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(VERY, VERY) LTTP: Demon Souls

So I've had this game for years. Litteraly. Sitting there. Taunting me. I've played it but simply given up at points where I just found the game too unforgiving.

But I have always returned to it to try and take up the challenge once again.

These couple of days has been just that.

This time around has changed though. I have found an willpower, a level of patience in myself that I thought did not exist. And I am so glad that I have found this. Because this game rewards you tenfolds back if you are patient with it.

I will not spoiler the following as it's quite an old game. This boss fight has been the greatest gaming experience I have had in a long time (and for you hardcore Demon/Dark Souls players, pls don't laugh at me):

I have been stuck at Stonefang 1-1, the spider boss. Repeatedly trying to kill that damn thing but not being able to succeed.

First attempt ended with me actually going into the lair avoiding the fireballs but then panicking and getting crushed by the spider.

Second attempt was a heartbreaking one. An attempt that would have had me quit again a couple of years ago. I had the spider at 1/4 of it's health but it managed to one shot me in some weird way. I was broken.

Third time though, I would finally get my revenge.

I prepared myself infront of the vortex field (or whatever it is called), putting turpentine on my weapon, equiping my shield and going in. This time I would be patient. I would calculate the timing of the attacks and proceed accordingly.

The battle went on for what felt like half an hour. I dodged it's attack and only hit once everytime it attacked to be completely sure that I would not get caught by surprise by some of it's moves.

I fought and dropped it's health down by a little margin for every attack. I found a little breathing room to replenish health when it was winding up it's fire breath attack and continued my tactics.

The final moments was the most exciting and at the same time disheartening moments in my gaming life. I was at only a fragment of my life. Litteraly a little slice of my life. The spider was winding up it's fire breath and I knew that if I didn't act now I would have been doomed. I FUCKING CHARGED AT THAT SON OF A BITCH AND SLASHED AT HIM WITH ALL OF MY (INDEX FINGERS) MIGHT AND HE WAS DEAD. I had finally done it. He was dead. I could proceed.

I'm so fucking excited right now. I love this game.

inb4 the game just started you're doomed anyways


Even though I really enjoyed Dark Souls, its final 3rd really brings the game down for me and because of that, I think Demon's is the better overall game.

I'm still torn between the Nexus in Demon's and the overworld in Dark, though.


This time around has changed though. I have found an willpower, a level of patience in myself that I thought did not exist. And I am so glad that I have found this. Because this game rewards you tenfolds back if you are patient with it.

Congrats you've just discovered the true essence of Demon's Souls.Once you "get" this then everything else just clicks and comes into place. Welcome to the club.:)


It's the best Souls game. It's literally dripping with awesome. There's not one second of that game that isn't superb. I wish I could go back and experience it all over again.


I recently tried it for the first time.

I died 5x, Did better and got further along, Died again, deleted.

Aint nobody got time for starting levels all over.
Even though I really enjoyed Dark Souls, its final 3rd really brings the game down for me and because of that, I think Demon's is the better overall game.

I'm still torn between the Nexus in Demon's and the overworld in Dark, though.
I love the Maiden in DeS so much. DaS doesn't have anything comparable for me. I don't really have any reasons to go back to home base in DaS, I feel...

OP, glad you are enjoying the game. I just beat DeS myself a month ago, so you're not the only one enjoying it still! ;-)
Even though I really enjoyed Dark Souls, its final 3rd really brings the game down for me and because of that, I think Demon's is the better overall game.

I'm still torn between the Nexus in Demon's and the overworld in Dark, though.

Yes. The back end of Dark Souls is not very good, while Demon's Souls remains exciting throughout.


Unconfirmed Member
VERY, VERY should be reserved for games that are at least ten years old. :p


Still remains my favourite of the Souls games. The first time I did world 3 Latria, I will never forget how terrified I was going through it.


Unconfirmed Member
That sounds extremely familiar to my experience with the Armored Spider. Dealing the final blow while it charged its fire and all.
I quit the game at the prison level, which is the following level I think.
But yes, the feeling when you defeat a tough boss in this game is one of the best feelings ever.
Never late to Demon/Dark Souls party. Demons is still my favorite and is why I bought a ps3 in the first place. Game will hold up for years to come.

Yeah use a bow.
It's a good game but I can't get into it. It's too difficult and by difficult I mean repetitive. Go to an area, progress a bit, die, try again, die, try again, get past it, get to a new area, die, try again, die, try again, die at the previous spot, etc. And then when you finally beat an area or boss or something you do get a nice feeling of satisfaction. But if the point is to just get that burst of dopamine or whatever drug in your brain, there are way better and easier ways to get it than this for me.


Still remains my favourite of the Souls games. The first time I did world 3 Latria, I will never forget how terrified I was going through it.

Heh i remember taking the whole world extremely slow and careful,one step at a time and having my knight's shield always up.Thief's Ring,an upgraded spear,curved sword and bow were my best friends.
Do not feel terrible! You are awesome! It only gets more awesome!
Latria will be fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun.

I recently tried it for the first time.

I died 5x, Did better and got further along, Died again, deleted.

Aint nobody got time for starting levels all over.

"Back to games that trade hollow success for my money!"


Neo Member
Favourite souls game aswell(like a lot of people it was my first) because of how much it taught me. No game will teach you how to have patience as well as demon's. I also think of the 3 souls games it is the best at getting the "dark" atmosphere across. Dark Souls is ironically, comparatively bright and less hopeless.


One of the best games last generation. It's just outstanding. I had stops and starts too. It's part of the process.
Do not feel terrible! You are awesome! It only gets more awesome!
Latria will be fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun.

"Back to games that trade hollow success for my money!"

I'll take hallow success in place of joyless frustration that feels like I paid for a game that I played for an hour before I wanted nothing to do with.
I just shot that bitch-ass spider to death with soul arrows. Flamelurker didn't have shit on me either. I hit a wall once I got to the level when you come back to the tower knight archstone
I spammed the Spider boss with arrows. There is a safe point on the left hand side if I remember rightly.

I was a cynic when I first saw it but Demon's Souls is a great game. One of my best memories of playing on PS3.
That first time playing Demon's souls was a singular gaming experience for me. The Tension of going through a new area. the unexplored corner, the never before seen enemy. I wish I was you experiencing it all again for the first time


Dear Sony, please give us a Remastered Demon's Souls in 1080p and 60 fps please, as well as an exclusive Demon's Souls 2.

Demon's Souls is a great game, Probably falls into my top 10. Glad you're enjoying it.

BTW it only gets harder from there. Wait until you see the terrors World 3, 4, and 5 hold.


Game of the 7th Generation for bringing such inventive online play in a action RPG. Really awesome stuffs, there is no "too late" for join in the party.


Gold Member
Armored Spider was the hardest boss for me in DeS. The False King was a pushover in comparison, and the Flamelurker went down in one try. But that damned spider ... ick.

No title correction? Demon's Souls. Although shouldn't it be Demons' Souls?

I'm not sure why From didn't keep it simple and name it just Demon Souls. Rolls off the tongue much easier than the titles with possessives in them.
The final moments was the most exciting and at the same time disheartening moments in my gaming life. I was at only a fragment of my life. Litteraly a little slice of my life. The spider was winding up it's fire breath and I knew that if I didn't act now I would have been doomed. I FUCKING CHARGED AT THAT SON OF A BITCH AND SLASHED AT HIM WITH ALL OF MY (INDEX FINGERS) MIGHT AND HE WAS DEAD. I had finally done it. He was dead. I could proceed.

So fucking awesome. Brings a smile to my face.

Good luck with 3-2 boss though.. You'll need it.
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