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[SPOILERS] Star Wars: The Force Awakens - It's True. All of it.

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"Everyone decided that for the final battle they only wanted X-Wings vs TIE Fighters because leadership decided that ROTJ's final space battle was too confusing with how many types of ships were around"

Okay, that's just insulting the audience.
Thinking about it more, I love love love what they did with Kylo Ren. His first appearance shows how absolutely intimidating and powerful he is, but as the movie progressed, that was slowly peeled away as his instability became more apparent. Seeing a villain being the one with the constant confliction was one of the most interesting parts of the movie for me. I mean seduction by the light? How cool was that line?
Kylo keeps growing on me, one of the best evil characters in years.


Thinking about it more, I love love love what they did with Kylo Ren. His first appearance shows how absolutely intimidating and powerful he is, but as the movie progressed, that was slowly peeled away as his instability became more apparent. Seeing a villain being the one with the constant confliction was one of the most interesting parts of the movie for me. I mean seduction by the light? How cool was that line?

Yes the "light side seduction" bit was great. I also loved that he got pissed and bashed up some equipment twice. The first time it's cool and menacing but the second time it looks almost pathetic. I like to think those two Stormtroopers who turned tail in the hallway had seen him do it even more times. Dude's gotta lock his shit down, petulant is a bad look.

I see a lot of complaining about how it doesn't make sense that Kylo Ren got whooped by Rey (or that she put up a "competent" fight). I think there are two reasons to this and the movie seemed pretty clear about it to me.

1. Kylo Ren isn't good, period. He is obsessed with being Darth Vader, and is delusional about his own power. He commands no respect from his peers and he's completely unhinged. Why? Because he has his own internal struggles about how weak he is. He knows he's a fraud, he knows he is nowhere near worthy of his grandfather. He falls apart in that final confrontation because he is being exposed, he's fighting against someone who has the same potential power as him and he gets a harsh reality check. He's basically a force-sensitive bully in a world where no one has ever been able to fight back. He's only fought normies.

2. Between what happened in the movie and the fact that the title is "The Force Awakens', I don't believe that Rey is a nobody. I think her force-powers are dormant, and have been repressed. There's more to her backstory, they wouldn't have foreshadowed/referenced her past if it wasn't vital to the plot.

Agreed about getting no respect from his peers. Hux pretty much told Kylo to go fuck himself after he brought up to Snoke about the Starkiller base weapon being ready.
Kylo Ren seems to be too psychologically unstable to be a powerful Sith, he is good using the force but he is mediocre fighting. I won't be surprised if Snooke kills him or let him die to get a more promising disciple.


Keeping in tandem with the title of the movie, it seems the Force users in TFA are stronger than those that have come before them. No force users in the PT and OT have been seen stopping lasers or fully paralyzing a standing person. It would be within the realm of Yoda and Palpatine's abilities to do so, but we never see it, and given Ren and Ray are relatively new Force users and they're already exhibiting quick mastery of their powers it's safe to say that the 'awakening' of the Force may be happening on a universal level.

Or it's just movie magic and Ray/Ren are powerful in their arts just because cool factor.
Other ships? Other operations? Getting trained by Snoke? Snoke doesn't really seem to care all that much about the events anyway, other than Rey/Luke.


I mentioned that this morning to a friend. Snoke gave Kylo Ren a lot of rope. He was fucking up, the entire move:

- letting the droid escape by failing to set up a parameter,
- letting Poe escape the ship
- failing to recapture the droid
- letting Rey and Finn escape
- letting Han, Chewie and Finn escape
- letting Rey escape the table in DS 3.0


Snoke is far more more patient than my man, Play Play Tine.

Also, with Vader, shit rolled down hill...if there was a fuck up, somebody is getting choked the fuck out.
Maybe when they slaughtered his students, Luke momentarily turned to the dark side and killed them all

This ain't bad.

This could also lead to Kylo being resentful/pissed/freaked by Luke. Having your whole crew humiliated (maybe Snoke's calling him "Master of the Knights of Ren" is actually a jab, and not a respectful use of his rightful title) and then he doesn't even finish you off, just leaves you there because he PITIES you and can't make himself do it?

I dunno. There's something there, I guess.

