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Games you LOVE but you find it difficult to Recommend.

Dungeon Siege 3 : it might be the worst Obsidian game, and I guess for a hack'n slash it's pretty bad, but it has this awesome Obsidian writing to it. Love the characters.

Oh yeah, I've actually beaten Dungeon Siege III twice already.
First time solo, second time local co-op. So good, yet people seem to hate it.


I'm playing through this right now. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE recommends this game. I'm close to the end and I'm having a hard time understanding why it's so highly regarded. The combat is extremely clunky and slightly delayed because of character animations. The camera is frustrating and the platforming pretty much consists of just mashing a single button and aiming in the right direction. It really sucks because platforming and combat are 90% of the game. Every level feels like a bunch of little cut scenes all strung together and just waiting for you to press a button to activate them. I think people want to recommend this game because the post-apocalyptic landscape hits close to home but after playing Fallout 3 and NV for the first time this year I found Enslaved to be very lackluster and constraining.

One reason I always hear when people recommend this game is that it's based on Journey to the West. I'm not familiar with that story but I'm going to read the cliff notes when I finish this game because I'm almost done with it and so far it seems like the furthest you can get from ancient folklore. It's just a cookie cutter story about two mismatched but co-dependent travelers who have to go from point A to point B to point C and overcome obstacles and enemies in between.

I'm still trudging through it. I don't find it difficult to recommend, I just plainly don't recommend it.



How graphic is this? Had to look it up and saw a cool looking guy with a panda head around his neck. Like the look of the gameplay but immediately got turned off when the next image I saw was "look at her panties" or "rape" like wtf.

My guilty pleasure I'd have to say final fantasy X. I love that game to death but from the outside looking in the game looks so damn cheesy in a cringe worthy way.


i don't think i can follow up sengoku rance, thanks op

Anyways, Giten Megami Tensei. Legitimately interesting story and decent characters. It takes after Megami Tensei II more than anything else in the series in this regard. Gameplay's kind of neat too, tons of stats and it's got some fairly complex stuff going on. It's just got some weird narrative sexism similar to Go Nagai's works and some extreme edginess, also similar to Go Nagai. Being Japanese only and a pain in the ass to set up doesn't help either (PC98 version is extremely clunky, Windows version requires a fan patch that you have to find on a Japanese fansite because the internal logic is tied to clock speed so anything other than a couple select Pentium I processors makes the game go nuts).

Also Baroque. Game's a bit of a mess gameplay-wise and doesn't appeal to many people. I really enjoy it (more so the original than the remake), but it's obscure for a decent reason.

Dragon Warrior VII is an easier sell because of the series's reputation, but anyone who hears about how long it takes to get into battle and the game's length seems instantly turned off by it. I recommend it to people from time to time, but more as a series of vignettes rather than a traditional JRPG focused on an overarching story and gameplay focused more on exploration than combat (though I love the game's job system, even if it's about 20 hours until you reach it).

Edit: Forgot Persona 1 and 2 also. Wonderful stories, settings, characters, etc, but the combat in both is pretty slow and there's not really a clearly definitive version. P1 PSP's music is unfitting compared to the original soundtrack and IS's PSP port is arguably slower than the PS1 version.

wow at a legit rec for giten megami tensei, that may be an internet first, amazing!

how exactly does it take after MT2? that game quickly became one of my favorites.



How graphic is this? Had to look it up and saw a cool looking guy with a panda head around his neck. Like the look of the gameplay but immediately got turned off when the next image I saw was "look at her panties" or "rape" like wtf.

My guilty pleasure I'd have to say final fantasy X. I love that game to death but from the outside looking in the game looks so damn cheesy in a cringe worthy way.

iirc that scene does not have any image associated.
However, if you are uncomfortable with that sort of stuff, do not play it. Rance is not a good guy and he does do bad things to good people, and yes some of it is graphic.

How graphic is this? Had to look it up and saw a cool looking guy with a panda head around his neck. Like the look of the gameplay but immediately got turned off when the next image I saw was "look at her panties" or "rape" like wtf.

My guilty pleasure I'd have to say final fantasy X. I love that game to death but from the outside looking in the game looks so damn cheesy in a cringe worthy way.

There is lots of
Unconsensual Sex
, its 50-50.

As someone that is a fan of turn-based strategy games , I really dig it .

The main villain is pretty damn despicable and a few scenes would make you rage . But there are lots of hilarious moments . I mean Tokugawa Leyasu is a freaking tanuki and you can recruit an Old man that commands pandas.

At least Rance has some good qualities...you can also play him as a good guy. Hatsune....ehhhh, Is the epitome of all villain protagonists.

