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LTTP: Resident Evil Remake


Me and my friend have this kind of tradition where each one chooses a game for the other to play for the first time. This time he chose Resident Evil 2 for me (it's one of his favourites and I never played it) however, before I dig into it I decided to start from the begining and play Resident Evil. I already played the original at the time for PC so I went for the Remake which I never did.

And man! This is just stunning, I mean visually this is one of the most gorgeous games I have ever seen, if only those backgrounds were in HD. The art direction is great and the atmosphere is so much heavier and opressive than the latest Resident Evil games. I love that there's barely any music, makes the whole thing much more chilling.

I barely remember the original but they changed a few parts of the mansion layout didn't they?

Anyway, I'm loving it. Love Jill, the cheesy lines and the real, proper zombies. :D

Best (old) RE. Enjoy the ride.

And yes the layaout is changed and it tricks the original players in several ways. New puzzles, new areas and "other" surprises. Is the very definition of a perfect remake.


Great, great game. Easily one of the best on GCN.

Hoping for an HD rerelease on Wii U eShop.
So fun. The graphics hold up really well. The changes were for the better and the crimson heads were awesome. I really wish we got more survival horror games like this. If you don't play on PC, the Survival Horror genre is essentially dead for you. It sucks as it used to be one of the most popular genres of games.

RE is a fantastic remake, I wish they had went ahead with a RE2 one.
Absolutely fantastic game. The only real knock I could ever bring against it is concerning the awkward pauses during cut scenes every time the camera angle changed. But that's such a minor nitpick. Overall RE remake is stunning. Love the lightning and the rain that you see the first time you go out into the courtyard.

Davey Cakes

Probably my favorite pure survival-horror game.

I've completed it multiple times. Never went for "true survival" mode or whatever, but I did make my way through Chris's game on the Mountain Climbing difficulty, which was a real intense undertaking (at least for the first few hours). A very satisfying game if you're good at conservation.

I love the addition of Crimson Heads and the need to burn zombie bodies in order to avoid them. I love the more robust design of the mansion, which makes the game longer than the original RE. I love the pre-rendered backgrounds which allow the game to still look great today.

While the setting of a mansion isn't necessary to create a horrific environment that keeps you on the edge of your seat, I think Capcom really knocked it out of the park here. The Spencer Mansion and its surrounding areas in the REmake just ooze atmosphere. The whole game is dark and creepy.

Definitely one of my top 10 picks for the Gamecube.


Bought it fully intending to conquer my wussiness and finally play it.

Loaded up the beginning.

Turned it off.

Now it sits on my shelf mocking me.


I still have a copy in shrink wrap, never owned a GameCube either so I don't remember how I got it. Still need to get on that one day, if only Wii-U had BC for GameCube :(


Yeah this game kicked ass. Made my GC sing. How is this not on PC/PSN/XBLA? I guess its the prerendered backgrounds.
I still wish someday Capcom will make a hd version of this.

The FMV backgrounds look like dogshit on anything other than a CRT, sadly.

Too bad it would need to be a completely new project, meaning we'll never see it.


Best RE ever, no doubt. I finished it for the first time a few days agora. Soooo good. Makes me sad thinking we probably won't get a RE this good ever again.


This game scared the shit outta me and my buddy when we were kids, Especially Lisa!

Ya, the Lisa subplot was an awesome addition to the game. When the camera would change angles and I'd catch a glimpse of Lisa coming at me, I'd always quick turn and get the fuck out of there.


Ya, the Lisa subplot was an awesome addition to the game. When the camera would change angles and I'd catch a glimpse of Lisa coming at me, I'd always quick turn and get the fuck out of there.

Haha, glad I was not the only one.


I bought REmake not knowing there were changes to it, when I saw those
Crimson Heads run at me for the first time
I nearly had a heart attack.


I bought REmake not knowing there were changes to it, when I saw those
Crimson Heads run at me for the first time
I nearly had a heart attack.

The change at the dogs and windows was probably sugested by Ono because HOLY FUCK what a trolling !
I was sad when they didn't appeared .. and that made me think the corridor was safe.
Almost had a heart attack when they jumped the second time I was going by the corridor


Control Type C helps make it the best RE game outside of 4.


the REmake included one alternate control option that made things easier to deal with. "Control Type C" maps your hero's movements to the R Button instead of the Stick. So you press down lightly on R to start walking, or squeeze it all the way to run. Meanwhile the stick stays in play, letting you turn while running – an action that was previously impossible.

I experimented with Type C this time around and found that, while still odd, it actually helped me maneuver through the mansion more easily. The quick-shifting cinematic camera angles are easier to deal with if I know I can just hold R to run. Heck, it's even the right letter of the alphabet.


Seriously, one of the most near perfect games ever created. RE2 Remake would probably be the greatest thing ever if Capcom would just stop pussyfooting around it, I beat RE2 a month ago, and fuck its still awesome.


I bought this a month ago or something (I'd rented it back in the day) and got killed by the very first zombie ahah. Playing other stuff now, but when I do go back to it I'll read the manual first since my mind can only think of RE4 controls.
I still can't believe that this is a Gamecube game. I still hope and pray that one day Resident Evil 2 will be remade in a similar fashion.
I bought REmake not knowing there were changes to it, when I saw those
Crimson Heads run at me for the first time
I nearly had a heart attack.

REmake actually gets extra thrills on replays later on, if you actually know that this is coming but don't know when. When I played it last year, I was tense as fuck because I couldn't find the lighter. And even then, you eventually forgot some that will jump at you out of the shadows.

Amazing game, though there's always some puzzle that kills my momentum, in which you have to put together some shitty emblem with way too vague guidelines.


Every time I play REmake I wish the same team would do the same thing for Resident Evil 2. REmake is probably my favorite classic Resident Evil game.
I've always wanted an RE2 remake as well but honestly with the state of Capcom lately, I'm afraid to see what they would do to that game.


special needs, sexual needs
Resident Evil remake is my favorite game in the series. The game was everything that made resident evil amazing: scary atmosphere, cheesy dialogue and Barry. I must have played it hundreds of times.

I could never play One Dangerous Zombie mode however as Forest with grenades attached to his body randomly appearing scared the hell out of me. Good times. I would love for another remake of it.


One of the best games ever made. It has pretty much everything going for it: atmosphere, great graphics, good pacing, etc.

Davey Cakes

Control Type C helps make it the best RE game outside of 4.
I used Control Type A and I still think it's the best RE game outside of RE4.

The controls have never really been an issue for me. It's like people couldn't handle the change in perspective or something.
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