But people would likely be pretty fucked up at the idea that after denying the turn Vader & Palpatine almost brought him to, that 20 years later he flat out kills like 15 dudes in a darkside rage before escaping entirely.


Also I'm pretty sure Kyle would have bodied Finn and Rey if he hadn't just been shot in the gut. By the time he faces Rey he's taken a shoulder wound from Finn on top of that. He clearly was nowhere near 100%. It's like a sports team that loses one of their best players to an injury right before a playoff series and then loses the series to a lower ranked opponent.

Chewbacca shooting him was put there intentionally I think to allow the heroes to win without devaluing the villain too much.

Agreeded, that bowcaster bolt fucked him up. He wasn't near full power. Made his fight with Rey easy for me accept.
While I certainly wouldn't go as far as to say he was OP, the dude was stopping lasers mid-travel when Darth Vader only deflected them. Ren was freezing people in their footsteps where Vader only choked them. If Kylo Ren is truly frustrated about not being able to top Vader, it must be in some other area because as far as I saw, lightsaber combat was kind of the only place where he could use some work.

I kinda feel that's just the general series habit of not having much consistency or logic to Force powers. Star Wars is like fictional science-fiction. Things don't really make sense.

I'm not trying to excuse it. It just is what it is.
This ain't bad.

This could also lead to Kylo being resentful/pissed/freaked by Luke. Having your whole crew humiliated (maybe Snoke's calling him "Master of the Knights of Ren" is actually a jab, and not a respectful use of his rightful title) and then he doesn't even finish you off, just leaves you there because he PITIES you and can't make himself do it?

I dunno. There's something there, I guess.

But people would likely be pretty fucked up at the idea that after denying the turn Vader & Palpatine almost brought him to, that 20 years later he flat out kills like 15 dudes in a darkside rage before escaping entirely.

Luke Skywalker shook shop to avoid catching a case, confirmed.



I see a lot of complaining about how it doesn't make sense that Kylo Ren got whooped by Rey (or that she put up a "competent" fight). I think there are two reasons to this and the movie seemed pretty clear about it to me.

1. Kylo Ren isn't good, period. He is obsessed with being Darth Vader, and is delusional about his own power. He commands no respect from his peers and he's completely unhinged. Why? Because he has his own internal struggles about how weak he is. He knows he's a fraud, he knows he is nowhere near worthy of his grandfather. He falls apart in that final confrontation because he is being exposed, he's fighting against someone who has the same potential power as him and he gets a harsh reality check. He's basically a force-sensitive bully in a world where no one has ever been able to fight back. He's only fought normies.

Yep, this nails it. That's why, IMO, Kylo makes for a great character.
Was funny to see Kylo's reaction to Hux talking down to him.

Breathy Man would have snapped his neck after that. Kylo proceeds to whip out his ghetto saber and chop up some office furniture.
Maybe Kylo exhibited those tendencies before he was trained by Luke? That's what I get from the conversation between Han and Leila, plus he seems very resentful of Han for some reason.
I really liked everything about Kylo until the forest. Cool aesthetic, interesting concept "seduced by the light side" is fun, good rage. Vader's all cool competency but this guy's all hot competency, just seething all over the place. But man that forest. Ren is one of like three (four if Snoke?) Force Users in the whole galaxy, he catches blaster bolts out of the air, and he doesn't just completely ruin Finn, the untrained grunt, in a duel how? The idea that Finn could manage to parry even a single blow from Ren is a joke and totally undermines his menace. He should have been taunting Finn and stalking at him and driving him back laughing at Finn's feeble novice defense.

Then Rey. The Whole Thing with Jedi is confronting the conflict between the Dark and the Light and there she is standing over her hated foe. That's clearly supposed to be a choice: give in to hate and smite this man (like Anakin does to Dooku or to Kenobi), or let him live and maybe redeem himself (like Obi-Wan to Anakin). But then instead of having that choice, a Deus Ex Earthquake makes it for her. What a wet fart of a conclusion to that fight. So instead of learning anything about Rey as far as how does she confront such an emotional conflict, we end up only learning that she's pretty good with a light saber. But maybe she's not that good, a mundane doofus did ok vs Ren just like a minute ago.