She somewhat reminds me of the Villain of Nurarihyon no Mago.


Creepy eyes , School uniform except in that show , she eats livers of woman to reincarnate her son and bring the apocalypse.
Candy Crush.

I'm over level 1100. It has taken me over a year to get there.

It's a simple game and my go to phone game.

It has micro transactions and some levels feel like they can't be done without saving up a lot of daily prizes or buying your way through them. I have spent £40 and not spent a penny more. I feel I've gotten my worth out of the game.

Reasons I can't recommended it. After each set of levels you need to be unlocked. Can ask for help, pay, or wait 3 days (I'm so high a level that it automatically unlocks).
Some levels are so hard that luck is needed.
5 lives each takes 40 mins to replenish.
They have weekly challenges to get collectables. Some levels they pick are so hard you ain't got a chance.


Deadly Premonition. Mechanically the game is busted, the graphics are muddy and gross, the story often makes no sense and the game's soundtrack consists of two songs which it loops (making it difficult to recommend) . And yet the game is one of my all time favourites; constantly offering crazy surprises and being a one of a kind experience.
Deadly Premonition. Mechanically the game is busted, the graphics are muddy and gross, the story often makes no sense and the game's soundtrack consists of two songs which it loops (making it difficult to recommend) . And yet the game is one of my all time favourites; constantly offering crazy surprises and being a one of a kind experience.

Is it the B-movie appeal?
Can't say I love it, but Too Human. I very rarely finish games but I've played that through a few times. The reason why I couldn't recommend it is that just about everybody will simply hate the game until they've played it for many hours. It didn't click for me until I was on the last act of the game. I use to visit their official forums, which was filled with fanboys, who would pretty much all tell you the same thing. The game also has a virtual reality part that is meant to be puzzles but it's not well done. It would have been better off if they'd cut that part out.

If I had to guess I say either the devs were too headstrong to take criticism, or they simply didn't test the game enough. When the game finally 'clicks' for you it is a ton of fun. Unfortunately being in that zone is like balancing on the top of a bowling pin. It is way too easy to fall off, and once you do the game makes it very difficult to get back up. The fatal flaw with the game is that when you are not in that zone, the game is incredibly annoying and unfun. This is why most people hate the game. It is because you really have to pay you dues in the unfun part before you get proficient and understand the game mechanics well enough for it to be enjoyable. I suspect the devs, who were experts at the game, very rarely got caught in the frustrating parts that most players would live in, and to them the game was nothing but AAA joy.
I found myself in this situation this very year. D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die got released on Steam, and since I loved Deadly Premonition (another one that could get listed here), I was eager to jump in. I adored the game. The characterisation and writing was still 100% Sweryrific (read: alien and bizarre, but infinitely interesting). You can tell the writer has a major boner for America, and has insight on details you never stop and think about. That said, while he's fine in the details, he easily misses the mark in the more broad strokes, which creates a contrast. The story itself is a crime drama, and that is pretty much how the story is framed as well. Each episode even starts with a TV-esque intro, that I gladly watched every single time. The music is just fantastic, and Swery's absurd food scenes return as well. The cherry on top is that the game is riddled with ways to earn points, and an in-game shop that allows for some character customisation. The minute I finished it, I went to check when the second season was coming, but that is where my reluctance to recommend kicked in.

- The game ended on a massive cliff-hanger, and pretty much none of the questions the game raised got answers.
- Given how little it sold on both platforms, a second season looked uncertain, in spite of the dev expressing that he wishes to pursue a season 1. This was made even worse by Swery's recent tweet that he's taking a break from game development due to health reasons.
- The game was created with Kinect in mind, and it still shows on the Steam version. It's playable with the mouse, but it's less than ideal. The gameplay ends up being an odd point and ...hover visual novel with gesture-based QTEs.
- The game is also much shorter than you'd expect. I beat a whole "season" in two relatively short sittings. Other games in the genre definitely made me expect more.
- I've already said the game is weird, and that can easily be a turn-off to some. It lays it on really thick, like having a character stuff a rolled up pizza in his mouth and swallowing it whole like a snake, or how the main character thinks of his cat as his daughter, and thus sees her as a girl eating mice and pouncing people.

Still, there's a lot to love, and I wanted more when I was done with it. I went to check out some GAF theories and share my own, only to find that there was barely any discussion for the game at all. One of the main repeated lines in the game was about searching for the titular "D", which was the last thing your dying wife said. I couldn't help but notice though that
the game kept phrasing it as "look for D", and that the game revolves around some type of time travelling mechanic. I wondered if it sneakretly meant to say "look 4D'.
I hope I'll one day get my answer.

