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Xbox One and Machinima: Be nice or neutral, and don't tell anyone we're paying you



he probably loves it, though.

I am certain he loves it, he is now associated with Xbox (even if it is in a negative way). He constantly shows up on Larry Hryb's Twitter praising him, the "team" and asking mundane questions. He is now a part of the brand in a weird way.

As for the actual topic at hand, i kinda miss the days when it was considered taboo to even suggest *some* game reviewers/personalities were in some way rewarded for their praise of certain products. Then Gerstmanngate happened, and now its just blatantly out in the open, right in front of us.

It goes against sorta what was charming about "normal folk'" on YouTube talking about games, it was supposed to be normal people just talking, no different than your friends talking directly to your face about a game, movie, event, concert etc. But now its being turned into the same fake, phony, corporate shit as the crap you see on TV.


Woah woah woah, what? Is that with the new update? If that's the case, that makes it pretty hard for this to be legal, now.

I agree, I thought they may have had a grey area with the name of the campaign being tagged. But now you can't see the tags, well at least i can't.


please forgive me, can someone explain this?

A bunch of marketing firms paid to promote video games companies (MS is among them and certainly the most active since at the time (late May) the whole DRM rumors & news were heating into a frenzy.

The email they were using to gain access to Neogaf were associated with well known marketing groups. Same (shill) users were trying to pretend to be regular users to try to counteract the criticism MS were getting and try to promote the DRM as a good thing.

It was very much of a "We were always at war with Eurasia" type of thing at the time, sorta of surreal in a way.

Only reason I remembered because my account was approved around the same time and was wondering wtf was happening to fellow juniors around me. I almost thought you had to get banned once or something, lol.
Ok, at first I thought it was nothing more than a typical advertising campaign and I couldn't really understand the rage on here.

But this...

video makers have to speak positively (or at least neutrally) about the Xbox One, and they can't say they're being paid to do so.

...is some bullshit.
please forgive me, can someone explain this?

Right after the Xbox One announcement, there was a huge number of new NeoGaf users. These new users, or Juniors as they are called around here, were defending all the Anti Consumer policies that had many people incensed. BISH went straight Gaf Detective, and found many signed up with emails that were straight up Microsoft Emails. Others had IP addresses that led straight back to Microsoft or even other already proven shill accounts.

He even said we would be shocked if we saw how bad they were at hiding who they really were, meaning they were simply fake/shill/astroturfing accounts used to promote the Xbox One.

That's a very basic summary.


Luckily the offer is now expired. so we won't have to worry about any accusations of bribery next time anyone says something nice about Xbox One!


Thats your problem then dude, faith is a perfectly normal term to use in terms of my thoughts on their competency.

You're the one bringing in all these external notions, but I'm not trying to get into a semantic argument over "faith" vs "sure"

Sigh. This is totally off-topic, but it was not just me who picked up on that. If don't have connotations associated with different words then why even have different words? This is our culture, our language. Without face to face interaction, semantics is about the only thing that communicates to rest of us how you truly feel.
Nah... I'm actually am sort of upset, not at the tag, I don't mind being tagged too much, but I will be a little upset if this kills any chances at me having discussion on GAF. I don't want any discussions I try to have with another member end with them tag-quoting me. I'd hate that. :p I don't see it too often, but I have seen it, and I just hope it doesn't happen to me.

But yeah, I see this as a mark of shame. :p

You know, you kind of reap what you sow. You can be a fan of Microsoft without being a console warrior and you can even disclose you have Microsoft Stock. Though if you glorify everything Microsoft does, even reasonable people like my self who actually like Microsoft(much less after this scandal) will look down on you, you make us fans look bad and like were all being payed off by the company.


Reason number #75656523 why I detest Microsoft as a company. Scummy as hell. And to think that back in 2008 or so, they seemed unstoppable to myself with the 360. Loved that console at the time, loved the games and the general environment Microsoft were curating with it.

Everything's changed now. It's almost as much of a fuckup filled turnaround as Nintendo's Wii to Wii U freefall, only with a lot more stabbing the consumer in the eye with a sharpened cactus.

