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X360 dashboard update preview invites going out NOW. Who got in?


I don't understand why some of you are getting in a fit about people purchasing avatar accessories. It's not your money they're spending, it's theirs.


ciD_Vain said:
I don't understand why some of you are getting in a fit about people purchasing avatar accessories. It's not your money they're spending, it's theirs.

The same reason people are so contemptuous of people buying stuff in Home. People like to complain.


ciD_Vain said:
I don't understand why some of you are getting in a fit about people purchasing avatar accessories. It's not your money they're spending, it's theirs.

they're bossy people.


LiK said:
they're bossy people.

no. we're pissed because some people are contributing in a shitty environment where every little thing cost a lot. this will just lead to ever growing prices for services we should really get for free. believe, paid voice chat for 2011.


soqquatto said:
no. we're pissed because some people are contributing in a shitty environment where every little thing cost a lot. this will just lead to ever growing prices for services we should really get for free. believe, paid voice chat for 2011.
soqquatto said:
no. we're pissed because some people are contributing in a shitty environment where every little thing cost a lot. this will just lead to ever growing prices for services we should really get for free. believe, paid voice chat for 2011.

Yup, anyone who buys this crap is part of the problem. You are the reason that we have to pay to change our "buddy icon" and wallpaper, as well as to just play online period. If you think it's going to end here, you are mistaken. These companies will continue to nickel and dime you to death.
Everyone complaining about paying for this stuff needs to game on PC only. There are free options for just about everything there. Sell your PS3s and 360s, stick with PCs, and then it's somebody else's problem and you can shut up about it.

It's not like there isn't a solution staring you in the face. It's called a PC.
soqquatto said:
no. we're pissed because some people are contributing in a shitty environment where every little thing cost a lot. this will just lead to ever growing prices for services we should really get for free. believe, paid voice chat for 2011.

Some people? If the .056% of posters who actually admit to buying DLC like this were the only ones buying the stuff, there would be no more DLC like it ever again.

You're yelling at the wrong people.
BenjaminBirdie said:
Why would you want someone like that on your friend's list anyway? Would you go to Barnes & Nobles with someone who kept knocking the crappy Star Wars novels that you like to read anyway out of your hand when you tried to take them to the register?

They are actually quite good, much better than the movies. Well, there's over a hundred so obviously not all of them...some authors are better than others.
WickedLaharl said:
shouldn't i be getting paid for shilling a companies product on my avatar?

Yep. The world is truly fucking backwards now.

The majority of this stuff should be free. The next tier of sweet stuff should be offered as paid downloads - but also unlockable via achievements in game.

But who am I kidding. People are going to make a killing selling this stuff.

It'd be easier to swallow if all of these doodads and trinkets were actually micro-transactions. I'm talking about the 5 to 10 point range here.
soqquatto said:
no. we're pissed because some people are contributing in a shitty environment where every little thing cost a lot. this will just lead to ever growing prices for services we should really get for free. believe, paid voice chat for 2011.


Good god, will people actually read the damn posts before they state people are just whining and trying to tell people what to spend their money on?


I think the avatar accessories are something that they will never make it for free anyway (unless maybe some promotion that give you a shirt or something).

It's either they make it and you pay for it, or they don't make it at all.

Though I think they should make more community-type games that make use of the avatar so we could actually show it off to people, instead of dressing barbie doll among ourself.
billy.sea said:
It's either they make it and you pay for it, or they don't make it at all.

This doesn't make much sense though.

If a game is trying to increase hype/mind-share, why not just offer shirts and props and the like for free? Fans can grab the stuff off the marketplace and it's free targeted advertising across that user's friends list.

There *is* value in that. More than enough value to cover the trivial cost of producing the things.

The only reason this stuff is pay-to-wear is that our stupid ass market will bear it. And most of you guys are part of the problem (you know who you are).
SquallASF said:

Good god, will people actually read the damn posts before they state people are just whining and trying to tell people what to spend their money on?
That's it I'm buying the Q-tip along with the Pom Poms.

REV 09

soqquatto said:
no. we're pissed because some people are contributing in a shitty environment where every little thing cost a lot. this will just lead to ever growing prices for services we should really get for free. believe, paid voice chat for 2011.
imo, there wouldn't be as many of those "every little things" if the developers who make them couldn't profit off of their creations.

the video game industry is a BUSINESS. If you don't like the stuff then don't buy it. Profit motive drives innovation. the individual prices are determined by demand; if demand is low then prices will adjust.

people do this shit for a living...developers aren't slaving away to make products and services to support some kid's hobby.
NullPointer said:
If a game is trying to increase hype/mind-share, why not just offer shirts and props and the like for free? Fans can grab the stuff off the marketplace and it's free targeted advertising across that user's friends list.

They already do this ALL THE TIME on the marketplace now with promotional gamerpics, themes, and the like for some companies. I fully expect there to be free promotional clothes with McDonalds logos, Ford Mustang Shirts, Wendy's hats, US Army camo patterns, etc.