If you don't want to give her that choice at least let Ren make some cool escape to restore some dignity to his competency. Or have Hux swoop in to save Ren, poor guy barely did anything all movie.
Yeah after all those force holds, chokes, and even throwing Rey back like 40 feet right before squaring off with Finn his lightsaber game was decidedly weak in comparison.


What was Luke doing to R2 when he put his hand on him and did that have something to do with him waking up at the end? Was R2 given instruction to wake only when coming into contact with Rey or something?
He exhibits totally new force abilities, like stopping lasers in mid air, immobilizing people and reading their minds.

The first one I'll give you, but holding someone is just a full body choke and Vader read Luke's mind to figure out he had a sister at the end of RotJ.
Kylo Ren seems to be too psychologically unstable to be a powerful Sith, he is good using the force but he is mediocre fighting. I won't be surprised if Snooke kills him or let him die to get a more promising disciple.
Instead I see Kylo faking a redemption just to get Rey to kill Snooke and then taking his place and be the definitve dark badass, ep 8 ends, people clap and I get my Oscar.


Just got back (or I did when I started writing this). It was a 60% full auditorium at most. I went to an early showing (on a whim. I was originally going to wait a week to see it) and it paid off seat-wise. When I got out of the movie there was a big line-up for the next showing, and I'm grateful I didn't have to wait like that.

My theater's crowd may have been relatively small, but they clapped at the beginning, gasped at a number of moments and cheered a bit when appropriate. Laid back for the most part, and mostly respectful. You could tell that almost everyone there was a fairly big fan. No kids. A couple people checked their tablets about 6 times throughout the film, and all I can say is that I feel sorry for them.

And now, where to begin? First impression, keeping in mind that I'm a huge lifelong Star Wars fan, is that there was a large amount in here that I truly appreciated and will probably grow to love more. At the same time there were some fundamental problems I had with the film that are more substantive than not simply adhering to my personal preferences.

Let me lay out the issues immediate in my mind, starting from Important and going down to Nitpicking:

I. The Writing. You could fix a lot of my complaints here simply by not having a number of characters who keep saying "Han Solo" and "Luke Skywalker." Inapropriate use of full names was all over the place and made a number of moments clunky when they didn't need to be. Just refer to him as "Solo" and him as "Skywalker."

Beyond basic dialogue issues, there's a big problem in how the galaxy on display is framed and how it interacts with the OT. This is the one issue that I was concerned with coming into the movie that played out just as wrong as I expected. As a conception of how we view the Star Wars Universe, The Force Awakens does a poor job of establishing the scale of the two main sides, how The Resistance interacts with The Republic, how The First Order compares to the Galactic Republic. This outcome, giving less rather than more, may have been a nice way of avoiding a mess of even clunkier exposition, but honestly there should have been more to re-establish the sides in contention and how the new main characters really fit into this universe.

Case in point: Am I wrong (maybe I misheard the dialogue), or did they just destroy the main seats of power of this New Republic and its supposedly great fleet with little to no fanfare? If so, it's barely even acknowledged. By faltering here, the film fails to properly establish stakes, and there is no genuine weight to the attack on Starkiller Base.

II. The Music. It wasn't obnoxious like the way a lot of it is used in the Prequels, a big win overall in that respect, but it was clearly not a highlight of the movie. There were maybe two moments of notable new music in the film (at least on this viewing. Maybe that will change). People were already lodging the complaint yesterday that the movie was relying too much on nostalgia, but musically there was an extremely low amount of that as far as I'm concerned. Not once did it feel to me that they were abusing the old themes, which is a great bit of restraint, but honestly they may have held back too much.

III. The Space Battles. The opening TIE Fighter escape is okay, Rey and Finn on the Falcon on Jakku is okay, and the X-Wing rescue at Maz Kanata's place was okay. The attack on Starkiller Base, just mentioned above, is not particularly interesting narrative-wise, and it's not much in terms of action. A disappointment.

IV. Snoke. I hated Snoke with a passion. Probably my biggest visual disappointment in this movie. Really weak and conventional use of CG. If they had just displayed him blue hologram-style, it probably would have been much more tolerable, but if and when he appears in person…

V. That junk dealer on Jakku who runs the dispensary or whatever. The only character in the film who came off as almost belonging in the Prequel Trilogy. Not at all a big criticism from me here, but he broke my immersion in all of his 3 or 4 scenes.

