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Videogame facts that blow your mind (SuperMarioBros. SHOCKING SECRET INSIDE p #70)

jaxword said:
I'm calling bs on that.

too obvious?

I've never heard of that before. Very interesting! It always amazes me how much there is that I should have read about at some point or another on some of these games, but I miss it.
Time to read up on it! Thanks for sharing, jaxword!


Typographenia said:
I'm calling bs on that.

too obvious?

I've never heard of that before. Very interesting! It always amazes me how much there is that I should have read about at some point or another on some of these games, but I miss it.
Time to read up on it! Thanks for sharing, jaxword!

Yeah, a group of translators are trying to get it to work. Apparently it's tough to emulate the old BSX Satellite system from 15 years ago.


It's playable, if a bit buggy.


bjork said:
how do I know you're any more or less truthful than anyone else online?

Because unlike everyone else, I played the game. Others that spread unintended misinformation (such as yourself) never played it or even watched a "let's play" on youtube.

You want proof, check it out on youtube or the FAQ/walkthrough on strategywiki.org, which I didn't write.

jaxword said:
Yeah, a group of translators are trying to get it to work. Apparently it's tough to emulate the old BSX Satellite system from 15 years ago.


It's playable, if a bit buggy.

The problem is not that it's hard to emulate, the problem is that the BSX games like the 3 Zelda games, were played live and the content was streamed through satellite like a radio broadcast. Thus, a lot of the content is not found on the ROM. Hackers have "rebuilt" the game by watching the videos posted on niconico. So technically you are not playing an emulated game, but a hack. Unfortunately, it's impossible to get the game 100% like the original unless someone leaks all the music, dialogue and map data from Nintendo's or St. Giga's archives.

So yeah Typographenia, it's not bs. There are 4 Zelda's on the Broadcast Satellaview system. Two are remakes of Zelda 1, basically a 3rd and 4th quest with completely different dungeons (and overworld map). Another is kind of a sequel to a Link to the Past as shown above, also with different dungeons and story. And the fourth one is just a port of the Japanese A Link to the Past.
The first 3 had arranged music and voiceovers narrated by radio actors. Most of the music was taken from Zelda soundtracks.




Credit: vgmuseum.com and nindb.net


ReyVGM said:
Because unlike everyone else, I played the game. Others that spread unintended misinformation (such as yourself) never played it or even watched a "let's play" on youtube.

You want proof, check it out on youtube or the FAQ/walkthrough on strategywiki.org, which I didn't write.


Completion of the game requires several unorthodox uses of the Famicom system, such as using the second controller microphone to speak while playing pachinko, or not touching the controls for 60 minutes.

So who's right? You, who says this isn't required, or the page you referred me to, which says it does? It would be nice if you actually expanded upon this beyond "I played the game" as if it's some big life accomplishment, and going "durrrr don't spread misinformation" like some condescending twat. If you want the real story out there, and you supposedly have it, can't you explain as much in a mere handful of words?

Also, lolololol @ "the boxart artist" for Chrono Trigger.
bjork said:

So who's right? You, who says this isn't required, or the page you referred me to, which says it does? It would be nice if you actually expanded upon this beyond "I played the game" as if it's some big life accomplishment, and going "durrrr don't spread misinformation" like some condescending twat. If you want the real story out there, and you supposedly have it, can't you explain as much in a mere handful of words?

Also, lolololol @ "the boxart artist" for Chrono Trigger.
I thought you said you had to sing for an hour, not leave the controller sitting there for an hour


BobTheFork said:
I thought you said you had to sing for an hour, not leave the controller sitting there for an hour

Why don't we let the true authority on the game sort out the details? After all, he's played it, you know.


bjork said:
So who's right? You, who says this isn't required, or the page you referred me to, which says it does? It would be nice if you actually expanded upon this beyond "I played the game" as if it's some big life accomplishment, and going "durrrr don't spread misinformation" like some condescending twat. If you want the real story out there, and you supposedly have it, can't you explain as much in a mere handful of words?

Woah, take it easy there twit. You don't have to do anything that requires you to wait for an hour. The game doesn't force you to do it.

And before you go and find your "proof" (one doesn't match what you said before), the game lets you solve those things in normal ways. It doesn't force you (your words) to do anything radical like waiting for 60 minutes.

The only radical thing you would want to do, is press the A button 20,000 times on the title screen to warp right to the ending. Because one thing is for sure, the game does suck.

bjork said:
Also, lolololol @ "the boxart artist" for Chrono Trigger.

