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Paris Hilton out of jai.. wait, back in for the full 45 now. "Noo Nooo Nooo!"

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Stoney Mason said:
Sorry about that. Most people get stopped by those mature warning on those youtube links.

If you've clicked on one before, the warning never shows up again.


Stoney Mason said:
Why do you care what other people think of her talent if you are not a fan or indifferent as you put it?

I don't care what other people think of her 'talent'. I didn't even ask that. I asked how how is it that he knew that she had no talent? I was just trying to make the point that there is a bunch of irrational hatred to the woman.


joedan said:
I don't care what other people think of her 'talent'. I didn't even ask that. I asked how how is it that he knew that she had no talent? I was just trying to make the point that there is a bunch of irrational hatred to the woman.

Yes you do apparently because you keep saying our hatred is irrational without knowing us and knowing exactly what we know. It has been explained dozens of times in this thread why people dislike her. You can go back and read through them without me quoting them to you. But knowing that information doesn't actually seem to be your goal. It instead seems to be to say our opinion is wrong and your opinion is right. That's great. Your point is well noted in that instance. Now how else can I help you?
:lol Suck it down, Paris!

I forgot to mention that Conan should be hilarious tonight. If anybody has been watching the show all week, they know what Im talking about.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Luken said:
Is there no bail for this kind of crime?
Was this crime that severe?
Wasn't she only driving for work?
Was she drunk while driving?

Is because she is a celebrity that she going to jail. Put yourselves in her shoes for a second, do you seriously think what is going on to her is fair?

Why put her on a jail? She should be doing some community services to contribute to society.

i almost went to jail for a reckless driving incident. i didnt get pulled over for being drunk. i didnt get pulled over for weaving in and out of traffic. i got pulled over for driving too fast on an empty highway. i almost went to jail. first time offense, never had a speeding ticket. my lawyer was able to work out a plea deal and i got sentenced to 6 months probation. i made absolutely sure i did not violate that probation because i would certainly have been sent straight to jail if i had.

thats what happens to most normal folk.. actually, some arent even as lucky as me.

so really, violating her probation multiple times was just asking for it. and all that media/paparazzi that she has always used in order for fame and money is now working against her.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
I'd put myself in her shoes, but frankly I'd just be disgusted with myself for standing in some couple $1000 shoes.


Stoney Mason said:
Yes you do apparently because you keep saying our hatred is irrational without knowing us and knowing exactly what we know. It has been explained dozens of times in this thread why people dislike her. You can go back and read through them without me quoting them to you. But knowing that information doesn't actually seem to be your goal. It instead seems to be to say our opinion is wrong and your opinion is right. That's great. Your point is well noted in that instance. Now how else can I help you?

I'll tell you how. Explain to me how I've 'kept' saying that the hatred for her is irrational, when I've only said it in one post. The only other post where that may have been implied was the very same post where I acknowledged that DUI was a serious offense. I know people have reasons for hating her. I'm just saying that a lot of people hate her as well because it's the popular thing to do.

How could "knowing that information" not be my goal when my last question was a specific 'how do you know that Paris Hilton has no talent'. Here was a perfect opportunity for sharing who you were and what you know. You seem to be implying you or others have some insider info. Why not share it.

'm sure however were you trying to make the point that I don't know you or others on GAF so I shouldn't judge you. Fine. Works both ways. You don't know Paris Hilton so why should you judge her. [and no, seeing her on TV, her sex tapes, or on a 'reality' show doesn't mean you know that person]

Either way I don't want to come across as some Paris Hilton defender so I'll bow out. I'll say this however, If Paris Hilton was being thrown in jail for jay walking and the very same scenario with judge, sheriff, and her crying was going on, this thread would have been the very same size, with the same amount of hatred. Some people just want Paris Hilton to go to jail


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
joedan said:
Either way I don't want to come across as some Paris Hilton defender so I'll bow out. I'll say this however, If Paris Hilton was being thrown in jail for jay walking and the very same scenario with judge, sheriff, and her crying was going on, this thread would have been the very same size, with the same amount of hatred. Some people just want Paris Hilton to go to jail

Naw not really.


Reads Ace as Lace. May God have mercy on their soul
SCReuter said:
Jimmy Kimmel just started here on the East Coast and they're going to have footage from the Paris hearing.

Any bishies want to youtube it later on? I really want to see it!


I haven't read anything in this thread, but I just wanted to chime in that today has made me feel less bad for being an American. :)

:lol I'm glad that piece of shit was told to know her role. Hell, her sentence was too damn light, anyway.
Back before Sauer on Friday, Hilton's entire body trembled as the final pitch was made for her further incarceration. She clutched a ball of tissue and tears ran down her face.

