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XBOX 15th Anniversary Thread | Almost Old Enough to Play Halo


Today I learned that Gamertags have to be at least 6 characters now. My tag of Triz is proof Ive been around since inception it seems.


Some of the GOATEST of the GOAT games on mang.

Congrats MS, love your systems. You totally converted me.


PGR 2 was incredible.


Still my favorite console ever

I will never forget my first experience with Halo. Not only my entry drug into FPSs, but the first time I've ever heard cursing in a video game (I was in third grade at the time)

My dad overheard the F-bomb, and threatened to return it, but after he saw the game in action, we ended up playing through the entirety of the campaign in co-op.

I'd love to buy another OG Xbox when I get the chance, are they safe to purchase, or are they starting to die out?


Congrats to Xbox. Literally made me stop being a Nintendo fanboy as soon as I saw Halo CE. Ended up with two OG Xbox, had almost 4 Xbox 360 (2 due to RRoD), have a white Sunset Overdrive OG Xbox One that I am looking to trade in for a Xbox One S. Here is to 15 more years.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
It's had several editors - Mike Salmon (still working in games industry)

I think that's who I'm thinking of. Good to see he's still in the industry in some capacity. His leaving was kinda abrupt as a reader.
You know, I'll admit I never got onto the Xbox back when it was alive. In fact it's been almost a year since I first got a used OG Xbox because over time the need to have a dedicated machine for Ninja Gaiden Black had peaked. And now I've got about 15 games that I've bought over the past year and found myself appreciating the library in a way I probably would've missed otherwise in the early 2000s.

I will say though that while games like Halo didn't grab me as much despite everyone I knew talking about it, the thing that convinced me to pay attention to the system (and the 360 for its first few years) was Team Ninja's support for the platform. I remember around 2005 a friend who owned the system had Ninja Gaiden and DOA Ultimate, and after seeing and experiencing those games briefly, I was sold on what TN had produced and thought the Xbox had to be a pretty powerful machine to put out games that looked that gorgeous then and still look gorgeous now. Hell, DOA3 was a launch game, and it still amazes me how even many of the other good looking exclusives that came after still don't quite match how sharp and clean that game is.

So yeah, 15 years later, I've got some major respect for that big black box and its oversized control and components. It did some impressive things for its time, and the games that took advantage of the hardware still hold up well today. Good job OG Xbox Team. You put together a wonderful little thing that many still appreciate after all this time.


I remember NO-ONE at my school owning one, and then my friend decided to get one. A day later they dropped the price by 100 quid. He was rightly mocked and the Xbox had lost all credibility (of the little it already had at the time)
I still pop Deathrow in every now and then. That game still holds up. I wish they'd remastered it for XBLA. Would've been amazing being able to play that over Live.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I remember NO-ONE at my school owning one, and then my friend decided to get one. A day later they dropped the price by 100 quid. He was rightly mocked and the Xbox had lost all credibility (of the little it already had at the time)

Amazing story. You've come so far.
I will never forget taking off work to play Halo, Project Gotham Racing and Amped for four days straight. So many of my favorites were 'Only On Xbox' games:

Ninja Gaiden Black
Halo 2
Project Gotham Racing 2
Panzer Dragoon Orta
Jade Empire
Crimson Skies
The Chronicles of Riddick
RalliSport Challenge 2
Top Spin
Amped 2

The early days of Xbox LIVE were a blast as well. The sense of community back then was great.

The Xbox is definitely my favorite console of all time after the Dreamcast.


Good ol' Original Xbox <3.

I had a Gamecube that generation but I remember getting mine around the end of that gen and finally getting to play Ninja Gaiden and Silent Hill and such. All these games I had always seen but never got to play and then some.

Phantom Dust was also played heavily when I rented it on a whim and just loved everything about it lol.

I still got a small growing backlog on it too lol. Need to get back to it heh!
I remember NO-ONE at my school owning one, and then my friend decided to get one. A day later they dropped the price by 100 quid. He was rightly mocked and the Xbox had lost all credibility (of the little it already had at the time)

He would have been able to send away for 2 free games and a controller to make up for the price drop - same thing happened to me.