VI. Scottish guy on Han's freighter(?). Totally just nitpicking now, but still. He was the only character who made me think I was watching JJ Abrams' Star Trek.

VII. Why even cast Max Von Sydow?

I disagree with the notion that this movie is hurt by being too much of a remake of A New Hope, and anyone who says it hits too hard on nostalgia pandering is missing the point. What problems there are with nostalgia are not failures based on the filmmaker's motive, nor are they problems due to too much elevation of past events/characters to godlike status. The problem is in execution. The aformentioned clunky dialogue makes a lot of OT material stand out rather than fit in with the framework of the new trilogy, and then there's the overall failure to place the new film's "institutions" within a recognizable Star Wars universe. It's a series of small misfires, not an inundation of too much of a good [classic] thing.

And ultimately, sadly, the trailers and TV spots really did show a large amount of the movie and I regret watching them so closely. Almost the entire structure of the film was laid out to me before I saw it. My own fault for watching the footage.

Now for the good. And the good is real:

Firstly, Rey is supreme among all good aspects of the film. Daisy Ridley was quite simply perfect and she elevates this film to such a huge degree. Finn is also very good, and I was glad that he had a lot more of a presence in the film than some early reviews had led me to believe. Oscar Isaac's performance was good, but his character was lacking. Good chemistry with Finn, but there's not much time devoted there.

Kylo Ren was better than I was expecting. I knew he was going to be some OT character's son, and Han/Leia was always going to be the most likely choice. I hated that idea in theory, but I let out the biggest sigh of relief when Han yelled "BEENNNNN!." If he had been named Jacen, even tangentially saddling us with EU nonsense for all time, I probably would have cut my overall rating of the movie in half out of pure selfish spite.

Han and Chewie were solid, Leia was alright, Luke was decent for his 15 seconds. Looking at it now, that really solidifies to me that this movie is carried much more by its new characters than the old ones. That's a strong positive going forward with the series.

Obviously in terms of acting and direction, I was extraordinarily pleased with the outcome, with not having to carry any water for Prequel-level terribleness. On this account alone I would give the film a passing grade. Honestly, I couldn't have been much happier about the performances.

It was good. It wasn't the ultimate dream come true for a long-buried 8-year-old with infinite expectations, desperately pining for a Sequel Trilogy in the early '90s. It wasn't anywhere approaching perfect or unassailable. But it was good, and it added to, rather than subtracted from, my love of the Saga.
Perhaps Vader could stop blaster bolts in mid air too, but doesn't need to show off. As far as mind reading, Vader sensed that Luke had a sister without needing to be near him and make him smell his hand.
Yeah after all those force holds, chokes, and even throwing Rey back like 40 feet right before squaring off with Finn his lightsaber game was decidedly weak in comparison.

Again: Kylo has at least two chances to just destroy Finn, but he is cocky. He literally lets Finn stand back up to fight multiple times.

There is contrivance there, but some posts are making it sound like Finn went straight up toe-to-toe with Kylo, when that is not the case at all.
Was funny to see Kylo's reaction to Hux talking down to him.

Breathy Man would have snapped his neck after that. Kylo proceeds to whip out his ghetto saber and chop up some office furniture.

Kylo was treat like Snokes little toy boy. None of the actual workers respected him, but they couldn't get rid of him either.


So Rey is Kenobi's force ghost child? Ok yes it makes sense.

Saw this post on GameFAQs, it's beautiful lol.

The movie opens on Not Tattooine. A droid, Not R2-D2, is given information that is vital to the Not Rebellion. The Not Empire is searching for this droid, led by Not Darth Vader (an apprentice of Not The Emperor). The actual Millennium Falcon is used by Not Luke Skywalker to escape Not Tattooine.

Not Luke Skywalker needs to find the leaders of Not The Rebellion, which leads her to look for underworld contacts in a cantina, Not Mos Eisley. Not Luke Skywalker discovers that she is Force sensitive and begins to discover her powers.