That stuff will come, I'm sure of it. You'll just have to wait a bit. The brands people will pay to advertise in real life (Nike, Adidas, etc.) will cost money online as well. In this regard it is reflecting people's real-life tendencies. I mean, they could just give away Nike or Halo branded shirts in RL as well and call it advertising but they don't, because they know people will pay for it. Virtual clothes are no different.
Dr. Zoidberg said:
Virtual clothes are no different.

But they really, REALLY are. About as different as they can possibly be.

At least for real shirts Nike has to pay to have them designed, made and distributed. They balance those costs out with advertising value and price accordingly.

What are we talking about with a virtual T-Shirt? A simple image file? Whats the total cost there?
Anyone bitching at and berating anyone for buying something they don't agree with is beyond lame and steps into the realm of douchebaggery of the highest order. A group on GAF is not going to change the existence or continued existence of optional vanity items. As the avatars become more integrated into various games they will naturally spark that desire for many to distinguish themselves, visually, from others. Now, beyond the good range of free shit available, there's optional paid content. Big deal.


NullPointer said:
At least for real shirts Nike has to pay to have them designed, made and distributed. They balance those costs out with advertising value and price accordingly.

Are you seriously indicating Nike t-shirts would be cheaper without the Nike logo? :lol
It feels like, to me, that most of us games who came from the sms and nes era or before that are being taken over by the kids who started gaming on a ps2 and have their parents credit cards to spend on.


NullPointer said:
But they really, REALLY are. About as different as they can possibly be.

At least for real shirts Nike has to pay to have them designed, made and distributed. They balance those costs out with advertising value and price accordingly.

What are we talking about with a virtual T-Shirt? A simple image file? Whats the total cost there?
Based on what I hear about who Nike gets to make their clothes, the "simple image file" might actually cost more to produce. ;)

I don't care one way or the other whether someone buys an Avatar add-on, and at some point I might even buy one myself if I feel like it (or if I'm drunk :D ). The value someone sees in their own purchases is the only thing that matters, and if enough people like and purchase these add-ons than all the more reason to keep making them.
So what happened to this update increasing the speed of the dashboard? Having to wait a whole 30 seconds every time I want to bring up my list of games is really starting to piss me off, the fact that the adverts manage to pop up straight away is beyond ridiculous. Is there anyway to defrag the HDD or something, its seems rather ridiculous that I can boot up a full Windows desktop in the time it takes for the 360 to show a list of games.

I've had the machine freeze on me a fair few times since updating now as well. Not impressed.

I own about 30 Live Arcade title and half a dozen indie games, with demos and trials and the like, the total number will be in the 50-60 mark. Surely that's not too much for the system to handle? I shudder to think how unusable it must be for those guys with 100 or more arcade games.
Diablohead said:
It feels like, to me, that most of us games who came from the sms and nes era or before that are being taken over by the kids who started gaming on a ps2 and have their parents credit cards to spend on.
You might be missing that obvious one where a lot of people on this board are old enough to have jobs to pay for their own purchases.
brain_stew said:
So what happened to this update increasing the speed of the dashboard? .
They made it happen...thats what. Since I got into the preview program it has been zippy as hell, everything just pops into place, WABAM!


I just spent 1600 points on virtual shit simply to spite some of you and to insure that we will all being paying out the nose for years to come


Junior Member
HallucinatingElvis said:
They made it happen...thats what. Since I got into the preview program it has been zippy as hell, everything just pops into place, WABAM!

That's what she said! :D
I used to rail against bottled water, see what good that did?
ciD_Vain said:
I don't understand why some of you are getting in a fit about people purchasing avatar accessories. It's not your money they're spending, it's theirs.

Well I'm not buying anything until I get my Malibu house and hot pink convertible.
Diablohead said:
It feels like, to me, that most of us games who came from the sms and nes era or before that are being taken over by the kids who started gaming on a ps2 and have their parents credit cards to spend on.

I grew up on Intellivision and use my own credit card. I just have more disposable income because I don't have kids sucking every dollar I earn out of my pocket.


Junior Member
REV 09 said:
imo, there wouldn't be as many of those "every little things" if the developers who make them couldn't profit off of their creations.

the video game industry is a BUSINESS. If you don't like the stuff then don't buy it. Profit motive drives innovation. the individual prices are determined by demand; if demand is low then prices will adjust.

people do this shit for a living...developers aren't slaving away to make products and services to support some kid's hobby.