But yeah, no one else owned one in my classes at school. Not until Halo LAN parties started doing happening and word of mouth spread a bit. But PS2 was so dominant that barely anyone I knew owned and Xbox or a GameCube even at the end of the generation.

That Trump video is hilarious.
My favorite home console of all time, man I enjoyed so many games on the console. Also got a good workout hauling it around. I can't think of too many games that match the hype I had for Halo: Combat Evolved and it was well worth it.

-Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders and Heroes
-Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict
-Phantom Dust
-Ninja Gaiden Black
-Genma Onimusha
-Otogi I and II
-Shenmue II
-Soul Calibur II w/Spawn
-Dead or Alive 3, Ultimate and Xtreme
-Grabbed By The Ghoulies
-Counter Strike
-Project Gotham Racing
-Jade Empire
-Dungeons and Dragons: Heroes
-Panzer Dragoon Orta
-Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon and Rainbow Six

So many great games, I may binge play my Xbox this weekend to celebrate now :D


This thread is fantastic.

Born in '86 I've owned and enjoyed my fair share of consoles. I didn't know it at the time but on recollection there was something really special about the first Xbox.

I still remember a close friend getting to be a part of the Xbox Live Beta and being incredibly envious.

I still don't think, before or since, I've put more hours into a game than Morrowind.

The Halo grass moment was an even bigger mind blower than Sonic Adventure's grass.

It took me years of playing Halo on the S controller or even 360 pad to unlearn reaching up above XYBA for the black button to throw a grenade. I still don't know if I loved or hated that Duke controller - I was so bummed when I found out it wasn't an LCD screen - I loved the VMU.

To this day the most Halo I have ever played online is still Halo 1. Using the GameSpy Tunnel trick to play LAN games across the internet was confusing for me at the time, but well worth the effort.

It was the start of something great - I have a huge soft spot for them. I'd like to see MS get back to being hungry and funding the abundance of new IP that was on Xbox and Xbox 360.


My avatar is the earliest known internal Xbox logo :) Haven't seen anyone else share it ever

I think you mentioned that a couple of posts ago, your obviously proud of it, lol.

The text for Xbox, looks kind of similar to the fonts the PS1 demo discs had but I'm not really sure, lol.


I remember NO-ONE at my school owning one, and then my friend decided to get one. A day later they dropped the price by 100 quid. He was rightly mocked and the Xbox had lost all credibility (of the little it already had at the time)

Here in Sweden they dropped the price by 150€ after six weeks, but Microsoft offered two free games and a controller for us who'd bought it at launch. Kind of nice (although I already owned the games I really wanted).


Wishing for a Midtown Madness revival.
MM3 was the first no stress online game on Xbox Live and it was awesome.
I still remember quite vividly picking the system up (it was the night before as I worked in a game store). Taking it home in a big black bin bag on the bus. I got Halo, JSRF and Rallisport Challenge (and maybe Amped but can't remember if I got that free when they reduced the price shortly after). Was pretty hyped about the system. It was huge and the controller massive. Too big for my hands really. The S controller was far superior in comfort and the buttons weren't so hard. Looking back the Duke was an atrocity. A "what were they thinking" moment. The console design was also a bit too big and had nasty grills that were awful to dust. I remember swapping it out when the drive went on it for a Crystal one which looked cool.

I don't think I had a lot of games overall. I enjoyed co op with my mate on Halo. JSRF is one of my all time faves. Wasn't overly keen on Rallisport and Amped despite their lovely graphics. Loved Project Gotham and it's sequel of which I bought in to Live for a year, only really to find my taste for competitive multiplayer wasn't what I was looking for. I fell for Halo 2 hype and the game was a complete bore fest ending my like for the series. The Sega fan in me loved their little bits of support including Panzer Orta which was fab and Outrun which is a classic. Delved in to Splinter Cell and its sequel which I dabbled a bit online too. Was a big fan of the Tiger Woods game.

Beyond that I don't think I bought much more. Beyond a couple of Sega stuff and the original Halo in co op I think the console was my least fave out of the PS2 and GC. But had fun with the system and a few of its games.