Eventually some of our heroes find their way to Not The Rebellion's hideout on the forest planet of Not Yavin 4. Here they learn about Not The Empire's new superweapon the Not Death Star. In a demonstration of Not The Death Star's power it is used to destroy the civilian planet of Not Alderaan.

During a daring escape from Not The Empire Not Luke Skywalker watches helplessly as a wise old man she has come to see as a father figure, Not Obi-Wan, is cut down by Not Darth Vader.

Meanwhile, a group of X-Wing pilots perform a Not Trench Run in order to blow up Not The Death Star by exploiting a design flaw.



Neo Member
Does anyone else feel that this being A New Hope 2.0 not only weakens this storyline but also weakens the OT. The fact that the First Order is strong enough to build a Starkiller and there isn't a Republic makes it feel like what the gang did in the OT wasn't all that special.

That is my biggest disappointment.


This ain't bad.

This could also lead to Kylo being resentful/pissed/freaked by Luke. Having your whole crew humiliated (maybe Snoke's calling him "Master of the Knights of Ren" is actually a jab, and not a respectful use of his rightful title) and then he doesn't even finish you off, just leaves you there because he PITIES you and can't make himself do it?

I dunno. There's something there, I guess.

But people would likely be pretty fucked up at the idea that after denying the turn Vader & Palpatine almost brought him to, that 20 years later he flat out kills like 15 dudes in a darkside rage before escaping entirely.

Haha yeah, I mean if those early rumors of Luke going bad had been true I would've been mad as fuck.

In the end, Rian Johnson just has his work cut out for him, because Abrams has put me back in Lost mode, and the answers to all of this better be satisfying.

El Topo


I mentioned that this morning to a friend. Snoke gave Kylo Ren a lot of rope. He was fucking up, the entire move:

- letting the droid escape by failing to set up a parameter,
- letting Poe escape the ship
- failing to recapture the droid
- letting Rey and Finn escape
- letting Han, Chewie and Finn escape
- letting Rey escape the table in DS 3.0


Snoke is far more more patient than my man, Play Play Tine.

Also, with Vader, shit rolled down hill...if there was a fuck up, somebody is getting choked the fuck out.

There's also the scene where Hux tells him they should use the superweapon and Snoke is like "Eh. Sure. Whatever.", or at least that's the impression I got (in the German dub).

Par Score

What was Luke doing to R2 when he put his hand on him and did that have something to do with him waking up at the end? Was R2 given instruction to wake only when coming into contact with Rey or something?

This is my guess, as while I have no problem with happy coincidences (The Force works in mysterious ways), it's cleaner that Luke left R2 with an "in event of Rey, break glass" command.
You could fix a lot of my complaints here simply by not having a number of characters who keep saying "Han Solo" and "Luke Skywalker." Inapropriate use of full names was all over the place and made a number of moments clunky when they didn't need to be. Just refer to him as "Solo" and him as "Skywalker."

I know it's nitpicking but this was honestly my biggest problem with the film. It felt a little forced and very much spoon feeding. And to be fair, they have to account for people who haven't seen the other films. But the whole sequence about names between Poe and Finn in the TIE was eye-roll worthy.
On second viewing, Daisy Ridley's non-vocal acting really makes the Jedi mind trick scene work. You can tell this is something she heard stories that Jedi can do. You can see her consider giving up after the second try. Then after realizing how weak-minded the Stormtrooper actually is she adds "and drop your weapon." Awesome!

That was a good scene, the only thing that bothered me about it is that she did not wave her hand when doing it. That has always seemed to be a required gesture for mind control.
Does anyone else feel that this being A New Hope 2.0 not only weakens this storyline but also weakens the OT. The fact that the First Order is strong enough to build a Starkiller and there isn't a Republic makes it feel like what the gang did in the OT wasn't all that special.

That is my biggest disappointment.

But there is a Republic...

It's in like the third line of the opening crawl.

The Republic was formed after Endor, demilitarized sometime after but they still secretly fund the Resistance (led by Leia) who carry out clandestine operations against the FO
As for her own Obi Wan type watcher: how about the guy at the beginning of the movie? Lives close to Rey and has knowledge of Luke, including a map to him.

That seems plausible (especially given that they don't otherwise explain why he has the map to find Luke) but I would have expected a line from Rey referencing. Considering that they never call him by name in the movie as far as I can tell it would make filling in that bit of backstory in a later movie an absolute bear.