GTFO with that shit. Those same developers make HOME SPACES which take considerably much more work to create and guess what? Those things are FREE because they help promote their games! The least these developers could do is release Premium themes, gamer pics (which is just a freakin jpg for gods sakes!), etc.. for free to 360 owners to help promote. The current system is highway robbery. No two ways about it.
PSGames said:
GTFO with that shit. Those same developers make HOME SPACES which take considerably much more work to create and guess what? Those things are FREE because they help promote their games! The least these developers could do is release Premium themes, gamer pics (which is just a freakin jpg for gods sakes!), etc.. for free to 360 owners to help promote. The current system is highway robbery. No two ways about it.
thanks...I just bought the lightsaber


I bought the dumbbells because they made me laugh. Plus I have thousands of points from giveaways, so I have no problem wasting them on useless crap.


sparkle this bitch
soqquatto said:
no. we're pissed because some people are contributing in a shitty environment where every little thing cost a lot. this will just lead to ever growing prices for services we should really get for free. believe, paid voice chat for 2011.
So your pissed since you want free virtual pom poms to make your character cheer?

Also, if you want to play that game
How many of you bought another 360 after one broke.
How many of you bought a PS3 and argued but it has great value for the price
How many of you bought a Wii, when Nintendo was making bank right from the start at 250$ Not to mention, why I am forced to pay extra for the inclusion of Wii Sports compared to JPN which didn't have it?
How many of you are buying 60$ games
How many of you are buying with digital distribution allowing removal of re-sale value from games
How many of you upgrade your PC every 2-3 years, to play newer games.
How about 50$+ for a controller on any system(Unless it's wired)
Short/Replay-less games? Pre-order bonus? Paying for Online? DLC?
This can easily keep going on,

Here is the thing, why are you buying anything this generation if that is your view on it. In one way or another, you're effecting other people with your habits in a negative way. Your being anti-consumer. This one just happens not to fall into your view of "Worth it", therefore others are hurting you if they see it as worth it. Since your perceived valued of what it should be worth, doesn't match theirs.

It's not exclusive to this generation either. Every generation is going have it's ups and downs with this stuff. They just find new ways to play the game:lol
And you could always cut a deal with your girlfriend whereupon she paid you for the privilege of washing your dishes.

But you'd be an asshole and she'd be a dumbass.

That's all from me. Carry on.


I prefer spending $10 on a XBLA game that took at least 4 months of work to develop than on a virtual lightsaber and costume that was made in like 3 days by one person


Strap on your hooker ...
Ah, the outrage from some people is just delicious.

I can just picture you guys noticing a friend's cell phone has a Family Guy wallpaper or whatever and freaking out, slapping it out of their hands, and shouting "FUCK YOU CONSUMER WHORE WE CAN'T BE FRIENDS ANYMORE I HATE YOU SO MUCH!!!"


I was mad when they raised the price of my favorite combo meal at McDonald's and told everyone to stop buying it because that would just lead to increased prices of everything else on the menu in coming years. How dare they spend their money on something that was obviously not worth it!

P.S. I bought a guitar prop.
NullPointer said:
But they really, REALLY are. About as different as they can possibly be.

At least for real shirts Nike has to pay to have them designed, made and distributed. They balance those costs out with advertising value and price accordingly.

What are we talking about with a virtual T-Shirt? A simple image file? Whats the total cost there?

The cost of goods on a Nike shirt is probably close to the same as a plain one at Wal-mart. The only difference is a cheap logo sewn on the breast. However, people regularly spend 3x more for shirts with logos and emblems because there is a perceived value increase. Either way, there is a cost involved and you have to buy one or the other. $5 vs $15, when the cost to the manufacturer is close to the same thing. They price them higher because they know people will pay. More desirable items cost more, regardless of cost to produce. This is the way the world works.

On the avatar store, things are different because you don't HAVE to buy jack shit. There are plenty of 100% free clothes for your avatar to wear. However, the brand-name clothes are, again, more expensive, because human nature compels people to spend extra on name-brand items. The put a price on them because they know people will pay. So it's no different than in real life, yet we keep getting the argument that it's somehow inherently different.

I keep getting confused whether the argument is against paying more than a minimal amount for digital goods at all (because, you know, there's no cost past the initial design), or whether people are pissed off that other people don't share their valuation of the items in question. I keep getting bits and pieces of both arguments from the various posts.


not characteristic of ants at all
On Inside Xbox they said they were coming out with new avatar content every Thursday. It's Thursday, anything new?
The odd thing is, for the price of many of the props, you can get real ones for cheaper. I took a random list of 8 items, had 20 minutes in town, and managed to find alternatives or substitutes that you could get more use out of for cheaper. I can guarantee I'll have more fun on my Poundland Funtastic Musical Guitar than a virtual one that I'll hardly ever see.

It's bright pink, too, which is an instant bonus.

I think for me part of my objection comes from the fact that there are plenty of free items: why, particularly for clothes, does a design make it worth paying for? Why is a lightsabre worth £3.16?
ciD_Vain said:
I don't understand why some of you are getting in a fit about people purchasing avatar accessories. It's not your money they're spending, it's theirs.

Because if those bastards buy that stuff, then every little thing will cost. You wait, eventually it'll cost you a quarter to even boot your system. That's the way we're heading.
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