Dr. Buni

Gravity Rush. On the surface, it looks like your average animu game featuring "waifus", the gameplay while fun and rather unique, is nothing mindblowing and the story is nonsense as it gets. I still love the game because Kat is great, the gameplay is, again, fun and I love the music. But's really hard to sell a game on people with that only.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Walking simulators in general. Love them, but they would make most people want to kill me if I'd recommended them.


The recent Need for Speed

I've enjoyed my time with it so damn much (hell it's my first 1000/1000 game) yet i would never recommend it as it is...unjistified always online, barebone online modes, small world, weird AI behaviour

At 25€? go for it, above that, hell no...and it's such a shame :(


The recent Need for Speed

I've enjoyed my time with it so damn much (hell it's my first 1000/1000 game) yet i would never recommend it as it is...unjistified always online, barebone online modes, small world, weird AI behaviour

At 25€? go for it, above that, hell no...and it's such a shame :(
Such a wierd game to 100%. Did you go out of your way to get them or just natural play? My one and only was halo 3 and the only other game that was remotely close was RDR with like 99.xx%, couldn't get myself to do the knife mini games in each town. Then I realized how stupid achievements/trophies were (tools to keep you in the ecosystem). Anyway on topic I thought need for speed was supposed to be a service not just a game I.e. More content added as time goes on.

Leon Raycloud

Neo Member
Great selection op , aside from all the adult stuff the sengoku rance games are pretty good games, just hope someday they realese a non-adult version.

For me it would be Killer7 I love that game, great story if you get ir, great characters, amazing music and atmosphere, but pretty hard to recommend because of it's weirdness, the themes it handles , the really hard to follow story and the gameplay.


Such a wierd game to 100%. Did you go out of your way to get them or just natural play?

It's pretty much 80% linked to the main campaign

Took me like an extra 4 hours to get 100% but it was mostly more of the same (reach lvl50, max out a car tuning, complete 15 daily "quests")...hell with it, i never really cared but i figured why the hell not...now i don't really feel like touching the game ever again tho lol
I'm just curious , why do you say its hard to recommend . Most people love Nintendo games . As for the Wonderful 101 , I think its mainly because most people own PC/PS4/Xbones.

Kid Icarus : uprising has this weird control scheme that turns a lot of people away from it. It is not as simple as a mario to get into. IMO you either love it or hate it, no middle ground.

It's hard to tell people to expect hand cramps, haha.

Well, I had no hand cramp, but to play this game I had to play on a couch with a cushion on my knees to put the console on it. Definitely not portable, which is a shame. I wasn't able to play during commuting.
I still think the game would have been even more great on the wii with pointer controls, à la Sin and Punishmnent, but, hey, what a ride that was. I spent around 120 hours into this game, and barely touched multiplayer...
Gravity Rush. On the surface, it looks like your average animu game featuring "waifus", the gameplay while fun and rather unique, is nothing mindblowing and the story is nonsense as it gets. I still love the game because Kat is great, the gameplay is, again, fun and I love the music. But's really hard to sell a game on people with that only.

Its going to be remastered with a sequel on the PS4 , I think the future is bright for the series.

Dota 2

That game is so good it can eat up lives.

I tend to not recommend MOBAs because LOL vs DOTA vs HoSTM . People who like one of the 3 tend to think thats the best.


Morrowind. At the beginning you are slow as fuck. I can see that alone putting off a fair number of gamers who are used to Oblivion and Skyrim, as was my case. It wasn't until starting and stopping the game over a period of years myself that I finally got a handle on the fast travel systems. Once that clicked, MW opened up to me and I was then in rpg gaming bliss.

Edit: and fuck cliff racers too



I LOVE Final Fantasy 9, I think it's a great game to check out for the story and the art direction, however gameplay wise I am not sure to recommend it since I feel like a lot of people would struggle with just how slow the gameplay is.
Morrowind. At the beginning you are slow as fuck. I can see that alone putting off a fair number of gamers who are used to Oblivion and Skyrim, as was my case. It wasn't until starting and stopping the game over a period of years myself that I finally got a handle on the fast travel systems. Once that clicked, MW opened up to me and I was then in rpg gaming bliss.

Edit: and fuck cliff racers too

I think Superbunnyhop explains it best here


Morrowind is much deeper than Skyrim . Its one of those games that takes a while to get used to , especially with modern gaming habits.



I LOVE Final Fantasy 9, I think it's a great game to check out for the story and the art direction, however gameplay wise I am not sure to recommend it since I feel like a lot of people would struggle with just how slow the gameplay is.