Seconds later, the judge announced his decision: "The defendant is remanded to county jail to serve the remainder of her 45-day sentence. This order is forthwith."

Hilton screamed.



joedan said:
The Sheriff was on headline News a while ago and was making perfect sense and being rational. It may be cool to hate on Paris Hilton right now and she seems to have run over GAF's collective dog, but if it were anyone else they would have served the same or less time than Paris Hilton.

Yes DUI is a serous issue but i can guarantee you that 95% of GAF's desire to see her serve her time has very little to do with that, but with her being famous for no deserving reason. GAF calls her 'whore' with no evidence at all of the millionaire heiress having sex for money. GAF calls her 'slut' while bragging about the women that they have slept with.

GAF hates the fact she is famous for no apparent reason but then the question needs to be asked..."what is a reason to be famous". Why does someone who throws a ball through a hoop and hits a ball with a piece of wood deserve to be famous and make 30 million dollars a year? Why does someone who sings deserving of celebrity?

Everyone will respond "well they have talent" to which I'll respond "well it takes a talent to be famous while not having any talent". If you say that she's not any kind of mastermind behind engineering her fame, ...then YOU ARE! You are the ones who watch The Simple Life. You are the ones who buy and download her sex tapes. You are the ones posting in the Paris Hilton thread. You are the ones watching the stories on Paris Hilton on CNN, Fox. You are the ones laughing at the Paris Hilton Jokes on Jay Leno. You are the ones visiting TMZ, watching Extra, Showbiz tonight and reading the tabloid stories. Face it, you created Paris Hilton.

The news made my day. I don't hate Paris because she's an heiress; I don't hate Paris because she's famous. Hell, I don't even hate her because she seems, at times, a bit dim.

I don't hate her at all, quite frankly.

But the fact of the matter is that it's very likely the only kind of punishment she's ever received in her short life was being forced to drive her second favorite car while her parents held the keys to her most prized one for, say, three days. She's a miserable, self-centered woman who flaunts her money and status and honestly expects the world to bow to her on that alone. This is a very, very dearly needed visit from Det. Pay Back from the Karma Police. I would've honestly thought more of her if she took the already-heavily reduced punishment like an adult, but alas, she tried to squirm out of it with specious claims of being too infirm for the prison medical facilities.

Her worldview is so tiny that she doesn't even realize how good she has it. When she gets out of jail, she'll have at least one TV movie sold off that will paint the judge and DA as terrible, mean-spirited, goose-stepping authoritarian douchebags. She'll have a book deal and probably make the talk show circuit with insincere lip service about how prison conditions "must be improved for all!" Then the DA and judge will sell their stories to a network and The Sad Tale of Poor, Poor Paris will have legs until at least 2008.

Most people who do time spend a good chunk of their lives trying to find an employer willing to hire an ex-con (regardless of the crime.)

All those pictures of her crying? They're tears of "I won't have access to my heated pool and personal servants for a month and my TV deal is so screwed!", not remorse for driving under the influence of alcohol and realizing she was putting her life and others' at risk.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
xsarien said:
But the fact of the matter is that it's very likely the only kind of punishment she's ever received in her short life was being forced to drive her second favorite car while her parents held the keys to her most prized one for, say, three days. She's a miserable, self-centered woman who flaunts her money and status and honestly expects the world to bow to her on that alone. This is a very, very dearly needed visit from Det. Pay Back from the Karma Police. I would've honestly thought more of her if she took the already-heavily reduced punishment like an adult, but alas, she tried to squirm out of it with specious claims of being too infirm for the prison medical facilities.

Her worldview is so tiny that she doesn't even realize how good she has it. When she gets out of jail, she'll have at least one TV movie sold off that will paint the judge and DA as terrible, mean-spirited, goose-stepping authoritarian douchebags. She'll have a book deal and probably make the talk show circuit with insincere lip service about how prison conditions "must be improved for all!" Then the DA and judge will sell their stories to a network and The Sad Tale of Poor, Poor Paris will have legs until at least 2008.

Most people who do time spend a good chunk of their lives trying to find an employer willing to hire an ex-con (regardless of the crime.)

All those pictures of her crying? They're tears of "I won't have access to my heated pool and personal servants for a month and my TV deal is so screwed!", not remorse for driving under the influence of alcohol and realizing she was putting her life and others' at risk.

I agree and love this post.


I agree that, one way or another, I have a feeling that Hilton will get the best out of this in the end. Somehow, she's gonna turn this against the justice system. Sure, the justice system isn't perfect by any means, and there are some genuinely corrupt folks at all levels, but this is one time that it actually worked, and she's gonna make herself look like a victim -- conveniently not mentioning the fact that she was the one who put others in a life-or-death situation to begin with.