Wouldn't touch an XBone with a seven hundred foot pointing pole.
Reason number #75656523 why I detest Microsoft as a company. Scummy as hell. And to think that back in 2008 or so, they seemed unstoppable to myself with the 360. Loved that console at the time, loved the games.

Everything's changed now. It's almost as much of a fuckup filled turnaround as Nintendo's Wii to Wii U freefall, only with a lot more stabbing the consumer in the eye with a sharpened cactus.

Wouldn't touch an XBone with a seven hundred foot pointing pole.
Fuck the politics dude, just enjoy the games.
The best part of Speedy Blue Dude's new tag is that it has a clear and conspicuous disclosure, something that the Machinima promotion doesn't allow.


Are Microsoft desperate and stupid resulting in this or have they always been at it and we just didn't know?


All fair and good, but I think he got enough exposure - this can get dangerous pretty fast on the internet.

I agree, and won't draw any more attention. I hate the dog piling this community does sometimes. Dude's a fan of a system and doesn't hide it (anymore).
So Major Nelson's statement about positivity was just a lead-up to him posting YouTube videos that painted Xbox One in a positive light?

He really was saying "I want to play fair. Stop making fun of my company. It makes them think I'm not doing my job properly."

Shortly after the Xbox One announcement GAF started getting flooded with new juniors that all came from email addresses at an astroturfing company and seemed to be overwhelmingly pro-MS and DRM.

It should be noted that despite their efforts, you can never be sure every astoturfer is 100% eliminated.
Nah... I'm actually am sort of upset, not at the tag, I don't mind being tagged too much, but I will be a little upset if this kills any chances at me having discussion on GAF. I don't want any discussions I try to have with another member end with them tag-quoting me. I'd hate that. :p I don't see it too often, but I have seen it, and I just hope it doesn't happen to me.

But yeah, I see this as a mark of shame. :p

Lol! I used that as my GAF avatar for the first half of Real Pic January. It's a parody of Nathan Fillion's tweet of him and his PS4 in bed. :p Word for word, "Dear PS4... Last week was dope."

So you didn't think that you're often auto-discounted already/before this tag? Have you read your posts?


I don't see how they're hiding it when they need to tag the videos with XBM13 or whatever it is. There's no way I'd take those videos seriously though.

Unless you were already aware of the promotion, I doubt you'd be able to derive much from that tag, and since the actual details of the promotion were secret that pretty much kept it under wraps.

Now that the details of the promo are public, however, the tag is very useful in naming and shaming the shills.
reminds me of nathan fillion somehow...
Boom! Was a parody of him! Glad someone got it! Tweeted that in December and no one noticed, and I used it for my avatar and no one picked up on the joke. :p

I really ruined this thread, didn't I? :| I'm sorry. I tried to stop posting to allow the discussion to progress a bit... But It's back, so once again trying to defend what little dignity and honor I have left.


Junior Member
Are Microsoft desperate and stupid resulting in this or have they always been at it and we just didn't know?

I'm pretty sure this is new when it comes to Xbox. 360 was such a behemoth it was able to sell on good word of mouth and a steady slew of games.

Sony comes back strong from a major slump and Microsoft goes into panic mode.


Sony need to step their game up and send me some moolah for ceaselessly harping on about the Vita.

Fuck it, I'll take a copy of Little Deviants. I'm cheap.


Fuck the politics dude, just enjoy the games.

That's the thing. I don't see the appeal of the current Microsoft exclusives, and everything that's happened in the past year (and the lower spec hardware) has put me off an xbone entirely.

Put together with the price difference of £80 between the two, politics just top it all off.


This was an "enlightening" series of events. Hard to really feel sorry for some of these channels about YouTube's copyright policy when they in turn sell out their integrity for a measly couple of bucks from Microsoft. Granted not every YouTube channel is guilty of this and I commend those that take a stand, but the whole nature of not knowing who is "real" and who isn't is a bit of a bummer because it will overall cause me to give their opinions much less weight.


MS really needs new PR guys. Their strat really seems to be how can we piss off enthusiast gamers the most.
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