I love the gameplay. Wish the newer Final Fantasies had this type of combat.
Drakengard 1. Fucking unplayable nowadays. But at least I can recommend people Nier, that is at least playable.
Shame because I love Caim but it is sadly something that was barely playable at the time as well.
Resident Evil 6. It's a bad Resident Evil game. It's sort of a bad game regardless. I really, really enjoyed it and going for the plat. There's something about the pacing/intertwining narrative/look/feel and the combat that I just found endearing and that clicked with me.


Pretty much any game with a reputation for being punishingly hard. Wonderful 101 is a good example as shown in the first page, another case would be the Donkey Kong Country series. They're excellent platformers but they pull no punches when it comes to difficulty and it easily turns people away who are used to hand holding like the more recent Mario games have.


Killer is Dead - The story is weird and uncomprehensible, women are oversexualized and performance wise on PS3 sucks.

Knack - It's shallow if played on easier difficulties, and pretty unforgiving on harder ones (at least for me, even though I platinum'd it). It's a brawler with really basic combat, and the core mechanic (knack gets bigger assimilating little pieces of relics) is misused in my opinion, 'cause you don't feel control over it.

I don't really know why I loved this games. Maybe their shortcomings are what made them appealing to me. I just know I had ton of fun with them and still got amazing memories.


Definitely Deadly Premonition. I've noticed that the people who like that sort of thing seem to naturally gravitate toward it.
Killer is Dead - The story is weird and uncomprehensible, women are oversexualized and performance wise on PS3 sucks.

Knack - It's shallow if played on easier difficulties, and pretty unforgiving on harder ones (at least for me, even though I platinum'd it). It's a brawler with really basic combat, and the core mechanic (knack gets bigger assimilating little pieces of relics) is misused in my opinion, 'cause you don't feel control over it.

I don't really know why I loved this games. Maybe their shortcomings are what made them appealing to me. I just know I had ton of fun with them and still got amazing memories.

Do you recommend Knack for Kids?

It seems like many review sites absolutely hate the game.

Bloodborne. It's a fantastic, beautifully crafted game. Probably one of my favourite games this year. HOWEVER, it's not an accessible game, especially to the average-joe gamer.

That being said, if you ARE passionate about video games, what are you waiting for? Pick it up already. It has one of the most intricately crafted worlds in a video game out there, with each game mechanic having purpose. You won't regret it.


The Witcher 1

Great game but it shows its age in more than a few ways. Not many people will be able to look past the wonky combat and dense menus on top of what is an graphically old game. Those that can get over those "issues" will be rewarded.


Most of them really as I tend to prefer games with a tough challenge and many people don't want that.
Titanfall on PC.

Best modes are no longer regularly populated. I will prematurely recommend the sequel, however.

I wish Titanfall was on PS4 . I got to GEN 10 in two months on PC , bought the season pass. Put 300-400 hrs into the game.

All my friends play on PS4 -_-.
Definitely Deadly Premonition. I've noticed that the people who like that sort of thing seem to naturally gravitate toward it.
Deadly Premonition is like a puppy with three legs that pees on the carpet every time you pet it. It has plenty of stuff that worries or frustrates you, but most of the things it attempts is interesting and endearing.

Most of the writing and characterisation quirks I like about D4 are just as great here as well. Deadly Premonition's bad open world mechanics forced me to learn a town's layout, and navigate it like I was was actually stranded there. It sounds like a pain in the arse, and it was, but it's one of those things that grew on me as time went on. The only thing that I never adapted to was the combat, and I honestly would just recommend people play it on the easiest possible difficulty setting. If you open yourself up to it, you've got a title I can only describe as a lost Dreamcast game that somehow ended up on the 360/PS3/PC instead.


Killer 7 for sure.

I love this game, but for most people it's just a game with weird graphics, awkward gameplay and sick characters.


Do you recommend Knack for Kids?

It seems like many review sites absolutely hate the game.

on easier difficulties and in coop (2 player coop) I think kids would have fun. But remember that is very basic gameplay wise, so it's better to play it in small sessions, otherwise i think it gets boring and repetitive.
Touch Detective 1 + 2, really charming fun games

but the way you have to solve puzzles and find the hot spots is incredibly stupid, conventional thinking is not needed here at all,lol


The original Resident Evil.

Seriously, it's not nostalgia goggles. I beat this game like 5 times a year and I never get tired of it.

The dated graphics, not so fluid tank controls (RE3 controls much smoother in comparison) and bad voice acting are big barriers for me to recommend to anyone.
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