On first viewing I thought the hand grabbing hers was Lor San Tekka's, which would have made a little more sense, considering, but on 2nd view, it does seem to be Plutt's.

I dunno. You saw Luke at the end of the movie. Dude does not look right. Something is fucking with the man pretty hard. Assuming this Luke is always going to do the right thing (or even MOSTLY going to do the right thing) might not be too safe an assumption.

Maybe it's just the parent in me but I still find it totally out of bounds that Luke would leave his child in that state no matter where his headspace was.

And I do like that they didn't give any of the OT characters easy post trilogy lives. I love that Han and Leia did not in fact live happily ever after and that Kylo further compounds their tragedy. So I very much like those aspects here and look forward to seeing more of these from Luke's perspective but, still, I just don't see Rey's abandonment being anything other than total character assassination.

Plus, that would push Jakku too far for me as the Tatooine like nexus of the new trilogy. Destiny and all that, yeah, but Rey happens to get abandoned by Luke on the same planet that the Falcon happens to make it's way too (and TFA went out of it's way to point out that the Falcon's presence is a coincidence) and happens to be where an unconnected old due happens to be hiding out with the secret plans to the Dea...aheam I mean map to Luke Skywalker?

I'm hoping that, instead, Rey's parents are perhaps linked to something Luke finds in the Jedi temple. Maybe a very important Jedi lineage or something that hasn't been referenced before.


Han's death was spoiled for me in a Twitch chat, for Hearthstone of all things.

But still..


Shit I have 135 pages to read through.


I think people are getting caught off guard by Kylo Ren because the character arc they're apparantly setting up for him is one that is typically reserved for the hero.

I like that the villain isn't some 100% super intimidating force using master, but rather rough and unrefined and out of control. It really is a dark reprise of Luke in many ways.
Someone questioned why Ren wears a mask....Hello!!! He looks up to vader, to a point he talks to him and emulates him in every way.

Also it's done intentionally that abrams shows how powerful ren is but how vulnerable he is emotionally and with emotions playing such a huge part in the force is not hard to see him flailing about in the final act.
There's also the scene where Hux tells him they should use the superweapon and Snoke is like "Eh. Sure. Whatever.", or at least that's the impression I got (in the German dub).

Yeah I got the impression that Snoke was on some next level thinking that was above the petty nature of the First Order.


That's precisely why I thought he was an interesting character. Clearly Kylo is not nearly as competent as he'd like everyone to think. Still just a kid (20+ year old kid).

Thats exactly what I think and thats what I like about Kylo Ren. He is supposed to be the new bad guy but he just isn't Darth Vader, he has a lot of flaws, and thats because he is still young and is not experienced enough, I do think however he is my age about 26-29.


There's also the scene where Hux tells him they should use the superweapon and Snoke is like "Eh. Sure. Whatever.", or at least that's the impression I got (in the German dub).

Snoke honestly comes across how they treated the Emperor in the EU. He was around but he gave 0 shits about everything but studying the dark side. Once he accomplished his Empire it was in the hands of his lackeys to run shit. Kylo fucking everything up? A-ok. Superweapon? sure why not go ahead and fire it. Seems the only thing he cares about is wiping out Luke until he learns of how strong Rey is then he pulls the old Palpatine bring her to me card. Being Palpatine would have offered at least serious motivation for the character
I think people are getting caught off guard by Kylo Ren because the character arc they're apparantly setting up for him is one that is typically reserved for the hero.

I like that the villain isn't some 100% super intimidating force using master, but rather rough and unrefined and out of control. It really is a dark reprise of Luke in many ways.

I really liked that he was tempted by the light side. It was a nice reversal of how things have always been.


Junior Member
How would you guys feel about VIII and IX taking the same general pattern as Empire and Jedi? Personally I think one of the smart things Lucas did with the prequels was set them up as a twist on the overall plot of the original trilogy. I think it would be neat if they maintained a cyclical nature to the whole saga.
It's interesting that Finn falls in love with the first person to show him genuine compassion. It's interesting that Stormtroopers are raised from birth. Thankfully they ditched the idea that Stormtroopers are all clones.
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