expression according to the situations (close his eyes when a grenade explodes and such).
Merovingian said:
The wrinkle system, lol

Yeah it has it. Man even Too human has it, the wrinkle thing really isn't that big of a deal anymore. And i don't walk around with my mouth open...you do?
You're not the one to speak actually, you should be nitpicking the hell out of those screenshots, just like you did with most PS3 games.



Look at the space between and above his eyebrows, they move, but there are no wrinkles being made.

Oh, and he still has the same facial expression in 3 pics, where's the procedural face animation?
Ynos Yrros said:
You're not the one to speak actually, you should be nitpicking the hell out of those screenshots, just like you did with most PS3 games.



Look at the space between and above his eyebrows, they move, but there are no wrinkles being made.

Oh, and he still has the same facial expression in 3 pics, where's the procedural face animation?


That's really unfair. I'm not saying this is the best looking game ever, and since the hyperbole is really reduced in this thread, i don't see reason to comment on others.

And regarding the procedural animation, i doubt you will see changes in his facial expression when he is just walking around, minding his own business.


Ynos Yrros said:
You're not the one to speak actually, you should be nitpicking the hell out of those screenshots, just like you did with most PS3 games.
And you should be praising Mass Effect a lot and see no shortcomings :lol

Look at the space between and above his eyebrows, they move, but there are no wrinkles being made.
Are you blind?

Oh, and he still has the same facial expression in 3 pics, where's the procedural face animation?
It is probably he's deafult, emotionless expression. You could at least wait for some in-game footage before you start trolling.


Merovingian said:

That's really unfair. I'm not saying this is the best looking game ever, and since the hyperbole is really reduced in this thread, i don't see reason to comment on others.

And regarding the procedural animation, i doubt you will see changes in his facial expression when he is just walking around, minding his own business.
Probably, this is a massive 30+ hour RPG with some shooter elements.


Merovingian said:
And regarding the procedural animation, i doubt you will see changes in his facial expression when he is just walking around, minding his own business.
He still should have some miniscule facial movements, eye blinking, stuff related to breathing etc. I hope it will be in game.
szaromir said:
And you should be praising Mass Effect a lot and see no shortcomings :lol

Are you blind?

It is probably he's deafult, emotionless expression. You could at least wait for some in-game footage before you start trolling.
The game looks stunning to me, there are no shortcomings, but there are games that do those things better.
I'm definately not blind, post HD pictures of this sequence, so maybe we can actually see those wrinkles.
And yeah, this is in-game footage, and what you call trolling, I call observation. People point out such things in every PS3 game related topic (topics I spend most of my gaf time in), don't be mad when someone does the same thing you do.
szaromir said:
He still should have some miniscule facial movements, eye blinking, stuff related to breathing etc. I hope it will be in game.

Of course you have the eye movement and eye blinking. But since there's no explosions going around him, he doesn't have to reload a weapon or some shit, it's kinda hard to do anything with it.

But in the Xplay bit, when the characters weren't moving they showed quite a bit of body animation going.


dfyb said:
i wasn't implying the specular maps were the same for these two specific characters. i'm saying gameplay models might not be running the same specular maps when they're in gameplay vs cutscene. just a hunch because it's not all that uncommon and the lighting in gameplay isn't as awesome as the cutscene lighting.
Well, I disagree the lighting is worse in-game. That cutscene just has a nice DOF effect and that's it. I beleive Bioware will be using DOF during in-game conversations to focus on different people at times. It's just that none of the screens show that aspect.

dfyb said:
aliasing isn't present on the alien even where there's no DoF (the in-focus areas). look at where the neck meets the suit and compare it to the gameplay one. DoF is a resource-heavy application in itself, so your point is pretty pointless.
There isn't any different level of AA being used there. The character in the foreground is closer and jaggies always appear more noticible on far away objects. You just can't see it in that background because it is blurred, unlike the gameplay screen.

This cutscene


And this in-game screen does not show any difference in graphical fidelity. It's just that the background is blurred in the cutscene.


Tieno said:
Probably, this is a massive 30+ hour RPG with some shooter elements.

Not forgetting five years of episodic content support.

Wouldn't surprise me if the added a lot of new gameplay elements too over time.
VonGak! said:
Not forgetting five years of episodic content support.

Wouldn't surprise me if the added a lot of new gameplay elements too over time.

Man the coolest thing is that it's a trilogy with DL content in between, and the character you make in the 1st game and grow used to will transfer to the rest of the "saga"


Ynos Yrros said:
The game looks stunning to me, there are no shortcomings, but there are games that do those things better.
Ya right.
I'm definately not blind, post HD pictures of this sequence, so maybe we can actually see those wrinkles.
I see wrinkles. Sadly, I don't have HD version of that scene, Xplay preview is only available in lowres Flash videos. :(
And yeah, this is in-game footage, and what you call trolling, I call observation.
It's not an observation, when you say there's no animation having seen 3 static screenshots. Not only that, after watching these 3 screens, you claim that other games have better facial animation (of course, they are on the other platform). This is trolling.


Does anyone know if it's possible to restart the game (after you've finished it) with the same stats, and stronger enemies. Thirty hours seems a bit short to me, but then again, if the entire game is crammed with awesomeness (like GoWII - which was a lot shorter though) it shouldn't be that big of a loss if the 'restart with current stats' option isn't there.

It would be cool though, so please let me know.


Blutonium said:
Does anyone know if it's possible to restart the game (after you've finished it) with the same stats, and stronger enemies. Thirty hours seems a bit short to me
It's 30 hours when you focus only on the main quest and don't bother to explore the galaxy.
szaromir said:
I see wrinkles. Sadly, I don't have HD version of that scene, Xplay preview is only available in lowres Flash videos. :(

It's not an observation, when you say there's no animation having seen 3 static screenshots. Not only that, after watching these 3 screens, you claim that other games have better facial animation (of course, they are on the other platform). This is trolling.
You mean those wrinkles that are there all the time?
I'm just following the steps of people who were commenting that game on the other platform, putting Mass Effect into equation.
For facial animations to be considered the best, or even one of the best, they should be dynamic, so whether the character is right after walking, or stands in one place for some longer time, or was just running - they should differ.

Anyway, I agree that this discussion is ridiculous, I rest my case, I'm pumped for this game, and that talk affects it in a negative way. I just hope that people hold the same answers next time someone comes into another topic about another game.


Ynos Yrros said:
You mean those wrinkles that are there all the time?
I'm just following the steps of people who were commenting that game on the other platform, putting Mass Effect into equation.
For facial animations to be considered the best, or even one of the best, they should be dynamic, so whether the character is right after walking, or stands in one place for some longer time, or was just running - they should differ.

Anyway, I agree that this discussion is ridiculous, I rest my case, I'm pumped for this game, and that talk affects it in a negative way. I just hope that people hold the same answers next time someone comes into another topic about another game.
Uncharted right?


Ynos Yrros said:
I'm just following the steps of people who were commenting that game on the other platform, putting Mass Effect into equation.

If this 'I'm just balancing the ledger' stuff is supposed to be an excuse, or a reason why what you're doing is not trolling: NO


Merovingian said:
Man the coolest thing is that it's a trilogy with DL content in between, and the character you make in the 1st game and grow used to will transfer to the rest of the "saga"

Yes and for once I believe it's going to work unlike previous games where it turned out to be a gimmick or the franchises never managed to establish.

Mass Effect has the creative talent to keep the franchise fresh and the financial security in MS so one won't have to constantly worry about the latest installment/update being the last (or like in WoW having to wait years for the expansion).
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