That was fascinating (and cringy), but why would Sony ever agree to something that makes them look so bad? Unless those were actors on Sony's side?

Also loved the Chu Chu Rocket bit.

Congrats Xbox Team, on 15 years.

It seems crazy to me that the Xbox team had ties to 3DO, Samsung, and Nintendo. Oh, what could've been if things had worked out differently.

Now I'm curious what that crazy PlayStation is, but page 17 isn't scanned :( I'm guessing a Hong Kong knockoff.


I think you mentioned that a couple of posts ago, your obviously proud of it, lol.

The text for Xbox, looks kind of similar to the fonts the PS1 demo discs had but I'm not really sure, lol.

More so that Im distracted and cant remember what I posted in a given day :)


I remember NO-ONE at my school owning one, and then my friend decided to get one. A day later they dropped the price by 100 quid. He was rightly mocked and the Xbox had lost all credibility (of the little it already had at the time)

He would have been able to send away for 2 free games and a controller to make up for the price drop - same thing happened to me.

I remember that.


I claimed Dead or Alive 3 and Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee along with the controller.
That was fascinating (and cringy), but why would Sony ever agree to something that makes them look so bad? Unless those were actors on Sony's side?

Also loved the Chu Chu Rocket bit.

Those were actors parodying Sony employees. The video was produced by Microsoft for E3 2004 and was a parody of The Apprentice.


Xbox was a staple in our office for lunch time gaming. Rallisport and mashed were fantastic. Mashed is just classic supersonic software (micro machines) 4 player racing, and rallisport developed its own variations of play because the physics were so fucked up - we'd have competitions to see how far we could make the car fly by bouncing off rocks etc.


Wishing for a Midtown Madness revival.
MM3 was the first no stress online game on Xbox Live and it was awesome.

Midtown Madness 3 was amazing. Had so much fun with that game. Would love another one or a remaster of some kind.

"Win this one for me, mon ami!"


Oh man, Midtown Madness 3, what memories that game brings back. Wall riding during a cops and robbers match would get people so salty.
I wish they would make a wireless Duke controller that would work with the X1. Wasn't there some rumblings that it could happen?


Wishing for a Midtown Madness revival.
MM3 was the first no stress online game on Xbox Live and it was awesome.

Yeah, it was great fun online. Hunter mode, so many hours.

Forza Horizon just doesn't scratch the same itch. A city map is so good.

If you must Microsoft, Forza Madness and steal the Halo Forge team so we can get ridiculous creations like the mods on PC Midtown Madness and more.


Yeah, it was great fun online. Hunter mode, so many hours.

Forza Horizon just doesn't scratch the same itch. A city map is so good.

If you must Microsoft, Forza Madness and steal the Halo Forge team so we can get ridiculous creations like the mods on PC Midtown Madness and more.

Uh, Forza Madness sounds like a pretty good idea actually...
It's been 15 years, huh? Crazy times.

I bought mine at launch at full price so I got an extra controller and two games due to the price cut soon to follow. I remember the other game being Rallisport. A game I'd never get unless this campaign. The other game was Munch's Oddysee.

The Xbox introduced multiplayer to me with Xbox Live and LAN.

Xbox Live came here at some point. I think we were tier 2 or 3. But my friend had set it up before. So I went there, ate pizza and played Soldier of Fortune, Midtown Madness, Wolfenstein and Unreal through the night. It was magical. It was a time when my english wouldn't get bashed by Americans.

From RTCW I remember this one situation. I was in a room in a trench. A guy whose nick was "2Pac" (you could change your in-game nick) started walking super slowly toward me with his knife out. I laughed with my friend so much. Such a stupid thing, but what the hell. The interaction was real.

The Duke was a good controller. I loved it. Instead of an S controller I bought a third and a fourth Duke. You know, for Halo.
I remember that period fondly too, there was always one or two dickheads mouthing off but in the main I got to speak to some awesome people on Live on OG and 360. I honestly can't remember the last time I heard someone speak in a lobby or in game chat these days.

yeah its a damn shame.
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