You have a problem with Toriyama?


ReyVGM said:
Want to know why Marle was shown throwing fire in the boxart of the SNES Chrono Trigger?

(I know boxarts are/were made before the games are finished.)

Read below for the answer.

A refresher, the SNES Chrono Trigger boxart:


Chrono Trigger beta screens (top left pic):


Marle is throwing FIRE. Mystery solved. But that's not good part...


Compare that pic to the box art... it's exactly the same! I'm willing to bet my two marbles that this screenshot was what the boxart artist used as inspiration. Same enemy, same character positions, same area.

Mind blown.

Very cool.
You can play Commodore 64 games with a Genesis controller. It's true; I seen it!

(Apparently there's a small chance it can fry the C64, though, so I wouldn't necessarily recommend it.)


Have you guys ever discussed the Pokemon War Theory or should I explain myself?

Edit: I'll just put it here anyway
A friend with bad grammar said:
So you know the basci story right10-12 year old boy goes off to start his pokemon adventure with a blessing from his mother. Gets a pokemon from the elderly professor and meets his similarly aged rivel with other similar aged sister. To get into the next town you go through a couple other kids with pokemon . In the next town you find an old man who teaches you how to catch pokemon.
Im going to start there. Where is your father? Where are your rivals parents. Why is it that the population of your town is mostly 1) Kids with missing parents 2) Women 3)Old people.
There must have been a huge War before the events of Pokemon Red/Blue.
When you meet the 3rd Gym leader he is Lt. Surge the Lightning American. He mentions how his pokemon saved him during the war. Brock was prolly just to young for the draft, Koga was probably some black ops guy Blane was to old and or a scientist working in develpment, and Giovanni and the rest of team rocket are in an Illegal orginazation of draft dodgers. The rest are women. The elite four are probably some branch of government of the strongest trainers. there is little to no police force because it lacks the man power to do anything. So kids like you when you come of age are sent out to train pokemon at a young age just incase you get called into action.

Very interesting theory that I never thought of while growing up. Sorry my friend has bad grammar. Anyway, this blew my mind when I first heard it


ReyVGM said:
Woah, take it easy there twit. You don't have to do anything that requires you to wait for an hour. The game doesn't force you to do it.

And before you go and find your "proof" (one doesn't match what you said before), the game lets you solve those things in normal ways. It doesn't force you (your words) to do anything radical like waiting for 60 minutes.

The only radical thing you would want to do, is press the A button 20,000 times on the title screen to warp right to the ending. Because one thing is for sure, the game does suck.

That's great, then. I don't mind being corrected, since I can only go off what I've read and watched (even the game center guy does the singing and the one-hour wait, and it doesn't mention the wait being optional), and the majority of what's out there presents it as a requirement. But if this happens to come up again, a simple explanation like this would be way cooler than looking down your nose like some snobby douche, that's all.

I might even go so far as to say it's threadworthy, just to clear up what seems to be a broad misconception about the game.

And, I wouldn't want to do any of it, I was just pointing out another use of the controller mic when that guy mentioned the Pols Voice.

You have a problem with Toriyama?

Not at all, I just found it comical that an apparent know-it-all didn't refer to him by name. :p

Neuromancer said:
You can play Commodore 64 games with a Genesis controller. It's true; I seen it!

(Apparently there's a small chance it can fry the C64, though, so I wouldn't necessarily recommend it.)

I knew about the first part, from the days when my C64 was on its last legs. I only had one-button controllers and Spy Hunter required two (one to shoot, one to drop oil/smoke/etc), so my workaround was always to plug in a second controller and do the oil and smoke with my foot. Got a Genesis years later and noticed the controller ports and tried it, worked great.

I didn't know about it frying the C64 though... maybe that's why mine bit the dust, haha.
Tunavi said:
Have you guys ever discussed the Pokemon War Theory or should I explain myself?

Edit: I'll just put it here anyway

Very interesting theory that I never thought of while growing up. Sorry my friend has bad grammar. Anyway, this blew my mind when I first heard it
I think the reasoning behind Lt. Surge is that he is an American stationed in Japan. "The War" in question was most likely the Cold War or some other very recent war (as far as 1995 is concerned).


KittenMaster said:
I think the reasoning behind Lt. Surge is that he is an American stationed in Japan. "The War" in question was most likely the Cold War or some other very recent war (as far as 1995 is concerned).