And there are so many stupids out there who will fall in line with that shit.
xsarien said:
The news made my day. I don't hate Paris because she's an heiress; I don't hate Paris because she's famous. Hell, I don't even hate her because she seems, at times, a bit dim.

I don't hate her at all, quite frankly.

But the fact of the matter is that it's very likely the only kind of punishment she's ever received in her short life was being forced to drive her second favorite car while her parents held the keys to her most prized one for, say, three days. She's a miserable, self-centered woman who flaunts her money and status and honestly expects the world to bow to her on that alone. This is a very, very dearly needed visit from Det. Pay Back from the Karma Police. I would've honestly thought more of her if she took the already-heavily reduced punishment like an adult, but alas, she tried to squirm out of it with specious claims of being too infirm for the prison medical facilities.

Her worldview is so tiny that she doesn't even realize how good she has it. When she gets out of jail, she'll have at least one TV movie sold off that will paint the judge and DA as terrible, mean-spirited, goose-stepping authoritarian douchebags. She'll have a book deal and probably make the talk show circuit with insincere lip service about how prison conditions "must be improved for all!" Then the DA and judge will sell their stories to a network and The Sad Tale of Poor, Poor Paris will have legs until at least 2008.

Most people who do time spend a good chunk of their lives trying to find an employer willing to hire an ex-con (regardless of the crime.)

All those pictures of her crying? They're tears of "I won't have access to my heated pool and personal servants for a month and my TV deal is so screwed!", not remorse for driving under the influence of alcohol and realizing she was putting her life and others' at risk.
I agree with this post, she is spoiled and doesn't know it. I read somewhere where whe was making fun of an actress that was only "worth" 5-10 million. this is a good wake-up call for her, and she will be different in a good way because of it. I had a wake up call years ago and now fully understand the "law"


What I don't like about this whole situation is that for all the reasons posted by sxarien, paris could make huge comeback by becoming a positive role model/influence. Right now she is facing maybe the biggest public humiliation in world history, so everyone knows she is down and out and getting her just desserts. So, if she gets out and appears humbled by the whole experience I think most people would forgive and/or forget. With the right PR campaign and book deal she could rise to the top and become bigger than oprah (because she's hot). And if this does happen, her rise, fall, and reincarnation could go down as the most clever self marketing campaign of our time.

p.s. I personally despise the woman
galdevo said:
What I don't like about this whole situation is that for all the reasons posted by sxarien, paris could make huge comeback by becoming a positive role model/influence.

The thing that bugs me is she's going to get out and start spouting that same garbage about "I hope people learn something from me..." I'd have just a little bit of respect if she showed some humility at some point, and honestly and sincerely said "I've learned something from this..." She's got all this money, all this fame, all the free time in the world, and honestly I've never seen one thing in the media about her that she's done to make herslef a better person, much less the world a better place.

Here's what I'm lookig foward to. Paris has a mental breakdown, and at some point in the fall we start getting news stories about a cracked up, naked, mad as a hatter Paris Hilton being found in the shrubbery of some random family home in Laurel Canyon.


Poody said:
this can only be good for her career. Now she has street cred for her next album. More than what I can say for most rappers on radio these days.

you don't know much about rappers, do you? you don't get much 'street cred' for going to jail for DUI.


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
Jake. said:
you don't know much about rappers, do you? you don't get much 'street cred' for going to jail for DUI.

What about the whole crying-for-her-mommy thing? That's gotta score her some major cred.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
White Man said:
Did anyone state what the medical problem was? I'm willing to bet she was going through some sort of withdrawl or another.
Withdrawl? I thought the bars were made of cock?


White Man said:
Did anyone state what the medical problem was? I'm willing to bet she was going through some sort of withdrawl or another.

Sheriff Baca just kept saying she has mental problems they weren't equipped to handle. The judge said he was not given any kind of report as to what the condition was. Weird shit!


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
White Man said:
Did anyone state what the medical problem was? I'm willing to bet she was going through some sort of withdrawl or another.

I think there were two 'rumors' floating around. The most common is that she was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. The other is that she had a "severe, 'stress-induced' herpes outbreak ... blisters had apparently spread to her anus and had taken on abcess-like features that required more serious medical attention."

And there you have it.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
mre said:
I think there were two 'rumors' floating around. The most common is that she was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. The other is that she had a "severe, 'stress-induced' herpes outbreak ... blisters had apparently spread to her anus and had taken on abcess-like features that required more serious medical attention."

And there you have it.
that's hot.
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