Or a made up war that doesn't really matter. It's Pokemon.


EmCeeGramr said:

When kid I found that level too hard and I though about doing that, it worked lol .

Did anyone know about the mine glitch in DKC1 that allowed one to fly by pressing B and Y?.


Hitokage said:
PSX, PS2 fat, PS2 slim with brick, and PS3 slim can all use the same video and power cabling.

Eh, reusing cables isn't particularly uncommon. Nintendo used the same video output for the SNES, SNES Jr, N64 and GC (and thank god for that, because I own all four but only have one working cable). The N64, GC and Wii all use 12 V power inputs as well, they could have conceivably used the same input if they didn't use that big brick plug for the N64.

For some reason, the Wii uses new cables for both. I'm not really sure why.


theinfinityissue said:
I just realized in Oblivion, a 360 launch title, the main road north of the Imperial City is called the Red Ring Road.

Well, near launch title. Was released 4 months later I think.


jaxword said:
Great catch! That's definitely where Toriyama based the art off, as he would have been involved in the design process and would have been shown beta screens for artwork suggestions.

It should be noted that the art isn't a mistake, though, since Marle DOES throw fire in the Arc Impulse triple tech, which has Crono bounce off Frog with a firey sword.

There's artwork of Frog tripping over some books which can also been seen in-game, but only in one of the endings.

That's what I was thinking too - Marle throws blue/red fire AND Crono jumps off Frog's back in that triple tech. There's no denying that that snow scene (including that specific enemy) was the inspiration though. Looks dead on.


bjork said:
Not at all, I just found it comical that an apparent know-it-all didn't refer to him by name. :p

Maybe I didn't want it to look like I knew everything so I wouldn't offend lesser beings such as yourself? :)
Hitokage said:
PSX, PS2 fat, PS2 slim with brick, and PS3 slim can all use the same video and power cabling.
Don't the 1st gen PS1's have a different, non-proprietary video output? I recall them using regular old RCA cables.
or are you talking about the PSX (PS2/Media center hybrid with XMB)?


never left the stone age
RockXLight said:
Being a self-proclaimed font geek, this kinda sort of blew my mind a bit:

Oh wow. It's Spiderman/Playstation 3 Price is Right (Was that the show?)/GTA all over again!


Chairhome said:
Is that true? The font looks slightly different than I remember.
A quick google search of both fonts suggests that they are either both either ITC Korinna Bold or that Jeopardy is ITC Korinna Bold and Capcom is Korinna Extra Bold.
ReyVGM said:


Credit: vgmuseum.com and nindb.net

Ok, now that one is cool!

Want to know why Marle was shown throwing fire in the boxart of the SNES Chrono Trigger?

(I know boxarts are/were made before the games are finished.)

Read below for the answer.

A refresher, the SNES Chrono Trigger boxart:

Chrono Trigger beta screens (top left pic):

Marle is throwing FIRE. Mystery solved. But that's not good part...


Compare that pic to the box art... it's exactly the same! I'm willing to bet my two marbles that this screenshot was what the boxart artist used as inspiration. Same enemy, same character positions, same area.

Mind blown.

And this one is legitimately mind blowing. Good to see that this thread still delivers the goods!

Deleted member 20415

Unconfirmed Member
MetatronM said:
This legit blows my mind. Who would even notice this?

Font Geeks. My gf is a designer and is amazing at knowing the fonts of random signs on the street.
_dementia said:
Don't the 1st gen PS1's have a different, non-proprietary video output? I recall them using regular old RCA cables.
or are you talking about the PSX (PS2/Media center hybrid with XMB)?

The 1st gen PlayStation had both, actually. It had the composite output as well as the A/V multi-out so it could use s-video.


LakeEarth said:
And when in this 30+ minute video does this happen?

It's at around the 15 minute mark, but just read the author's comments.

This is a different kind of any% run for Super Metroid, recorded between December 2, 2010 and February 23, 2011, demonstrating how to considerably shorten the completion time by using the "GT Code", a trick discovered in late 2010 by JAM. It's executed by holding the A, B, X, and Y buttons during a door transition to the Golden Torizo room (regardless from which side), which immediately gives you all items except of Screw Attack, 700 Energy, 300 Reserve Energy, 100 Missiles, 20 Super Missiles, and 20 Power Bombs. This allows to introduce many not in regular runs available speed tricks and rare boss strategies with the help of Plasma/X-Ray combination I specially developed for this run, to pace through the rest of the game very quickly.
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